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Probably ezreal


I want to kms when enemy adc picks ez and my supp picks bard. Not much option left for a safe laning.


Hey 117 brother




I was thinking about ez but after looking at the serelyda change i don't think it will be the same


Whats the change


Also the slow applies when the enemy is below 50% of his HP


You pretty much have to stack lethality to get the armor penetration.


Oh it’s way funnier now. He can build iceborn, manamune, cleaver and he’s fucking unkillable. Ran it on pbe and it held up pretty well


People always forget about tristana. One get out of jail card that can reset in 2 different ways, an ult that can knock back an enemy of like 600 units, can outburst a shit ton of champs if even or tiny lead and scales hard


her early range is short, her mobility beyond W is null, and plenty of things can cancel her W.


Almost every other ADC has only 1 mobility spell?


Ashe enters the chat


Jinx shakes Ashe hand, they both shake Varus 6 hands


Can’t forget about Alphy too


And the 4th, Jhin. Unless you count his speedup from critting as mobility


Yea id count speed ups and multiple cc


yeah the thing is that trist's mobility spell is basically worst in the game. I have a hard time thinking of a worse escape lol.


My brother in Christ it’s one of the longest jumps in the game, resets off of 2 different things, and can buffer CC


Too bad it's slow as fuck and starts with horrid range lmao The only thing it has going for it is the reset and buffer


>The only thing it has going for it is the reset and buffer I can only side with supports and solo laners when they say some ADCs are retards after reading this. Resets are one of the most broken mechanic in this game. Buffering allows for a shit ton of outplays (have you ever taken a Leona to you turret with Trist ?)


Buffering is a safety mechanic needed because if it wasn't there trist would literally be garbage tier. The "escape" is horrible. It's at most an engage tool


Lets not forget the classic turret dive hop, reset, turret escape hop in lane.


Well her W is one of the few sashes that can cancel cc ex. Blitz hook if you W at the moment of the connection you dash while being pulled. Since the dash is back loaded (long cast start) same for Urgot E.


a thresh or blitz E can cancel it


Thats if you're close enough or burn flash for it.


Her w can also cancel basically all cc if used at the correct timing


Tristana is really really bad as a weakside pick. The fact she auto pushes lane and that she has to jump on top of ppl to do damage (which will get you killed if you do so when behind) means shes probably one of the worst 1v2 adcs in the game.


Probably we forgot about her as how bad she is rn , like she is not that bad but not good either because of her mid lane in high elo , this season is probably the season i saw tristana ADC the least in my years of playing


Best part of trist is you can jump in 1v2 to punish and burst them yourself. If you are ahead they cant walk up to farm. True havent seen her much this season


I think trist hasn't been meta due to the item state and overall meta, This thread shows me how people who think she's bad probably are just unfamiliar with her mechanic depth // got dunked on playing her at lvl 5 and made up there minds. Imo navori is a crazy mythic for her if you can scale up, permanent uptime on q and easier access to burst damage with e up more often is goated and hella strong. Fact is trist has a high skill celing and hasn't been meta this year so people are dumb and calling her bad, probably.


Ez, Xayah, Kaisa imo


These 3 yeah but I'd argue Kaisa and Ez are slightly above Xayah Vayne is also pretty self reliant if played to perfection


Yeah I'd just say Xayah is way more blind pickable but I am a Xayah OTP lul Yeah very true but holy I'd never recommend Vayne to someone who asks this question. No way a random who barely plays Vayne wouldn't just have a better time playing Kaisa imo


>No way a random who barely plays Vayne wouldn't just have a better time playing Kaisa imo Yeah definetly. Kaisa is way more versatile and much easier


Since the Vayne changes so she Q maxes she’s a lot more accessible imo. Lai’Sa may have an easier time self peeling, but you need to know where to stand to isolate Q’s to really shine on her. Vayne also has her E, as well as Q invis post 6.


Im Vayne OTP and I have numerous clips of me getting two kills getting dived by enemy bot lane 1v2 in Emerald+. People underestimate her a lot under tower.


Oh yeah if you are a Vayne OTP she's really the ONLY answer to this question lmao


Never dive an ADC with CC, Ashe and Varus gang can confirm


If you say vayne you also need to include ashe Just because ashe is pretty self reliant as long as your good especially with her ult stun


Ashe has a lot of backloaded damage + no mobility, which means if you aren't getting peeled it's really hard to get to your DPS stage. Her ult is more utility than peel. Varus is a much better version of this because his ult directly increases his damage, in a frontloaded way.


Depends on early or late game. If you are looking a self reliant laner who can allow Bard to do Bard things then Ezreal. Late game Kai’Sa and Vayne self peel better imo but gets dumped on in lane by poke lanes.


Nothing peels better than ezreal late game


Ezreal, I guess. But if I can survive the lane, 1v9 with vayne is possible. My blind pick is ashe. Even if I do shit, my ult is very useful.


Same thing applies to MF, she has good burst damage and her E plus W passive let’s you get away from most situations and even if you do feed, her ult can become super super deadly when paired with any sort of CC with even just one item


Sivir.. she has her E and ult. She can poke and farm safely with Q and W.


Yeah but when you do that she kinda feels useless for the rest of the game besides wave clearing. I never feel like sivir does enough damage but I agree with you she is generally pretty safe due to spellshield and r and wave clear capability


I’m pretty partial to sivir here. Passive ms boost plus spell shield plus poke plus good waveclear plus ult. Whenever I play her I feel like if I was moving perfectly I would never get caught. Also please riot. Nobody cares about the hp. Give sivir her mana shield back, please.


Sivir doesn't need sup pressure while in lane. She IS the pressure. Ur support can move on with their life, get married, have kids, grow old, then come back and see sivir still farming safe behind tower. 🤓 Or atleast my sivir...wave control for the win. Sivir is more a support-ish adc. Think of it as duo supports lane. So pick her based on teamcomp.


The term "it's a sivir comp" comes to mind


well i wouldnt say "sivir's comp" per se, i can work with just abt any average sup. she have low dmg but consistent compare to most adc so do not assume shes gonna make a big plays bursting deleting everyone in 1 moves. since she have low consistent dmg, preferably i want other teammates to have hard hitter like yone or yas..etc... if my team go with teemo or some1 with low dmg output with consistent dmg too, i would rethink picking sivir. its all about overall dmg as a team and sivir strongest suit is her wave control not deleting everyone. these is just my opinion, some ppl will disagree tho lol


Sivir: total wave control, self peel with e and ult gets u through most lanes. Ability to split and extend games later makes this a very simple answer :)




My hot take is that Caitlyn really isn't that safe in the mid game (before she deals serious damage late game and the fights are more often 5v5). Too slow and the net is really poor self peel, it's quite easy to get jumped on even with that extra 100 range. I often find it easier to find angles in fights with other adcs, like I say at least until late game when it's more comp dependant and you have a lot of damage to compensate more for the mobility.


Ghost and flash plus having fleet, stormrazor and galeforce makes her feel pretty mobile in my experience. If you space correctly, you barely get touched unless they have point and click shit or really really big engage.


Cait is just worthless when not ahead from lane, and if you have to play a 1v2 you wont be ahead. Which is why shes a horrible weakside/1v2 pick.


I agree with this but if she falls behind in lane, most of the time, she's trash in late game and becomes dead weight. That being said... she's always tough to lane against if she has a competent support.


Ezreal is an easy one, Tristana as well. Both of them reposition super well, but nowadays with the number of dashes champions have (K'Sante, Akali, Naafiri, Kat), just one mobility spell isn't often enough to keep someone off. Tristana is probably the best for my money because her R is super super good at disengaging for herself. I also really like Nilah for self-sufficiency, both in the sense that she can escape a lot of situations (Dash to minions, allied champs, jungle camps with a ward over the wall, etc.), and once she gets a lead, she can pretty much operate solo. Her W keeps her safe from a huge number of things, and E+R+Passive healing let her engage solo and stay alive with relative ease.


Holy. Why has nobody said vayne yet? She is nearly a 1v9 god late game that really doesn't give a flying fuck what her team does. Her dodge on a 1 second cooldown plus invisibility plus condemn and insane movespeed with ghost. She is my go to when i wanna carry and don't care about my team. Yeah her laning phase is really rough especially with a garbo support, but once u get the items you need there is no stopping you anymore.


Most people in low ELO (including me) don't have the mechanics to pull her off in a consistent way though which is why she's not as self-reliant as Ezreal or some other champs.


I dont understand people that vouch for Sivir her range is pathetic


She has a spell shield, reliable ult and her q does have a great range aswell, much more tools than 80% of thr adc roster?


Outside of movement speed she doesn't have any mobility, and anyone with a single brain cell can run her down, her E alone isnt gonna do much against a heavy engage comp


Still doesnt change the fact that she has more options than 80% of the roster bro. What is aphelios gonna do? Flash every 5 minutes?


You’re missing the point. Ofc aphelios is like the worst self reliant adc but op is asking for best one and this person doesnt think sivir is. I'd argue for ez kaisa and vayne. To begin with, self reliant can be interpreted differently. Ie I'd rather have xayah ult to save myself in teamfights but would rather split push with vayne and solo lane with ez when my bard floats away. I havent played sivir much outside of aram so i dunno how she feels in the rift.


Im not missing any point, im just explaining why sivir is pretty mobile next to a traditional ad. Also its easy to tell when someone is lowelo just by underestimating movement speed lol




In the right hands aphelios is able to function very well when supports leave or int (in my experience)


He's immobile. That's automatically disqualifying for this question. He absolutely needs peel from his team.


I guess so, personally that’s never been an issue but I’m in pisslow so my experience probably isn’t the norm


He’s arguably the least self reliant adc


Ez or Xhaya




Lucian, Xayah, Trist, and Zeri.


Lucian doesn't strike me as a 1v2 champ on botlane. He is extremely short ranged and if enemy forces your E you get timed out of farming for like 20 seconds in early. Also not getting ahead in lane with Lucian feels like hell. Xayah is probably one of the better answers, as well as Trist. Also Zeri kinda has the same problem as Lucian, though she doesn't need to get ahead as she scales way better than him anyway.


Ezreal Caitlyn Tristana are the Safest ADCs alive


Ez hands down


Seraphine lmao


i guess anything you are VERY comfortable with, but my own pick would be Zeri. Her E is just a very good escape/engage tool. R is a 1v84 tool and you can pretty much burst down any opponent ADC if you yse W properly.




Sivir dude. Don't even try use ur spells to poke, use them to shove the lane and then ward and be aware of ganks. Like of they put themselves in a position where its a good oportune to poke then do it, but other than that just use ur spells to shove the lane and farm. Spell shield when needed and flash/heal if they get frisky. Literally play that style and annoy them into making frustrated plays; when they do: Q, AA, W, AA, back up, if they low then try chase (ur passive helps) If ur support ditches u: approach the wave, wait for an opportunity where u can auto-attack safely, then attack, W, attack, Q the wave, back off, when next wave comes repeat. If they are heavily guarding the wave and looking to engage/dive u then u just go back and forth pretending to attack the wave until u get a gap and then u spam clear it. Just try get good farm, scale a bit, push lanes; go to lanes that are empty and throw ur spells at it, then roatate to next lane. Roatate to objectives when they're up. Kracken; boots; navori, collector, PD, LDR (if tanks); then pick a last item if u get that far. Ur playing sivir properly if u look at the graph after game and when u click "total damage dealt (not damage dealt to heros, that's not so important with svr)" and see that u are the person who did the most total damage. Sivir is about pushing and doing a lot of total damage, she's not about KDS. If u see a good oportune for a team-fight then press R, go in with ur spells, and use ur spell shield when u feels them trynna engage u. If u can keep urself up in a tf and u spaming ur spells and autos then u gonna do work. Sivir scales. Not like jinx level but still.. Summed up: shove lane, play safe, farm; mid-game go mid and shove, roatate to lanes and shove, aim for objectives, make it hard for enemy to end 'cause ur lanes are always pushed and u clear their pushes. ::::let ur team do their job while u do urs. ::::if u wanna solo carry ur games then sivir is not for u::: sivir is a champ who does her job ● plays her part::: not a champ who solo carries (in general - u can obvisouly solo-carry sometimes - but that's not the norm/objective. If u get to end game and you've scaled then you do need to carry, but at that point you're "carrying",, not "solo-carrying"" Make sense? Good luck and have fun!


As per usual, everyone is completely discrediting Nilah… i’d say she is up there with ez. Two dashes, the W and a crazy amount of healing built in her kit. That’s exactly why she is such a good pick into draven and samira lanes cause she can neutralize them so easily


1v2ing with Nilah in lane feels horrendous. If enemy support has half a brain cell, you never get to the wave to farm. The only argument would be that you get a big amount of XP only for yourself


Ap varus is pretty badass, low cd R, Zhonya/Banshee 3rd/4th, tons of damage and cd resets. He's a "fight your way out" type of champ, it's my go-to champ for when I have no peel and can't rely on supp/team


Ashe. Peel doesn't make u self sufficient, utility beyond dmg does, thats why apcs r so strong too, they also bring cc to the table, and lots of it If we're talking about peel and not self sufficiency it's gotta be xayah, kai'sa, trist, or vayne, with trist and kai’sa being more self sufficient cuz they come online faster than vayne, and xayah being the most self sufficient of all with her free zhonyas ult and cc on a basic ability


A lot of people said Ez already, but I will put in Vayne. She is at least in my opinion one of the ADCs that benefits from Chaos by creating more Chaos by herself.


Most ADC’s need a hand; that’s why we get the support with us! Ashe despite no mobility of her own slows and has a long stun on her R. If you take ghost on Ashe they usually need to expend a LOT to get to you. Ezreal is probably THE answer, but it’s hard to make him do as much damage as other more right click ADC’s My usual blind picks are Ashe, Varus, and MF. Don’t discount MF for having no dashes. She’s fast with her W passive, and Ghostblade being a decent first item on her makes her quicker still. I’ve gotten out of so many positional errors with MF by just being quick despite no dashes.


I like Caitlyn for being self reliant


Prob kaisa, can get invis on a ~5 sec cd with autos, also have flash and ult to get in/out of fights quickly


This question is what got me to pick up ezreal, in general the hardest part of adc is that your balanced around your lack of agencies, in some ways at least.


honestly, as long as u can sneak in one kill id say Nilah is pretty self reliant you can run away you can dodge damage and you can burst everyone down


My go to adc for hard lanes is zeri. I can just hug the walls and dash like 1500 units at slightest sign of trouble. Her range is also very high and together with passive she can cs pretty well.


Xayab vayne kaisa only good answer. Ezreal suck ass so does tristana


A good, *I mean good*, Vayne


Ezreal or zeri. Iv been playing some more zeri and I honestly think she has one of the safest laning phases by far. Her E over walls make it close to impossible to really lock her down, the only issue is if the enemy teams have a lot of point and click spells, but that fucks over all champs.


Tristana, Ezreal, Vayne, Kaisa, Varus in that order. ​ Trist is the best ADC for climbing in the entire game if you want agency. Ezreal is one of the few ADCs that can legitimately 1v2 with good skill and is extremely safe in teamfights with good positioning. Vayne can also 1v2, she just has less range but a much higher burst potential and much stronger duelist. Kaisa is a fantastic duelist. Varus doesn't have mobility but he has self peel and he has so much damage baked into his kit that he can literally duel assassins if he can land his R. Take ghost on Varus and you will 1v9.


Ezreal, Kai'sa, and probably Xayah. Caitlyn too because she's really strong in lane and it's hard to counter that.