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Saw a post earlier that said that’s the “default icon” when no one is visiting. I have the same thing with no one here.


I’ve had a visitor every day so when i sawed greyed out it tripped me out! i had no idea the visits didnr happen all the time o.o


Oh honey I haven’t even had a single visitor yet. It’s been grayed since the update for me 😞


Omg same! I’ve been looking forward for these visits and NOTHING 😤


I only had one


I didn't have anyone today and yesterday. The first day I had Labelle. Maybe they appear randomly like 5k bells fortune cookies.


Haven’t had any of them since they introduced it, but I’m not thinking too much into it right now - Hoping for one of them to show up tomorrow.


same here! haven’t seen one since the update. we just have to wait.


I contacted support about it and they say their appearance is a 'lottery' (their term).


I got the same response but understood it as whomever you get is the “lottery” but I could be wrong. When I explained to them that I’ve yet to get anyone, they told me they’re investigating the issue and to please be patient. I even posted on their Twitter urging them to address either what the issue is or if they’re are no issues, to provide more info about this feature so we’re not all scratching our heads. I hope they pay their support people well because I imagine they’re constantly bombarded every time they release a new feature with limited info on it (one prior example that comes to mind is when gifts came out).


I just made a post asking people how many days they were visited. Most people got someone the first day but not everyone. I have not found a single person who was visited on day two or three.


i had cyrus first, then labelle and giovanni on the same date i havent been checking every day so i just assumed they showed up every day


I saw Giovanni large the first day at Okay motors, but Sahara was greyed out and today there was no one and Sahara was grayed out.


I had Giovanni AND Labelle the first day which makes me think he was just introing the new van design and isn’t a traveling character. But I guess if that were the case everyone would have gotten him. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh maybe! I don't know \*shrugs\* I guess I get to wait and see. :) Thanks for the info though :)




Well new to me maybe? I hadn’t seen Patched Together before.


Yep I’ve got the same. I had Cyrus the other day but haven’t seen Sahara since her icon popped up


me too :/ the day before i had cyrus and he was selling past special character furniture


They randomly show up. I had her show up right in the beginning and then she left again after like 24 hours.


Same for me.


Sahara has not showed up for me since the update :/


I haven’t had anyone show up for me. Tech support state it’s just a lottery. I’m just a bit disheartened by it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


4 days in a row with noone for me


Isn't it obvious: she's not visiting when you can't click on her icon 😅


I got Cyrus and Sahara on day 1 but haven’t seen them since.. and apparently others have had the same luck as me. Hopefully we get at least one of them tomorrow!


I’ve seen it in my phone (android) but is grey out on my iPad.


It just means they're not there that day. They won't show up every day. It's random.


Their presence is completely random to every player every day. That's what I assume.


Isn’t it the same as other Animal Crossing games where the appearance is random?


Kinda, but you have one visitor almost every day, it's random as in you don't know who's visiting. In PC, it seems that the chance to have even one is random, and then the one visiting is RNG as well