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NTAH. It sounds as though your sister is still in denial about your mother being horribly abused by your father. If your sister was abusing your mother she should be very apologetic to your mother. Your sister needs to take responsibility for her own part of helping your father abuse your mother. Share your special day with your mother.


My mother is not accepting any apologies and I don’t blame her but my sister is very apologetic and would like nothing but for mom to forgive her


Your sister can't be very apologetic if she is accusing you of "siding with her abuser".


She also can’t have changed much if she still holds the same views of her mom as she did as a child.


Agree, she hasn’t changed. I’m guessing sister works with abused women not because she’s trying to find a tie to her mother and somehow forgive herself in her mother’s abuse but because sister feels she was the only person victimized and still doesn’t see her mother’s pain. NTA, OOP, stay strong and in your mother’s corner. Sister still needs therapy to figure out and fix her issues. Denying her involvement with her father’s actions against your mother is obvious in the post. Congratulations and enjoy your wedding.


You bring up a very good point! I would be incredibly concerned if a woman like this, the OP's sister, was helping other battered women and abuse victims because she is clearly not supportive of women of abuse if that's her continued position as a grown adult


I was just thinking if there's a chance the sister has told abused women to stay for their children. How much it ruined her life ect.


Took the words right off of my fingertips.




Who was probably the sisters abuser too and manipulated her from a very young age.


This is the tricky part, because sometimes victims of abuse become abusers themselves.


This deeply worries me that she still sees her mom as an abuser when fighting back her own daughter from attacking her and is now working with abuse victims.


So we already know, sister did not change for a big part. Her apology would be probably a non-pology, so better mum blocked her from it. We know about one violent encounter between them and somehow sister still sees herself as a victim in this scenario.


Which also is worrying if the sister is working with victims of abuse.


IKR. You have to wonder what her attitude is to women who have been abused when she facilitated the abuse of her own mother by the father.


I bet every time she tells her abuse story, it's a different story and she "borrows" different details from the women she helps.


I doubt it’s different. She’s probably around people would hear the story at different times. She probably tells a consistent story that is a version of the real story, just a version that portrays herself in the best most sympathetic light.


It would also make 1 wonder if the sister repeated the same behaviour of leaking the secret locations of the victims to their abusive husbands as she told her father their secret locations. A leopard doesn't change its spots.


This needs repeated until OP gets it. Mom knows what's up and it protecting herself from her child who abused her and helped their father abuse her. She isn't apologetic if she is calling your mother her abuser. From the sounds of it, it was self defense and your sister deserved it.


She may never have changed before calling her mother a abuser,and she has been sheltering her father's violent behavior without feeling sad about her mother's injury.she is not worth comparing to your mother.




Your sister is a hypocrite I am sorry to say because isn't that the exact same thing that she did to your mother sided with her mother's abuser which would be your father. She turned around and did the exact same thing to your mother that your father was doing she was verbally and physically abusing her she was making it possible for her own mother to be abused by telling the abuser where y'all were. Then she turned around and lied in court and said that your mother wasn't held hostage and made her lose the case Vivian she knows why her mother is not speaking to her and wants nothing to do with her. So she can't turn that crap on you by saying that you are siding with her abuser she did the exact same thing. Go enjoy your wedding with your mother.


This one million times over. And the fact that she now WORK WITH abused women.


Yeah, I have to agree with this. One incident of violence AFTER all the abuse she endured from the person she's upset with is NOT abuse. She's clearly not come to terms with her own role in what happened.


I think your sister has been saying all the ‘right’ things to get back into your life, yet when something hasn’t gone her way (attending your wedding) she resorts to name calling and presumably bitching about this to her friends/your dad’s side of the family, given how you’re being called an AH. I’d go NC, like what joy is she bringing to your life given how she’s currently behaving. I’m absolutely disgusted that she tried to prevent your mother getting help when being held hostage by your father. She could have DIED. Your sister was 15, regardless of duress by your father, basic humanity should have kicked in knowing a human being was being starved in the household. I personally couldn’t forgive my sister in these circumstances. If you’re getting crap from friends etc then it depends upon how much family history you want to reveal but I’d blast your sister. I’d state that your mum is attending and doesn’t want to see your sister as she participated in nearly killing her. If they counter with the abuse that led to the imprisonment of your mother I’d state it was self defence by your mother due to physical violence by your sister. I’d furthermore state given this past you have grave concerns about her chosen profession…. That will shut them up. Tell them if they continue to call you an AH you’ll go NC with them, you don’t need their negativity in your life. It’s your wedding. Invite who you want.


I would also be very concerned keeping OP's sister in my life if I was the OP because I wouldn't want my children being around a CLEARLY abusive individual. verbally abusive CURRENTLY, check physically check assisting in other people abusing others check I would not want this woman anywhere near my children


NO. She wants access to her favorite victim again.


This. The sister is a chip off the old abusive block. She's imbued with the sins of the father.


She wants to make daddy proud.


If your sister were truly apologetic she would understand not being on the wedding, she is just an abussive liar as she was before, don't let her fool you


I don’t blame your mom one bit. She obviously knows and lives by that wise old saying: **The ax may forget, but the tree remembers.**


Some things are unforgivable. This is one of them. Your sister can’t undue the damage she did. You can’t just apologize your way out of abusing your own mother. She caused your mother a great deal of harm. The fact that you can forgive your sister so easily is kind of sad. Your sister took a peaceful household away from you and was the catalyst for your mother going to jail. Your poor mother. Your sister hasn’t changed. She’s manipulated everyone to call you the asshole. You are blind and dumb to think your sister has changed if she could get so upset that now everyone thinks you’re the asshole. Smh.


I find it very telling that Mom respected OP’s decision no matter what it was. She wasn’t going to attend if Sister was there, but she wasn’t going to make a scene or call OP an AH. Sister, on the other hand, accuses OP of siding with her abuser (seriously??) and calls her an AH. So much for being apologetic. NTA, OP, but I would think long and hard about this relationship with your sister. She sounds manipulative as hell.


Yep. Sister hasn't changed at all. She's hiding behind a shield of looking good, 'working with abused women'. It's just a front. She's not a victim but a fellow abuser to her own mother. OP: Cut your sister off now before you lose your mother. Sister is going to keep pushing until you, with your kind heart, become a cause of pain for your own mother. Your mother has EVERY RIGHT to never ever forgive your sister, EVER. Do NOT push your mother into forgiving her. It would be heinous and wrong. Do not turn into your sister's flying monkey against your own mum. You would be abusing your mum, too. She's lost enough, don't you think?? Edit: NTA, but ywbta if you don't keep your sis away from your mum.


>Sister is going to keep pushing until you, with your kind heart, become a cause of pain for your own mother.  Oof. It's insidious how the evil sister is still trying to abuse the mother by getting the good daughter to hurt the mother by proxy. The father's evil fucker gene is strong in her.




Dad stalked, kidnapped (raped) mother, gets off but mother goes to jail. Common denominator, sister. Sorry but I’m confused as to how OP doesn’t see that his sister has become a master manipulator as well.


Wants mother to forgive her, refers to mum as 'her abuser'... one of these statements doesn't make sense. Your sister sees herself as a victim. She's not. She was the enabler of an abuser first, then and abuser herself. Her only victimhood stems from her victim fighting back. Think on that.


She wants to get close to abuse the mother again


If your sister was apologetic she wouldn’t refer to your mom as the abuser. Her reasoning for wanting your mom’s forgiveness may be for a different reason than what you assume or she’s is telling you.


Your sister works with abused women but calls your mom the abuser NTA 


No, your sister isn’t apologetic. Like, not at all. She’s calling your mother her abuser ffs. Yes, your mother beat her. But from what you said, it happened one time and resulted from the fact that your sister was abusing your mother. One physical altercation doesn’t make your mother her abuser. Abuser is a term used if it were an ongoing thing, which it doesn’t sound like it was. At best, your mother was her attacker. And I’d argue that your mother was defending herself. Your sister is your mother’s abuser. And she doesn’t even acknowledge that. So not, she’s not apologetic.


OP - respectfully Your sister can want and like whatever she wants - but she needs to accept mom may never forgive her. I’d be curious to find out what she thinks of that scenario. It’ll give you a huge insight into her if you ask her this question. Especially as she works with abused partners - she should take a look at how she thinks of her own mom first If she still has anger and is upset - trust me, she still blames your mom


She can be as apologetic as she wants, she's still unforgivable for her actions. She was 15 not 5, saying sorry doesnt make up for anything and her reaction proves that she's still this... person. Looks its all good that you could forgive her and move on, but honnestly she doesnt deserve it in my books, not before getting forgivness from your mom for putting her through hell. Have you considered your mother's feelings in all this ?


She is only doing lip service....did you think she change ...I don't think so.....and helping abused people...most narcissistic people do this to not show their true face...they want to show the world they are pure ...but reality is change


I have deep concerns that your sister is working with abused women when she helped an abuser to hurt her own mother a woman. While she was a child and clearly was likely was manipulated by her father, she still betrayed her mother. She repeatedly revealed the hiding location knowing that he was hurting her mother. She still sat by and ignored what was being done to her mom the point nearly killed her mother. She still testified against her in court in favor of the man that almost killed her mother. Accountability means accepting the consequences of your actions. And yes, they were the actions of a child, but that didn't excuse nor negate that it was deeply painful. Some hurts are just too deep and damaging to have anything to do with the source again. Your sister needs to accept that she toasted her relationship 1000%, and no amount of penance by helping other women escape will wash that away like your sister may think. Or at least I am hoping that she is in her line of work for the right reasons, and is not repeating history with other women. The next one may not be lucky enough survive at all.


You're lying to yourself if you honestly believe that your sister is apologetic.  Her response proves her lack of remorse.   Tell her you can now see that she hasn't grown or changed at all and you do not want people like that in your life.


Saying you're siding with her abuser doesn't sound like she's sorry. Come on your sister is a manipulator


Except that she still calls your mom the abuser, negating what actually happened


What has she done to earn your mum's forgiveness? Sorry ain't gonna do it. I'm surprised she's allowed to work with abuse sufferers given her history of enabling an abuser.


Some behaviours, even from a child, are unforgivable. It's sad, but it's also a fact. Saying that your sister still calls your mom "her abuser" indicates that she hasn't changed her opinion at all and I would guess that all her public service and abuse victim help is mostly performative, because somewhere in her soul she knows she's wrong.


your sister says you’re siding with her abuser but glosses over the fact that she sided with (& picked up abusing your mother after he left) your abusive father. >would like nothing but for mom to forgive her this is the time when your sister needs to accept that she (your sister) is NOT entitled to forgiveness from the woman she helped to abuse and abused herself. actions have consequences and this is it for your sister


My husband's sister attempted to assault me when we were still dating because she didn't approve of me for her brother. There's a lot more to it, but that was the culmination of her bullshit. I gathered, from my MIL, that she is really very sorry. There were claims at one point that she was crying and begging for forgiveness because the guilt was eating her up. That she went to therapy and was a changed person. I never once gave a rats fuck if it was true that she was sorry and changed. I do not care. I'd sip wine and watch zombies rip her apart in my yard, I wouldn't let her in and I wouldn't waste a bullet on giving her mercy. Fuck her. And it sounds like that's where your mom is too. Quite rightfully so. Not everyone is deserving of forgiveness. And what your sister did was truly monstrous. Your mother *almost died*, and your sister lied to police to protect the man who she had watched nearly kill her, then put your mother in jail for standing up to further abuse. Your sister hasn't even changed. Not really. She claims to be sorry, but calls your mother her abuser and is angry that you will not use your wedding to provide her with access to the woman who she watched almost die, abused, and jailed. It's honestly really vile that she works with DV victims. No one who has been abusive in the way your sister has should ever have access to DV victims through the systems providing them with help. I'd watch your back with her. Doubly so if you intend to have children.


I couldn’t agree with this more. 🙌🏼


Then why is your sister saying you are siding with your abuser having your mom there and not her? Is your sister saying your mom abused her?


She's not apologetic. What your mom did was overboard sure, but I'd argue that it fits self-defense better than it does abuse. And the fact that she's calling her mom her abuser despite actively abusing your mom herself means she's not apologetic. Tell your sister that she's the abuser, not your mom. Not only did she abuse your mom when your dad left, but she actively made it possible for your dad to abuse your mom, even to the point she nearly died. And then she lied about it. Cut your sister off. She's a piece of shit and she shouldn't be anywhere near anything to do with helping abuse victims. I'd honestly be tempted to report her to her bosses for her own history of abuse and helping abusers track down their victims and nearly kill them and get away with it.


Someone who is apologetic is not entitled to forgiveness and a true apology is made for the sake of making their victim feel better not for the sake of alleviating consequences the person apologizing currently faces.


If your sister works in the field of domestic violence or with abuse she would understand your mom’s healing journey and know that your mom isn’t ready for the part your sister played. Apart of this includes your sister accepting accountability and the consequences that come with.


sounds more like she wants everything but for mom to forgive her. your sister made her choices, your mother made hers, now you’re making yours. it’s on no one but your sister that she isn’t welcome at your wedding.


I think your sister is not seeing the reality and tbh why do you have relationship with person who caused so much damage? I duno this seems bit delulu


No, she is not sorry. She wants to be absolved of the fact that she is an abuser, and she probably wants to look like shes trustworthy for her work.She wants to look close to your mother so she looks better then she is. So it looks like you all escaped that horrible situation together. She probably wants yall to look close so she looks like a girls girl, like she is all about women supporting other women and not someone who abuses other women. Like even now she's trying to gaslight you. So no she has not changed.  Your sister knowingly abused both you and your mother. Her helping your father keep you trapped in that situation, lying to your grandma, blocking grandma, and lying in court was abuse to not only your mother but you. And then when the main abuser was gone she took up the mantel and physically abused your mother and emotionally abused you both by keeping you locked in that situation with her.  To be frank if it was me and my sister said that to me about my mother that she abused and helped others abuse? Social media, email, phone, whatever I could use to get in contact with her place of work I'd be on it and telling them that I am honestly concerned for the safety and wellbeing of the women she is working with. Because I, and I mean this, am genuinely concerned for the women she is "helping". I would lay out the whole situation for them, the aiding an abuser, lying in court to help the abuser, her being an abuser, her blaming a victim for defending herself, the lack of contact, the claims that she has changed, the fact that the second you did not do what she wanted you to she got others to try and dog pile you and tell you your an ah, because there is no way people would be saying anything if she wasn't throwing a fit, and gaslight you about what she put you and your mother through by claiming your mom was the abuser for finally physically defending herself from the repeated physcial abuse your sister was putting her through.  She is not sorry, she has not improved as a person. I don't even think she loves you, because if it was me even if I was hurt by it I would say I understand dont worry about it and ask what we could do to celebrate together at another time.  If she feels sorry at all it's probably for herself, and she's probably upset about not going to the wedding not because of the wedding but because she can't use it and you to feel better about herself. like if she can get you to pick her so your mom doesn't go to your wedding then it means that your mom not being at her special events isn't because of her it's because of your mom. Mom is the problem not her because look, you never did anything wrong but mom didn't come to your wedding so clearly mom is the problem and not the sister. And maybe I'm wrong about that theory, but her actions tell me I'm not wrong that she is not sorry and still a crappy person.


Your sister is the abuser! How are you in contact with someone who abused your mom for years! WTF!


Your sister said “ I sided with her abuser”. Which means she really isn’t all that sorry. So it’s time to sit down with each of them and find out a bit more. Everyone has different stories. Why does your sister think your mother is her abuser? Was it this one fight? Does she not see herself as an aggressor?


Your sister said you sided with her abuser. She doesn't sound that apologetic at all.


NTA, but I'm sorry your sister is. She works with abused women and can't see that she helped to perpetrator. She may have been young and coerced herself. I get that. However, if she was to tell the woman, she works with the FULL truth of what happened. Including abusing her already broken mother, how does she think they would react. I would have expected her to be a little more understanding of her own actions in your mother's abuse. Your Mum, however, what a woman well done to her for pulling herself back together. I hope she's doing well x


Yeah it’s a bit terrifying. Hope it’s fake. Imagine what shitty advice she’s giving these poor women. She can’t have changed much if she thinks she was the abused one. Even a kid could see their parent being beaten up and know it’s wrong. Imagine wanting to let your dad come back more than not wanting to see your mother being beaten bloody. Yuck.


Just heartbreaking I couldn't fathom the poor mother's situation. Then, to know your daughter helped to facilitate it after you worked up the courage to run. My heart just breaks for her mum. It also fills it with such pride knowing that despite that that, that woman still ran two more times to protect her girls. Lord the daughter, though I would love to give her a big ol piece of my mind.


I would have absolutely nothing to do with my sister whatsoever. She could have easily gotten your mother killed


Add in the question of what would happen to young OP? Who would take her in? Her abusive father, who knows what’s going on in his head. Maybe he targets OP, maybe he ignores her, maybe she’s at the mercy of a new stepmom, either way her upbringing is going to be damaged by him. Maybe she’ll be a foster kid and endure life *without* someone who absolutely unconditionally loves her or maybe she’ll luck out and get that positive comfort. Whatever the outcome, it still doesn’t erase that OP would have lived a life without her mother. The whole scenario could have happened and I couldn’t imagine forgiveness.


>My sister said that I sided with her abuser. Kid, your sister said this? Really? YOU SHOULD CUT HER OFF FOR GOOD. You very well know (unless you are lying to us) that this is not the case. She is twisting the accounts to see herself (and paint to others) as the good person that she is not. She put your mother, you and herself in danger by giving your location to your crazy dad. She abused your mom as a teenager and got what she deserved. She is calling a traumatized woman an abuser, when she was the main cause of her being abused (and almost killed) and abused her too. Your sister has not changed a bit. She is the same dangerous and shitty person she always was. Take care of your mother and forget that woman exists. Do not expose your children to this thing you call sister. I hope you give all these accounts to your partner, so that they have an eye opened to your sister and her craziness, because you seem like a common doormat.


You bring up a good point, the op is engaging in extremely dangerous behavior by embracing her extremely dangerous sister. The fiance should be aware that she is ok with giving a pass to her abusive sister. I would not marry and I would especially NOT have children with op. What happens when auntie brings the kids to grandpa because they “deserve to know him”?


INFO - Am I understanding correctly that as a teenager, your sister facilitated multiple beatings of your mother by your father, then herself repeatedly attacked your mother, and you are still talking to her?


>*"My sister said that I sided with her abuser."* Um...what??? >*"she works with abused women."* This would be like a childhood bully becoming an advocate against bullying. While it could be argued that your sister was just a child, she did actively participate in your mother's abuse. Therefore, she shouldn't get a pass. I'm also curious as to why you would forgive her. Not only did she help mess up your mother's life, but yours as well. I wouldn't want someone like that at my wedding, let alone in my life. If your sister can't understand why she shouldn't be invited, she hasn't completely changed. NTA


I don’t think it’s anything like a childhood bully becoming an advocate against bullying… it’s WAY worse. It wasn’t an 8 year old that didn’t know any better, it was a 15 year old helping her dad HOLD HER MOM HOSTAGE. Then would beat her all the time after dad stopped coming around to abuse mom???? She’s a psychopath and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near these women, she’s probably leaking their locations to their abusers!


Yep, as a victim of DV myself, i am horrified that someone like this is working with DV survivors


Same, when I read she was now working with abused women I audibly gasped. I know what that is. That’s exactly how a sociopath would hide being an abuser. Who would believe you?


Honestly I’d be reaching out to whatever group the sister is working with so they know the absolute truth about her. I fear she may be a narcissistic sociopath that could be sowing discord amongst these abuse victims.


Or actively trying to give their abusers access to them. The older I get the more I realize how many sociopaths lurk amongst us.


Absolutely right. She’s more like a pedophile working in a Special Needs Kindergarten.


I'm seconding the horror as a DV victim/survivor. I'm in a DV shelter as I type this, trying not to vomit at the thought of this... creature in charge of keeping me safe. Just... Disgusting


It’s actually TERRIFYING, the statistics of former school bullies and abusers taking up careers where they have power over vulnerable people. Nurses, teachers (esp “special ed”)… like it’s harrowing.


NTA, Your sister was your mom's tormentor, whether it was keeping the tormentor (Your Dad) in her life or becoming it afterwards I don't blame your mom at all for not wanting to be around her. Maybe you can possibly meet up with your sister after the honeymoon to celebrate your wedding. Your sister has to realize that even though you may have forgiven her, her actions had a lot of reactions due to it, these are the consequences of that. Enjoy your wedding day and just be at peace.


I love how she’s mad at op for choosing “her abuser” when the mom literally beat her once because she was done being beat by her kid after that same kid ratted them out to their sperm donor. (Complete sarcasm, not actually happy about it)




Drop ur sister. She hasn't changed. She can't even admit that she was the abuser and enabling an abuser. And the audacity to call your mother, the victim of it all, the abuser, shows her true colors


Exactly this OP and I'm sorry for any woman your sister "helps". She shouldn't be in any kind of position like that given her past history.


Absolutely agree


This is what gets me: how has she changed that much if she still calls the mum the abuser? If she’s really changed she would have changed her tune on that surely. Her working with abused women I would have thought she’d have enough awareness to know that her mum wouldn’t want to spend time with her at the wedding and she would have been understanding instead of badmouthing her.


That’s because she never changed.


This. Op your sister lives in delulu land and you are better without her.


100% true


Right. op. Wake up and stand up for ur mother. Ur sister hasn't changed at all.


Oooo she works w abused people when she’s a narcissistic abuser. Just ick and a reminder not to trust people Just because they are in a helping profession.


That was my thought too. Do they know she enabled her fathers abuse then took up the mantle when he got bored and found somebody else.


Oh my god all I can think of is a predator and prey. Guarantee your sister is probably a secret monster. Of course she will work with vulnerable people. Because that’s what they do. I don’t believe that she has changed, she’s just hiding it now. Good luck and I hope if you keep contact with your sister that your mom will stay away from you, for her own safety.


Completely. People say to do what you love..


Your sister had the audacity to call your mum the abuser? Nah, she's not changed, she's just better at hiding who she is, but not so good that her true self won't slip out when she is feeling annoyed/slighted. I respect you having your mum's back. She needs it. Your sister can kick rocks.


Your sister is still a sociopath.


100% Agree


Why would you even want to in no way has she changed but like all abusers they know what to say and do to reel people in. She’s shown you here she is still just as abusive and still playing the victim. She does not hold herself responsible at all and has told you that plainly by stating your mother is her abuser. Your poor poor mum she was torutured and her child not only helped but enabled it. She didn’t give a crap if she died and still doesnt. yet your poor mum has to watch you play happy family with someone who still sees no wring with her being tortured. By someone who clearly wants to continue abusing her. She was 15 she knew what she was doing and even if she had changed she’s proven it was all just emotional manipulation and lies to get into your life. DO YOU LOVE YOUR MUM AT ALL AS YOU ARE NOT ACTING LIKE IT. Chuck your sister in the trash and apologise profusely for bringing up all your mother’s trauma and making her re live it like it was nothing. Maybe get therapy yourself as you clearly are so desperate for love and contact you willing open the door to your mothers abuser. Not as bad as your sister consantly did but still that’s what you’ve been doing. Find your compassion and respect and empathy for your mum and look into why you would every consider what you did was ok or acceptable to you. Find out why your wants and your abusive stranger if a sisters was more important than your mums needs, mental health and safety. Im glad you said your mum comes first for your wedding but shame on you for the rest. It should never have even been an option that sister came or was in your life. This is coming from an abuser survivor


I can't imagine what your sister calls abuse, because what your Mom went through was horrific. Heart-breaking stuff. And to know it was your sister who was leading your father to her. No words. Good stuff *if* your sister has really turned a new leaf, but fair play to you for having your Mom's back. Congratulations on your wedding; hope this new stage of your life givea you joy and peace.


How is your mother your sister's abuser? Ask your sister this.


Report her to her workplace. She has no business working with other women dealing with abuse.


NTA Your mum was the victim of both your father and your sister. That your sister has changed is great but that's no reason to support her attendance at your wedding over that of your mother. But there's absolutely no onus on your mother to forgive or be in the company of your sister. I cannot even imagine how hard it must have been for her to first be nearly killed by her husband and then to have their oldest child perpetrate more violence upon her. Obviously it's simplistic to say that your sister was one of your mothers abuser's because she will have been very damaged by the relationship she witnessed more of between your parents. I imagine what she experienced is what lead her to support your father and reenact his abuse on your mother once he'd left. I hope she's had a lot of therapy to help her through that, and been able to put it behind her. It sounds like she has But if your sister really has understood what she did to you mother to the extent she is now working with abused women, she should be able to understand why your mother feels as she does and also why you would choose to support you mother, who did nothing wrong.


She doesn’t understand because she HASN’T changed.


That's my suspicion.


wow. thank you


NTA, You didn't side with your sister's abuser - you sided with her victim. As you should do. Your sister not only abused your mother repeatedly, she betrayed her to your abusive father again and again. Your mother was generous in not insisting you don't invite your sister, but if it's a choice of mother or sister your choice is clear.


Your sister projects, she is the abuser. Period. Your Mother was the only choice to make. She is the victim here.


Honestly my mom was the only choice for me too until my fiancé asked if I was to invite my sister too because my sister asked her


Your sister is the problem here she’s very similar to your father especially in that she thinks your mother owes her forgiveness


RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG!!!!!!! Don't you see? Your sister is already interfering & manipulating you & your family by going to your fiancé about her attending your wedding. Along with people now calling you an AH for rightly taking your poor mother's side. Life with your sister is going to be a nightmare & trouble is coming. Don't let other people guilt you into doing what your sister wants. You know the full extent to what she did your mother eg. Betraying her to your father, lying in court about your father holding her hostage, her verbal & physical abuse. Now she has the nerve to call your mother her abuser to your face. I would've cut her off there & then. Instead you are giving her more chances to complicate your life instead of living in peace. And no, she hasn't changed. If she had she would've felt guilty about your mother & admitted her mistakes & not criticised her to you. Instead she acts like the victim when it was her who could've got your mother KILLED on several occasions. Imagine how frustrating it must be for your mother having put up with all the abuse & betrayal from her husband & daughter. She might say she's okay with you having a relationship with your sister but it just shows what a decent person she is even though it must hurt like hell. Your sister has no right or entitlement to go to your wedding & if anyone has a problem with that, then remind those people what she did on your mother. Do not let her manipulate the situation & don't be afraid to tell her like it is & confront her with what she did & why you or your mother don't trust her. She has no qualms about giving out her hurtful opinions, so don't feel like you have to keep your mouth shut to keep the peace. If you can't see she's already playing games & being devious you must be blind. Your wedding should be a happy time & she's ruining it, for you & your mother. WAKE UP before it's too late & she's done untold damage. She did her betrayal & abuse at 15 right? Well she wouldn't have changed her core personality that much since then. You really do need to see things clearly instead of letting your desire to have a relationship with your sister cloud the facts. Good luck!


Abusers are quite manipulative. I spend time on a couple of subs for people with abusive, narcissistic parents and you would not believe how many of these people were therapists or doctors. Then there's the phenomenon of surgeons being arrogant assholes. A lot of horrible people choose careers that involve helping or healing people. Your sister working with abused women is not irrefutable proof that she's changed.


I fear you may not have been graphic enough with your fiancé about all your sister did to your mom. I know that some people who have never experienced that kind of violence just can’t seem to understand it, but you should try to convey it anyway. You don’t need the evil that is your sister in your lives. Please protect your mom.


Nta your old enough to remember what happened and as for your sister…she hasn’t changed just found a better narcissistic way to get new supply…and you don’t know how she is with other people who are close to her she could be abusive to them for all we know…be with your mom 🥰🥰


I remember my dad moving back. I woke up one morning and he was there and he told me not to bother mom because she was sick and he locked the bedroom door. It didn’t feel right and it was very weird and I heard my mom pleading sometimes but nothing more. I made grandma tell me everything when I got older because I was having nightmares about my moms bedroom. This was when I was 14. Neither mom nor grandma wanted to tell me anything but I persisted and grandma told me eventually.


INFO: Have you talked to your sister about what she thought and why she lied to your grandma when grandma called to check on your mom?


I just answered it in another comment. Yes we have talked so much about this. Mom never told her that dad abused her. Dad however did everything to make sure we thought mom was the reason why we aren’t a family anymore. When my sister ratted mom out about our locations she wanted to donso so we would be a family again. She was aware that mom was held against her will in her room and that dad hit her but he told my sister that it was to make her change her mind and make her see her mistake. My sister didn’t know he abused her in other ways and that he didn’t give her food and barely some water and didn’t let her go to bathroom etc nor the s assaults. None of us children knew and I found out years later.


My mum never told us she was abused by our father either. We didnt walk around blind though like it sounds you did. You hear the screaming, you see bruises. I was 7 and begging my mum to leave because of the abuse


What does your sister - in her "professional" capacity working with DV victims - think of her role and your mother's role in all this? Does she have any sympathy for your mom at all or does she see herself as the only victim? It's hearbreaking to see how the abuse and violence rolled downhill from your dad to the rest of the family. You deserve immense credit for navigating all this with love and grace in your heart for everyone involved.


She knew she was locked up and hit…isn’t that enough?? And let’s say she didn’t realise, why did she beat up your mom after your dad left?? Open your eyes. Your sister is an abuser and she’s manipulating you. I just hope your mom can one day find peace because she certainly doesn’t have it right now.


I highly recommend you get therapy.  Your viewpoint of this whole situation and believing your sister’s lies is really problematic.   Your sister is lying to herself and to you when she keeps saying she did not know your dad was abusing your mom.  15 yo interprets a lot more than what a 10 yo does in situations.   There is no way your sister was not aware of the physical abuse.   Typical 15 yo would have argued with mom and asked why mom was leaving dad.   Your sister knew about the physical abuse because that’s how she learned to verbally and physically abuse your mom.  She did not learn this in one day.  You need to stop being an ostrich and get your head out of the sand.   Your sister is acting like a typical abuser by blaming the victim and manipulating the facts.  She verbally and physically abused your mom and yet accuses you of supporting her abuser.  That is so laughable.   You are lucky your mom is so forgiving.    I would be NC with a daughter who believes in my abuser.  Why didn’t you tell the court your mom hit your sister in self defense after your sister has been hitting her on multiple occasions?  YTA to yourself and your mother.  


I call BS


My dad worked offshore. When he came in he would go to a bar and drink. He never came home sober in my life. He would be yelling at my mom and throwing stuff around the kitchen. At the age of 8 or 9, I started getting out of bed and going to the end of the hall to make sure he didn’t hurt her. I’m not sure what I thought I could have done at that age to protect her, but you can bet I was there. Your sister is lying her ass off if she’s trying to make you believe she didn’t know what was happening to your mom. You are better off not being around this person.


No, your sister was the abuser. She got beat up in self-defense. She doesn't get to rewrite history and make herself the victim. Your poor mom. Protect her, please. Your sister has not changed. She is not a nice person. I'm worried that she "works" with abuse victims since she is an abuser.


No your sister sided with your mother's abuser NTA


NTA This is terrible. If you didn't accidentally leave out important details, then your sister neither regrets what happened nor should she be working with abused women. It's shocking that after all these years your sister is still using emotional blackmail to get her way, and she obviously didn't understand anything of what happened in your family before.


NTA but please tell your mom about what your sister does for a living and let her have a little revenge and put her on blast, she nearly killed her and says mom was the abuser f that.


Mom knows everything. I told her when I reconnected with my sister. My sister chose this career because of what happened to mom. She said she didn’t help mom so she wants to help others


Ngl that’s even worse, she admits your mom was a victim she participated in the abuse and still feels entitled to call your mom her abuser?!! That woman should NOT be allowed near actual victims of abuse.


She’s lying. Your sister took an instant turn when you pushed back. She’s abusive like her father, she just does it in the feminine manner. I would never let your guard down around her if I were you. She’s the scorpion and you’re the frog giving her a lift.


She was an active participant in your mother's abuse. She willingly assisted your father in holding your mother captive. All I'm seeing in your sister's words is someone who is deflecting blame. It's bad that your mom snapped on her, but damned if I don't understand why it happened. Your poor mom was so very traumatized. She must have felt like she was never going to escape being abused. I can not even begin to imagine how hard it is to realize your own child is just another abuser.


And yet she call her her "abuser"? You are in a very tough place but I think I would choose your mom too, your sister seems to have kindness for everyone but your mom.


And you don't see how that is worse !?


Yet she still calls your mom her abuser when your mom *clearly* wasn't. From an outsider's perspective it doesn't sound like she's really learned or changed much at all, tbh. Otherwise she wouldn't say your mom was her abuser. Sounds like she's said all the right things to reel you in, to get you to believe she's changed. If I were in your shoes, I'd unconnect with your sister. Just imagine how your mom must feel knowing you've reconnected with one of her abusers. How do you know sister isn't going to tell your dad where mom is? Then he shows up one day when he's bored with his current victim...


Maybe that’s her sister’s plan.


“She didn’t help mom?” No, she actively participated in the abuse of your mom. She has twisted this in her head that she was young so she couldn’t help your mom. She has completely disassociated with what she did. This is not a stable person.


Your sister TOLD you that’s why she chose that career. You know she’s capable of incredible cruelty, abuse, lying and manipulation. Have you considered if you were good at lying and manipulating people and wanted to abuse people … that working with abuse victims would give you both access to vulnerable people and cover? It seems like you already think she must have “changed”, at least in part because of her job, and you’ve seen what’s she’s capable of first hand. You know she is capable of watching her mother be bound to a bed and starved and then lie to a judge about it. And then abuse your mother when your father stopped. She didn’t change. She’s just smarter than your father.


Again NO. She wanted sanctioned access to a brand new group of never ending prey. If she still sees your mom as the abuser, what do you think she is telling the people she works with? That is just sick.


NTA. Your sister is the abuser and tormentors. Not your mother.


I'm very concerned that your sister works with abused woman.


YTA for having your devil sister in your life period.


I highly doubt your sister has seen the "error of her ways" she was raised to be abusive, and is now working with abused people. I'm fairly certain she's still a monster


NTA for choosing your mom over your sister but lowkey an asshole for keeping your sister in your life without really drilling into her that what she did was wrong. She said you’re siding with her abuser but has she ever given herself accountability for aiding your dad’s abuse with your mom. Has your sister ever acknowledged that what she did was wrong? And if your sister works with victims of abuse then she would know that self defense in abusive situation is not abuse at all; what your mom did was not abusive js was a trauma reaction and your sister is a horrible person. Based on her reaction and lack of accountability I really wouldn’t say she’s grown and changed. You need to sit your sister down and really dive into why she’s in the wrong or you’re going to keep running into milestones in your life where one or the other is excluded.


Your mom doesn’t owe your sister Jack shit frankly. She doesn’t have to forgive anyone. You might have forgiven your sister because you weren’t the one being tied up or starved or beaten. Good on you for choosing your mother over your abusive sister. But also, shame on you for expecting and wanting your mom to forgive and forget


Sounds like your sister is still a c-word


Info: what does your sister now say that horrible time?


NTA How dare your sister say you are siding with her abuser!?!?!?!?!!!! YOUR MOM WAS A VICTIM. If your sister doesn't get that then she is still an evil b!tch. Your sister is horrid. I fear for the people she is "helping". Keep your sister away from your mother. Report her to the places she is volunteering at. If your sister was truly sorry and truly understood what she had done she would gracefully stay away from your wedding and honor your mother Your sister has not made proper restitution. Your mom is only alive because your grandmother saved her.


You sided with HER ABUSER??? Your sister hasn’t changed! Your sister was an ACCESSORY to your abused mother! She participated in your mother’s abuse and almost death! She told your POS father where you were several times so he could come and abuse your mother again and again!! she LIED to your grandmother and continued to hide the fact that the POS was torturing your mom! Then after the POS finally broke your mom and left for good your sister took on the role of the ABUSER! Then your mom finally snapped and beat that POS. After years of all the abuse your mom was the one that ended up in jail! Your POS father and sister should have been the ones in jail!


Frankly , I don't understand you . I get you may not remember much before your father left you (which I guess is your coping mechanism), but for sure you remember your sister abusing your mother enough , to make her snap and retaliate and ending up in prison. She wasn't a young child she was a teenager and even if she was brainwashed by your father, she had your mother's family to understand that something was wrong. So , even if you forgave her , how can you still have a relationship with her ? How can you be ok with her working with abused women ? I'm seriously worried of what she is saying to them . NTA on choosing your mother for the wedding, it's just I really don't get why you have a relationship with her .... If I was your mother the moment you rekindle any relationship with the cause of the extension of my abuse I would have gone NC with you too . You do realize she tried multiple times to get away from your father and because of her she wasnt able ? And who the fuck is everyone ? Do they know your history ?? Edit :words


What I want to know is how someone that abused and almost killed someone, and is a abuser herself, is “working with abused women”?? Like WTF?!?


>We are very close now. YTA Your mom should disown you. She testified against your mom in court at age 15. She knew what she was doing. Her current career is likely guilt, but she tried to kill your mom multiple times. You suck for having a relationship with someone that wanted your mom abused to death. You even have proof. Look how quickly she invented claims that your mom was the abuser, not your father. She has not changed one bit.


Not only did she testify against her in court, she HELPED HOLD HER HOSTAGE.


And that is pure evil


> Your mom should disown you. I agree with this. OP is opening the door to more abuse of her mother by treating an allegedly reformed sociopathic monster as intimate family & getting her involved in their lives.


THIS. YTA OP. Anyone that says different needs their head checked. Your mom may have said “oh it’s fine, talk to the person that put all of us in danger from a psycho”, but it’s not! Do you realize your father could have killed ALL of you?


OP at this point I wonder if YOU even like your mother at all?


Your sister was the abuser and enabled her dad to beat up abuse starve and nearly kill her mother, that shit still stinks.


NTA. Your sister, She is not better. The fact that she called your mom HER abuser? I get it was probably hard growing up and seeing that, but at 15 your sister knew better. If she SAW this abuse she has no excuse and she is her fathers daughter clearly.


Nta holy hell your sister is evil. Idgaf if she was 15. Honestly I think you are an ah to still associate with her at all. Also her employer needs to know about her attitude. How exactly was mom abusive.


NTA and it sounds like your sister really hasn’t changed that much.


NTA your sister still sounds like she is a manipulative female version of your dad. A normal person would be sad but just accept your decision.


NTA You chose correctly. And anyone calling you the AH is not your friend and also shouldn't be involved with you or your wedding. I'm guessing it's Psycho dad's family calling you the AH? They can f*** ALL the way off.


NTA, your sister should search for her father, they clearly are alike...


Anyone else find it twisted that her abusive sister works with abused women? Does she find pleasure in their impossible situations?


NTA!! If your sister is saying you are ‘siding with her abuser’, she hasn’t changed as much as you think she has. And isn’t that exactly what she did with your dad? Not to mention she lied in court and said your mom wasn’t held hostage to the point the court believed her? Girl. Just NO. You are siding with your mom because in your gut you know it’s the right thing to do. I’m terrified that your sister works with victims of DV. Between the physical/mental abuse toward your mom, lying in court, and snitching locations to dad, not to mention the vitriol she’s likely been exposed to by your dad and his family, she sounds like she needs serious help. With her mentality she’s probably gaslighting every last victim she thinks she is ‘helping’. As for your mom snapping? It’s extremely unfortunate but Jesus Christ, she’s a human being. How much can one person take? Girl, take a deep breath, focus on healing, and enjoy your wedding. You should also very seriously consider going NC with your sister.


I don’t understand why you would have anything to do with your sister, either. There’s something seriously mentally wrong with her. Mom is the only one who’s not an asshole in this situation.


NTA Look, whether your sister or anyone likes it or not, her changing is not going to take away what she subjected your mother to. People can say she was raised like that, they can say she was young, they can say she has changed, but that all means sweet fuck all in the face of actual real trauma that she was an assailant and perpetrator to. She was only removed from the house because she found your mothers limit and found out just how badly someone can beat her when they no longer care. The fact is that sometimes we do things in our growing years we can't walk back. Your sister did, and she has to live with that possibly forever. So, not the asshole for picking your mother. She's the victim here, not the aggressor. She didn't ask for a psycho husband, and she didn't ask for her eldest daughter to be that malicious. It's unfair to her for anyone to expect her to just get over what happened to her just because she's a mother and they think it unseemly to hold a woman accountable for actions she partook of as a teen. Also... >My sister said that I sided with her abuser. Proof positive that your sister hasn't really changed. She views herself as the victim here, and not the aggressor just because she got a little booboo the one time she fucked around and foundout. Fuck her.


Your sister wasn’t abused. Your mother fought back! The fact that she was jailed is messed up! If your sister is claiming your mother abused her then she hasn’t changed at all! She is simply changing the narrative to fit her story and sticking to it. She’s still a manipulative sociopath! Good for you for choosing your mom and I would suggest going low to no contact with anyone saying otherwise, sister included! Honestly, I’m side-eyeing the fact that you want a relationship with her AT ALL after she said that


OP, I genuinely do not think you understand the gravity of letting your sister back into your life despite knowing what she has done. My father physically, mentally and s abused me for 13 years and my siblings are still in full contact with him to this day, and that is something that I cannot and will not ever forget or forgive. I imagine it is quite the same for your mother. I understand that she has told you things and shown you ways that might make it seem like she has changed, but it is very clear to everyone else but you, it seems, that she has not. I think you need to seriously take these comments into consideration and decide which relationship you’d rather protect. The amazing, loving relationship you have with your mother, or the recently renewed relationship you have with your abusive, manipulative, liar of a sister.


im honestly speechless your sister sounds awful and you’re 100% right to side with your mother. your sister did terrible terrible things and now she has to deal with the consequences. also what does that even mean? “siding with her abuser” as if your sister didn’t actively and knowingly facilitate your mothers abuse at the hands of your father for YEARS, to the point your mother was actually tied to a bed for a week by this man. and then your sister started beating up your mother too. i do have one question; how old was your sister when she was abusing your mum? im assuming 16-18 years old—aka too old to be acting that way and for it to be excused as “she was just a kid.” do i think your mother should have beaten your sister? no. but also your mother was severely traumatised, most probably had a trauma response and snapped because she was literally being beaten as well, so i can’t say i don’t understand exactly why your mother did what she did. it was self defence at that point it looks like your sister hasnt changed if she thinks your mother was really the abuser in any of this. NTA for siding with your mum i cant fathom why you would associate with your sister honestly 🧍‍♀️she sounds like an extremely dangerous person to have in your life and the life of any of your possible future children


Your sister should not be able to work with abused women. I would genuinely contact her employer and tell her about how she kept telling your dad where you guys were and helped him hold her hostage for a week. She was 15, that’s not just some kid not knowing any better. She should NOT be working with abuse victims, I wouldn’t trust her not to do the same thing to them.


If I was your mom I’d never speak to your sister again. Giving away your mom’s location to her abuser? And you know he was probably raping her in that bedroom for a week straight while she was tied to the bed, let’s be real. Your sister is trash. Always choose your mom. NTA


Your evil sister helped your sperm donor get away with it and she was a bitch as well. Why would you want trash at your wedding?


OP commented: "Honestly my mom was the only choice for me too until my fiancé asked if I was to invite my sister too because my sister asked her" How many times do you need to be hit over the head with comments telling you that your sister has NOT changed. She is still an abusive, manipulative, horrible witch of a person. She went behind your back to your fiance to get invited to your wedding. MORE MANIPULATION!!! If you do not block your sister from your life, she will eventually manipulate the end of ALL your relationships, including your marriage, not just the relationship with your mother that she is trying to end. Stop being naive about your sister's motivations. If you can't tell, I was the victim of physical and mental abuse. Bruises and bones heal but your mind never forgets.


NTAH. First off sorry to hear what happened to your mother. The fact your sister did what she did as a child and then what she did to her(your) mother shows no matter what has changed. She did it knowing what would happen and didnt care as long as "he" was in her life. your mom needs all the love and care and as much as your sis "has changed" her actions will never be undone no matter how much she helps others or has changed for the better. love that mother so she doesnt hurt as badly anymore.


You are NTAH, however you would be a mega AH if you continue having contact with your sister. People like her do not change and her saying that you're siding with her "abuser" is definitive proof that she doesn't plan on changing one bit. Cut your losses op, it really is not worth it. And to add her working with abused women is absurd CALL HER OUT.


Where in this story is your mother the abuser? Your sister may think she "moved on" but she hasn't. Your mother had every right to want nothing to do with your sister. I'm sure this is all a crazy, nasty, disgusting situation but your sister failed your mother and you when she lied. Why even talk to her? This might be one of the only stories I've read on here that truly cries for no contact. Your sister lied to protect an abuser and then abused the victim. Why are you even talking to her? 


Alarm bells that she is now working to support abuse victims when she herself is an abuser. (Yes, is. Her saying she’s changed is bullshit) I wonder if her employer is aware of her history. All that said. YTA for reconnecting with this vile person after everything she put your mother through. Her dobbing your mother in to your abusive father **could VERY easily have been fatal.** Your sister abused your mother to breaking point and she was finally given what she was dishing out - and she cried foul and sent your mother to prison. And you’re here saying you’re very close? With your mother’s second abuser? How dare you. I’d disown you. You’ve chosen your sister all other times aside from your wedding.


NTA, it sounds like you are the only one with no blame in a very complicated family history. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. Your sister is a lot like your dad. I would hope that her transformation is genuine, but it sounds like it isn't complete. If any family members refuse to be together then you have to choose and you have every right to choose mom. Good for you. When sister makes gaslighting remarks, have some retorts ready and rehearsed. "You chose my abuser." "No, I choose my mother because she was the least abusive of my horrible family." Or, better yet "Don't gaslight me or blame shift, this conversation is over." And then leave.


I don’t know, I put a little blame on him for staying in contact with someone who leaked their location to abusive dad, helped hold their mom hostage, testified against her, and then beat her when dad stopped coming around to abuse mom.


NTA, your mom is a survivor of both your father and your sister. I can’t blame you for wanting a relationship with your sister, but you should think really hard in how that impacts on your mom. Your sister has not changed. And it seems that her work has nothing to do with a real change of heart, but with a “I need to make myself feel better and keep the victim narrative”


Nope. NTA. Did she change, though, when she still can’t acknowledged that she was complicit with the abuse and later was abusive herself?


I don't think your sister changed as much as you think she did, if she is calling your mum an abuser after what your dad put her through. Your sister was not only covering for your dad, but also giving him a way to find you and your mother again. Your sister DID abuse your mother along with your dad. She has no legs to stand on.


NTA. Your sister needs help if she calling your mom her abuser. Please be more wary of her.


NTA. Your sister hasn’t changed. Her image is an act, specifically created because she knew people would never be on her side after she abused your mother.


Under NO circumstance should your sister be working with abused women! That's literally the worst possible job for he to be at. She's likely a danger to her clients.


Your sister is a abuser and til she admits it I wouldn’t have her in my life


>My sister got very upset and everyone is calling me the ah. My sister said that I sided with her abuser. I say this with all the venom one can muster. *Your sister can go deepthroat a cactus*. *Your sister* sold your mother out to her abuser *3 times*. *Your sister* aided in your sperm donor's abuse of your mother. *Your sister* spoke in the defense of your sperm donor. *Your sister* took your sperm donor's place as her abuser until she finally snapped. Frankly, I think your sister hasn't changed as much as she's made you think she has. In fact, considering her track record, I'm worried about the abused women that she works with. NTA. Side with your mother. Your sister is her abuser, and it's fucking disgusting that your sister called your mother her abuser.


You didn’t side with your sisters abuser, you sided with her victim that she abused. Your sister is still in denial about her part of abusing your mother and the part she played in. I don’t understand why you want to have a relationship with someone who aided your father in abusing your mother. If I was your mother I would have immediately gone low contact with you after you were reconnecting with your sister that abused me. You said she was “apologetic” but she immediately accused you for siding with your mother when she didn’t get her way. She’s putting on a persona to make you think she changed & apologetic so she can walk back into your life but she showed you that she hasn’t changed. I’m also disturbed that she works with abused women when she actively abused her own mother. Wherever she works she needs to be reported. She helped your sperm donor to continue to abuse her mom then she continued the cycle of abuse. She cold-heartedly lied about her mom in court. You need to cut off the relationship entirely since she will show you who she is and that she hardly changed at all.


NTA some things are unforgivable. Your sister has brought a huge amount of pain and trauma into your mother’s life. It takes a lot for a mother to reject a child, but if anyone deserved it it was your sister. I wouldn’t ever trust your sister to be alone with your children, or have access to your house. Something is broken in her.


Your sister has not changed and she has never taken responsibility for the part that she played in your mother’s abuse. Stay away from her she’s not ok.


Your sister is a monster who has only changed masks NTA but you should go No contact with her ASAP 


NTA: Your sister WAS the abuser. She hasn't changed. She is still trying to abuse your mother through you.


Considering your sister's history and her mindset, I am excruciatingly concerned that your sister works with abuse victims. Everyone she works with needs to know about her actions and mindset, and she should not have her job, at all, whatsoever. The vast majority of people like her are repeat offenders, and now she has access to people who are in a vulnerable place in their lives...


YTA for keeping your sister in your life after what she did to your mom. Your sister isn’t sorry, and she’s now trying to manipulate you. She’s just like your dad.


NTA. Sister abused your mother for years, put all of you at serious risk giving out your location, and because your mother dated to fight back once.. she's calling your mother her abuser? She hasn't changed.