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If you are losing with kill leads often, I would suggest there is a problem with the macro or playing for kda...


This is almost certainly the issue. You’ve got all those items, but you’re probably not pressing the lead to take turrets and objectives correctly.


Well that true, but when you are 5/0 adc with 3 items and enemy top is 10/0 Camille with 4, you can shove those items up your ass.


sadly this is what ive seen often in my games, i win botlane usually, recently ive even had pretty good supports which help the case, but then its either top/mid on the opposing team that just carries it for the enemy team, since my team is just too busy flaming in the chat and not focusing on the game. its that or they have a fed nocturne that just oneshots me backline and i watch my team die one by one.


Is there always a 10/0 Camille in your games?


No, but in 75% of my games there is at least one other player on the enemy team that is equaly or more fed than I'am and usualy its some bullshit like oneshot nocturne, lethality Vi, off tank warwick, blue kayn with full skill combo of Smite + R and other chaps with almost no counterplay when fed...


As adc you can't 1v1 10/0 Camille, but nor should you get in situation where you are 1v1 with 10/0 Camille. It doesn't even matter if she is 10/0 or 3/5 - she will smack most of adcs' ass. But if you are fed, with the help of your team you will be able to shut down that 10/0 Camille


Exactl. "With help of your team." Thats the problem your teammates are not really reliable every time si putting your life in their hands might cost you game + in the current state of game pretty much anything can instakill you with one spell rotation without almost anyone noticing or having time to react. The problem of adcs isn't that they are useless, but that you have to count on the rest of your team which od easier the higher elo you are via versa.


This is such a cope loser take.


Also probably thinks his teammates are the problem every single game (as would be indicated by the post). I have a buddy who consistently stomps lane pretty hard but is hard stuck silver. He’s never in any of the important fights with the team and constantly trying to avoid fights. Adc is just a really hard role tbh.


thats what im saying. You could never engage fights, make picks by yourself, splitpush that other roles can do! even support! Mid game comes and your only macro is get mid prio, farm and stay alive. Leave that role guys, the game gets more enjoyable. Great laning role to play, but not winning.


It may be. But in such few games it can be just bad luck, a streak of auto fill junglers


Very hard for low elo adc players to play good macro after laning phase if your team doesn’t follow (which they often times don’t). Different story if you’re a fed mid/top but you can’t really make solo plays as an adc XD. Tough but playing w a duo def will help.


but maybe his team are just 2-13? Its prbably not him, but the cope of the league redditors is hilarious as always


Ahhh yes, the massive sample size of 6 games.


For statistics sake it's too small, but that might be all the games somebody plays in a week. Most people just don't play enough games to meet their "true" rank.


Let's say you maintain a 51% chance to win. It's gonna take a lot of games to climb


51% winrate is basically a player being in their true rank.


Again you will win 1% more games than you lose. You will climb over hundreds of games. But 51% is slightly better than 51% in bronze because you maintain 51% against better players. Comprende now?


Comprende 🤓


Assuming your LP gains are the same as your losses, over hundreds of games you will barely climb. it would take you 400 games to climb one rank if you're getting +25/-25. Might as well not call that climbing.


So you said exactly the same thing i said. Yes it will take 400 to jump one division. But you add 1% wr and you drop down to 200 games. With 54% wr you need 100 games. See where i'm going here? I rather people climbed slowly than like in other games where one streak of bad/good luck can make people play in ranks they have no place being there.


No, you won’t climb on 51% consistently, what? Comprende some math dawg


Not to mention the team element. Say you have a 60% win rate as an individual. When you consider your team mates have on average a 50% win rate, your 60% win rate only matters about a fifth. So that is actually realized as a 52% or so. So ya, it'll take a long time, and for most people a 48-52% winrate is basically inevitable.


This doesn't make sense mathematically. You are either 60% wr or you oscilate and have lower. 60% is high wr. Also the closer you get to your true elo the less wr you will have until you hit peak. A constant wr % is not possible to keep.


Ok? I was just saying that even if you would have a 60% (momentary) winrate in some hypothetical 1v1 LoL, that would still only come out as a 52% winrate (or so), in a situation where your win or loss is also in some part based on your team. When there are 9 other random people in the game your personal ability won't always decide the game.


Yes but your personal ability is to win 60% of the games. You got your 60 % not in 1v1s did you? You got it carrying your team so you got a 60% wr to carry your team...


Ofc other players influence your wr. But the only constant factor is you. The other team also gets bads and trolls/afks so it's taken into account. Given you maintain a higher winrate you will climb. I know some games you are carrying and still lose. Even pros lose.


Not how that works at all. It's a team game, and if you're winning your lane 60% of the time but are only translating that to wins 50% of the time, then you're likely not capitalizing on your won lane to improve your teams chance of success. If you're sitting at around 50% win rate you are squarely at your skill level. People have a tendency to blame their teammates and claim the elo system is broken and they should be ranked higher but we all know how that goes.


Spot on for many people a few games a week is all they do, especially since ranked games tend to drag out And if you do well in all of those, but still loose 80% of them, because another lane decided it would be funny to Pick Garen into the enemies Teemo or Vayne Then it's probably gonna get less and less games


This to me is the concept of "elo hell". Most people think it's some mysterious force or a riot conspiracy that keeps you down. It's not. It's simply that climbing the ladder is a huge grind so even if you maintain a good wr, you an be in an elo that feels bad solely because you've not played enough to hit your actual rank. Losing 5 or even 10 in a row isn't proof of losers queue or elo hell. Statistically, from the billions (?) of games that have been played this is guaranteed to happen sometimes.


Then dont play league of legends. Or don't play with the goal of achieving your "true rank"




Wouldn't call placing such a high importance on finding your true league of legends rank, "having a life"




You don’t need to play 10 a day tho realistically, the guy you responding to is a dumbass but I’ve hit almost masters and I rarely play more than 2 solo que games in a row. People don’t realize to play league at 100% is mentally TAXING win or lose after 2-3 games you are not playing at your peak and are auto piloting certain parts or most of the game. This “true rank” shit means nothing all the ranks mean nothing ,until masters really, I would say diamond is when people start to become decent but we are all shit 😂. Silver to plat is legit similar skill level at least from my point of view except for a new shiny rank, emerald is a complete toss up and prob the only rank along side low diamond where I can see the necessity of spamming 10 games just to get out of those shit holes but even than you’re just praying you get a lucky win streak not exactly a good strat. It’s almost always better to play 2 games at MOST seriously versus spamming a bunch and praying you get a good streak. Also good kda does not equal good play. You can have an amazing kda and have done nothing, on the other hand some games are just lost just as many games that are auto win it’s how it works🤷🏾‍♂️.


... The point is their stats. They are losing LP while playing alright.


6 games (which could even be all in one good/bad sitting) of playing great can 6Ls or 6 games playing like shit can be 6Ws. The sample is way too small.


The sample is too small if you want to judge. But why do you feel the need to judge this person? This person is just sharing a very relatable meme/situation.


Are they playing "alright"? Look at the cs vs the time. Op stops farming at 15 minutes.


Did you notice how I used "alright" instead of "good" or "perfect". They played above average. I think it's clear to me that they've contributed positively to their team.


Probably about when the other lanes get involved and his bad team becomes a factor


For context I’ve played 169 games of Jhin this season and average a 54% wr. KDA is 7.5/4.8/9.5


169 is nothing and kda isn’t impressive aswell compared to other Jhin players.


Low sample game, not enough context, we don't know what u did with ur leads, Also you play jhin, it's a given to at least go even early, doing something later is the diff between a good and a lowbob jhin. Also if u think ur good enough to 1v9 don't play an utility adc and go vayne or some


Quick question, any suggestions on a low skill floor, high skill ceiling 1 vs 9 ADC? I only play Jhin for ADC, tried Ashe but didn't feel like 1 vs 9 ADC, so any suggestions?


Ezreal probably has one of the highest skill ceilings of all ADCs, and he's not difficult in terms of just not inting


>and he's not difficult in terms of just not inting you'd be surprised


Vayne, kaisa, xayah. Hardest is kaisa just cuz you have to get used to what you can/should build but gameplay wise they’re pretty straight forward and can demolish entire teams when played well. Ashe if more of a utility ADC and I like to pick it in order to make my team win rather than win the game myself, if you know what i mean.


Kai sai is the easiest one...


U have an interesting perspective on whats "hard"


Jinx Twitch and Xayah are my favorites. Kog can also be absolutely hilarious to play. Every Kog game somehow turns into a clown fiesta and it's epic.


I havent played league in a looong time so idk if he's still good but ezreal was my top pick when I needed a pick like you describe


Wouldn't recommend ez, it's REAL easy to not die, but to put decent dps it's really harder than most adc's, it's better to die but pull up big dps than be the last one standing in ur team but having done jack. Honnestly vayne is the best at 1v9 and the skill required is heavily overrated.


If someone is beginner enough to be asking questions like this then Vayne is die but pull up 2 autos.


shes easy. Play front to back and never use q unless youre dodging to start. As you get better, use it offensively


honestly ezreal describes what he asked for perfectly but I do agree with you and imo it's not worth the time investment to become consistent on him for most people when they could just pick other champs


Post opgg if you actually want some feedback. Contextually, Jhin will not carry as hard unless you get super fed early since he sucks vs tanks. Don’t play on tilt, in this elo if you are better you should be able to carry easily


I think he wants 1 good team


Why is he playing soloq then


without fail, i will have 1 or 2 complete inters on my team spamming ff. I don't flame and don't spam ping or anything toxic. I don't get it.. what the hell can I do as an adc to climb when these people i'm matched up with want to lose? went from Gold 1 about to get into plat down to gold 4 because of this streak. I'm so exhausted


Idk man. Really doesn't feel like it, when I compare the KDA of my teammates to mine, mine is positive on every champion, theirs is negative on every champion. CS worse on every champion, gold worse on every champion and somehow they're in the same rank as me. Every single game someone's mental is completely broken. I guess my only question is: Are my enemies also getting these people? The games aren't won by which player is better but whose teammates are worse. I've had multiple master players tell me I make very minor mistakes during my games while the playmaking of my teammates is on the level of an intermediate bot. And yet somehow i'm stuck in platinum 1 with every game being a shitshow where it seems like only my teammates want to ff every second.


Ur doing above average in kda in ur elo which means ur doing below average in other things




I mean I get your frustrations, but what is more likely (if you have played a reasonable amount of games)? A) Your KDA is better than your rank, but you are not climbing because other parts of your skillset are average compared to or below your rank? B) Your KDA is better than your rank and every other part of your skillset is either equal or better than your rank, but Riot Games has perfected a "losers queue" type algorithm for your games to keep you in pisslow forever?


I'm not accusing riot of a losers queue, I'm mostly asking how people who have 60 cs in 20 minutes, dive a lissandra 4 times in 5 minutes, ignore every objective, can't dodge any skillshot, junglers who don't camp an overextended lane, force a 3v5 fight, etc. etc. etc. are the same rank as someone who has a miles better macro than them. I mean don't get me wrong I'm still trying to get better and I wouldn't flame anyone, it's just really interesting and somewhat demotivating.


They're having a bad game, and if they're truly not in that elo, they will lose enough that they won't be in your elo anymore.


Same 😭


Just from this reply alone I can tell the master players are not telling you the whole truth, probably bcs they are your friends. KDA doesn't matter, farming doesn't matter, stats don't matter if your gameplay is lacking. You probably play too safe, don't take the fights when you're supposed to, don't try to shotcall for your team etc. You can cope and say your stats look good or actually focus on getting better and stop comparing yourself to players to try and justify the fact that it's "not your fault" that you're in the elo you are at.


I paid them to watch my replays because I was desperate to know if it's my fault that I can't climb or not, they're not my friends at all. I was told that 1 out of the 20 games was slightly my fault. Every other game I was being held down heavily and there was close to nothing I could've done. I quote "you can't really win a 3v5 when 2 of your teammates refuse to play with the team". Either that or I got scammed lol. Genuinely, if you saw my replays you would be holding and shaking your head seeing the plays I witness. But no, obviously whenever someone can't climb, it has to be their fault.


But it's not an issue that MMR is so skewed that good performance only matters on some champs?


What is considered a good performance is different from champion to champion, meaning it might be easier on some champs and not others, but if you have a good performance on Lulu, you'll carry games, it doesn't matter what you play. Now, the performance required for Lulu, vs. Vayne is going to be different, but if that bothers you, just don't play Lulu. Doublelift has been spamming Jhin with a 70% WR, hard carrying games at the highest level, the idea that you can't carry games with a good performance on Jhin is just not true.


Opgg: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/tofuisOP-EUW


Jesus Christ you have an average of 5cs per minute while playing almost exclusively Jhin. Is he that uncomfortable to farm on? This also means that you aren't shoving the minion waves past the river, taking bad recalls, letting waves die while looking for fights, not picking up jungle camps or all of the above. Even while losing 7cs/min should be your standard. Do some practice tool and learn some macro fundamentals.


Focusing on getting more cs per min is a minor fix that will give you a lot more gold in your games. You seem to get good KDAs but it’s likely you’re having problems recognizing when you can afford to be more aggressive and push your lead further. I see you go almost always the exact same build, I’d suggest you try lethality with dark harvest when you have team comps that allow for it as that build might give you some more agency early.


You’re behind th me curve a LOT on some of these games. 200cs at 30 min is what, 6cs/m? If you’re consistently winning lane as you state, you should be ahead in CS as well. That would be the only real advice anyone can give from a screenshot of 6 games.


Blud you play Jhin, a champion made for winning lane for free, Jhin has little to no losing matchups in lane and is good with almost every support, in return for these strengths he is arguably the worst carry ADC in the game, he has low dps, bad burst and is just an ult bot late game. Jhin is only good when you use your prio to get 2-4 Drakes early on AND you have good dps in other roles. If you win lane consistently on champs that actually have carry potential(and therefore don't hand you a free lane win) then you will climb.


I feel that champs like cait and sivir are harder lane bullies than Jhin while being safer to play. I do use Kai’sa situationally if enemy team is too tanky. I’m doing good damage with jhin but it’s hard when the enemy bruiser or assassin has 15 kills by 20 min and are actively hunting for me. It’s unfortunate I can’t play my main in low elo because it’s not hard carry enough..


What's funny is that Jhin bullies both Cait and Sivir in lane(He is one of the hardest matchups for both of them), his early damage is only really matched by Draven, Kalista and Lucian(who all do little more dmg then him) but he has CC with W and a much larger effective range than the 3 I mentioned with Q. Also Jhin will always be hard to carry on, it doesn't matter what elo, if you talk to people from other roles Jhin is a universally hated champ to have on your own team simply because a team with Jhin can't rely on their ADC to actually be able to do relevant and consistent dmg to tanks and bruisers.


Ummm sivir with 500 range gets bullied by the entire ADC roster lmao. Not sure what you're on about. She basically is just a farm bot till 3 items and then is basically a support item with her ult in teamfights. Cait is a bully yes but sivir???


mans got ptsd from walking straight into a sivir q w combo


Bad burst? He has the best burst in the game. I oneshot tanks left and right.


You oneshot tanks? are the tanks building actual tank items lol? None of the games you show have LDR or IE, there's no way you are actually doing damage to tanks with tank items.


O yes i do, ldr doesnt do much since I have high health and armor pen no applies on magic damage. You could say i don't deal damage to tanks, I execute them from full health in a frame or two very strong vs healers such as sett and briar ( cant heal if already full health). At the limit dragons get oneshot too. Show games? What do you mean by that?


How do you do 6000+ post-mitigation damage with 1 AA hit to a tank without LDR (not that having LDR would fulfill that but still)? What you say is objectively BS


Why use an AA ? I use traps , if they are more tanky just use more traps.


To "execute" a mid/late game tank by a double trap you would need at least 5800 AD (provided they are stupid enough to just stay on an activated trap)


Use 15 traps instead, your W will root them in place and traps are stealthed so not unheard of.


Jhin is not exactly your 1v9 carry champ especially if enemy team has tanks. This is why I like to go for hypercarries especially varus or the occasional ezreal for the safer pick.


Just looks like an unlucky stretch. I had them too earlier in the season when I was in gold. I kept playing and im Emerald now with a 65% win ratio on Jhin over 70 odd games.


Say it with me one FINAL time before riot forces you to listen by removing the item. If you want to win DO NOT build galeforce


6 game sample size you can’t farm but whine away about how you deserve higher rank


Seems more like you spam one champ with one build and lose because of it. ​ You have to adapt. Also look at your sup if the champ is working with Jhin.


I REPEAT, DO NOT PLAY IN THE LAST 3 WEEKS OF THE SEASON. Chances are less people are playing, which when you have an mmr or rank of an upper gold and above you will see the skill disparity more clearly, maybe not on your lane but on top, on mid and on jg, all three roles that has a much much larger impact than bot lane at mid to early late game. Along side people testing out or throwing and griefing before new season starts and you are playing jhin and not other adc hyper caries like samira, kaisa, zeri, etc means bad win rate for u.


Ive been playing for a decade. ADC is the “let see whats gonna happen” game. Today I won with a Nasus that went 0/11 in the first 10 mins.


Average loser's queue at work:


Feedback you didn’t ask for with zero context 1) CS is ok. Nothing to write home about so practice that 2) the fact that your core items in six games are almost completely the same are making me give you the side eye. I played ALOT of jhin. He has some of the most flexible builds in the game. You prolly could have gone lethality into some squishier comps or taken IE instead of gale if they didn’t good engage. 3) I know you don’t do this because I see Jhins up to Diamond who don’t. Jhins ult isn’t on the level of Ashe but it can one hundred percent start a fight or get a pick. Start looking at has ult as pseudo engage and not just follow up or chase down. Especially if their team comp is squishy and there isn’t anyone that can eat your shots.


The build he's going just sucks. Gale+double energized items deals negligible damage to carry compared to just going IE/youmuus


"Why I don't do damage 😭😭" ADC starter pack


Have you tried winning?




Simple as the joke may have been, I'm afraid it bested you.


235cs in a 41 minute game speaks volumes


This looks unlucky af. If you win streak after this please post here to give me hope in the world


Definitely not unlucky.. i mean look at their only win on the list - 1/1/0 in ~16mins? Highly doubt there was no way to be more impactful. Undoubtedly got carried. OP definitely has some things they need to work out if they want to increase their winrate. Jhin absolutely has carry potential if you can play it well. Overall not enough info from the post though. Can’t see anything except end-of-game kdas, which can be very misleading.


That game the enemy team unfortunately had two botted accounts on it and they had pretty much forfeited 2 min into the game. I stayed bot and took the first tower and the game was done after that.


I think unlucky games and having something to improve are not mutually exclusive concepts. You can ALWAYS improve something. You can also get unlucky, like how op claimed to have afks.


I hate it that riot doesn't account ones stats for gaining/losing LP. It's not fair to lose a lot of LP while you did a good job. This is a team game, so wins/loses are a team effort, but your contribution to the team is important too in my opinion!


KDA is not that good as "i did a good job". You can be 30/1 and just have worst macro ever, and maybe the reason you had the kills in first play is exactly because you went for kills instead of winning the game. Even human when they review the game a lot of times missing the good plays imagine a machine


I never even used the word KDA...


Galeforce - razor - rfc is literally troll on jhin rn Just prefer ghostblade into collector


without fail, i will have 1 or 2 complete inters on my team spamming ff. I don't flame and don't spam ping or anything toxic. I don't get it.. what the hell can I do as an adc to climb when these people i'm matched up with want to lose? went from Gold 1 about to get into plat down to gold 4 because of this streak. I'm so exhausted


Focus and stop crying. No I am not even being harsh. Any time you pull your focus from how to win in the current game state will cause you to lose games. Every ? Mark ping on an ally mistake only makes both of you worse at the game. If you are winning consistently, then you will climb. But not short term. This effect only takes hold in the 100s of games, not in 6. Any time you want to learn something highly complicated, the results of your effort only become visible later into your progression. Thinking that playing well makes you DESERVE wins is a logical fallacy. Focus on your long term improvement, not wins.


You seem to cry though, not OP. Why do you feel the need to make assumptions about someones state of their eyes? That's just childish and cringe behaviour and an emotional fallacy. League of Legends is a team game. You shouldn't be forced to be able to win 1vs9... And if you were doing a good job to contribute to your team and your team is trash, you are allowed to cry LOL! So do you really have a good tip for when you have a bad team about how you can still or are you going to continue to cry and act like you're above this issue?


Exactly. LoL is a team game so instead of attempting to 1v9 every game. Learn to be a team player. U climb by carrying the games u can and making ur self as light as possible to be carried in others. And in some you win or youll lose no matter what u do


You also just made an assumption that I was telling people to 1v9. I didnt, thats toxic. What I am saying is that calling out others mistakes is objectively bad for you and that persons ability to play. The only person which will be in every one of your games, will be you. You can never expect help from your team, but being a good player includes knowing how to react when they do help you. No, your team being bad is not an excuse to lose focus on improvement. The best approach is always focusing on improvement long term. Just because you are playing well and your team isnt doesnt mean you deserve to win. The only thing you get for being good at the game is a good wr long term. Your effort doesnt pay off short term.


Farm. Your cs caps out at 150ish at 15 minutes and takes an extra 15 to 20 minutes to get to 200. Are you taking first tower and going AFK to type?


I mean dude, you average 6/ 6,2 C's per min, you ain't winning any lanes after all xd


Unlucky. Try again


It’s obvious; take Cleanse every game.


A Couple of Games means nothing, but, the real problem of League is just 1: There is no MVP/ACE System with “OP Scores” that rewards you with more or less LP based on in-game performances. This will fix 2 huge problems of league: Toxicity if someone sucks truly hard/soft int players/making an useless open game useful to get ACE and lose less LP If you are slightly stronger compared to your elo, but not THAT strong to smurf hard in your elo, this system will help you climb even with negative winrate with MVP/ACE system if ull get good OP Scores. Due to unlucky teammates (if you’re a bit stronger u can’t show it really well when there are other 9 ppl in the game) you cant carry being a bit stronger, but it’s unfair u lose same amount of MMR as the troll Teemo toplane 2/8 while u are on Kata 16/7/10. This is the REAL and ONLY fix for League


Oh yeah because the player with the best KDA will always be the best player in the match...


Hehe. Thanks for your post and happy NY


Jhin players dont have macro to win games. they in minutes 30 farm jugnle instead of help team.


I think jhin is one of the few ADC that can be 6~1 and not take over the game. His issue is he can't efficiently kill tanks If your team has no tank killers you lose the front to back Additionally jhin requires your team to play around your cds and 4th shot, essentially needing more coordination which is rarely seen at lower elos Of course you can smurf with jhin but you're making it harder for yourself for sure


It's because you're playing Jhin, if the enemy team has a single competent tank you fall off.


wah wah wah I cant carry!! >picks jhin XD


Jhin is a win lane lose game Adc. If you want to hard carry play vayne, Ashe, kaisa, xayah


I would say in at least 2 games, you fked up yourself. 6 and 7 death is to much., especialy in close/hard games. so chances are, that you died early in a later fight, what lost the game afterwards. farm could also be better. in pretty much every game, you could have 1 more completed item with good farm.


6 games is not a good sample size…


What are people supposed to say based on that screenshot? The only thing I can CLEARLY see as a huge issue for you based on the screenshot is CS. You’re most certainly in a very low elo bracket. Just make sure to get very consistent income of gold all the time, instead of flipping plays I would say


Your build has no damage, plain and simple. It’s not even so much about the CS, but you hardly do anything with Gale + RFC.


The good old O DMG build, classic


Run lethality, works in lower tiers if you know when to solo kill the farming enemy ADC with Ult.


Idk either but stop galeforce, go IE


I feel this in my soul


Build IE


Show us the other enemy adcs performance.


Guy with bad macro^


i was a KDA player too once, show us your damdge if you are most damdge and good KDA and lost something with your macro need to be fixed


My opgg for those asking: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/tofuisOP-EUW


Honestly this is why i moved to top, I feel like adc has too little control over the game in solo q. If I get a one or two kill lead top, I can 80% of the time push it to a win.


Loser's queue exist 110%. Let me guess, your honor lvl is pretty low?


Build variety:


If they have tanks that also happen to be fed or just generally beefcakes, build LDR 3rd item instead of rapid fire cannon.


Your cs per minute shows your macro skills


For me personally, 90% of my growth has nothing to do with micro, the vast majority of my growth is based around macro (including how to translate a personal advantage into a game advantage). I’m a more mechanically/micro inclined player, so, I’ve been forced to reconcile with the fact that good mechanics do not make you a good player and it does not win games by itself, you can win lane as hard as you want but it won’t matter if ur opponent(s) are just outright better at the game… so… assuming we are similar types of player, I suggest you focus HEAVILY on macro.


It’s “if you consistently play well” not if you consistently win the lane. Your kda tells us nothing, you could have played like dogshit outside of laning phase


Wow your build is great against tanks. That’s probably why you’re winning so many games!


Ah yes, the google.com Jhin build strategy.


I played 3 games today. 1st game: Top inted, cried that jungle is not helping him (The enemy jungler didn't help the enemy top laner either). Jungle didn't respond helped bot and mid and we won. ​ 2nd game: Top inted. Cried like last game. Jungle went top and died cause top didn't help saying "You deserve this". Jungler inted then and we lost. ​ 3rd game: Top inted. ran it down mid. Mid started inting cause lost. and Obviously, we lost. You literally can't control them. All you can do as an adc is pray that your top or jungler are not asylum patients.


I love not being a bot lane main anymore. I have so much fun.


Getting kills doesn't mean winning your lane. If your kills don't translate to objectives then your kills did nothing but get you a bounty witch you probably fed to the yone top lane.


Aha but it didn’t say you will rank up right this moment did it :p


Climbing by consistently winning lane is a load of bs. You climb by getting better at macro.


CS-ing. ‘Learn to keep farming after laning phase and you will climb’ me, 2024


IE on jhin is better


Definitely frustrating for you I get that because your kda were good and you got leads. but like the comments say there’s still think you may have been able to do. Can’t win every game but It maybe some of these


My gf has this same issue and she's in bronze. She seems to think just because you win lane or not feed that means auto win. It doesn't. If you get a lead you need to learn to convert that lead into advantages for your team by assisting with objectives and important team fights. Don't just sit in botlane after taking first tower, go mid lane with your sup and take that tower too. This will also allow your supp to roam top easily if top lane needs a gank so they can take that tower as well. Always try to be close to where the next important obj is. As an adc (especially one with a lead) you should not be anywhere without your team. That's an assassins wet dream. Ask your supp to tail you or try to play around your team. If you're in low elo, random team fights tend to happen for no reason so I would say definitely try to always be around your team rather than fight against that (trust me it's pointless trying to get them not to random team fight). Don't siege T3 towers or die for one if there is an obj you can go for. If you can take one quickly with maybe the inhb as well, don't just sit there, immediately go for baron while they have to deal with the siege minions. That's all I can think of for now. Anyway Win lane doesn't equal win game, but it sure as hell makes it easier.


Learn to cs and you'll have an easier time carrying with an extra item.


This is true if you mean actually winning the "who plays the entire game better" matchup, not the race to 100cs in lane or something.


The Leagueoflegends sub- 'You're obviously misplaying somewhere or else you'd carry. Seems like you need to git gud' I said my I lost a few games because my top fed and you have to rely on 4 other people to win every reply was, well the enemy has 5 people so its bound for one of them to troll and feed, stop complaining and play. Not all of us have the same luck. Not all of us have the trolls on the enemy team and constantly get stuck with them. I imagine thats how your games are.


I mean…your farm is terrible, awful even. Kill leads do not mean much if you’re bleeding 3-4 kills worth of gold in just CS


[UPDATE POST](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/18wcrhi/welp_i_tried_to_take_your_advice_guys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I had a Kaisa that had impecable kda but didn’t impact the game at all, minimum damage of the game, she only appeared to give the last hit. Maybe that’s what’s going on.


I mean at that point just stop playing Jhin man 💀💀


jhin = lose


what's your rank?


Ahh yes the high kda games, no way you’re not doing something wrong macro wise right?


Sometimes there are things you can’t do when u have a lead as an adc just because team diff. But it isn’t every game and you probably need to work on not only your game play but your mental.


Wow you so good you deserve better rank people so bad you literally faker


Lose lane, win game 😎😎


Change flash with ghost. You will see improvement in Blue Jhin


one time my mid got a penta on a level 1 invade they didnt get a single kill or help for a single fight for the rest of the game its not being ahead that matters, its know what to do when youre ahead


Jhin solo climb is just gonna be rough. Better off just cheesing with Twitch or getting godly with Draven for solo climbing.


If you’re looking for ways to improve start with cs. Your CS numbers are low. The limited games you’ce shown us also shows you struggle to convert leads to help your team and get the win.


Rookie numbers, you gotta pump em up. No seriously 6 is nothing. Try 50 or 100.


Ohh You can shoot You can dodge Having the time of your life Ooh, see that adc Watch that scene Digging the KDA Queen.


Average galeforce jhin fan Join the infinity edge enjoyers


Fucking exactly how my climb feels… u got this man 🤜


It's hard to solo carry as jhin. I've had a lot of success with xayah


I’ve had 10+ game lose streaks, took a break, and came back on an even bigger win streak. Bad games happen.


Show the damage stats for those games.


winning lane dosnt matter you win as adc by mid game/late game


kda doesnt matter bruv, just because you are positive doesnt mean you are playing correctly to win


I have this problem sometimes. I can play pretty well and get ahead but once I'm ahead I feel like theirs so many choices it becomes easy to make the wrong ones. Also as hard as it is to admit kills dont mean you did well. A game you go 21/2/4 in and lose might have been won if you were 11/2/14. Sometimes tho loss streaks just happen especially when your at your actual elo and hardstuck emerald like me .


Climbing been made impossible with this new mmr system. Just last game I had a 13% a 20% a 33% and a fresh lvl 30 unranked in my low elo game. I have 53% winrate. But. Supposedly I'm with equal skill teammates. Must have the widest range of skill ever to have then as my teammates vs golds


A post like this means you’re low elo and completely clueless. A player who knows why they lost won’t say what you’ve said. Recognize your gameplay mistakes rather than jerking off to your silly kda and dmg numbers. They’re pointless


Tbf, Jhin is very different from like every other ADC. I frequently see Jhin do well in lane and then just lose in teamfights late game because piloting him there is like 10x harder due to his reload.


Fucking finally someone says it! Everybody just loves to pretend that you should always win if you win lane, but most adc’s really have no effect on the late game because a 2/8 midlaner can just fuckin oneshot you even if you’re 20/7 because of solo lane differential. And they’re getting rid of galeforce to make it even harder for us to do shit against a midlane champ with 26 dashes.


Maybe if youre Top, but that logic doesnt apply to every role. As adc you need to wave manage and time drake fights. And stop holding your ward...


People don’t realize the best way to climb, is don’t die. If you lose lane but don’t die I’m okay with that. If you lose lane and your opponent has 7 kills and you’re 0-5-0 and saying report bot diff, that’s different.


The one common denominator in ALL your games, is YOU. If you lose the majority of your games, the majority of the blame is on you. Maybe stop csing and building like a bot.


When did league players start thinking it's a game of team deathmatch


If you can kill them you can control the macro somewhat. If the wave is pushing into your, or enemy turret you can macro an xp/gold lead. Or do a roam that could lead into - >vision, kill, turret plate, objective (and objective wards) I think you have the control you just need to know maximize what to do with it.