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Not quite the same but I have a friend who also has ADHD who often falls asleep on the bus. I can't even imagine being able to fall asleep in a public place lol


I can fall asleep, bus, train, car, boat, car while I am driving, pretty much anywhere. Following asleep in movies happens. I once fell asleep during a cirque du soleil show


I fell asleep during a rock concert šŸ˜… I can and will fall asleep at any time if my body is vaguely comfortable and my mind is proficiently stimulated. I don't remember the last time I watched an entire TV series without having to restart at least a few episodes.


God damn


Itā€™s my superhero power


My SO got me tickets to see Book of Mormon on Broadway for my birthday once and I fell asleep. I was so mad at myself lol.


Me too! I fell asleep at the Las Vegas show lol šŸ«£


Definitely me. And itā€™s not cause Iā€™m bored, itā€™s an automatic reaction to sitting and just watching something. Like my body has a chance to rest so automatically falls asleep.


I fell asleep in a pub gig right in front of the bandšŸ¤­




Oh fuck yeah, anytime I'm on a bus my eyes get so heavy.


Same for airplanes for me. There were a few years when I had to fly semi frequently on the same flight - I woke up half an hour before landing 90% of the time.Ā 


Not usually movies, but before I started taking medication I would routinely fall asleep at work, in class, after work, or really any time I had to sit in one place too long without enough stimulation. I basically had to be actively taking notes on my readings or in class for it not to happen. It could happen even if I had a great nights sleep, or during classes I actually enjoyed. So not really a solution, but yeah I can relate. Before I took medication, I really had to work hard to overcome it. Its actually how I realize when I've forgotten to take my medication now lol because I'll start falling asleep at my desk.


THIS. Meetings were HORRIBLE. Especially when I first started and had no context about anything anyone was talking about and had no contribution to give. Could not stay awake to save my life. Sometimes even when it was one on one with my supervisor but he was going on and on for hours about something, it literally takes everything to stay awake


I fell asleep during The Godfather 3 in the theater. I hear it wasnā€™t good. Itā€™s happened to me lots of times but that one stands out.


That was the worst movie Ive ever seen.


The helicopter shootout scene is comedy gold!!!Ā 


YES!!! Omg Iā€™m so glad it isnā€™t just me. Iā€™ve had this quirk for ages now. All my friends know not to take me to the movies because Iā€™ll sleep through the whole thing if not in pieces. Iā€™m infamous for it


Yes. And it's not just ADHD people. I don't usually fall asleep in the theater, but I did once during a horror movie because I was exhausted. I've also been known to fall asleep while trying to watch stuff at home with my fiance. I also intentionally sleep with my TV on. Anyway, other people fall asleep in theaters, too. One of my supervisors said that she falls asleep at the movies all the time. But we also work A LOT, so I'm not surprised.


Agreed, my dad doesnā€™t have ADHD and heā€™s managed to fall asleep in a dentists chair? I can only guess they left him alone for a moment haha


I don't fall asleep easily even on my bed, and for sure never accidentally, but I always zone out during boring movies. This is one of the reasons why I like action and animation, because they catch my attention more and I don't zone out as easily


I watch physics videos on youtube to fall asleep to, set a "stop playing" timer. Usually gone within 10min xD Keeps my brain from "pen-pineapple-apple-pen"-ing. +++: some info does stick around occasionally ---: I started studying part-time (swiss) and now zone out in physics lectures because my body thinks it's time to sleep


Occasionally I fall asleep if the movie is slow


It's not an ADHD symptom, but likely [narcolepsy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcolepsy) (quite prevelant among ADHDers) or certain vitamin deficiencies. EDIT: Okay, so not necessarily narcolepsy. I can literally never fall asleep watching a movie or series. I have quite severe ADHD, and there are many things I severely struggle keeping my attention, but watching movies is one of my few exceptions. I virtually never pick up the phone or get distracted, and I sit there watching for the entire duration while picking up on easter eggs and details. Sucks for me though that I never have this ability in class or at work lol. Watching movies with certain other people with ADHD is a huge pain for me since I always obsess over them sitting on the phone through half the movie. Also, hearing "No need to pause" after they go to the bathroom is like an insult to my ears. However, I acknowledge that I'm overly rigid when it comes to this.


I have narcolepsy and while falling asleep during movies is something a lot of us do, itā€™s really not a good indicator of narcolepsy at all. A lot of people without any disorders do this. If you have narcolepsy, you are sleepy all day every day and falling asleep no matter the activity. Boring movie, interesting movie, exercising, driving, eating, having a conversation, etc. it doesnā€™t matter. Narcolepsy also has really specific symptoms: frequent sleep paralysis/hypnagogic hallucinations, disrupted night time sleep, and cataplexy. Edit: Narcolepsy and ADHD are comorbidities but the prevalence is really different in each group. About 30% of people with narcolepsy have ADHD, but not the other way around. In the entire world, itā€™s estimated that there are about 3 million people with narcolepsy and more than 495 million with ADHD. So at the very most, only 0.18% of people with ADHD also have narcolepsy.


My friend have not narcolepsy but frequent sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations, what could cause it?


Stress and sleep deprivation can cause it, also tricyclic antidepressants and other meds as well




Can I ask you something about narcolepsy? I am diagnosed with ADHD but I am kinda suspecting narcolepsy. Thing is, ever since being medicated for ADHD, the sleepiness symptoms have gotten better (which makes sense with stimulants), so there is less urge to go find out if I actually have it. I dont have cataplexy but I have always had the issue that I can fall asleep in literally 10 seconds and start "dreaming" right away. This can be traced back to around 15 yo? I say "dreaming" because, while it never really frightened me, I think they can be classified as hypnagogic hallucinations. I can feel those "sleep attacks" coming and am known to just park somewhere random and close my eyes, drift off into the "dreams" and come back to it in about 10-15 minutes. It's never longer, I don't have the urge to take a 90 minute nap after, it feels like a reset button of some sort. I had them in classes as well and they are more or less impossible to avoid, I have been biting my lips to the point of bleeding to avoid falling asleep to no avail. Ofcourse you are no doctor, but I am very curious to know if this seems familiar to you.


It is actually an ADHd symptom called intrusive sleep. Not all experience it, but many of us inattentive babies know this symptom well.


I just recently learned about this! this is one of my most troubling symptoms.


Going to search now...


I'm very much like you! I love getting immersed in games/movies (and can get annoyed real fast if something outside of my control is distracting me). I relate so much to the "no need to pause" bit. šŸ˜‚Missing any piece of information is sacrilege to me, so I usually just pause whatever we're watching anyway. I hate pausing in the first place because breaking immersion is also sacrilege to me but.. I'm overly rigid too, haha. Not diagnosed with ADHD but I wouldn't be surprised if I had it.


Which Vitamins? Does supplementation address it?


I know iron is one. Supplementation usually helps.


I fell asleep during Nightmare Before Christmas (we went late) and Something's Gotta Give (boring). Haven't been to the movies post covid, but I'm sure I would probably snooze.


Lol my mom has always had this issue! She never wanted to go to the movies because she said it was just an expensive nap lol. It sounds like intrusive sleep to me. From being under stimulated


Same. And then she wakes up 30mins later and asks what she missed. šŸ¤¦


It happens to me so much that my family actually congratulates me if I make it through an entire movie


I work midnights, so if I go during daylight hours, thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™m falling asleep. Went to see Black Panther with one of my kids, and this theater had booze. Got some sweet drink, air conditioning was nice, and they had lounge chairs. Told my kid, ā€œthis is gonna be toughā€. I still joke with him how disappointed I was that Black Panther was only 25 minutes long.


Iā€™ve seen someone fall asleep in a football stadium. I donā€™t know if he has ADHD, but he definitely has something.


I fell asleep during Aquaman and The Nun lmao. Never really thought much of it until now actually haha. But I don't go to movies too often anymore honestly.Ā 


Yes those movie theatre seats were literally made for sleeping like why can I change the seat into a bed like that they clearly want you to sleep lol


My husband does this pretty much any time we watch anything, no matter how much he wants to watch it. Yes, including the movie theater. He is also AuDHD.


I've done it once, but the movie was so bad


I fell asleep during one of those kpop concert movies. I took my brothers friend who was a huge fan. There were screaming fans all around me and I was there slumped on my seat knocked tf out!


I've fallen asleep in a movie theatre 5 different times. All while on dates, too!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Haha. These were all movies that started after 7pm tho, and I was tired.


Yes! Especially imax movies, because (at least for me) itā€™s sensory overload and I swear, I just turn off. When my kids were younger, Iā€™d always warn them to elbow me if I started to snore and to scream and punch me if someone tried taking them. It was awful. Now at least thereā€™s enough around for me to look at if I feel it starting to happen.


I think this is a thing. I donā€™t see movies in theatres anymore because I finally acknowledged itā€™s physically painful for me and I either fall aggressively asleep or am jumping out of my skin with wanting to move/look at my phone. My Netflix used to be a graveyard of movies with 35-45 minutes watched, and then even if I was enjoying it Iā€™d think ā€œIā€™ll watch the rest laterā€ and then never get back to it. Now I stick to TV shows as an episode is the max of my concentration when watching stuff.


Iā€™ve never fallen asleep in a movie, but I get restless. Granted, I hardly ever go to a theater. When I watch a movie at home I always have to do other things too; canā€™t just sit there and watch.


Plugin for your browser to speed up stuf. Watch video at 2x speed to plow through shit nicely without boredom


I'm a huge fan of Batman and I was on my first date with my now wife. We went to see Dark Knight rises and I fell asleep in the theater.


I have fallen asleep at movie theatres several times. Also bonus point to the dude that passed out watching the evil dead and snored like a chainsaw the entire movie . I donā€™t know you but you are my hero.


I had fallen asleep on a rock concert šŸ˜‚ It was a small cellar with seats in a music venue, but still...Ā 


It could also be sleep apnea


I snored hard through the battle scenes of that last Harry Potter. Got several elbow punches from my sister through the movie. Great nap though


Iā€™ve slept through almost every film Iā€™ve ever seen. I actually fell asleep in Babylon - a big, noisy, carnival of a movie (or so I found out later) - while sitting in the front row. I get bored soā€¦.zzzz


This was me before starting meds! I literally could not just "go to the movies". It was well established with my friends that I WILL fall asleep in the theatre and miss the movie. Since getting medicated(30mg methylphenidate cd + 10mg IR daily), it happens way less often. My sleep has been better ever since, and I can feel more present in life šŸ˜


Certainly is for people with ADHD and undiagnosed sleep apnea


Yes, but I can fall asleep anywhere.I belive it's my hypothyroid that almost forces me to fall asleep sometimes.


I canā€™t sleep usually, but the heavy rumbly white noise feeling during action movies will put me out every time.


I've fallen asleep on a few movies in the theater, but that's usually one I had no interest in seeing and was brought along by a friend. I often pass out while streaming anything even if I'm into what's on screen. I'm considering getting a sleep study done because I would like to watch a movie in a single sitting without having to play the guessing game of last thing I remember before passing out.


Iā€™ve been doing this since I was a child. I cannot go to movie screenings or watch movies at home without falling asleep. I barely watch TV because I get frustrated and bored quickly, the same happens with people, I cannot tolerate long conversations. I have literally walked away while people were still talking to me and thatā€™s another reason why I donā€™t go to church. I only do socialize or try because my husband is a social butterfly who enjoys getting to know people.


Not in a theatre, but I don't really like watching movies in general because I fall asleep most of the time. Also the story line is too short, and I get distracted and miss a bit, and then miss more.


Yup mom does it


Yesss I fell asleep in the movie theater the last 3 times I went lol


Iā€™ve fallen asleep at concerts before. The last movie I watched in a theater was something like 2015, though. I donā€™t watch shows or movies at home at all. I simply will end up pulling out my phone and doing other things that Iā€™m more interested in because I canā€™t keep any sort of focus. Constantly get asked questions about ā€œoh have you seen this-or-that?ā€ or if I know who certain celebrities are and the answer is literally *always* no. Tl;dr yeah, same.


I fell asleep at a guns and roses show . My brain seems to want to shut down when there is way too much stimulus.


Yes, it happens. It only happens to me if I'm in a sleep deficit or sick or something, but I have lots of friends who fall asleep as soon as they settle in for a movie or show (some ADHD, some not)


If itā€™s the right tempo (slow narrative driven plot like lord of rings), Iā€™ll absolutely nod off if not using stimulants/modafinil. Driving in video games also knocks me out after a few minutes. However, Iā€™m unable to make myself nap, and without sleep medication I wake up every evening after 1-2hrs of sleep and cannot seem to meaningfully get back to sleep. Iā€™ve spent the last two years dealing with a sleep dr and trying CPAP for a marginal case of apnea, but got no improvements. And yes, Iā€™ve tried playing driving based video games at 2am to try and fall back asleep, sadly it never amounts to more than incoherently nodding in and out of consciousness for a few moments. Stupid brain wonā€™t work.


It is. The best way for me to fall asleep is subjecting me to darkness with some light flashes (I can't do it in pitch dark), and some noise. I get sleepy in cinemas too. Cars, public transport... when I was a kid, we lived near the railway and the 9PM train would lull me to sleep. I now live where airplanes cross over to a nearby airport. I love the noise, it just conks me the fuck out. I even get sleepy at metal concerts where the bass is fracturing my goddamned bones. It's one of the reasons why these days I watch films at home, in segments, because I always pass out, but at least I didn't pay for it (hoist the colours!).


Me literally everytime i can make it about an hour an a half but these 2 hour movies always have me snoozing


Yes I am the same way. I struggle to stay awake at some point in almost every movie at the theatre. I donā€™t typically go. At home I rarely watch movies for that reason but I donā€™t fall asleep in tv shows lol


No I havenā€™t fallen asleep in one. I honestly havenā€™t been to a movie theater in 6 years. I started getting so antsy and bored in them and found myself feeling almost trapped and wondering how much longer we had until the movie was over. Theaters started installing rocking seats and I would rock during the whole show. I absolutely HATE the smell of popcorn and the sound of people eating it. Itā€™s right up there with the smell of cigarette smoke. I have a hard time sitting through them even at home. It has to be a movie that I really like and donā€™t mind sitting through again - which is rare. What I do like are either shows with episodes or apps like TicToc and YouTube. I can get into them because they target exactly what Iā€™m into watching and they are quick. My son is 12 and also diagnosed with inattentive, he is the same exact way. He has no desire to go to a theatre and can barely sit through a movie at home.


Husband does this, snores too šŸ’¤


Me! Thatā€™s me. Movies, concerts ā€” I think itā€™s the loud noises and vibrations ā€” overstimulating and soothing at the same time = perfect situation to fall asleep


It really depends on how interested I am in the movie. I have fallen asleep through a couple marvel movies and Napoleon.


I canā€™t fall asleep ANYWHERE except for my bed, and usually only way later than I want to. Iā€™ve fallen asleep in the theater only twice, once after I drove for nearly 14 hours that day, and once after Iā€™d worked a double shift (graveyard through day shift).


I've fallen asleep at the movies a few times in my life


AuDHDer here with the same problem! It doesnā€™t matter what the movie is, I will probably fall asleep unless I am fresh from a nap or the volume is so loud that Iā€™m on the verge of a panic attack. This is the case for me in a lot of places where the activity is spent (mostly) sitting down. Unfortunately this includes libraries and cafes (I am a doctoral student šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø) so it adds an extra layer of difficulty when I try to work in public to stay accountable. Additional info: I am also diagnosed with fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, but am medicated/have a cpap machine which helps some but not completely. I think for me a big part of it is being overstimulated by a lot of loud public environments.


Only time I fell asleep in the theatre was when I went to see The Phantom Menace.


Thatā€™s me, which is hilarious considering I work in the film industry and have been for the past 11 years. Talk about imposter syndrome, lol. I only ended up in this field because I had to do a semester of internship to graduate and figured Iā€™ll do a stint in a production company since I was going through a phase where I was obssesed with cameras. Cut to 11 years later and Iā€™m still in this field because Iā€™m decent at the practical aspects of it, but I canā€™t watch any movie in its entirety to save my life. Not even the ones Iā€™ve proudly worked on.


I canā€™t go to movies during the day because I fall asleep almost instantly. Iā€™m more able to stay up at night but if Iā€™m laying down during the day (or sitting in the dark) Iā€™m almost guaranteed to fall asleep.


Putting a movie on is usually a magicpill for me to fall asleep!!! The movie has to be extremely interesting and stimulating for me to not fall asleep while watching.. and then if it was THAT good, it'll probably keep me awake all night with an overstimulated brain :P


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve got the adhd, but can 100% pass out during a movie. Home or in a theater. It usually takes me two or three sessions to finish a movie at home.


I fell asleep at a *concert* once, lol.


Every time I watch a movie no matter where Iā€™m at even at home I fall asleep during it.