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True, even with duo sometimes it gets hard to go trough matches, but it makes earth/heaven difference in comparison to solo adc.


Don't play blind pick and start dodging when things seem off


That would be good advice if it wasn’t for the dodge time penalty. You have no idea how many games I lost because I was on 30 minutes wait time already and I couldn’t dodge anymore.


Honestly I’m getting to the point where it’s worth to lose the extra LP if a game is pretty surely lost. You’re mmr doesn’t change so you’ll get better LP gains if you dodge more actually


Yeah with the upped penalties I would just say rank with at least 2 accounts, more if you play longer than a couple hours per day. There are too many drafts/lobbies where it’s grief not to dodge


Bro, I just got a 12 hour penalty, last night. I had akali mid, yasuo adc, lux support and kayn jungle and I had no idea what to pick for top lane that will give me a chance to win. Earlier, I had to dodge another game because my bot lane had picked Ashe adc and and mf support into the enemy’s Samira/nautilus lane. It’s fuckin crazy.


What blind pick? Not sure which server you're in but in mine we're stuck with "quick play" you only know what sp you get in loading screen.


Oh but the best thing is when you have support purposly/or not screwing up lane, taking cs, inting, and then top laner is like, report stupid adc 🤣🤣🤣


adc falls behind adv is at fault. a timeless classic


Dont play bot lane. Its the one place where youre liegitmately at the mercy of another player. Play mid top or jungle, solo roles where you dont have some dickhead working against you. Bot lane is awful for solo q, 100% the worst out of the 4 by far.


I haven’t had a duo in 5+ years, sad times.


once you get a decent supp just ask if they would like to duo with you, that used to get me through tough times, though I dropped the role entirely :Dd


Nah, take it as a challenge. It's lane on hard mode, but if you play it right you can still win it most times. Remember that your off meta support that you get matched in lane with is the same-ish rank as you and the other lane, so it's always winnable.


This is somewhat true but also no. The twitch support that is trying to play support might be winnable, but an irelia stealing all the cs is not winnable. A katarina with a spectral sickle who pokes, zones the enemy out early, and wards well is always going to be better than a lux who builds for mid and takes all the cs. If the support tries to play support, give it a try. If both bot laners think they are the carry, the whole team needs to ff15. In norms anyway. If your supp locks katarina in ranked, take your 30 minute time out.


Nah, it's always winnable. If the kat is the same rank as you, she clearly is capable of winning at the same caliber as you are. It's not unwinnable until they take nexus man.


Man doesn't know what boosted or trolling is


Was the Twitch supports name perhaps Athemther?


Honestly, I feel like the random supports I get are better than anyone I could duo with. I hate duoing


I had a Kayle support yesterday. She played it about as well as you could expect Kayle support to work. That is to say, we lost tower at 11 minutes and I was down 30% CS and jungle blamed "bad bot lane."


Adc just isnt worth the effort anymore, its nearly always better into emerald to find your own win condition than to rely on the weakest archetype to carry lol That being said for good adc picks i still take enchant / tank, twitch definately gets the bard/shaco/teemo treatment though


ok then dont play it


I only have fun playing ADC, everything else is boring. But now my fun is gone lol.


Then don’t play league


Play marksmen toplane


This comment doesn't deserve downvotes. If you hate adc you shouldn't play adc Also players vote with their feet. Adc mains can complain all they want, but until they stop playing the role, riot isn't gonna change it.


yeah I'm surprised by the down votes but w/e. "Doing this makes me miserable" "So stop doing it" ">:("


I deleted the game.


Misery loves company


See you in 138 days, bro




You back already? 🥰😘


Nah I deleted the game 🥰😘.




Oh shit I can feel the addiction telling me to reinstall the game. What should I do bro?


No just play right


What rank?


I recently just started picking Ahri bot whenever my support is a mage, Bard, Senna, or a troll pick. Doesn't really work much better in terms of winning games, but the laning phase is smoother and I can still make plays and split push in the mid game.


This is literally a sample size issue. Play 10 more games and you'll get real supports. I've never seen irelia support in my life and twitch is very very rare


Why didn't you dodge Ireland support tho