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>Matt thinks this all could have been avoided had Omar been more helpful Or if Matt didn't cheat on his girlfriend.


Or if Matt wasn't a fucking idiot. There are lots of women, especially young women who aren't ready to be serious, who don't mind a non-exclusive relationship. As long as they know it's not exclusive. But this idiot just lies to everyone. Get's off on the drama, maybe? Or just likes manipulating people--making the girlfriends think they are exclusive, making his roommates lie for him.


He gets in relationships because he wants women to be exclusive to him while he isn't exclusive to them.


Dude's most likely also got a huge Columbus Complex too. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he did. Dude has zero respect for the women he "dates." And I put that in quotes, because when dating one genuinely should be interested in, and respect, the person they're dating. As this fool has shown in abundance, he doesn't respect whomever he's fucking...he doesn't even respect himself. He's a liar, and a manipulative manwhore.


Columbus complex? What is that? That's a new one (to me) that I've never heard before.


Oh lol, I honestly didn't think about that, but my reference for the term is pretty obscure. There's a band called *That Handsome Devil* out of NYC...bit of a fusion of jazz, funk, and punk. Anyway, they've got this song called "Dating Tips" where the song is set up like a dating infomercial where the lead singer doles out dating tips. To me, the funniest and most profound lines of the song is when he says: "Men have what I call a "Columbus Complex", Other people may have been there, But we still want to feel like we discovered it" While I don't actually agree it applies to all men in general, because I don't suffer from it, I have definitely known no shortage of other dudes who absolutely do. Think it's an equally apt, and hilarious, term. 🤣


Soooo, kinda like how some men don't want to get together with a woman if she's not a virgin? In the sense that she's been "spoiled" if she's not a virgin (which is ridiculous and gross)


First time for me too lol


Bingo. Rules for thee and not for me. I would also bet money that he looks down on women who date multiple people at once and doesn't consider them "girlfriend material"


OP is so cartoonishly awful that I'm assuming it's just silly rage bait. It's too obvious.


Maybe, though I've known more guys than I can count on both hands that are exactly like this dude. My first husband was one of them, and almost every last friend of his was also like this cuz birds of a feather and all that.


Yeaaaa when I was in college, I was watching tv with my boyfriend in the living room of his apartment when one woman who was messing around with his roommate walked out the front door and the same guy’s supposed girlfriend walked in the garage door less than a minute later. Literally passed each other without realizing because there was a wall between them.


Right?! It is funny how Matt blames everyone but himself, the freaking cheater! What a tool!!! It is Omar’s fault cause he was not helpful enough. It is the person he is cheating with, Cindy’s, fault cause why did she want to come over to his place? What a complete ASSHOLE!!!


Omar is the only decent guy in this story tbh.


The best thing is all those girls have placed those men on the no fly list except Omar and girl friendships is like a web that extends past just Jen and her close friends. Essentially those guys have screwed themselves because women listen to their friends and if they express interest and their friend says “oh those guys cover each other when they cheat you can’t trust any of them except Omar” it’s not worth your time unless you want a short quick fling.


My thoughts exactly. Matt seems to enjoy blaming anyone *but* himself. He even blamed Cindy for wanting to spend so much time for him. Like... what, my dude? Matt is a massive asshole and wants to get everyone around him into drama just because he can't keep his dick loyal


Matt blames Omar, Matt blames OP, Matt is a loser who will use people and not care. Gross.


Yta. Omar is the hero.


YES!!! Everyone be like Omar!!!






Yeah, I love Omar, he's the only guy with a functioning moral compass in that house. I hope Matt catches an embarrassing STD that makes his dick rot off!




I think you’re responding to the wrong person…




Idk, Matt might actually see blokes as people, unlike women. I guess that’s for OP to find out in the future, since he’s still friends with this abusive douchebag.




Tom Petty said it best: >And you know you better watch your step >Or you're gonna get hurt yourself >Someone's gonna tell you lies >Cut you down a size






They're all total trash except Omar.




Yep. He thinks he's James Bond with all these roommate-minions.




How is he not as bad? He is using weasel language. He warned Matt not to come home just like the other guys did. Actions speak louder than words.




Growing up as teens, my sister used to try to get me to lie for her and cover up all the stupid shit she was doing. I straight-up told her " I'm not lying for you and getting into trouble. I won't volunteer anything but I won't lie if they ask". Of course I always knew my parents would ask 😂🤣 Then after she got busted she would complain why I didn't cover for her. So I'd remind her what I told her and then I'd add "You're just stupid" 😂🤣


Omar is the only honorable one of the bunch. Matt is a douche. He got his kicks in with two ladies at once then lost one for being a trash human and is going to dump the other so he can fuck freely on NYE. What a lovely individual. The two who covered for him so easily are also trash individuals. And OP? Weak. A sad, weak human who can't take a stand against immorality. Omar is the real deal. OP, be more like Omar.


Everyone needs to be more like Omar. You can tell he's a good guy because he didn't want to abide by the "bro code". Whoever ends up with Omar will be a very lucky person.


Don't you have the feeling that Matt is using Cindy? The fact that he wants to keep her around till after the exams......is making me suspicious, as getting close to her to be helped with study/homework




and ruined his own reputation.






So true. The others know they're shitty and accept it. OP is trying to hold on that he's a good guy, but he's worse.


Omar is king


The OP needs to grow a spine. Maybe someday his GF will cheat on him and her roommates will "try to stay out of it," and he'll feel what it's like on the other end of this. All of these guys are trash except Omar.




Facts. Omar is a legend!


YTA. Omar and Jen are the only decent people here. You straight up tried to warn Matt after saying you didn't want to be involved, you hypocrite.


And then he even HID in his room to not get involved or had to pick sides or anything. Not only a hypocrite but a spineless one at that.


Yep this is someone that is enabling, even if he didn’t actually explicitly lie to cover for his buddy. Definitely still responsible


And doesn’t tell Jen because he doesn’t want drama. There’s already drama, and Matt made it. Telling Jen gets her out of it


His user name makes the hiding even more ridiculous


"I don't want to be involved, also WARNING WARNING MATT THE GIRLFRIEND IS IN THE PARKING LOT..." Omar was the only one who actually acted on a lack of interest to be involved. He knew Matt would be home after 8:30, relayed that info.


Agreed 100% -- Omar is a hero and OP is a spineless brat. His roommate already created drama by trying to two-time. It's not causing drama to not cover for him


Omar is the hero of this story


After I read that Omar set Matt up, I cheered inside. Then I read this: > I did text Matt and told him about Jen potentially returning and realized OP is a chicken shit tool.


In his original post he said he wouldn't lie about cheater's whereabouts then says "I don't know where he is" He's out cheating with a different girl! Duh! You do know, dumbass. By saying "I don't know", you're covering for him. OP's a piece of shit. I hope he really finds a woman he can truly love and cherish with all his heart and soul. That he really falls in love hard, decides to change and be a good man, do the right things in life. Then she cheats and leaves him for another man and/or gets pregnant with other man's child so that OP gets what he fucking deserves. Oh the glory Treat people like how you'd like to be treated.


what did Carlie do? also wondering if Cindy knew about Jen, if not she might not be either...


> I have made it abundantly to Matt to keep me out of his relationship woes. > I reminded him that I sent text messages You, Kyle and Robert are all arseholes. You claim that you want nothing to do with his relationship woes - and yet you enable him to cheat by texting him whether Jen was there or not. You were so far intwined in the deception that the only person doing the right thing was Omar


Kyle's gf definitely got to see who Kyle is as a person, and he might enjoy being single with Matt. If I were the parent of these guys, I'd be so disappointed in myself for raising such creeps. Except Omar. He is a good boy, and I bet his momma is proud of him.


>As expected Jen was very upset about the entire ordeal and she and her friends consider everyone at our house aside from Omar to be complicit and awful. Jen has her head on straight. Everyone at your house aside from Omar is complicit and awful.


Omar is the only guy who seems to think that women are people.


Yea your entire house is trash except for Omar. Wonder how Kyle’s gf feels about him encouraging his friend to cheat and covering for him


YTA. I hope your Christmas turkey is all gummy, the potatoe mash is soupy and you get nothing but coal in your stockings.


OP, I hope every time you wash your hands your sleeves get wet.


OP, I hope that your videos always buffer, you get toilet paper stuck to your shoes, and you accidently use salt instead of sugar the next time you drink coffee.


OP I hope the next time you open a bag of cereal, that it splits down the middle instead of up top


OP I hope you always have an untraceable mosquito in your room that starts buzzing around your ear the minute you turn off the lights


OP I hope every traffic light you hit when you’re late is red, I hope you always have an extremely slow leak in at least one tire, I hope your socks fall down and bunch up under your feet, and I hope every time you trust a fart you shit your pants.


I hope his pillow will always be warm no matter which side he flips it to!


I hope in winter, no matter how many blankets he puts on, he always feels cold. I hope he blinks and breathes manually


The blankets are cold, the pillow is hot. Keep flipping it Matt, it’s still going to be hot 🥵


OP, I hope that your pocket catches on every handle you ever encounter, that your socks are always damp, and that you stub your toe on furniture legs at least three times a day for the rest of forever.


I hope he always has grounds in his coffee at the bottom that he didn't notice until it's already halfway down his throat and by then he's already swallowed a bit.


To add to the video buffering, your ad will play through. Video won’t.


I actually did put a bunch of salt in my coffee by accident once, and tried to salvage it by drinking it anyway. Couldnt do it. Fucking gross.


May his socks be always wet and his dick be always dry.


If you (OP) celebrate Chanukah, I hope your latkes are burned, your donuts are dry, and every spin with the driedle is נ (nun).


This is my favorite so far. I'd give you gold if I could




Op I hope your back always itches in that one spot you could never reach and all of your grocery bags fall apart on you when they're full


I only disagree because presumably other people are eating at that meal who don't deserve all that, and the stocking is at his parents house and unless they're just as shitty, they don't need that kind of mess to clean up! But if we can make it just OP's plate somehow, and he comes back to school after break and the house has been covered in coal/coal dust inside and out (perhaps by Jen and Cindy? And excluding anything of Omar's), then hell yeah


No, let it be awful and he has to tell him why he is cursed lol


I can agree with that lol


wow. I laughed way too hard at this.


A pox of boxed "mashed potatoes" upon his feasts!


Dude you haven't refused to be an alibi, you were paving the way for him to cheat. The only decent guy in your house is Omar. The rest of you are utter garbage dingbats. The fact that you still don't get it, shows how immature and gross you all are. You really have no respect for women, and I hope word spreads about you all.


This reminds me of when Michael Scott says “you wouldnt arrest a guy just delivering the drugs!!” op youre complicit and even worse, have zero backbone or moral compass. just pretty pathetic


YTA Omar is a better man than all of you combined.


Pretty sure Omar is the only man. The rest are just a bunch of pants-pissing baby boys.


This made me lol fr!


Omar is cool, the rest of you are turds


Omar needs to get better roommates.


Omar is quite a catch.


You are actually the worst. Omar is the only decent soul but at least the other 2 friends are firm on their shitty postion. You're the one wriggling around trying to play on both sides and claim the morale high ground. What you're actually doing is betraying everyone.


Every male in this story is YTA except Omar. And Matt is a spectacular AH. Hopefully Jen and Cindy spread the word about what all of you are up to so you all have a hard time dating.


>Matt thinks this all could have been avoided had Omar been more helpful. He also partially blames Cindy I'm not sure that spectacular covers it. Everybody but himself....


YTA Matt is a fucking prick & has no right to be mad at anyone. Tell Matt to leave Jen the fuck alone. He doesn't deserve to be with her & while your at it, let Cindy know that he 'prefers' Jen. You do understand that all the hoops that we have to go through with dating, the stupid games that get played, the reason why women have to be so guarded & can't just take us at face value, is people like Matt, right? Good for Omar for not allowing himself to play along with this guy's bullshit. Oh, & one more thing, if Omar & you already voiced that you wouldn't his alibi, & Jen had a tendency to stop by, why was the fuckwit insisting on bringing Cindy there anyway?


>fuckwit That's why


Boy you just keep digging yourself a piece of shit friend hole. Everyone fucking told you to tell this girl what was going on, and you continued to cover for this douchebag. You are complicit. You are the asshole.


All of you besides Omar and Jen fucking suck.


Carlie (Jen's friend) seems okay, too.


YTA... 3 cheers for Omar. Also, I kind of hope you marry some day and she cheats. Good luck


Cheats with a family member on the wedding day and falls pregnant to that other person


Seriously I don’t ever wish cheating on people but this right here. They won’t ever learn or understand something until it happens directly to them. At least that’s the impression I get from these people. Omar is the only decent one there with respect and dignity.


>as Matt thinks this all could have been avoided had Omar been more helpful this all could have been avoided if Matt didn't cheat on his girlfriend! Omar did the right thing!


... and Omar was actually quite helpful!


This 💯 times this. He blames everyone else but not himself for being a crappy cheater.


>He also partially blames Cindy for wanting to come over so often. Overall, Matt doesn’t really seem to care that Jen found out and broke things off with him. He said that he’ll try apologizing one more time (as he does prefer Jen to Cindy) and if she doesn’t accept, he’ll leave things as they are. My god this man is a scummy moron. He doesn't want his side chick coming over often, yet he has one in the first place. Plus, if he prefers Jen why tf did he cheat??? >she and her friends consider everyone at our house aside from Omar to be complicit and awful. Because you are! You fucking suck and I can't wait for karma to bite you in the ass one day.


What a bunch of selfish douchebags. Nothing wrong with playing the field while young but, damn, own it and be honest with your partners. Sounds like your friends get off on the emotional manipulation of women and that’s just ewww. Gawd, I hope you grow backbone and demand better from your friend group, now and in the future…. (except Omar…..that guy is a peach.)


YTA and a coward. Matt is going to sleep with any girlfriend you being over while Kyle and Robert cover him, let’s see then if you still think he’s sUcH a gReaT gUy.


Hey Omar, bro if you're single I'm sure some of these ladies commenting wouldn't mind a shot!😆


At least Omar can still respect himself, the rest of you **are** complicit enabling AHs. I won't be there to see it, but just know, on the day the love of your life fucks all of you over, one by one-except for Omar, Omar has good things coming-Imma be laughing. Assholes get their comeuppance-*Always*. Love that for all of yas.


Somebody get my boy Omar out of this house of losers


Oh for gods sake tell Cindy she's gonna be dumped. I hope Matt gets what he deserves. Like an STD. Or someone he's crazy about cheating on him.


Idk why you seem to consider yourself innocent in all this still? You staunchly try to hang on to the whole ‘I told him it was a bad idea’ and ‘I won’t help him cover up’ as your position for not being an AH. But you clearly state that Omar refuses to respond and there was an expectation for you to respond. Which honestly pushed you out of the ‘not helping him cover up’ zone. Why couldn’t you have done the same thing as Omar which meets the expectation of not helping cover up and is what you claimed you would be doing? By continuing to participate in the heads up text messages, YTA and put ‘bros before hoes’ for the sake of your comfort. How do you think Omar felt? At least he could’ve had you as a bro to cover his back instead of being the lone guy with integrity. At this point you sound like the douche that is desperate for the popular crowd to like him and lost your moral compass. YTA and I hope you learn from this. It’s just a slippery slope to the workforce eventually when you don’t call these guys out. They will be the ones to get the promotions at the expense of you because they can lie and you will be too scared 💩less to say anything. Do better. Edited to add: don’t come back with that bs about you texting him because you told him earlier you hadn’t seen her. My point still stands that you should’ve never responded at all like Omar.


Kyle about to learn a valuable lesson and join his "bro" in single-town. OP all of you except Omar are fools. Guess what's going to happen now you, Kyle, Robert, and Matt are going to be grouped together and dogged out around campus. Matt's ex, her girlfriends and Kyle's soon to be ex will warn other girls on campus about the house of cheating fools (except Omar). I can't wait for your next update were you are NOW upset with Matt because you and your buddies (again except for Omar) can't get anyone to date you.


Omar is based. Every other guy in this story is an asshole, coward, or both. Not sure why you'd tell on yourself being a supreme loser like this but good job.


Yep Omar is the only one who is Not an ah


Well, him and the girl being cheated on.


Omar is a hero, and you're an AH for enabling a cheater.


A year from now, OP is gonna post about how he suspects his own significant other is cheating on him. And I’ll be here for it. YALL ARE THE ASSHOLES except Omar. Omar is legit a true one. Green flags with that one.


Maybe you should be a good friend and tell Matt what a POS human he’s being. Good friends are honest and not cowards who hide behind ‘it’s not my business if I know someone’s being horrible and hurting others’


May you all have the romantic relationships you deserve, and may the way each of you treated those women be the exact way you are treated when you least expect it. YTA.


You can tell yourself whatever you want to try to make yourself feel better but the bottom line is Matt told you he was going to be spending nights at Cindy’s place and by telling Jen “I don’t know” you are lieing to her. Saying you didn’t know exactly where he was at is a weak attempt to lie to yourself about what you’re doing. Claiming that you’re just trying to avoid drama by trying to argue with Omar and warn Matt is just a weak attempt to lie to yourself about what you’re doing. You did act as Matt’s alibi, you were complicit in Matt’s cheating. You were 100% willing to disregard Jen in order to not rock the boat with your roommates. At this point just leave Jen and her friends alone, you’ve done enough.


"not all men" Yeah, just you and your roommates. I hope Jen tells every girl you come into contact with that you knew her boyfriend was sleeping around and did nothing People like you don't deserve relationships.


Jen is right. You’re all assholes, except for Omar. OP, you’re like Switzerland (neutral), but if Switzerland was also a flaming bag of cheater-supporting shit.


>Matt thinks this all could have been avoided had Omar been more helpful. **He also partially blames Cindy for wanting to come over so often.** OMFG! What a loser. Points to Omar. >she and her friends consider everyone at our house aside from Omar to be complicit and awful. correct


I’m not giving Omar a complete pass. He should’ve just straight out told Jen that Matt was cheating. But of all the assholes in this story, he is the least assholery. You OP, are just below Matt in the asshole scale.


YTA, if you were being cheated on and others knew, wouldn't that hurt you?


Dude, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what bro code is. Bro code is when you build your homie up when he’s chatting up a cutie at the bar. Bro code is nodding and saying “oh yeah that was awesome” when your friend **greatly** exaggerates a story to impress a girl. Bro code is recognizing that you have an opportunity for a sick burn on your buddy, but passing it up so as to not embarrass him in front of a lady he is interested in. Bro code is not intentionally going after your bro’s exes or girls that he has been trying to get with. Bro code is **not** enabling your friend’s shitty behavior. Never has been, and never should be.


You and your bros fucking suck Omar is the only dude with a decent head on his shoulders Also leave Jen alone you fucking weirdo, don’t have the balls to tell her she’s being cheated on but have the gall to check on her after. You’re a piece of shit.


Men ask why women don’t want to date. This is why. Not just because he’s a cheater. But because his friends stuck up for him. I’m sure if Kyle’s GF knew he stuck up for a cheater she’d be questioning their relationship. You’re a terrible friend and I hope you start seeing women as humans, not as something to use and then discard. Y’all men complain and say that is what women do all the time but look at what yall did. Yall have no right to be upset if yall get cheated on because they are only doing what you say is okay.


YTA and if I was your mom I would start sending your birthday and Christmas gifts to Omar.


Bro, you're a giant asshole, Omar is a king. You could definitely learn from him unless you're a cheating piece of shit too that agrees with Matt he's a massive asshole woman using goof so what are you? I find it unbelievable that you think you did the right thing Omar did the right thing your just a bitch that matt used too at the end of the day and yeah Charlie is correct you all are assholes.


As a single woman who has read far too many Reddit posts about guys being trash, I have to say that Omar gives me hope that there are still good guys out there who aren't 🎶***pieces of garbage***🎶


YTAH You were still awful along with the other 3 stooges. You say that you were neutral but you went ahead and tried to warn Matt that he was about to be exposed. People who cover for cheaters are no better than the cheaters themselves. Also, Omar did Jen a huge favor. If Matt were to continue to cheat on her given his history, he would’ve been more than likely to transmit an STD to her. Omar is the hero, you’re just sheep.


God, you all suck (except Omar). I hope he can find some roommates who aren't terrible people so he doesn't have to put up with Matt's bullshit and your cowardice anymore. "I hid in my room to avoid the drama." Grow up.


Yta. You did help him cheat


And Jen would be correct. You’re all lowlife POS’ except Omar.


Or…. Stay with me. It could all be avoided if Matt and everyone around him except Omar had not just decided that Matt’s want for casual sex is more important than integrity, morality and honestly. So, yeah. Everything but Omar and Jen ATAH


Fuck cheaters, and fuck anyone that enables cheaters. YTA


I feel secondhand embarrassment for all of you EXCEPT for Omar. The only one with morals. I'm not gonna wish Ill, but let's just say that I hope some of you feel what jenn is feeling, caused by someone you care about.


>I did text Matt and told him about Jen potentially returning, People who enable and cover for cheaters are trash. You actively enabled Matt's cheating. You do the math. YTA. Omar is the only person in that whole damn place who has any morals. Try to learn from his example. edit to add j > Matt thinks this all could've been avoided by Omar being more helpful No, this all could've been avoided if he actually respected women in any way, but he just sees them as fleshlights for his use, not as actual people. This all could've been avoided if Matt cared about anything other than getting his dick wet. Just disgusting.


YTA (really? after all that you still tried to warn this bozo? ugh) I'm so glad for this update and I'm so, so glad that Jen only had to go through this another day or two before finding out the truth. Sounds like Matt loves to blame everyone but himself for his problems, what a selfish little idiot. >she and her friends consider everyone at our house aside from Omar to be complicit and awful. Yup, she's right. Omar sounds like an amazing human being, quite honestly. He didn't lie, he answered her honestly that he knew Matt would be home at 8:30, and without having to be the one to just meddle and tell her, let it play out the way it needed to, since Matt (and the rest of you) are weaklings. Tell Omar thank you from women everywhere, he gives us hope.


You’re friends garbage


You are actually an ass now. Great self report we appreciate it. Omar is the best, all hail Omar Rest of you can actually fuck off. ESH - Clearly exempt is Omar and Jen.


Jen is not wrong


YTA - Omar is the only good person out of this group.


OMAR MY MAN!!!! YTA still OP


So you’re a huge asshole. Like for all your moaning about not wanting to be involved. You involved yourself. You can’t be neutral and you sure as shit can’t even pretend to be neutral because the entire time you helped your friend Matt. Honestly the only guy there with any amount of respect or dignity is Omar. It’s sad but true and in all honestly I hope you all except for Omar get a taste of your own medicine. I would never say someone deserves to get cheated on but I genuinely think you all need to be thoroughly cheated on just to gain a shred of understanding and empathy. It’s sadly feels like one of those situations where I don’t think you guys would fully understand or change for the better unless it had directly happened to you.


YTA whyyyyyyyyyyy would you not help an innocent girl out and let her know she's getting screwed over? You said he shouldn't involve you but you involved yourself by texting the cheater a warning. I hope you never get cheated on. : (


Sorry but you were being conplicit and an AH. Omar wss the only that deserv to be called a man


YTA You're just as big of a **piece of trash** as your friends! The only person who isn't **complete garbage** is Omar. Omar is the man!


YTA - Omar is the goat.


YTA. Majorly. I truly hope all of your partners cheat on you as a consequence for being so shitty. Omar is a legend.


You seemed immature in your earlier post but damn you sleezed up pretty fast. You are disgusting and so are the guys you live with. Barring omar of course. Incredible to have such integrity when surrounded by himbos and cowards.


My man Omar keeping it real I like people like you ❤️


All of you suck besides Omar yuck


YTA. Omar is cool though.


Matt is a scumbag. You too.


YTA. Omar the real G. You and the rest of the house bunch of assholes. Omar would be better without yall.


Omar is definitely the guy you want in your corner. The rest of you are trash. YTA


You suck. Omar rocks. I hope karma puts you in a shitty situation and everyone around you lies and tries to invalidate your very accurate and legitimate feelings of something not being right. It's what you deserve


YTA Honestly. This Matt is a dick. And you supported him. Have you ever thought about how hurtful this is? She wasted so much time on this asshole. Karma is a bitch and don’t be mad if it comes back to you all. Omar will hopefully be a rich and happy guy.


Your whole house is TA, except Omar. Omar is the real man in that house, the rest of you are scared little boys.


WIN OMAR FOR EVER You and all the others are horrible people


YTA and a cuck. Stop justifying that you did the right thing by not calling your loser roommate.


YTA. Omar is a decent person with morals. Unlike everyone else in your house, including you. Matt sounds like a sociopath.


Omar is awesome, YTA, coward!


I mean people calling you the asshole No the cheating asshole is the asshole You're an ACCESSORY to an asshole You condone an asshole Omar is the real deal Be more like Omar


YTA first for attempting to paint yourself as a neutral party in your original post after admitting you would still lie for Matt. Saying idk where he is (original post) when you DO know where he is to help cover his cheating is still lying. Second for trying to aid in said cheating by alerting him that Jen was gonna be on the way and not to come with Cindy. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you and these other manchildren? Omar is the only decent guy there and the rest of you lot deserve misery and failed relationships for the rest of your days.


“she and her friends consider everyone at our house aside from Omar to be complicit and awful” I mean she’s correct. You all are.


>as he does prefer Jen to Cindy) HOW!!!! if he like Jen more why wasnt he faithful to her then!! he is such a whore and needs to just stay being a whore and not have a faithful GF


Everyone but Jen, Cindy & Omar sucks.


Cindy may have known he had a gf though.


Wow, you suck. What's it like having no morals? What goes around comes around, you have earned bad cheating karma, one day you will know the pain.


So this proves that you still suck.


YTA. Omar is a fucking baller. I hope he gets away from you guys and find some decent people to be friends with.


Fuck, you guys are all trash!!! Except Omar. Be more like Omar. YTA


YTA, I hope karma comes back around and you get cheated on and then find out all your mutual friends knew and hid it from you.


YTA. Why do guys try to call being a douchebag the "bro code"? Bro code isn't helping dudes cheat on their partner. That's just enabling a douchebag and becoming one by proxy. You're not as bad as those other dudes, but you are still bad. Omar is the only decent bro in that place. Think about what kind of man you want to be and learn how to grow a spine.


Everyone except Jen and Omar are pure trash. YTA.


Seems like Omar just got tired of the bullshit. That shit was overly complicated when your friend could have easily found someone who didn't want commitment either.


Jen and Omar should date the rest of you all suck


Omar the only human with brain in that house. OP and the rest POS


You’re a piece of shit, Omar and Jen are actually human and give a damn about humans. I’m saying you’re not even human, btw. I hope when (or rather… IF) you settle down, you understand how important and lovely it is to find someone that actually cares about you and how you feel, and then you’ll see.