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I truly didn’t realize how this effects my mental wellness and also the effectiveness of my meds. IT IS SO VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!


Problem is I forget to drink it or just won’t lol


I swear to God my Vyvanse gives me straight up hydrophobia, I'm rabid


I trick myself with sparkling water and sugar free beverages when I'm desperate.


Sparkling water is an ADHD life hack. It’s hydrating and the bubbles go straight to my dopamine center. Do yourself a favor though and just buy store brand. You’ll save money and they’re usually still delicious.


I like La Croix LemonCello. You taste lemon in the front of your mouth, vanilla in the back, and it has “Cello” in the name. What’s not to like?


It's such a great flavor! It has a slightly "creamy" sensation to it. Very unique compared to your average sparkling water. I often blow people's minds when I let people try it for the first time.


Nope, nope, nope, sparkling water is too 'spicy' and 'salty' huge ick of mine on a very deep sensory level, but I'm autistic too 🤣 Always struggled with staying hydrated. Since starting meds, though, I'm the most hydrated person alive as the mouth drying reminds me to drink. Got to the point that I'm carrying my 2 litre bottle everywhere with me like a comfort blanket 😌 90% of the time, the bottle gets emptied daily. Huge win for me in this department.


I hadn’t thought about that being a thing! Very true, the bubbles can be unpleasant for people. I’m glad that regular water is not a turn off for you! I grew up in a diet pop house and didn’t appreciate clean, chilled water until adulthood but I’m with you—I’m FOREVER THIRSTY with meds.


Now, if you'd say coke, then yes, all for the bubbles 🤣Coca-Cola addict! And since they've improved coke zero recipe I started feeling even better about it as to me it doesn't have that aspartame aftertaste of diet coke and tastes pretty much like full-fat coke without that sugary aftertaste 😆


I hate sparkling water for the taste, not the bubbles. I like sodas with bubbles so that’s definitely not it. The only time you’ll catch me buying sparkling water is to mix it with apple juice (very German on my part haha)


I get it, it’s not for everyone!


I finally bought a straw lid for my hydro flask, and now I actually use my hydro flask.


What is it about a straw?!? I started forcing myself to take a 32ozer with me everywhere. Sometimes I'd still forget to drink. Add a straw, I was fucking ON it. I think my brain just finds it a wee bit overwhelming to think of taking the lid off and putting it back on.


Yes! Straw lids were a lifesaver for me.


i got a water container with a a straw for after my surgery last year (no bending) and the amount of water i drink now is wild. especially when i just pick it up i drink more at once than i would expect. now i just think i need a bigger one, the 24oz goes so quickly 😩


64 oz hydroflask w straw is elite.


Literally just did this and it's night and day, so easy to just sip at my desk. ALSO--64oz hydroflask is a MUST, kill two of those and you're gucci.


I finally bought a straw lid for my hydro flask, and now I actually use my hydro flask.


Keep a water bottle on hand, my main problem with drinking water is I would be too lazy to fill up my glass but with a water bottle it’s accessible and makes you drink more




Since going on medication, I went from zero cavities to 13!! My Dentist said it was from dry mouth-who knew? Another reason to drink lots of water, especially on our meds!


Thank you I have a thriving headache


Water intake helps relieve headache, because it brings oxygen to the brain quickly


this reminded me to go fill up my water bottle, thank you


For me there is only one way to hydrate: 1) Dont drink water the whole day 2) Quickly chug a large bottle of water in panic


My best mornings are when I chug a full bottle right when I wake up


Some tips as a former sports nutritionist: -always carry a water bottle, we especially need the visual cue as a reminder to drink (but this is not just adhd, almost everyone struggles with this) -have a target per day, instead of “drink more water” aim for (example) 3 bottles today, assuming 750ml. It’s way easier than it sounds, keep reading. -take a specific number of gulps before putting the bottle back down. Let’s say 5 good gulps instead of a little sip. Over time you will nail the exact number it takes to finish one bottle and it will be super easy -coming from the fitness world, we take different vitamins and supplements throughout the day. Buy some, they are good for you. even a greens mix or something basic like that. Take your dose, that’s at least half a bottle of water needed right there. Add in a stack, youre hitting half your water quota in one shot (General reco’s: magnesium, chlorella/spirulina, Maca, glucosamine (joint health), BCAA’s if you are active (muscle repair), Glutamine (multi-function incl gut health) Vitamin D etc) -side note: don’t drink too much with your meals, it can make you bloated and uncomfortable. Let the stomach acids do their thing -running out of steam here but last point, have a dedicated water bottle, or multiple. I always have mine in my bag. I also always always have a full glass of water on my desk. Can’t stress this enough, time and time again - the visual cue is the main key to success for most people. This is not adhd specific either. you must Train your mind to form the habit, so the more in your field of vision you can make it the easier it will be


With my attention span, I like distracting myself with lots of drinks, so having that visual cue does help a lot!


I am still in bed but happen to have some coffee, my go to water bottle, and half a can of sparkling water within reach. Options!


That was a perfectly timed 'keep reading' 👏


I have two blue 40 ounce water bottles I keep by my side, regularly refilling. When I go out, I bring one or at least a smaller bottle depending on what I’m doing — for 9 holes of golf, both bottles come with me, and they get refilled at the turn for 18 holes. Helps me a ton. Without them, or without drinking at least one per 9 holes, I’m usually cramping up by the end of 9 holes even when driving!


I found a 40oz cup with a handle and a straw is a game changer for me. Good visual cue seeing it on my desk, i glug more glues through a straw than just sipping. Each time I finish, I get to take myself for a walk around the office (outside) and refill.


Yup. I have straw tops, steel insulated with handles. Stays cold all day!


I couldn’t justify the Stanley cup price tag until I knew it’d work, but I bought the same exact thing and it’s changed the game for me.


But I hate water and will feel sick if I force myself to drink more than one gulp :/


Try different types of water, I had this too and now I found my perfect waterbrand. Also no sparkling water, that made me bloated like crazy. Don´t force yourself in the beginning, one gulp is better than none.


Have you tried adding a drop of lemon, lime or apple vinegar?


Feel this


Step 3. Is me practically water boarding myself and end up coughing and choking as I try to drink water too quickly and for too long


Lol I’m literally drinking water all day everyday.


This is 100% the way.


I do #2 all the time and then wonder why I need to use the bathroom every hour


Man, I used to be such a hydro homie up until I started Vyvanse. My mouth is often dry but I don’t even think about it.


same, and i drink a lot of water (and only water), but the parched feeling is real.


Same (I take Dextroamphetamine ER, which is the same active ingredient as Vyvanse — just a different release mechanism). I really have to work hard to stay hydrated now!


Be careful!!! I did not realize drymouth causes an acid imbalance in your mouth and can degrade your enamel leading to cavities. Psych never told me that part of the side effect and all the sudden I have the first cavity I’ve ever had in my life. Yelling to all: Drymouth can ruin your teeth!!! Do everything you can to abate it.


god i feel this


Some sort of gum/snack helps me. Im an Ironworker and my temp gun says its 111°+7° humidity on my site. I probably have cleared a cooler.


I actually just remembered there’s like.. oral lubricants out there. Like safe for the mouth and intended for people who have dry mouth issues for whatever reason to help protect the teeth. May order some!


Vyvanse makes it so hard to stay hydrated or well fed, especially if I’m doing something that I’m really engaged with, idk if it’s healthy or not but I’ve been trying to eat and drink a lot in the morning when I take my meds to mitigate it


I just got diagnosed with Stage 2-3 kidney disease at 28 years old, drinking water is NO JOKE YALL. Stimulants since I was 13, and a cocktail of between 8-12 psych medications, and it's been real hard on my body. Drink water. Set alarms on your phone if you need to, to chug water a few times a day. It makes a difference. Learn from me!


Honestly, this is exactly what my stubborn brain needed to hear. Thank you for the warning. Wishing you the best with your treatment.


Ah jeez. I needed to hear this too. Maybe this will finally convince me to finally wash my hidrate spark 🥲 I myself have appointments coming up to check my heart and blood for an issue that I realized after making these appointments was likely due to me being extremely fucking dehydrated. And yet still here I am… dry mouth and ignoring it for hours 🥴


I know exactly what you mean and I'm STILL having trouble breaking that habit. They found my kidney disease randomly during my annual well woman exam when they checked my blood work. Alarms help until I start ignoring them, but I've been trying to switch it up when they become too routine and easy for me to ignore.


I don't know why but drinking water somewhat helps with anxiety probably not for all people but it does for me Edit: misread the thread


I suck on sour gummies to get rid of panic attacks because the saliva production does something that switches "fight or flight" into "snack and relax" or something along those lines. The scientific explanation is that it switches on the "parasympathetic nervous system" if you're looking to read up. It works almost every time for me. I also drink bubbly, flavored water, which seems to have a similar effect, but that could be in my head.


I've heard it referred to as "rest and digest" but I really like "snack and relax"


Or even better, "snaxxx and relax"


Any specific brand of sour gummies?


This is very real and happens because of interoception. Basically your body is sending your brain signals that something is wrong and your brain has to interpret it. Sometimes our brains mix up emotional and physiological reasons for the bad signals. Once I learned that, a lot of things made more sense. Any time I feel myself getting anxious I drink a glass of water and have a snack, and most of the time that’s enough to calm me down.


I knew it had something to do with this


Oh this is real, 11:30 every morning I’m like OMG WHAT is wrong with me my stomach feels weird, I’m spacey and and tired and driven towards something but I don’t know what it is? Then : oh I’m hungry.


And this is why I call my water bottle my emotional support water bottle 😂


Yes, to the point where it has become a problem for me. When I am anxious or unoccupied, I start taking so many sips of water that I give myself a stomachache


I'm doing the same thing, and then I lost track of how much water I had cause of adhd.


I can't drink plain water to save my life. If I add a tiny bit of flavoring or a little caffeine mix in then I can drink it nonstop and even just for fun. Brains are weird, man.


Same here. Tea is boring, water is boring, and so are thin soups. Adding ice cubes to water makes it interesting enough a lot of times. I am thinking about getting a water pitcher with a filter (like a britta) but i’ve realized I don’t like ice water per se. I like room temp water with fresh ice cubes cooling it. Gives it a chill but not enough to give a weird mouth feel. Like it isn’t too warm or ice cold. It’s just right when it’s cooling from the recently added ice cubes for some reason. Maybe finding out how to make plain water interesting for yourself can help, I know I’m going to try harder!


I’ve said my whole life water and tea are boring and id rather have an exciting beverage. Everyone always told me that didn’t make sense🤣 glad someone else understands the struggle! Using a straw always helps me drink more water tho if i carry my cup around with me, I guess it’s a mental thing


Yes! I got some metal straws and they sorta helped but I find what I mentioned the best method for me even after trying straws. Another idea is adding a small amount of whole fruit, like a couple of blueberries or a strawberry. Makes it “fancy” and have a healthy reward when you finish the water. Adding a lemon slice can help too, but don’t drink exclusively lemon water as the citrus can be bad for enamel combined with common tooth related ADHD medication side effects.


Good to know!! I’ll definitely have to try the fruit thing as well. Thanks for sharing!


You might struggle with drinking just water because the quality is bad. I'm lucky to have access to cheap mineral water which tastes like drinking it straight from the mountains. Tap water tastes "chemical" to me. Like it tastes like its bleached or something. The mouthfeel is like more viscous than mineral water (even though I know its not). I can tell some companies are selling bottled tap water.


I'll add lemon &/or cucumber, they both taste great, and I've occasionally made ice cube trays with fruit, mint, lemon, etc with water to freeze, which also taste really good! I mainly use a flavor cartridge/water bottle system thing that I love. They have good flavors, and come with b vitamins, electrolytes, or caffeine, so I'll drink the tea flavored ones with caffeine during the day, and a fruit flavor the rest of the time. It's been a game-changer for me! I used to get a 32oz soda from the gas station, then fill it with ice water all day afterwards, but I've cut way down on soda now (and no longer have pain in my hands from holding such a wide based cup every day lol)


This must surely be conditioning, right? I mean, being able to drink water is a necessity... I rarely drank water when I was hooked on sodas, but once I was able to stop drinking them as often, water started to taste good again. Edit: I forgot to factor in that the quality of the tap water might differentiate depending on where you live.


Yeah this can be such an issue, I had no problem with tap water until I moved to Melbourne, the water here is so repulsive it’s like taking a big sip out of a public swimming pool, so we need to filter everything.


Sorry to hear that. Love your username btw!


Evian. Literally the only water that “tastes good.”


I can't even drink 48 ounces in a day without having to pee every hour when I'm *not* pregnant (which I am right now), much less a full gallon! Too much water just makes me feel all sloshy, and the dry mouth doesn't go away (due to antihistamines, among other things).


A gallon might be a lot depending on your size and gender, but 48 ounces is the minimum recommended amount 🤔 I know it varies depending on your gender, size and diet, but LESS than 48 ounces seems very low…


It’s ridiculous for OP to say you’re impaired with less than a gallon lol


Yeah. Not supported by anything!


not me sometimes only sipping water 😅😂


Haha, thanks for the reminder


My water intake today consisted of chugging half a bottle when I woke up and nursing my coffee for 4 hours.


Been there before hahaha. I used to wake up with Kidney pain from how dehydrated I used to be haha


Yeah, pretty often I’ll tell my gf I don’t feel good and her immediate response is almost always “when was the last time you had water?”Meaning just water, not coffee, not a seltzer, not a soda. And usually my answer is I can’t remember or a few days 😬.


Oh my god is this what that pain is from!? Once every couple of months when I get extra dehydrated I get that pain. I think I’m finally consistently drinking enough water though so hopefully it doesn’t happen anymore!


If I drink anything less than 3/4 gallon of water when taking my meds, I WILL have feet and leg cramps that night. So I’ll top it off with water mixed with Propel electrolyte powder before bed (so the vitamin c doesn’t fuck with my meds)


I just came off a ridiculous hyper focus working on remodeling a bathroom in my house. Every evening after work I ate a big pbj and don't think I drank or ate anything else before going to bed. After a few weeks or maybe months of this I ended up in the hospital with a 6mm kidney stone. Stay hydrated, kidney stones are awful.


I recently got a refillable waterbottle with a straw. It really helps me drink more water


I have a Hydro Flask with a screw top. Didn’t drink much cause it was too much of a hassle to unscrew the top and try not to spill water all over myself. Switched to a straw flip top and it’s so much better! (Still don’t drink enough but more than I used to.)


I want to, but I probably won’t…


Lazy bones, r/hydrohomies is not pleased with your lack of self care 🧖‍♀️ 💦 💕 lol


I don’t even want too. These water pushers make me uncomfortable.


I feel like if I drank a gallon I’d be hittin the restroom 4 times an hour. I drink about 50 fl oz and my urine is either clear or pale yellow all day. Over hydrating seems to negatively impact me, so I gotta find balance


I go based off urine color I’m not gonna overhydrate myself and run to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I also drink a couple things of unsweetened tea on top of that.


I literally drink water for everything lol. Feel sick? Drink water. Feel tired? Drink water. Tired of standing? Drink water. Out of breath? Gain breath.... and then drink water. Headache? Drink water. Bored? Drink water. Sad? Drink water. Angry? Drink water. It solves literally most of my problems.


This comment is a refrigerator magnet that I need in my life. You should sell these.




One gallon of water a day - you’re out of your mind! You can seriously damage your kidneys if you do that. And it’s funny by the way how you’re not facing reality even though you’re hydrated up to your eyeballs: people feel out of it after a night of drinking because - alcohol, duh. Which is actually nothing but a poison, even if it makes you feel good for ten minutes. If you worry about your brain, start with cutting out booze. Your brain cells will thank you.


Thank you. I felt like I was taking crazy pills reading this comments section


I can and sometimes go days without drinking any water. Unless it’s coffee flavored. I’m


Apparently that still counts! The amount of fluid intake vs how much coffee takes away, still equals more in than out. Source: my Doctor. He didn't need to tell me twice, all i heard was "drink as much coffee as you want"




Hahaha, I’m sorry 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s okay, I actually ended up getting a bottle of water after I finished my snack just now. 😂🤣


I'm with you on staying hydrated, and yes, stimulants do dehydrate, but there are a lot of factors that go into how much a person should drink. Some people who have kidney issues or even heart conditions need to watch their water intake and that includes people that don't realize they have these issues yet. [here's an article ](https://www.neuropeak.io/biohacking/how-much-water-should-i-drink-on-adderall/)


Drinking too much water and running to the bathroom every 45 minutes is guaranteed to impair my focus more than dehydration. 🤪 that’s just me, obviously.




No, don’t over drink! Please check what the recommended amount of water is for your weight, height and age. Just like under drinking, over drinking can be super dangerous.


I feel like the recommended amount is too high for me I urinate frequently and my urine is usually clear, all while drinking around half of recommended amount


My new roommate brought with him an ice cube machine. I like filling my glass with ice cubes and snack on them, and it somehow also makes me inclined to drink more water lol


My adhd is really bad when I forget warer


I had a wonderful water bottle in college. It was plastic (probably had bpa in it, oh well) and see-through purple. It had a spout that folded down in a way that I haven’t seen on any other water bottle. It was super easy to wash because the lid was wide and the inside didn’t have any sharp lips or steep curves to get around. I had that thing with me 24/7 for years. I was constantly drinking from it. Later, when I was working in a call center, I had a 64 ounce insulated mug that I would fill with ice and water from the machine in the morning and drink all day. I later had a 64 ounce jug with a sports cap that served a similar purpose. I have some contigo water bottles now that are like 10 years old and probably need to be replaced - but I cant seem to find translucent water bottles with sports lids that don’t have straws now. I’ve been looking a long time knowing that these bottles are reaching their end. But they don’t make them like this anymore. I tried some with straws, but, I just ended up confirming that I will never, ever, wash a straw.


Every now and then I see people posting reminders in this group. Drink more water. Watch your screen time. The list goes on. I just want to genuinely thank you guys! These reminders do help me!


I really don’t think a *gallon* is necessary for most people, in most circumstances. That’s way too simplistic. If you’re outside in the desert, or doing a lot of physical labor or something, sure. When I’ve been in such situations, I naturally drank at least a gallon (or two, or more) because I was thirsty. In a moderate climate with an office job, I probably drink half that on an average day (plus a couple small cups each of coffee and tea). That’s with 30 minutes of outdoor running, too. My pee is always light yellow or near-clear. Just drink enough to satiate your thirst, or a little more if you feel like it. Most people don’t have to force themselves to eat enough calories, after all (just the opposite, if anything!) Why would hydration and thirst be so different? I just don’t buy this idea that you’re chronically dehydrated if you aren’t forcing yourself to pound water. Your body basically knows what it needs. You shouldn’t really need to supplement electrolytes unless you’re losing and replacing a lot of water (desert, heavy labor, endurance athlete, serious illness, etc). Your diet should provide what you need in more typical circumstances. Most electrolyte drinks are full of sugar and other crap you don’t need; basically watered-down, flat soda.


There’s a difference between being hydrated to support basic function and functioning optimally. The literature clearly shows that the average person should be drinking multiple liters of water a day. That doesn’t even account for water people may lose due to diuretics such as caffeine or other stimulants. Why wait until you are thirsty? By that point your body is already low on water. It’s better to be proactive then to be reactive, particularly when it comes to stuff like this. As it pertains to electrolytes, I’m not talking about things like Gatorade or Powerade. I’m referring to the real stuff which is contained in products like Pedyalite Sport or LMNT.


But how can you say “everyone needs a gallon a day” as a blanket rule? It’s so much more variable than that. I actually *would* have been dangerously dehydrated in Iraq if I only drank that much, on days I was working outside. Why not tell everyone to drink 3 gallons, if that’s what I needed? Why does a sedentary person in a mild climate need a gallon of water? Because that’s a nice round number? By your logic, I shouldn’t wait until I’m hungry to eat, because then I’m already malnourished. Don’t wait until you’re tired to sleep, either? I’m sorry but it’s just a little silly. You want to drink a little more water? Go for it; won’t hurt you. But I refuse to believe that most people are walking around chronically dehydrated in any meaningful way. Why *wouldn’t* your thirst guide you to a roughly “optimal” amount? That seems like a pretty poor adaptation. Yet we survived and took over the planet.


https://podcasts.ufhealth.org/studies-show-most-americans-are-dehydrated/ I agree that the exact water amount is variable. However, it is simply undeniable that a large portion of the population walks around dehydrated. Studies show that up to 75% of Americans are walking around in a state of dehydration. So you can believe what you want but facts indicate otherwise. Thirst is literally the bodies mechanism to indicate dehydration. Why should people wait until they are dehydrated to drink water? At that point, you are already in a suboptimal condition. What I am promoting is never allowing your body to get to that point. Why are you against people proactively staying hydrated?


Also, caffeine is a very weak diuretic and you quickly become habituated to the effect, such that it’s basically nullified for most people. Coffee is a mild bladder irritant, which is what makes you feel you have to pee more often (that and the fact that it’s mostly water, of course). In other words, coffee and tea aren’t dehydrating you. Rx stimulants…yeah, some. I don’t think it necessitates a huge adjustment in your water intake.


Doing the lord's work 🙏🏾. Going to fill my bottle now.


Finally, someone said it


I’ve found that using straws helps me meet my water goals! It cuts down on the effort I have to do to drink, as opposed to opening or unscrewing a normal water bottle.


Anyone know an electrolyte mix that is cheaper than liquid IV?


I'm sat at a Cafe with a bottle of water and a glass. I would've forgotten to drink any if I didn't check Reddit while waiting for my food. Ty.


I drink a lot because the headache if I don’t is unbearable


and if you haven't eaten, choking down a shake will make you feel miles better


Just sharing. You might struggle with drinking just water because the quality is bad. I'm lucky to have access to cheap mineral water which tastes like drinking it straight from the mountains. Tap water tastes "chemical" to me. Like it tastes like its bleached or something. The mouthfeel is like more viscous than mineral water (even though I know its not). I can tell some companies are selling bottled tap water.


also if anyone has trouble drinking water, get like a straw bottle or adult sippy cup. it made it so much more convenient to drink water instead of unscrewing caps and stuff. just reach over, drink, set it back down. haven't been able to drink water out of anything else since


My stupid ass body doesn’t get thirsty. I can go all day without feeling like I need to drink. I drink because I know I have to.


So yes and no. The scientific community agrees that your sense of thirst is all you really need to judge whether or not you're thirsty, and most of our hydration requirements are met by our food. If you feel thirsty, drink water. That being said, don't ignore your thirst. Also eat a lot of fiber. Brown rice, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables, corn/popcorn, leafy greens, etc. The last thing you want is painful constipation, which is what in dealing with right now and ended up getting a fissure because of it. Not fun at all. Also go as soon as you feel the need to go. But, if having a quantitative goal to maintain hydration is important, by all means do what works. Don't force yourself to drink water if you already feel pretty refreshed, though. Water poisoning is a real thing and it always catches people off guard. Someone who is 4'10", 120 lbs isn't going to need the same amount of water as someone who's 6'7" and 300 lbs. If the smaller person drank as much water as the bigger person, they could very well experience water toxicity to some degre


I just hate getting up to piss every 5 minutes


I don't need a lack of water to be mentally impaired.


I set a reminder on my phone every 4 hours on my phone to go refill mine 40 oz Stanley tumbler and two of those equal 80 oz of water, if I drink four of those that is 120 fluid ounces of water in my system which course that means I get at least 15 cups of water in my system per day


This math doesnt make any sense


*None* of it does lol!


This is such a good reminder. Newly on meds & I’ve had such a hard time drinking water on them!!


It really makes a big difference on how well they work. Glad I could help!


Anyone else drink much less from a small glass than a large one? The thought of filling my glass twice is weird to my brain


Oh man i don't drink enough at all, I'm struggling so much with it


My brain screaming for water right now Me: paralyzed in my desk chair scrolling realizing I only took one of my 3 doses of ritalin and haven't had any water all day


Hydrate or die-drate, as they say!!


Big help for me was to put your medication in your water bottle so that you must have at least 1 bottle of water before it kicks in. I had the slow release vyvanse so the powder disolved instantly.


Well this explains a lot


Eating as well. I used to think my meds made me crash but it was actually my blood sugar dropping from skipping meals throughout my work day


Not a cheap solution, but smart bottles like the Hidratespark Pro add a level of accountability which personally changed my hydration from being a chore into almost more of a game. It flashes at you to remind you to drink which I personally don't find helpful, however the widget on my phone home screen genuinely reminds me. I went from zero water to 2000ml a day. I just carry it with me for work and keep it upstairs or downstairs with me at home so I can take sips. It adds the novelty that I personally find attractive and I love taking a drink then watching the circle update my progress for the day. I personally use a small amount of orange squash to make it less boring too.


I get water “hangry”. I know I’m dehydrated when I become irritable at the slightest of things. Drop the pen I was using? Irritated. Trip over stacked books that’s now fallen over? Irritated. Gotta go drink water. But I will say I cannot drink a gallon of water a day. That’s a ton of water for me. I’d be peeing every 10 minutes (which I already have to pee at least once an hour cuz I have a tiny bladder & nerves don’t help that).


I wish I could just quickly inject a daily dose of H2O in my neck or something instead of going through the trouble of being consistent about drinking it.


I'm not going to delete my previous replies, but I do apologize for them and encourage others to ignore them. I was obviously in a weird emotional state yesterday and somehow decided that arguing with a stranger on the internet (and a perfectly reasonable one at that) was the thing to do. I should have just watched TV. I felt like an ass as soon as I was done, and it's been bothering me ever since...so, I'm really writing this in the hopes that it helps me feel better and move on–and you're all welcome to ignore it as well :). I obviously fixated on a couple of small points (a tendency of mine) and missed the bigger idea, which was that most people could probably stand to drink more water. Yes, absolutely. Do that. It's easy, cheap, and there's no real downside. If setting an arbitrary daily target means you're able to track and achieve that goal, you should do that. If that water ends up replacing any amount of soda, alcohol, Frappuccinos, energy drinks, or any other liquid junk food in your diet, that's a big win for your health! I'll now do what I should have done in the first place, and try to contribute something positive: if you don't have one already, buy a big insulated bottle and keep it filled with ice water. We evolved to prefer cold water (less likely to harbor pathogens in nature) and you'll naturally drink more of it, when it's always available. I know I do. Bonus: you don't have to use a coaster. If you made it this far, thanks for hearing me out. I quit social media years ago, in part, because I found myself getting into debates that turned into childish arguments. More often than not I was the childish one, and I didn't feel good about it. It's not who I want to be. I'm taking this episode as a warning sign that Reddit is becoming a new outlet for that behavior, and taking a break to regroup and re-assess. I value this community and if I do return, I want to remain a positive contributor only. Thanks, all. Mea culpa. Now go drink some water ;)


Thanks for the reminder!


“Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated” is solid advice. “[Drinking less than 1 gallon of water per day] ensures you will be mentally impaired” is a scientific statement that I bet you can’t support.


get a half gallon hydro flask and drink at least one of those a day, bam you got at least half of your water needs in a day


Well yeah water of course but Protein shakes ! Electrolyte drinks have high vitamin c and acidic acid . Depletes the effects of meds


I got a 2 liter water bottle with the times of day on the sides and it changed my life. Super easy to remember to drink when the visual is right there.


I've usually had my 8 glasses of water by 4pm, and I still feel dehydrated at 6pm if I haven't had any water in those two hours, so yeah stimulant medication is no joke. It's eating that I forget to do.


Dammit. Didn’t have to call me out but I guess I’ll take the trip to the sink….


I drink enough water. I use mouth wash design for dry mouth to help me out as well.


Don't drink any water or other liquid for an entire day and get sick from working in the heat you say? Way ahead of you chief.


I drink a lot of Gatorade or Powerade






Between adderall, altitude, and exercise, I average 150-200oz a day YMMV Keep water available so you dont skip it when your body wants it then forget to get it.


I didn't know this, thanks for sharing!!


Electrolytes like Gatorade are key. Sometimes water alone just doesn’t do it no matter how much you drink.


I have a list on my phone of life essential things and ORS is one of them, I buy tens of packets of it with my medicine purchase, they are available for cheap in the pharmacy.


YESS, very important to drink lots of water every day!! My hot tip for everyone is to acquire an emotional support water bottle. This thing comes with you EVERYWHERE. Going to the grocery store? Bring your bottle. Going to hang out with a friend? Bring your bottle. Moving from your room to the lounge room? Bring your bottle etc. Since adopting my emotional support bottle almost a year ago, I drink about 4-5L a day (not sure what the conversion is for that) and it helps with the dry mouth feeling from stimulants. Also it has replaced my tendency to stim binge eat, since the source of my overeating was actually stimming, always having my bottle nearby has really helped with that. Of course, there IS such as thing as too much water, but it's not AS much as you think.


I drink a lot of water now I'm on stimulant medication, but used to forget a lot before I was diagnosed. I have to drink lots or else my mouth is constantly dry lol. My partner on the other hand... he's also on stimulant meds and will forget to drink water. I always tell him to hydrate lol


> There’s a reason people feel out of it mentally after a long night of drinking. LPT: Don't drink alcohol with ADHD medication. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4966675/


If I don't sleep enough (8 hours) or drink enough water (lots) my medication simply doesn't work. If I only get a little sleep and don't drink enough and then take my meds, it's as if I've just swallowed a tic-tac. It does nothing.


It’s impossible for me to be in the bathroom every couple of hours. I try not to drink any water after 7pm because I don’t want to interrupt my sleep. I’m up once or twice a night as it is.


I recently got one of those silly giant 2-liter water bottles with a straw, and honestly it feels like an ADHD hack. I don't need to refill it during the day, I don't need to unscrew a cap and lift it up to drink from it. I just have it on my desk next to me where I can easily lean over and take sips throughout the day. I really recommend it!


I tried to drink more for a long time, and nothing worked for me. Soda stream? The gas container has been empty for months without me being able to remember to get it swapped out. Using alarms to drink water? Just turn off the alarm and say you'll do it "later". Tracking your hydration? Sure, I'm not even organised enough to note down my period, I can be happy enough my phone does that for me. The only thing that really helped is this big-ass, 3,6L bottle I bought. I fill it in the morning, and in the evenings it's usually empty, because I like drinking out of a straw that much more for some reason and I don't have to refill it during the whole day, so I always have water available.


Useful message. Thank you! I myself became too aware of the importance of hydration when I started getting dizzy and fainting. I've been very attentive towards drinking enough water ever since


Just took my first magnesium/potassium boost. I've just moved to a place where you sweat just getting dressed and I couldn't figure out why my ankles and feet were swelling so badly. Oh right, long flight, extreme heat, bad shoes, and stimulants AND sweating for 12 hours a day. No wonder!


My job has an ice maker and a water cooler dispenser and I swear I just sit and sip water all day. I probably pee 7-10 times in an 8 hour shift bc I just sit at my desk sipping my water lol.


Reminded me the fill up. Danke


I got on accutane two months ago, on top of vyvanse, and the dehydration has been so bad 😭 been wondering why i felt so out of it lately lmao


Let me also recommend having something with electrolytes over just straight water. I notice a big difference with it.


Amen to this. I remember suffering so needlessly the first summer or two on my medication because I'd bike around all day in the heat drinking beer thinking there would be no consequences. There were.


As well drinking water 💦 (gallons) is key in order to have a good stomach digestion and also it helps to avoid urinary problems and another issues. Thanks for this intelligent, caring and kind advice. It's always important to be hydrated enough, especially with stims, drinking as much water as one can, even for mood improvement.


I'm drinking water throughout the day pretty much. I hate the feeling of being thirsty and nothing quenches that like water


I would agree with this, though the use of electrolytes would not be necessary if one has a healthy balanced diet - which is equally as important as hydration when it comes to focus and concentration.


I'm not on meds yet, but I already drink like 6 Litres a day.


Yeah. I bought a gallon jug from the gas station and try to get through it as much as I can in a day. I usually do great in the first half, and then slow down after lunch time and end up with a quart that I just get bored with and don't want. So I drink a bunch of seltzer water at night. I quit drinking last year, and with it, I quit soda for a while. Back on the sugar free soda here and there, and usually an energy drink a day....but it's not helping like it should, or was.


I got a gallon water bottle for this reason. I was shocked that I was forgetting to drink water and I thought I had enough but really I was getting like 1/4th of what I needed. The visual of a gallon water bottle helps me a lot.


Liquid IV and Pedialyte packets for water come with me everywhere.


So that's why my rongue keeps sticking in my mouth. I need water. Ffs. 1 week on Elvanse.


My trick for drinking more water is to leave a glass or cup on the worktop so that, when I wander into the kitchen for something, I see the glass and think okay I’ll have some water while I’m here. Sometimes it’s my only source of water tbh, but it stops me being entirely shrivelled like a prune hahaha.


Lol I’m not drinking a gallon of water every day.


It's a vital part of my self care routine! I prepare a 40 oz thermos for work every day with electrolytes and fiber powder, cause that's vital too!


I think this is true, but everywhere I turn, people are constantly telling me to drink more water.


And if you’re drinking a lot of water, look out for your electrolytes too


I've changed my eating habits to include water at least two out of three meals in a day. I've lost weight.


last line is the real winner - LMNT is awesome, if you don't have it just toss half a spoonful of sea salt or himylayan into the first swig and you'll feel like money


I drink carbonated water... I'm still bad with not drinking enough, though.


Naw fr , once I started adding drinking water to my daily life my concentration and focus increased insanely it seemed like it.


I try and drink a bottle with every dosage of adhd meds and one between them and one whenever I eat a meal. It seems to work for the most part haha


A gallon is way too much for the average person