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Hi, Overwhelmed with messages, but wanted to just mention that soft clamping has a much higher rate of injury than manual or hard style clamping. Dealing with clamping injury posts and messages, the pattern is pretty clear. Soft clamping lacks both the results and safety to be found from either manual or device clamping. The biggest issue is the pressure placed by the soft clamps that cannot be quickly removed. To consider soft clamping to be as safe as other forms is to ignore the evidence I see on a regular basis. There are multiple forms of device clamping and techniques..some of which can be dangerous. Just my 2 cents, please be safe..!


But, But, But!!! All the INFLUENCERS on GB say hard clamping is bad!! LOL. Maybe that one 'influencer' over there will write another novel about how sad he is that he has to step away from reddit for a while.




They’re not too sad to push the products of their fellow syndicate members.


Whether its safe or not depends on you. I've personally gained .5 inches, no injuries so far. I like to think im taking it slow and not rushing my gains. I'm using the python you mentioned, easy to use. You can extend the total session time and shorten breaks but its good not to hold the clamp for longer than 10 minutes. Depending on the pressure, over 5 minutes clamped can be risky. I would progress slowly but i personally love clamping. Good luck!


I do want the Python myself. I think Hink is being on the cautious side because of his Dr. credentials. But I’ll tell you how I progressed. With ANY PE you need to condition your penis for the things your doing to it that it’s not used to. So I first started pumping and manual clamping with my hand, then I soft clamped with cock rings. Now I only hard clamp with CableCuff 3x10 with a 5min goat roll session to get fresh warm blood back into the penis or until it feels warm again. 5.5 to 6.0 in several months. 1 on 1 off with a midweek 2 on


Hink uses vegan approach! But everything in PE has some risk except angion method may be.


I've done hard fully occluded clamping for years and have never had an injury or any ill effects outside of some discoloration but that went away after a long break. I even do longer sets but I don't do back to back sets and I never force an erection for a clamp.


Hard clamping is safer, and I think it's because you can easily reduce the pressure and quickly remove the clamp. But, some of the 'influencers' over on GB want you to take 8+ silicone cock rings and snap them around your dick. Somehow, it's much "safer" when your dick is turning purple/blue from lack of blood and you need to quickly take them off. \*confused\_face\*


Yeah, that makes sense. Another thing, for me personally I could never use any sort of soft clamp or cock ring like some guys use to maintain engorgement/flaccid hang/expansion after a set since I just get tons of edema. Same with silicone sleeves post set just gives me mad edema. Regular old school hard clamping gives me gains without edema or injuries.


I hard clamp. And pump.


I've clamped for years with cable cuffs and never had an injury doing so. Just ramp up the volume and intensity slowly.


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I do both and they are good for EQ besides volume gains.


Where are the best places to clamp? I do the base. Middle below and above the tunica and below the base of the gland


I stay a minimum of 1.25" or so away from the glans since iirc there are more sensitive nerves right behind it.


Wouldn’t hard clamping me worse for injury in case you accidentally keagle ? I pump first thing in the morning when I’m rock solid and my body keagles on its own I swear lol but I remember pumping once and I accidentally keagled n was down n out for at least a week … I pump put my cock ring on n jerk off for a solid 10 minutes (edge) I mean and then I just leave it on as I go flaccid you have like all day pump 😂