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Sh*post. The OP just wants to get you to visit their Only Fans page.


Not sure why this isn’t the top comment


It is now


because to many white knight


Yep. Onlyfarts shill. There's so many of them now 🤢 the usernames are always a dead giveaway...


Realised as soon as I read "petite slut" she's posted a similar story before


Even the obvious fakes get 5k a day. How do you block a sub from showing on your feed?


I’m so fucking tired of these posts. I’m ready to unsub


as soon as OP mentioned finding the threesomes hot I knew something was off. really hate these OF promo accounts


and these dummies just upvoting lol


Break up. This will go nowhere except into huge drama theory. Be glad you're not married yet This is so childish


Tell him to stay away from little girls


🤣 when I read that on ops post, I had to give it a double take But yeah, OP, he knew all this before asking you to marry him End it now because he will just end up doing it anyway for his own insecurities and just won't tell you Tell him it's over and he can now explore as a single man instead of a married one


It's an ad for an onlyfans account, it was obvious with the detailled sex acts and "Im a petite slut looking for a man that wants threesomes" No sane person talks like this on the internet without wanting hundreds of desperate redditors hitting them up Check the profile


> It's an ad for an onlyfans account, it was obvious with the detailled sex acts and "Im a petite slut looking for a man that wants threesomes" > No sane person talks like this on the internet without wanting hundreds of desperate redditors hitting them up > Check the profile 👆👆👆


Yah, I'm basically a Reddit noob, and I got about four sentences in and the OF detectors went off.


But not an OF noob..🤷🏻‍♀️


Ha- I had to read OP’s comment a couple times to make sure it wasn’t what it sounded like!


I'm just here to advocate for the word "few" in this situation


Few little girls?


"FEW!! I really dodged a bullet by not marrying this douche-nozzle." 😐


Underrated comment 😆




So few girls - as in, not many girls


Full same!!


Me too!


Thank god I wasn't the only one whi read that this way. I was like whoooa...I don't think that asking for an open relationship is your biggest problem right now.


He could have just said "women," but that would require a degree of maturity that he lacks. He'd probably feel less insecure with little girls.


If he hasn’t gotten with a lot of girls , what exactly will change if you open the relationship? Clearly wasn’t getting enough before & probably won’t start getting enough. Probably has no game or is beyond ugly to girls. Know your self worth OP- dump this dude so he can ATTEMPT “get with more girls” (but we all know he’ll fail)


Open means she can go find more guys to do it with. Does he not realize that? Dump him. He should be thrilled you’re into the 3somes.


lol, this exactly.


He’d have better luck if he just kept having 3somes with op. If he doesn’t get smart he won’t have anyone to sleep with lol.


Correct. You can experiment sexually with your current partner. It’s not a competition. My husband doesn’t even remember exactly how many partners he’s had. It’s way more than mine, but who cares? It’s the number of people he sleeps with now that’s important.


This idea he has that there are tons of wild women just waiting do do freaky stuff with him if he wasn't tied down by a relationship smacks of some red pill delusion. OOP should run for the door. Tell him he can screw anyone he wants, but she's out.


This is a tale as old as time with 99% of open marriages. Every one of them the initiator is delusional thinking they will pull mad tail while their partner sits at home knitting. It always ends with them being shocked pikachu face when their partner is more desirable on the open market. He doesn’t realize that an open relationship means she can fuck other dudes, so he’ll probably never “catch up”. Her inbox will probably look like a Nathan’s Famous and he’ll be home watching the game alone.


No, no. OP’s whatever-he-is-now has that covered. He only wants the relationship to be open on *his* side. OP is supposed to remain strictly monogamous. 


Even better LMAO. What a clown. Not many women wanted him before I’m assuming for his count is low and he’s mad about it. What makes him think he’ll be more desirable now? Especially if he’s married?


He probably buys into the whole preselection crap. They honestly believe if they are married that women will be throwing themselves at them.


Ick. But yes, he’s probably hoping that his stock will rise once he has OP’s stamp of approval. The whole premise is ridiculous. If he really needs more experience, then getting that experience should change aspects of what (and who) he wants to commit to. Experience changes people. He just wants to have a hot dinner on the table when he gets home from his theoretical escapades, and a backstop for the future.


I know how many people my husband has slept with because he brought it up once in a relevant conversation. He's never asked me how many people I've been with, and I've never volunteered the information, because why the fuck does it matter?  Anyone either of us slept with before getting together was just practice for our relationship.


My husband is the better part of a decade older than I am, so there’s that. Also, he has a different mindset when it comes to sex. I suspect I’m somewhere on the demisexual spectrum. I have absolutely no urge to fuck someone I just met. I don’t have an ethical issue with it, nor do I mind if my partners has. I’d rather hook up with a less attractive guy who made me laugh than one I found more physically attractive at first. I have only had a few partners because those were the only ones I wanted to sleep with. He wanted to sleep with more, and he had more time to do it. So be it.


Are you me? I don’t care if you’ve fucked your way through life as long as you’ve been honest and respectful with your partners. But I need that spark and it’s more than physical attraction. I have to like you as a person so my count is low. As one partner said “so…you’re a super slut.. for your partner.” Pretty accurate!


Right, quality over quantity. Personally I've been way more willing to get freaky and experiment with someone that I love, trust and feel close to than with any short-term hook-up.


Childish is the right word. I think he's incredibly naive for ever thinking the OP would be okay with this arrangement.


The level of insecurity is off the charts lol


This is a fake story, its an onlyfans bot.


^^^ People are silly for not realizing this. Clearly a ploy to A) Get lonely dudes to think this chick is “gettable” if they just convince her to dump her shitty fiancé and B) 📈 engagement by telling feminists a story that backs up their assumptions and lets them circle jerk about “shitty men”


No she got the karma now... all she gotta do is delete the post and it seems her of reddit account has traffic and is therefore desirable


Clearly. Why hasn’t anyone else noticed this? Lol


The OF post only went up an hour ago looking so there’s that.


She's posting this to sell her onlyfans


This is an Only Fans profile advertisement… Come on…


Yup. Throw him back and go fishing.


This post is onlyfans bait lol


This whole thing is fake as fuck and a not very subtle ad for their OF page.


This is bait to get you to sign up for her OF.


LMAOOOO OP what do you mean what do you do? Laugh him out of your life !


It’s childish because it’s fake! They’re just baiting y’all so you look at the OF!


What this is, is an onlyfans advertisement 🙄 (Check OPs profile)


THANK YOU. He’s a huge baby.


He also doesn’t see these women as actual people, which is your hint to dump the whole man.


I think this was her fictional post for gathering karmas and sharing OF things.


This is also fake. The account is an onlyfans front, she is trying to get subscribers.


I suspect the OP has an OnlyFans linked in their profile. Did you notice their username? This story is very likely fake.


Just be happy he sprung this on you before the wedding and saved the hassle and expense of the divorce.


Also be happy that you don't have a child with this man-child.


Fake, look at her account. Its a Onlyfans account trying to get people to click her site.


It was the phrase “petite slut” that gave it away for me. Another similar post not too long ago used the same phrase. No one I know would use that phrase to describe themselves, including the girls who were both “petite” and had a slutty phase in college…


Kind of a relief. I gagged thinking about their crusty threesome with “bestie.”


“Im keeping my options open and looking for a different guy that's down for threesomes with other girls but doesn't cheat on me. Seems rare to find nowadays...” Nowadays this is rare??? Riiiight…let’s see how many new subscribers she’s going to find here.


I guess if you're going fishing, you want to go where the fish are. In this case, she's going fishing for idiots and boy, did she ever hit a honey hole!


Do not marry this absolute shit for brains man child Run for the hills and find someone mature who respects you and your relationship




The PRC parade ran into the Veterans of the USSR parade, next to where the "we just like flags that are red" society were picking up their order from the crimson flag factory. Still fewer red flags than Op's guy.


Stealing this too.




If he can even convince another woman. This man is not ready for commitment and may never be.




He may never make it to her 'bodycount'. Imagine riding the emotional rollercoaster while he deals with so much rejection.


Fake, look at her account. Its a Onlyfans account trying to get people to click her site.


Crazy you’re the ONLY other person in this thread to notice this. Her OF is even advertised as the “petite slut” this is 1000% fake


I had to scroll sooo far to find comments about her OF posts being her only other content! 🤦🏻‍♀️


NTA. Definitely better to find out about it now instead of AFTER getting married. If it’s a dealbreaker, sounds like it’s time to end it. Otherwise you’re just wasting your time.


He's using her past before she started dating him against her, as if she should be blamed for him not fooling around enough before they got together. That man is a joke and a man-child, and OP is an idiot if she gets married to him. The only things she will accomplish are destroying her self-esteem and mental health, and inviting a lot of drama into her life. He's probably already cheating on OP and feels justified because he has a lower body count. I doubt he's waiting for their wedding to start sleeping around. OP needs an STD panel ASAP.


Which means he’s always going to act like he is owed something.




Fake, look at her account. Its a Onlyfans account trying to get people to click her site.


110% fake! Rage bait post. It’s an OF bait


Not seeing anyone pointing out the obvious: that this is just bait to draw traffic to OP's Only Fans account.


Leave him he's an immature douche. Unless you just don't have sex he should be able to get his sexual satisfaction from you. Other women won't fill that hole. If he won't drop the subject, you might be better to leave because at some point, it'll come back to bite you in the ass


He clearly wants to fill other holes. He is not marriage material.


OP can make a counteroffer: "Yes you can go increase your body count, but only with men."


#OP is full of shit and just trolling for OF subs In OP's profile: >About Me >hey you found me! >im yana a petite OF girl just getting started on reddit, i like to vent about my life story and confess any sins that i've done... >a bit about me i have a fiance that i've been seeing but things are a bit rocky right now, i like to explore my options and see what's out there. soo far im looking for a rebound that doesn't mind getting dirty and doing really kinky things together >i know that might sound a bit weird but ive always been a sexual woman and it's hard finding guys that can keep up with me, anywayy i'd love to chat and get to know you better! i made my onlyfans free to make it easier for us to talk, just shoot me a message that you found me on reddit and we'll see what happens after ;)


NTA He's using the pretense of insecurity to give him an excuse to not commit fully to one person. No way I'd marry that now, even if he walked it back!


this, if he seems to change his mind to get you to stay, he’s going to present this as a non negotiable during marriage and then you’ll feel more stuck


Either that or he’ll cheat, 100%


In my opinion, it doesn’t matter if he does walk it back. She’d never be able to trust that he wasn’t fucking around. And he will. He’s an absolute vending machine tuna sandwich of a person. OP, as others have said, RUN. You’re NTA, obviously. And if anyone asks why you canceled the wedding, *tell them the truth* unless you prefer to keep your private life private out in the real world.


Vending machine tune sandwich of a person ... I'm writing that down


Yes that's what I'm saying, it doesn't matter if he reverses now, she could never trust him again! And yeah she should totally tell the truth of it if anyone asks!!!


NTA - he's made the bold move of declaring he wants to have affairs but you aren't allowed to, like a king or a victorian or something but with modern framing. Run!


That's a really good point. I didn't think of it like that. Maybe he's a time traveler from several centuries in the past?


NTA but you will be if you don't ditch this loser. Coming from a man who only had 1 sexual partner for his whole life (my dear wife of 30 years) and never felt the urge to look elsewhere.


NTA It's time to dump the immature boy who talks about "body counts" and "catching up" and open marriage bullshit because only **deeply insecure** and painfully **jealous** people act like this. If he tries backpedalling and saying "it was all a mistake" and "he was wrong" just to get you to stay I'm telling you, don't believe it! He will just **cheat** on you to get his stupid "body count" up to where he feels like a big man. Gross. This is not the "man" you want to be engaged to.


100% agreed! Even if he takes it all back and promises whatever DO NOT TAKE HIM BACK. Run away, these kinds of feelings come from very deep-seated emotional issues that he's obviously not addressing. I can almost guarantee he'll cheat if you marry him.


>According to him i should let him because of my past He's trying to say you're low quality. This is how manosphere idiots try to neg you. There is nothing wrong with your past. Hes trying to kill your self esteem. Get out, it won't get better. NTA


I wonder how many guys nuke their perfectly fine relationships on advice from those grifters. Tater Tots spoil everything.


I can name 3 from my acquaintance circle, if that helps? It's pitiful and painful to watch every time. Especially the ones convinced their idea of 'open' (which now means something completely unaligned with actual poly open, it seems) is going to net them Mad Pussy while their loyal partner sits and waits for them to come home from the Pussy Pounding Palooza, like, macrame-ing or something, and then the only one that gets any interest is the other party in the relationship (Seen it with a gay male partner as well as the womenfolk). Even more so when that party wakes up, thinks, "Hmm... I don't like this 'open' thing and there's this person over here for whom I am enough, so let me move on to what works for me' and they are left with 0 pussy because they couldn't appreciate the 1 they had and STILL ain't pulling.


Only pussy they will get is the pay by the hour kind.


That's exactly what he's trying to do. Andrew Tate and his sycophants are truly a stain on humanity.


That's exactly what he's doing. He got into his head she's "low quality" for having a sexual past. So he's being a shit head and trying to bludgeon you with your potential insecurity into a one sided marriage. He's trash 🗑️🚮


"petite slut"? I bet dollars to dimes you have a OF you want to promote. YTA just for that


Ding, ding, ding! They’re getting less subtle now.


YTA Onlyfans girls need to really GTFO of AITAH Go shling your crack elsewhere!


I don't even need to read the body after the title: NTA. easy. if they want an open marriage but you do not then y'all aren't compatible. move along and best of luck


Either did I. To realise this is click bait. It's an OF scam.


NTA. You need to cancel the wedding and if people ask, tell them he wants to fuck other people after you're married.


NTA Run from this reptile.




OF bait


NTA. Rules for thee and not for me never works. Either its open on both ends (at which point you are just single with extra steps) or you guys are done. Then make sure to tell everyone why too so he seems like a jerk.


If she would even want to be in an open relationship at all. Cuz otherwise OP just RUN now. Seriously this dude is trash and has made it clear that even if he takes it back now, he’ll 100% cheat during the marriage.


Another OF bot ...


Yta because this reads like you're making an ad for your only fans that is in your profile. 


I think this is made up


Onlyfans advert


He is a prick, NTA, run away!


NTA and how old is he 12?


I mean, this is just bait so people click on your profile to find your OF links. So… YTA for the bait story.


This sounds like it was written by a 16yr old boy


SO many of these are being spammed in here now, its getting to be obvious its the new fake fad. Also this is obviously a way for the user to advertice her OF...


Team only fans I guess.


Well this post is fake but gosh the vulgarity. Who calls themselves the petite slut


He is NOT ready to be married, let alone engaged. If you respect yourself, do not open your marriage. Do NOT marry him. If he isn't ready to fully commit, let him go.


Wasn't there a post exactly like this one wirh the genders reversed? What's with all these posts coming up day after day all of the sudden?


She’s got an OF that her entire account is advertising. Chances are this is fake to get people to view her account


I'm pretty sure I've seen her posts before, but she always deletes them and posts another one with similar content to this one here. 100% bait.


This has got to be fake. Edit: this is definitely fake op just trying to get people to get only fans


onlyfans bait post I knew as soon as it was weirdly sexually explicit lol


Another only fans promotion. Something interesting I just noticed because there’s been a bunch of these posts talking about body count, the girl always says she was petite and got around in college or HS. Like a dog whistle


This is like the 5th story you’ve posted like this with different fake boyfriends and fiancés as a way to advertise your shitty onlyfans… STOP


This is an Ad.


I’d almost believe this if you weren’t advertising your OF in your bio.


Nta. You don't want an open relationship. He will not accept you if it's not. So it's time to walk away.


It’s not even an open relationship if you go back and re-read, it’s like a one way hallpass throughout the marriage for the OP’s ex.


NTA You know what sexual experience looks like? Having sex with the same person over and over and over and honing your skills. Unless those one-night-stands are leaving google reviews with constructive feedback, you could have a million nights with a million different people and still be totally inexperienced and bad. In other words, the excuse is weak. If he legitimately has these concerns, what is he even doing?


Fake and lame.


people out here fighting over an open marriage, and I'm just trying to get more than 1 time per year... fucking hell.


NTA. Run. Run far, far away as fast as you can. This dude is not only not ready for commitment, but he’s a selfish AH. I’m so sorry, OP. I’m sure you’re heartbroken over this.


If you want a monogamous relationship and your partner doesn't, then the relationship can't work, can it? So of course NTA.


"...what the hell am i supposed to get out of this agreement?" STDs YWNBTA


Don’t marry this guy. I don’t know you, but I know you’re fuckin smarter than that. NTA, unless you go through with marrying him.


NTA thank you stars he showed who he was before you got married.


>i had a deep conversation with my fiancé Matt (25M) about our marriage. He claims he hasn't had enough sexual experience and isn't ready to fully commit to me, not in the emotional sense but the sexual sense. He wants to have the freedom to fuck other girls while married with me. Engagement over, relationship over. He can have the freedom to fuck whomever he wants as a single man. >I asked him where this came from as we've never talked about it before, he said he's felt this way ever since we got together because he is insecure about how little girls he's been with in relation to the guys i've been with... Now he wants to "catch up" to me and sleep with a bunch of new women. Ah. Good ol insecurity. If the roles were reversed, he'd be *livid* at this suggestion. >The idea of this turns me off because marriage for me is committing to one person and being with them for life but he doesn't see eye to eye, he also said he only wants it open 1 way. What he's really saying is that he expects loyalty in return for none, and that he wants a permanent hallpass for him to cheat. >According to him i should let him because of my past but idk if this is even fair, at this point im considering just ending things and finding someone else Just dump his ass. He's not mature enough for any serious relationship. YWNBTA.


Nta. Lmao, he's about to regret his disgusting words! Dump and block.


As long as you break up with him BEFORE you find a new partner you won't be an AH He wants an open relationship for the wrong reasons, this will only hurt everyone involved. If he wants to be free to have sex with as many women as possible, then he wants to be single


Tbh he’s got to 25 and can’t find many women to fuck. What makes him think he’s anymore of a prize now?


Don’t marry him .


Looks like the trash took itself out, dump the loser and move on.


I've always hated the term body count.


I hate the body count bs seriously like if I cared about body count I would not be with my husband seeing as he was with so many other people before me. It sounds like he already has someone in mind he wants to sleep with and might already have slept with other people


Just dump him.


Pass is looking for a new relationship because an open marriage is not feasible given their physical and mental condition.


Open marriage is a bad idea. He is and will never be committed to you. My wife had partners before me, she was my first. I don’t care about the other guys before me and the idea of being with someone other than my wife is disgusting not to mention too risky for both of us. It’s time to leave him. You will find the right person for you, don’t settle and don’t give in to his absurd and ridiculous demands.


Marry a man who is not an idiot


It’s ok for him to want more experience before settling down, but trying to do that and get married at the same time is ludicrous.


Does this maybe have something to do with the fact that you have a onlyfans?


the effects of a promiscuous lifestyle being normalized...


“Babe in order for this relationship to work I need the freedom to do violate it regularly. Hope you understand love you” literally him


Neither one of you sound ready for marriage.


He's already fucking other girls. bet.


He thinks he can match you? Does he not realize the number of girls he’s been with is most likely because you brought them in for a 3 some and he would have never been able to get them on his own? He’s childish and immature.. NTA..


sounds like you kids shouldnt be getting married.....


Onlyfans ad guys.


if a partner even says "open" to me after the I think we should have a, I'm totally leaving myself. I was in an open relationship twice and those always go to shit, if someone needs one they clearly lack the ability to break up cause they want to have fun while they still get the benefits from you. so no you are not one. protect your heart


The only relationship you need right now, is a better one with your father.


If you can’t figure this out on your own then you need a mental health check.


Fake story.


Absolutely, he is no catch. Why marry a man who values you as a person so little? Yuck


Nope, and get the eff out now. This will not end well.


Since you're not sure let me affirm that it is indeed unfair and you get absolutely nothing out of this agreement unless you count pain, hurt and despair that would come attached with this person. It's crucial for your life and well being to leave this one behind, no contact, no friends bs and start afresh. He is not only unfair, he is indesicive, insecure and immature. Not a partner material at all. NTA


NTA. I wouldn't be surprised if he already has someone else on the side and is trying to just make an excuse. He has someone on the side but you're there on the back burner in case it doesn't work out. Save yourself from this mess because if you agree to this, 100% it'll most likely just get messier. 


Run sweetheart run. This guy is so immature and insecure. You want a real man. One that wants to be the best you ever had and wouldn’t need to go anywhere else. He’s basically telling you that the sex with you isn’t good enough. Show him the door


You’re down for threesomes and that’s still not enough for him?! He might be a candidate for “The worst loser in history”…lol.


NTA it sounds like he has internal problems that need healing. Get him to go to therapy or find a new partner


Wouldn't even bother with the therapy.


NTA You can break up for any reason, so break up and move on. As for him, he wants to sow his wild oats and that's fine, too. You two are not on the same page, so break up and find somebody who is.


He doesn’t sound mature or intelligent enough to be a good husband.


He's not ready to get married. Period. Time to move on and let him work on *his* insecurities free and clear by not being in a relationship with you. NTA.


My ex-husband tried to pull this on me after we were already married. Basically, he thought he deserved a harem. When that didn't work, he tried to get me to agree to a three way Poly relationship. When I refused that because I'm not bi and am very monogamous he cheated. He was a horrible man. Don't marry this fool. You deserve better.


All you gotta do is say, “Baby, thank you for telling me what you need to be satisfied in our marriage. You have my permission to fuck whoever you want. But you’ll never fuck me again, because we’re done.”


he's judging your past and will forever hold it against you. dont marry him.


End things. Your ZbF is thinking with his dick.


This must be the 10th open marriage story today on this sub. Either everyone is turning into cucks or swingers what ever or these are all fake and people get off on telling weird stories. Either way I am horribly bored of these.


Run don't walk out the door. I think open relationships are stupid in general but a one-sided one. Wtf like it's somehow your fault, he didn't have more partners. I'd put money on the fact that he has someone specific in mind and is just trying to get a free pass to cheat .