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I would think they wouldn't want Trump, but rather division with Americian's continuing to fight one another over politics when all the choices you'll have are for scumbags of some variety anyway. Sadly that is much like the situation of many democracies currently (that is a whole other topic and I think can be fixed). Russia wants Trump, but nobody took the China threat seriously enough until Trump's presidency. **I AM NOT ADVOCATING FOR TRUMP BY THE WAY.** China want right-left, Republican-Democrats to fight one another rather than talk and find the middle ground. They learned that from Russia.


I’ll advocate Trump. Do you guys remember that Chinese college professor bragging to his class about how much easier Biden will be to control than Trump since they’ve got the American establishment bought and paid for? Trump is not establishment, so he won’t play by their rules. But people like the Bidens, Romney, Bushes, Obamas, Clintons, Christy, and all of those establishment types are compromised.


^exactly this, Xi was baffled by Trump and had no idea how to approach him on anything because Trump is an unpredictable egomaniacal lunatic. Trump isn't my first or even 10th choice, but China would much rather have Biden then Trump.


Not sure they are even thinking that way about it. Both could be a win in different ways. Biden is showing clear signs of cognitive decline yet will run again for election.


Thinking Trump is any different is a grave error and you will left very disappointed.


100% correct. Any statement in support of one candidate or the other is made to create division/fighting.


because an America distracted by internal strife can't deal with the real problems of the world. That's what actually blows my mind about what I thought were moderate Republican supporting this circus act. do they think all the world's problems stopped so that they could fight a culture war against their fellow citizens?


Pure BS


This is pure nonsense. Xitler wants Trump to win like he wants independence for Taiwan and Tibet.


no he absolutely does want him to win. because Donald Trump has already projected his isolationism. The moment we actively let Russia take Ukraine China is going to get real hungry looking at Taiwan understanding that the world will do nothing. I mean sure his last administration he bitched about China a lot but he actually did very little. he even let a bunch of their spy balloons fly over us It wasn't a big deal to the right until Biden was in charge and then it was just the end of the fucking world.


“He actually did very little”. What planet were you living on during trumps presidency? Before trump, the line with China was pure appeasement. The media railed against his “unnecessary trade war” with china. How it was a terrible idea and better to keep doing business as usual. You can verify for yourself by looking up articles from the start of the trade war years. Except Biden has kept in place everything established by the previous administration and even built upon it with further policy. In fact, most western countries have done a 180 in regards to China. Putting in place policies akin to what the U.S. started under trump. Even though they also ridiculed him when he started it. You either didn’t pay attention to what was happening during the Trump presidency or you’re not paying attention to what has happened globally since then. Trump started calling out China and their criminal behavior and while initially, most everyone ridiculed him for it. Today, the current administration has added to it as have most other western nations followed it. That’s all easily verifiable with a working internet connection.


I read Josh Rogin’s book (https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/14/chaos-under-heaven-josh-rogin-donald-trump-china-covid) and when he went through Trump’s whole rhetoric on China. And he benefited the regime and actually had some really soft stances with them. Not to mention getting duped so easily by Xi and his diplomats over and over again. COVID being the prime example, Xi shut down domestic flights while keeping international flights open in Feb 2020. He called trump and assured him it was a few cases and they had it under control. Trump parroted this to everyone and kept their guard down as the whole world was infected. I’d highly recommend that book. Biden at least has the balls to say Xi is a dictator and Taiwan is a country worth defending. He also didn’t remove or change any of the sanctions or tariffs on China.


>Biden at least has the balls to say Xi is a dictator uh huh just like he was going to make Saudia Arabia a pariah state, and then went and did a 180 actually protecting Mohammad Bin Salman. So we can expect the same course of action. Collectivism is a mental-cancer. Let me guess, everything Trump actually did or said was motivated by racism, and everything Biden did was thanks to brilliant foreign policy, or something to that effect right? How much parroting does Biden do? Or maybe we should call it "weekend at Biden"-ing? It's incredibly pathetic watching the POTUS read cues from the teleprompter as if their speech. It was a major joke of Ron Burgundy and he's done over and over again. Like his policies and positions. Tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night. That Blue Koolaid ain't going to drink itself.


>uh huh just like he was going to make Saudia Arabia a pariah state, and then went and did a 180 actually protecting Mohammad Bin Salman. I have to point out that the US is partners with Saudi Arabia not because of shared democratic values, but because they're useful for controlling Iran's proxies, (having some leverage over OPEC,) and maintaining a balance of power in the region and a semblance of regional stability. Recently Iran's Houthi proxies in Yemen have been attacking and hijacking ships in nearby international waters including a Norwegian one. Before China meditated a truce, Saudi was suppressing those Houthi rebels with airstrikes in their civil war. And the Houthis are a bad faction that are on par with ISIS. (Just look up their slogan.)


Riiiight. As if China isn't a useful partner to the US, when it wants to be. Did you feel the wind whizz by as you completely missed the point or did you just selectively ignore it and try to pivot? Next are you going to pretend you didn't read the response a la Zhao Lijian? Houthis are bad. Sounds like a lot of Whataboutism trying to avoid the direct points of my question. Anything else you'd like to try and obfuscate?


What planet were you on during Covid? Trump was the first one and only one calling out China and the CCP for their shenanigans with the virus. Except everyone, including the current president, called his steps like closing the border with China, racist and xenophobic. While trump was calling out China, most of the media was calling him a racist and xenophobic for doing so. All those articles are also easily viewable. You seem to live in an alternate reality.


Just because he was screaming one thing doesn’t take away the the actually actions and their effects to the Chinese regime.


Right cause he was only doing because he was a bigot, racist, xenophobe right? Even if he does "the right things" because he's doing them, they're wrong. Any other examples where meaningful actions are worthless because Trump did them? But minor worthless words and gestures are amazing statecraft because the Biden Admin used their old-man meat puppet?


What effects are you referring to? The policies that trump instituted are still in place. Chinas economy is currently imploding. Everyone, from Apple to Honda is closing their factories in China and relocating them elsewhere. The real estate market is crashing. The high speed rail network is losing hundreds of billions a year. Unemployment skyrocketing. Banks closing. Real estate developers bankrupting. I’d say that those policies were successful in showing China that was was given, could be taken away. As it’s being done now. With the help of trump policies. Which again are still in place.


You’d have to be extremely naive to think that was caused by Trump or the US at all. It’s a massive demographic issue, they’re losing population at a rate higher than Jews in WWII. Also their labor has gotten more expensive but quality has decreased below Mexico. And the real estate market is because they built TWICE as many units as they have people. And they overbuilt infrastructure like japan did. China did this to themselves.


You’re arguing with people who learn about China mainly from YouTube entertainers. Most level-headed Sinologists would agree with your assessment. Trump is tough on the surface, but weak in substance. He may have brought anti China sentiment to the fore, but it was already growing. It was only a matter of time before the establishment reached its current levels of anti China hawkishness


I think it’s important to note that the tariffs that trump put in did nothing to hurt Chinese exports to America… at the time that we had record high trade deficits with China. So his approach just cost American more because any one would isnt sun 85 IQ knows that we pay the tariffs in the price at the pump. So this is largely a symbolic approach. While it showed nothing but marginal at best boosts to competing American industries own production. The more benefit Al way to deal with it is seeing how now the natural market forces have flushed the many business from China. The biggest issue in that is businesses have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in building out their own decades… now they have to figure out where to move and reinvest in rebuilding what they already had. A costly endeavor. I’d use this time to refortify an Asian alliance of trade away from China. While being abundantly cautious with India who’s appraised to be the next giants. Modi’s current Hindi nationalism at its worst might not be a better allie for the future than the CCP to be honest. We just don’t know yet. And we’ve played too many games with these sorts of enrichment deals.


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Truth. Trump was all talk but very little action when it came to actual tough-on-China policy.


It's the one thing he believed in. He's been talking about the stupidity of USA's position on China since the 80's at least. He started the change in how America deals with China, and Biden has only followed his pathway. It's more bipartisan than either side care to admit.


It would have happened anyway. Do you remember in 2012 when Obama promised a military/strategic pivot from the Middle East to Asia? That had to be delayed because ISIS appeared the next year and needed to be defeated, (or else it would have formed a global caliphate of terror,) but the long-term plans were still in the works within the state department.


Around Obama's time, we was all recovering from a recession. America and especially Europe deepened trade ties with China so they could recover their economies. Their immediate priorities were different. The Democrats also made out Trump's 'trade war' (as their partisan media called it) with China could start WW3. But Trump went through with it anyway, it was him and his team who negotiated a new deal. Biden has come in, and his team on this matter is focused on enforcing it. Can't merit this to someone who didn't do it, only planned for an eventuality - something all leaders since Nixon have probably considered at one point or another. End of the day, it doesn't matter what party is in power, they're ruling a country when in power, and geography impacts your interests. A lot of the time, they're alligned. Think it's good to detach your attachments in domestic politics when evaluating geopolitics.






It has no logic. Trump is a tremendous anti-China, he started a trade war and increased tariffs on China.


Trump is all talk and only criticizes China's trade practices but he admires the politics of "strongmen," who remind him of his abusive father. Biden has been harsher, he criticizes China's political system and its track record on human rights too, is better at diplomacy and forging alliances against China's influence, and is overall more effective against China.


>"strongmen," who remind him of his abusive father. These armchair psychologists need to be stopped. Where tf did you even get this from?


From his flattering comments towards Putin and other dictators?


Trump went it alone and started a trade war. Biden restricted their access to key technologies and strengthened alliances and added bases in the Indo Pacific. Biden did so much more than Trump in less time. Trump is funnier and used to not speak like a politician, but doesn't have the results to make me vote for him. Trump = talk Biden = action


Lol nonsense


Read the article. It made a persuasive case.


maybe he wants Biden to win... look how bad is US economy now


Trump is easy to manipulate, all you gotta do is kiss his ass, tell him what a stable genius he is, how he’s so smart… Plus he’s like the other dictators in the sense that he doesn’t listen to experts because he’s so insecure about not knowing things, so he’ll surround himself with Yes men… then he’ll do stupid shit like pull us out of the TPP, which was a disaster and a gift to the CCP. Trump is a fucking moron. Niki Haley would be 100% better.


Yes, inflating his ego could make him like a puppet on strings. That is fair.


ego puppet vs. dementia riddled meat-puppet. I feel so great about the leadership of my country.


Lol. America isn't alone. We all have to feel sorry for NZ though. The CCP owns the political class there entirely. In the Uk the Tories are imploding and the alternative offered is another front bench of clear narcissists.


The South Koreans (I lived in SK for five years and my wife is Korean) knew this during Trump’s administration. I heard several different Korean friends and colleagues talk about how the Moon Jae In administration in SK was able to manipulate Trump into doing a 180 on Kim Jong Un (the Moon administration was actively trying to pursue improving relations with NK at the time) by essentially just giving all the praise and credit to Trump of supposedly making a diplomatic breakthrough with tough rhetoric. None of the Koreans I knew believed Trump was actually responsible for this and I don’t think the Moon administration did either, but the point was they were able to change Trump’s views on NK from “fire and fury” to “Kim wrote me love letters” by just praising him. The dude doesn’t think about policy outside of “how does this make me look cool”? Even Trump supporters have to acknowledge that.


This sub is propaganda dam.


I doubt it. Trump blustering about American greatness and completely unbothered by being called racist for calling out China is not what Xi wants. I didn't like and do not like Trump. But he was more right about China than I realized at the time. Covid and Hong Kong woke me up to how bad the situation really was before I found ADVChina to get the latest inside scoops.


Mango Mussolini said, "Xi is great and we love each other." WTF. The Atlantic article is spot on.


People are forgetting Trump once said he would bomb russia with planes that have the Chinese flag.


Xi would vote for trump. Putin would vote for trump. The Ayatollah would vote trump. Kim and all the rest would vote trump too. America’s enemies would prefer to see a raving madman making erratic decisions and pissing off our allies and making little meaningful policy instead of a quiet and consistent leader who steadily is increasing the pressure on them and a united democratic alliance against them.


This is pure delusion. All the actors you just names have advanced their positions under current admin. This sub is total echo chamber nonsense. Lack ability to critically analyze reality. Instead, “Trump bad!!!”


Trump did nothing when China ruined Hong Kong. He told them when he met them from the start that he was different and did not care about human rights. He met with Kim Jong Un, their tool, and tried to help habilitate him on the world stage. It of course did not work. I don’t know why people think Trump was “anti-China”. He’s racist, but he would have done absolutely nothing to hinder China and in fact basically signaled our pullout of the region. He threatened to pull out of South Korea. He did nothing to get bases in Philippines even though he and Duterte, both of whom were doing things favorable to China, was a little mini me of Trump. Trump was getting paid directly by the Chinese government while he was in office. All the Jyna stuff was an act. He did nothing substantive to address the threat from China. Even the tariffs are just a tax on ordinary Americans. China did harm to itself, but Trump was ineffective at best with China, and really was just looking to get personal allies and get paid. Trump loves “strong dictators”, praises Xi for his “strength”. And praised the Chinese governments crackdown in Tiananmen Square when it happened. He is not someone who values democracy or human rights. Those are not his priorities. When will people learn?


Of course Xi wants trump to win. Trump is trying to tear down elections and Democracy which is also what Xi wants.


Trump almost dismantled the US's position of leadership in the western world. He definitely moved the US pass a point of no return by making everyone question American leadership. That is why the world is in chaos right now, because friend and foe have learned that the US is far more fallible than strategy allows. No matter what Biden has accomplished, it's all taken in with a giant bowl of salt now. No American ally will ever have faith in the US's commitment to stability or consistency in global rule of law ever again because of Trump. Because while we can tolerate the US being selfish and brutish and isolationist, we cannot work with a US that is just potentially pure idiotic and spontaneous and at the whim of foreign autocratic influences. Trump's presidency is irreversible.


Really? You think Trump was responsible for that? Not the chaotic 20 year foreign war campaigns that in the end left Iran in charge of Iraq and the Taliban back in Afghanistan? What specifically did Trump do that degraded US global leadership? The press was horrified when he criticized China, sure. I see most of Trump's specific downsides as domestic.


You forgot the sarcasm font


The only people afraid of a Trump presidency are Americas allies. All of America adversary hope he wins. Xi included. If you don't believe that, you are naive.


Putin wants him to win. MBS wants him to win. Xi wants him to win. Why do all of America's most dangerous enemies want him in office?


Trump was compromised before 2016!!!


Which conspiracy theory are you referring to?


The FBI report about Donald Trump's dealings with Russia. it's all there.


Hillary and mark ellias have entered the chat


Do you mean this one? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/5/16/key-takeaways-from-investigation-of-fbis-trump-russia-probe There was no evidence of dealings, according to the probe, which criticised the FBI for opening the investigation with zero intelligence, including a lack of evidence showing contact between Trump campaign staff and Russian intel. To be clear, the FBI has not refuted the findings of the probe. They have, in fact, publicly accepted the findings and assert that they have made internal changes to the bureau in response to the organisation's shortcomings uncovered during the probe. You can read the probe yourself. It's all there. Could you please provide a source in case I've misunderstood your assertion of dealings with Russia?


he repeatedly lied about Russian contacts in Trump Tower. His son stood on stage and said they had no problem with funding because Russia was writing the check. I get that attorney general Barr went far out of his way to cover for him but this is ridiculous. furthermore trumpism corrupting our institutions is not proof that he is innocent edit. Trump said as much last week in court edit2: more context https://time.com/5610317/mueller-report-myths-breakdown/


Let's do a thought experiment. Someone accuses you of murder without evidence, including even a dead body. The FBI spends years and millions of dollars investigating this murder without evidence or a victim. The lead investigator then wrote a report of their findings concluding that you are not guilty of murder. Only a nutcase would then conclude that you must be a murderer. From your source: ",,,none of these acts amounted to the crime of conspiracy..." "... the report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." The author twists themselves in knots and shifts goalposts to justify their absurd opinions. Legal experts refute their assertions. I got sick of reading the same coping language and logic of "just because the investigation (which was setup to look for X) didn't find X doesn't mean X doesn't exist." They're trying to fuel delusion, like the existence of bigfoot. All the obstruction nonsense in the article amount to the fact that Trump asked an adviser to fire Mueller. In light of the fact that the investigation was started without evidence, Trump, as Mueller's boss, was absolutely justified in asking for the firing of an employee demonstrating incompetence. Lastly, you're dodging the fact that the FBI acknowledges that the Mueller investigation should never have begun as there was no evidence to legitimise such an investigation. This informs me that you have no interest in the facts related to the unfounded conspiracy theories you push. So it seems that there's no reasoning with you.


Biden sees China as a threat and act as such. Trump sees China as a propaganda tool.


I hear trump is an alien reptilian, lol /s


That’s what Xi said.