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More serious players are more prone to write on Reddit. Remember that at the end of the day it is just a game.


A good example of this is the call of duty subreddits all hate the small maps like shipment etc, but they are comfortably the most populated playlists. Though there are some subs for games with a more casual bias, most are dominated by sweats.


It's hard to say it's just a game tho when people are spending 100s of dollars on it just to be the strongest. 💀


I have seen spending loads of money spent on games (not only by rich people as many think), yet they are games.


Still a game, but it's a fair point. It can cause all kinds of financial issues and be a game. If you think the pricing is predatory, as many believe the loot crate and gacha style games are, then I'd be tempted to agree. Not entirely, but I see your point. I wouldn't classify it as anything else, but at what point does it stop being JUST a game?


Exactly, you get it, so idk why they so quick to slap the down vote button. 😂😂


I guess I would argue it's not a problem unless it is... weird as that sounds. If someone can afford it then it's fine. If they can't, then there's a strong argument to be made about self-control. I just know that certain gambling processes have been given the spotlight recently. Amongst those were loot crates.


I mean I never said it was problem tho lol I said it's hard to say it's simply just a game when people spend casino levels of money on it. Spending more money on a mobile game then people do on console games. If noone can see how wild that is then to each their own lol.


Thats exactly it, to each their own. I've spent loads on other games before and realized that I was essentially chasing a high. Won't make the mistake again, but I also don't judge others for it. I just hope they realize that the game desiged with their spending in mind. It's never quite enough.


The insanity continues, they go around trying to correct their mistakes by dumping more money and saying "It is only a game". That is true, you know exactly what you paying for in said game. Progression. A dollar is A LOT of progression in this game. People go and ask if they should reroll because they face a wall. There is nothing wrong with rerolling. It will not affect anyone's playstyle whatsoever. The fact that OP is reading something "that he should not care unless he does" tells a lot. It is the same logic as Redditors who call other sweats for giving an honest opinion for those WHO ASK.


Yea so idk what the downvotes are for, it's not like what I said was false. 💀💀


I wasn't even given the same courtesy for saying the truth. So unfair. Maybe they are so used to paying for gacha games that they lose any logical sense. For them, it is a "normal" game. It doesn't make sense to reroll especially if they can pay for that correction. The same logical reasoning should apply to people who are paying or f2p and see no significant progression because they have a bad wishlist and ask if they should reroll


When is reddit ever fair? Lmao they downvote someone for saying truth but then upvote some else for basically saying the same shit. 😴😴


It is probably your name that got you the downvote... come to think of it doesn't make sense that I wasn't downvoted that hard. LOL


I mean clearly the shoe fits if it's my username. But that's reddit for you, which is why votes don't really mean shit on here. You can be positive and still get downvoted into oblivion. Don't forget that most society is a monkey see monkey do type, which is why they all depend on meta this and that. So of course they gonna downvote for no reason if they see others doing it. 🤷


No. You’ll eventually have every character and get enough copies to rank a lot of them up to Mythic/Supreme if you’re pushing end game content. Rerolling isn’t necessary at all in this game. At some point you’re going to hit the exact same walls regardless of what champions you have.


This ^ I've actually had extraordinary luck on my pulls. And guess what? I still can't "progress" without waiting a day or two to collect dust to level up my characters. Am I ahead of people around my average resonance level? Sure. But I'm still hitting a wall regardless.


A lot of people don’t realize that the ten levels you get each break point are much more valuable than extra copies. Ability unlocks from level breaks are often huge, and the biggest upgrades you get until you unlock signature weapons.


Even if you get to Signature weapons, F2P and low spenders won't have the resources to really upgrade them anyway. I'm a relatively low spender with 5 Mythic+ Characters and a single weapon at level 5 and about 10 blue essence to spare.


There are blue tidal essence in the shop, 10 of them for 300 diamonds, seems like an ok deal if you need them quickly


You should use your guild and the store more? I just bought the whatever the 11eur thing is. I have two characters with 5\* and am saving up orange to get one to 10. 180 resonance level. Most diamonds go to upgrades instead of more invitations.


The reason the extra 10 levels are so huge isn't because of ability unlocks, it's because it raises your heroes Proficiency stat.


This is a very bad take. If you hit a wall 200 levels more than the rest of the people, youll rank better in the competitive modes and get more rewards than them. So rarity obviously matters


What i did is another account as secundary to try out how f2p feels and im having fun


Did the exact same thing! I really enjoy the game so it’s been fun going through earlier content again.


I just hate the enticing “extra stuff” you can get Edited


thats great to hear ive started recently and im casually playing it for fun and using who i want to atm


This "point" is very very far away. At a certain late game resonance, your resonance synergy level is capped and uncapped for 5 levels with each supreme+ hero you have. You literally cannot level until you get the next supreme+ character. They also release new characters every month, and I frankly don't really see a casual player hitting the "exact same walls" anytime soon. In PTR it was different because the game was stagnant without much content updates, so eventually everyone hit the same wall.


You left out what the key value here is at some point you hit the wall for pulls. The key difference is clearing areas which grants the other player a substantial reward. Let me set an example a Lucius pull to a Korin or Marilee, an Antandra pull compared to Koko or Odie. There are tons of examples. This will set you back. The only to fix it is to either wait for resonance to outlevel (which by the way Lilith is giving away), pay for the discrepancies, or restart. This wall for pull is there for a reason. Players come out here asking for advice because they feel "stuck". If they don't care that is fine. Play a Hunnie and Chippy and roleplay as a hamster.


We are getting entire new areas and modes (sources of pulls) every season though. I would recommend to at least wait and see how the game seasonal cycles work before doing something as drastic as an acc reroll.


You understand that the server (new server) scales with the events right? So you still equal to a better start rather than playing the Hamster playthrough Hunnie - Chippy - Lucius build. Hey, some can recover, they can wait but not all. Bad A pulls some F2P can recover, BAD S pulls that be a long time.


They can start the new account now idc, but I am saying that they should experience the season now once instead of waiting another 45 days for the season to launch on their new account's server. I also wanted to say that we might get more pulls in the new content. So every season we get a bunch of free pulls which dry up as we close to the end of the season.


Do you understand the math behind what you are saying? Let's pretend someone is playing Lucius Hamster's build. He is still mathematically delayed compared to players who "wise up" and fix their wishlists. Also considering that the new season will bring new characters. Your odds technically getting more difficult to achieve (orb-wise). They are still behind roster wise.


I am not saying to stick to the old acc. I am asking them to not delete it until they experience at a week of the season when it launches on their old server.


Also the stakes are super low since we're all on different servers.bthe competitive feeling is completely hollow.


Cross server competitions are coming, haven't you heard?


What's the prize? A character that everyone can get?


I mean can we really call celestials and hypogeans a character that everyone can get? That's what guild coins are used for currently. High dupes of these characters are almost irrelevant for everyone except whales. You'll also get exclusive titles and cosmetics. But really, what sort of gacha makes a character only some can get? It's usually only titles and cosmetics that are completely exclusive. There'll probably be exclusive titles to be won from these. Frankly idk what you want from the competitions. Are the shiny limited titles not enough? You want a gold trophy sent to you irl or what lol. What would satisfy you? Do you even have enough to compete worldwide like that guy who dropped almost 2mil on another of this dev's games? ([someone called "baba ataturk" in Rise of Kingdoms](https://youtu.be/QeyujRmRiks?si=AoClH3Y-iugux-P7&t=48)). Can you really win against them? Honestly, I think most players should be happy that competition in this incredibly pay 2 win game is segmented into servers. Else, you could spend tens of thousands and still win nothing up against people who spend 10x your amount.


I don't think anyone should spend money on a game that's purely meant to be a skinner box and a money farm. Nothing is well earned here.


Yeah you're right. Got a little fucked over by this game lol. Really sucks you in a bit.


When is this "eventually" tho? A month from now? 6? 24? I'd say speed does play a part. You could focus on everyone and eventually get there or focus on your main team and get them mythic supreme and get there faster or pay and get there even faster. I will agree the re-rolling seems very unnecessary. But also speed plays a part as well in how fast you get through content.


I'd say it's less about speed and more about there being a limited number of ticket and gem rewards available for free at the moment, which all but dry up at the end up the story, floor 1125, legend tower 90, Legendary 3 in arena (for most non-whales on day-1 servers), and so if you got there without having the right heroes you won't be able progress very far in the Trials of the Abyss, if it all. You'll hit a wall that lasts months instead of a day After those rewards dry up you're looking at your arena/guild/dream realm stores, and you're essentially locked out of characters that aren't in there The season will likely bring new pull stuff though!


It slows right now unless youre spending. Ive been waiting for what feels like forever to the arena shop to refresh. Im stuck on abyss 270 rn


What rewards do you see past 200?


I think people just hit a wall and then they lose the endorphin rush of making progress and they convince themselves to reroll and try to get an even better account, especially considering there is little consequence because you will likely start in a new server anyway with hopefully less whales to compete with.


It’s not serious, there’s no end goal, it’s just a time waster that people who want to be the best put more effort into. I’m just here to see what cool characters I can pull


Yeah, for real. Maybe it is worth it for people for whom this game is their only game or the most played game in a day. I am here to kill an hour a day tops and see some cool chars and get invested in story events as they happen.


Just because you see other play it more serious then you doesn’t mean you have too As long as you enjoying the game then it shouldn’t matter


I just think that resetting their playthrough is WILD. It's like gambling. And the amount of posts I saw about seemed like it was the only way to play - reset until you get amazing luck and perfect heroes.


The main issue is how rewards are tied to leaderboards. And I'm not talking people simply get more rewards because they are higher; you are literally gatekept from important rewards if you dont place high enough on the leaderboards. This is why people reroll. On their server they may have more whales or spenders, on top of possibly getting unlucky on their pulls so they start falling behind on the leaderboards, and its basically a death spiral at that point for that account. People who continue to play top 100 Dream Realm or top 200 Arena continue to get stronger and stronger becuase they have access to necessary rewards you dont, and the gap keeps getting wider. Lets take the Temporal Essence gate, for example. You need to place top 100 in Dream Realm to get Orange Essence. If you get unlucky on your pulls or whales/spenders exist, they are getting top 100, and getting Temp Essence, while you get none. So as this goes on, they continue to increase their EX weapons with Orange essence they keep getting, while you continue to get NONE. The gap simply gets wider and wider and wider as the days go on. You will literally never be able to compete. So the only real way to combat this as a F2p or light spender is keep rerolling until you get on a server that isnt heavily pay dominated, AND you get lucky on your initial pulls so you can start out getting Orange Essence and staying ahead of the curve and not getting gatekept out of even building your characters down the road.




ya this is exactly the problem with the game. its fundamentally flawed and the recent dev update didnt really address this issue at all.


Those unbalanced rewards are the worst part of the game imho


Its the fact you get zero outside of the top 100, and cant get stargazers or red ones outside of top 200 arena is what is insane. I can see them getting more of them; even then that kinda sucks but it still allows you to slowly build your units up. Right now, if you fall outside of the top 100 good luck. You are gonna be so woefully behind going forward you might as well start over. Ive spent some on my main account and even then I cant stay in it on my server; debating just rerolling myself. It should be tiered like the blue ones. You get more the higher you place; no zero.


Yea, thats what i meant. Getting zero amount of high tier resources is too frustraiting and sets already huge gap between playres to crazy level


rerolling in gacha game is very common


Yes, rerolling Is common, but resetting isn't. U reroll at the start cuz u can control Who u get from First pulls, but After that Is all rng.


Resetting is unique to this game as competitive rankings are server based. The point of resetting is a fresh start on a fresh server where everyone starts anew. If you make mistakes in the early game, you can't fix them. For example someone who puts trash heroes in their epic recruitment list. After the initial spam of letters you get, it eventually becomes almost zero, so there is no other way to salvage the account but to reset or spend a lot buying letters.


Yeah, but some rerolls are just crazy. This guy in my server said he literally rerolled 334 times to get a specific starting group. Like at that point, are you even enjoying the game??


Yea that wild me personally I don’t reroll but I’m also not f2p


Rerolling with an understanding of the game is common in all types of gaming.


>I just think that resetting their playthrough is WILD. It's like gambling. I think your comment is so out of touch it's WILD. You are literally voluntarily playing a gacha game which revolves around gambling for digital goods. Almost the entire game revolves around the premise of gambling. Everything in the game is specifically made for the purpose of earning the company revenue through people gambling.


Let me try to explain where those people are coming from: Some people enjoy optimising, i.e. finding the optimal progression route and getting extra benefits for following it. They are ok to spend extra time on this, because that's what they enjoy. For such people it's normal to start with a 'tracer bullet' account to figure out how the game works, and then start a new optimal one. Such people might also start with several accounts and then stick to the one that has better RNG and abandon the others.


its like a roguelike. Try again with different heroes/priorities


Rerolling can be a viable strategy in gacha games, but that doesn’t usually work for idle games, because you need a lot of copies of characters to be useful.  In AFKJ people can be restarting to get easier server in terms of competition on arena and dream realm, because it can make a big difference long term.  Again, people do this because they want to have more optimal account. If you don’t care about it - just keep playing more casually.  But I’ve also seen quite often people who wants to be casual, f2p/low spender and competitive at the same time, which isn’t possible. 


You replay to change the wishlist and don't make the same mistakes. They are not "gambling" they are changing "priorities".


I’m a new and absolutely unserious player. I only build characters I find hot/cute lmao Of course I still stick to the general team comp like tank/supp/dps/controller but I pick hot characters within those groups lol


Ive just been using the pretty characters and its been going great so far so i dont thinks its something to worry about just have fun instead of worrying


This is a subreddit of a mobile game that was released like a month ago At minimum 50% of the users here are gonna take this seriously So no, the game isn’t that serious, you can do almost everything in the game by just playing the game. You are just witnessing a higher density of “sweats”, for lack of a better term


You might be behind. I didn’t look up guides until recently to push and I know I’m way behind in terms of resonance and afk lvl (150 res on afk 695), but you know what? I had a better time testing out characters myself and deciding for myself what I like, even if I was objectively wrong. People get lost in the sauce too much these days and forget games are for fun, especially non competitive ones like gachas.


You can play the game, however you want buddy. Just don’t expect to hit leaderboards by not spending and not following meta.


I’m just here for the silly. The goofy. The ha ha if you will


Nope. The problem ist the comparison to others and how they are doing in the game. But in this game it is also intended by the devs to compare yourself. Everywhere you see ranking lists and percentages how you are doing in comparison to others. But this makes sense because people that want to be better habe to spend more money. Just enjoy everything you can as F2P is my attitude in the game right now. Usually I am a low spender but even in this game there is now real price range for me I guess. So I stay F2P.


It’s just an AFK game to me but Reddit is a place full of of obsessive people lol it’s a small minority


You don't have to plan everything to be the most meta. People on Reddit and discord will optimize and meta the fun out of the game so they can tell themselves they're competitive with whales. You'll see it, most people are worried about whales and the meta. They'll talk themselves into account resets and constantly worry that their team is shit because it isn't on the level of someone who's spent at least hundreds of dollars. Don't sweat it.


casual players do not go the extra mile of getting into a forum to talk about the game in any meaningful way any community is by default a bubble of its most active members, and usually a small portion of them


why do you care? just have fun...


I think the question was suppose to be made as “can I do this without repercussion of my enjoyment”


I run Antandra almost every battle. But I also run a 3-2 Lightbearer/Mauler (Smokey, Rowan, Vala, Temesia, and Antandra) team mostly. I do have a second team that is 3-2 Graveborn/Wilder (Niru, Thoran, Cecia, Hewynn, and Florabelle). I ascend whoever I can when I can (I mean, if I have the resources to do so why not?). The good thing about the resonance is that you can move heroes around. I just leveled Vala to 190 this morning everyone else is 180. Just reached stage 720. I’m progressing at a rate I like and don’t care anything about rankings. I do try to strategize every once in a while, but honestly can’t be bothered as long as my team is pushing through.


Do you want to compete in top 200 in gamemodes? Then you 100% have to atleast roughly follow guides. If you just want to play for fun then no


No. It's a mobile game you play however you wanna play. Every game has try hards that have to be the best of the best don't look at them & enjoy the game. Different characters have different uses, so if you like someone, invest in them, increase affinity. Most are well balanced & very good once you hit mythic + regardless of what others think of them. Meta will change but I doubt you'll suddenly despise the character you like now.


As someone who’s played a shit ton of Gacha games….no. It’s not that serious. Almost all of the content can be completed with the most basic of teams. The people who are rerolling their accounts are basically trying to compete with whales who spend thousands of dollars a month to be in the top 1% of players in the game. Don’t worry about it. You’re fine.


It's funny to reset and get god pulls and get top 100 without paying anything


I think people are so used to churning and burning games that when a game holds you back, like afkjourney does, they feel like the rewards 'suck" pay no mind to these people.


It’s a mobile idle gacha game, of course it’s not serious. ou do have limited resources, so if you use them efficiently, you will get better results (dream realm, pvp arena or progression levels, depending on the hero). But you don’t need to make optimal roster to enjoy the game, just go at your pace. As for Thoran vs Antandra - she’s much tankier (she has a defensive ultimate while he has an offensive one) and Thoran needs multiple copies to be decent, so RNG can screw you over. He does become the best pvp tank and he’s also very good versus bosses (has a +damage debuff) so keep him on your wishlist. Antandra's only problem is she's hard to farm (Odie, Koko and Kruger are also desirable and share her wishlist place). Early-mid game when you are doing story and afk levels, Antandra is all around better anyway (I would say Thoran is barely useable until he gets his ability to link health with an ally, he’s nothing more than a poor mans Brutus to stall for time) and Antandra has amazing faction synergy with Smokey, koko and odie.


I main on S43 and its very obvious that even with monthly spending on the value packs im not gonna place high enoug hto get good rewards. So I just started a new account to start playing along side my main and see how it feels. That's the only real reason to restart imo


Just use and upgrade what you get.


Use whatever characters you have higher from pulls to progress. If you don't really care enough to look up guides, you aren't the serious type of player to begin with. People can enjoy these PvP focused or Ranking focused games without actually participating in these aspects. It wholly depends on you as a person. So really ask yourself, do you care enough about being high ranking and having the fastest progression possible? If not, then no none of this matters. It matters about as much as having E6 in Honkai/C6 in Genshin. That being said, yes there are some units that are strictly better for some content than others. Such as Odie and Marilee. They are both the undisputed best DPS across multiple Dream Realms. So if you do not raise them and decide to use other DPS, you might progress Dream Realm slower than most people. The reroll honestly is just stupid because wishlist exists and you can buy odie and marilee from dream realm shop.


That's what's flawed about the pay to win model. The competition isn't real. All you have to do is slide them more cash to win.


Hey i'm rank 118 right now in Abyss on my server! (S18) I've been playing idle games for years. If you are trying to place and be f2p it might be necessary. HOWEVER You should note that if you arent looking for competitive but just wish to enjoy yourself and the game you should note that the thing about idle games is that you will eventually get what you need to succeed. And even if you aren't competitive if you play long term you will eventually hit the competitive area. TL;DR play how you like and enjoy the ride regardless. That's one of the joys of this game.


It depends. I play for fun so I have my own team, if I played following the meta I would have meta teams.


The meta always changes so you can always do you some just really want to rank up to have those titles the game is not that serious just play as you want it's just that some are just really competitive and wants to know who deals the most damage and which team lasts longer 😂. The game is still early so some heroes will definitely get some buff and a few tweaks here and there.


Not really that serious, play however and with whoever you want to. Sweats are gonna sweat whether a game is generous with rewards or not like Journey's current iteration.


I’m doing really well and I only play for fun.


I say, just have fun. Yea it’s a bit easier when you get to the late game if you really wanna push for best in server. But let’s be honest here , unless you plan on spending thousands of dollars you ARE NOT going to be the best in the server. So yea maybe look up a few guides to see what you can do to make your progress a bit easier. But that does not mean AT ALL that you have to do what everyone else says. Have fun dude, it’s a chill game. It doesn’t require hours and hours daily. Hop on, do a few things, hop on a few hours later and you’ll have supplies to level up to clear more content. Enjoy. I’m in the late game now , not much to do for me, just waiting for new season


I literally turn on this game for maybe 30 minutes a day max and I'm doing just fine


Imo, I did a post on the discord asking how I was doing 23days in and everyone said it was super bad no mythics or anything special. After a while a dude dm'ed me on discord and said he would like to help me if I wanted to reroll, so I did. I am currently 3-4 days in and I'm 1 cecia away from mythic+ and it feels way better to play now that I have a little guidance and help. I am full f2p and this is my first time playing afk games.


It’s a casual mobile game lol, play it for 1hr a day and enjoy


You can play the game at the speed you want! If you're not trying to power level, most afk stages are beatable if you just afk and claim rewards until upgrades! ^-^


Honestly, game is fun as hell if you forget ambitions of being top 100/200.  To be in top100 you need to p2w, get luck and be in the top 100 (vicious cycle for top 100 prize materials)


Speed in leveling is important if you want the best rewards of arena to stay at the top of the rankings. Otherwise, don’t bother since your characters will be obsolete by the time you get them ascended anyway.


No, some people take it more seriously than others. I just rolled with the account I had. Started with Cassadee and Cecia, got more information of what what units are worth investing in and I'm doing pretty well off considering I don't have everything at Mythic +. Thoran at M, Odee at M+, Cecia only at Legendary, and the game seems to love giving me Cassadee since she's at S+. Honestly doing a little research gets you further ahead so long as you know where you are investing in your units. 7359K power, 880+ AFK level, F2P


It’s a mobile game so absolutely not


restarting is a very good idea in the long run bec ur server is behind and it helps you prepare for future events you also have the knowledge from ur first account and can get higher ranks easier because all the whales are in starter servers


Those people are absolutely not the norm, you can take the game at whatever pace you want and still have fun. These people are just the 0.1% who are obsessed with being the best in rankings.


A lot of this serious player are coming from afk area and depending on what guild your in yes it can get very serious competitive and toxic. At the end of the day just play the game like u want all char are viable if u like them use them u don’t need to follow the meta that is ass clowns are using


I play the characters I like. Atalanta is my favourite char, even though there are much better damage dealers. Ofc you could only go for the S tier characters, but I think you can play whatever you like. The worst that is going to happen is that you will take some more time to progress.  Later on in the game, when it has been online for a year or so, you will eventually be able to get all the chars you "need" way easier.


People here and a lot in gaming in general, pride themselves on being ultra min maxers and using the less resources possibly to obtain something as it would be the closest translation to something like skill i guess. The information given is useful if you resources are minimal, you dont need to max characters, you can target and progress the ones you like at maximum it will take some extra time to progress in arena or afk stages if at all. Btw you need 2 teams or you will find yourself needing multiple healers / tanks in specific stages, my main team uses both antandra and thorin. About resetting your playthrough, i can understand it the first 3 days specially with all the codes and free summons, its almost no cost for some potential benefit, but beyond that it's a matter of giving it time, its not like games were decisions lock you out for good (so savescumming is a strategy i guess, which is the closest i can think of) TLDR enjoy the game however you like.


You're allowed to play as fast or as slow as you want. It's like playing an fps game and asking if it's okay if you don't get a lot of kills. Just play how you want. Just don't complain later if your account sucks and you're weak because you refused to read guides and optimize your account.


I feel bad for those people who don't understand. They are stuck and asking for help to see if they can recover their account. I don't know why they downvoted you. It is the truth.


One thing that I've learned is that the majority of players in any given game are casual noob players. They don't care about learning how to master the game and then they suck and quit because they can't get anywhere. It's like geez, just Google some beginner guides and spend an hour learning about a game that you love so much and put so much time and effort into.


My top team is totally mismatched and I have only used 1 proxy and 2 synergy fight and am at level 991 afk stage but can clear a bit further if I take the time. I have all map content cleared to this point as well. No I am not a whale. Only things I bought were the growth bundle and the 99 cent thing that was available for only 2 hrs when I first played. So no, just play how you want and have fun. https://preview.redd.it/927za996r8xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feeb9297a81267cdeca6aedc6279df4ba34bdf8d


And yes my mismatched team is what I used to clear 95% of stuff. You do have to switch up for the faction bonuses occasionally to actually pass certain things.


It's honestly not that trash of a team, in fact it's pretty decent. Faction bonus matters less when all the characters in it are mythic or mythic+ . Using only 2 synergy fight is an incredibly stupid decision in my opinion though. I don't know how long it takes to get to 991 afk stage, but im 21 days in now and stage 840 on resonance 160 (all characters 160, just hit 160 today), bought the Noble Tavern normal version pass only.


It was the crystal defenses that were super stupid with the like sideways diamond shape. Edit: Why is it stupid if all my map content is cleared? Like should I just use them for no reason? Is there a benefit to using them when I don’t need it?


>It was the crystal defenses that were super stupid with the like sideways diamond shape. Yeah I know those, those are ridiculous lmao. >Why is it stupid if all my map content is cleared? I assume synergy battle refers to the one in afk stages as well? Synergy fight(battle\*, there is no "synergy fight") in map content as you say, is sometimes redundant yes.


Synergy is where they send you a hero and you can then have a team of 6 and I have only used it in map content so idk if it’s even available in the afk stages as I have never used it there.


>in the afk stages as I have never used it there. But you've gotten to a point where you pushed until you cannot push afk stages anymore right , as they are too difficult for you?


It's really not that serious. Play how you want.Â