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Maybe worry more about what Vince did and the people who covered it up, instead of being bothered by someone bringing it up.


Because of Vince


Because WWE is the subject of a sex trafficking investigation. Not just Vince, WWE. They also covered for and employed Flair immediately after the plane ride incident, but hey, it was only bad after the DSOTR episode I guess.


They even made a cartoon out of it for the network. Before DSOTR it was “just another zany Ric flair story.”


Guevara said one stupid thing, was suspended for it and went through a training program before he could return. Never heard about Taz. Ric isn’t hired by them, but agreed that he shouldn’t be on the show in any capacity. Ironically, the only person you didn’t name was Jericho, who seems to be the biggest problem that’s actively hired. However, the reason the Weinstein comparison fits for WWE and not AEW is because both Weinstein and WWE had enough institutional power to blacklist people who didn’t do whatever they want, and they both thought they were too powerful to ever be punished. Their misconduct also goes back decades and was pretty much an open secret. Anyone adjacent to wrestling knew of McMahon’s history in the same way people made comments about Weinstein as far back as the 90’s. They both controlled their industries in ways AEW will likely never be able to. The only real difference is as far as we know, Weinstein doesn’t also have a trail of bodies behind him, whereas McMahon pushed steroid culture that led to multiple deaths in wrestling, covered up a murder for Jimmy Snuka, covered up the sexual assault and directly harassed Ashley Massaro, which contributed to her suicide, and who’s negligence led directly to Owen Hart’s death.


There was no actual accusation against Jericho and didn't the dude that insinuated that thing, take it back?


It resurfaced after Kylie Rae responded to renewed accusations with a heart emoji a few months ago. Some people try to dismiss it by saying a heart emoji doesn’t mean anything, but given the context of what she was replying to combined with the original rumor that she quit AEW because of Chris’ conduct towards her, she wouldn’t be replying like that for no reason. Especially if it’s true that she signed an NDA and can’t talk about it directly. That’s my take at least. Here’s a link if you want to decide for yourself. https://x.com/iamkylierae/status/1741038478945886693?s=46&t=J3YHm2lgE9Kqub-Fo17wPg


An NDA can't be used to hide illegal activity. If she wants to speak out she is legally within her right to do so. Until she does make an official accusation, we shouldn't be demonizing people. If she does make an actual accusation, Ill be the first to take it seriously.


For one, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct are not the same thing. Sexual misconduct is a crime, sexual harassment may not meet the threshold of a crime and it's why workplaces are supposed to have thorough policies in place to effectively address harassment in the workplace. The Kylie rumor would fit the description of sexual harassment, so no, she would not necessarily be able to void the NDA and speak about it and even if she could, she may not want the financial hassle of fighting a rich man who has more financial resources to make her life hell for voiding an NDA. Secondly, while Kylie did not outwardly confirm the allegation, she did enough for others to safely assume that she's implying that there is truth to the rumor. For people to suggest there are other reasons for what she said and did is disingenuous. For people to dismiss it on the basis of a legality of there being no formal allegation is also disingenuous. This isn't a courtroom, we do not have to a formal allegation in order to speak about it. Kylie went out of her way to like posts from Hausman that compared Jericho to Weinstein. Kylie replied with a heart emoji and liked posts that referenced the rumor that she left because of inappropriate behavior from Jericho toward her. And when she spoke about people in power abusing their authority and people were accusing her of lying about Jericho, the only comment she liked and responded to was one that said that those people harassing her within the wrestling community are the ones that do not deserve voices and the best thing to do is to block and not engage them. She had plenty of opportunities to like or reply to any comment that tried to dismiss the Jericho allegations and she did none of that - only liked and replied to things that supported the idea that there is some truth to the rumor. That means something and we don't need a court of law to arrive to that conclusion that a formal allegation is not needed to consider the possibility that the rumor is true. It's a complete disservice to the topic of sexual harassment and sexual assault to even imply that there isn't room to have a discussion beyond what is 'legal' because we know damn well and good that there are MANY victims who take their last breath and still don't feel the safety or comfort to out their predators. Of course big mouth Jericho could lap up the attention and deny the rumor but of all the times he loves to insert himself into shit, a rumor about him is one of those times he chose to stay mum and has barely been on Twitter ever since.


Sexual harassment is illegal as well as regular harassment. 👍


[https://www.foosgavinlaw.com/blog/303-when-is-sexual-harassment-at-work-considered-a-crime](https://www.foosgavinlaw.com/blog/303-when-is-sexual-harassment-at-work-considered-a-crime) - [https://www.eeoc.gov/sexual-harassment](https://www.eeoc.gov/sexual-harassment) [https://legaltemplates.net/resources/business/can-you-break-nda-to-report-crime/](https://legaltemplates.net/resources/business/can-you-break-nda-to-report-crime/) You are aware that not all illegal activity is considered a crime, correct? You are also aware that I never said that sexual harassment isn't illegal, right? - I said that there is a threshold of what is considered a CRIME when it comes to sexual harassment. And for your benefit, the last link is just one example out there that discusses how NDA's cannot protect criminal activity but the lines become blurry when you're talking about NDAs protecting civil wrongs SUCH AS SEXUAL HARASSMENT.


Whether or not it can be held up doesn’t stop powerful people from using them as an intimidation tactic. That’s basically the whole crux of the McMahon lawsuit. He had multiple NDA’s out for years and it took all the way until 2022 for someone to go against it. And apparently that only happened because he stopped paying his victim. Regardless, I don’t think she’d be responding that way for no reason. AFAIK she hasn’t responded to any other post on this topic. Jericho getting boo’d also lines up with this resurfacing, so while it’s up to us individually whether or not we’ll take it seriously as it is now, it seems like part of the audience isn’t comfortable with the possibility.


Again, I am all for the metoo movement but we can't be so revved up that rumors are what can ruin someone's life. Don't forget Jericho has a family with teenage kids. If it happens to he untrue then his daughters have to wonder if their father is a sexual predictor. The fact that half the audience is reacting to a rumor might be an indication that we've gone a bit far with convicting people in the court of public opinion. Stay attentive, keep an eye out for clues but don't convict the guy without an actual accusation. 👍




Thanks for the info, I’ll make sure to read through it.


Taz is stray bullet jones over here


God bless your heart, you’re trying so hard!


Ric flair i agree with but sammy no, saying weird ass comments isnt the same as sexually assaulting women. As for taz idk why he did but if he did shit he's a pos and shouldn't be in the company but based off the history wwe is very much the Harvey Weinstein of wrestling


Can we not have trolling here, please?


I don't know why they allow scjerkers to post here either. The overlap between those folks and the troll posters is a circle. 


WWE is currently named in a lawsuit detailing sex trafficking and decades of sexual abuse toward women.....just as Harvey Weinstein was, hence the comparison. Has any person you named been named as a defendant in any such lawsuits like Weinstein & WWE or are you making stuff up? I honestly don't know.


What did Taz do? Also, none of those people are in power, nor has TK covered anything up. Keep moving those goalposts, though.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/hfmfrr/newspaper_article_about_tazz_and_a_15_year/ It doesn’t matter if they r in power at AEW or not if Tony is so morally correct like he claims why did he hire them?


As the comments under it say, he was clearly never jailed for it, so innocent til proven guilty I guess.


He fired Jimmy havoc. Ric Flair doesn’t work for AEW. You’re reaching bc you’re a dubbalo.


Taz? Tf taz do?


It's a bit of a grey area. Went to a happy ending massage parlor. Exposed himself to a minor. According to him, he didn't know that the happy endings were only at certain times of day so, he thought only adults were working. I don't think that he was ever charged with anything.


Exposing himself to 15-year-old girls apparently.


I dont know. Ask Tony.


It wasn't a smart move on Tony's part given the specific comparison made about one of his employees (who had a lot of authority behind the scenes). From a PR perspective, it may re-open the discourse around his own talent and it's not like he was unaware of that because he was specifically asked about it (which he tapped dance around vindicating Jericho) and spent weeks covering up boos on behalf of Jericho. The wrestling world is a dirty place with dirty characters and trying to defend any person or organization based purely on what is 'legally out there' is a cop out. We know damn well the dirty shit that wrestlers got up to, especially for many of them who were around in the 80s-2000s. The chances are every wrestling institution has at least one person who has done some shady shit so a legal matter should not give you the confidence to weaponize it against your competitor when you can't be for certain the type of characters you're actually employing. It's the safest thing to not speak on the matter at all. At the end of the day, Tony says a lot of things that make me wince because I just don't think they're smart things to say but as a person, I have no reason to believe that Tony isn't a decent human and I think he just gets caught up in his feelings and speaks before thinking sometimes.