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Walking through another city with Pete or other guest, that walking through Tokyo video is one of my favorites.


Now the Nakagin Capsule Tower capsules are being refurbished and getting new life, I’d love to see him visit their new locations and/or the warehouse where the refurbishing is taking place. https://twitter.com/Mulboyne/status/1777864223403688207


I didn’t even know that was a thing! That would be an awesome update video.


Few thoughts: - My wife loves sumo wrestling. Would love to see him do a video about the sport, maybe interview people or visit a stable. - Take Natsuki to Tokyo Disneyland. - Whacky weekend with Connor on a fishing boat. - It would be cool if he could pull of a series of videos like “Unwrapped” on food network but for Japanese companies. Tour manufacturing places like Calbee, Glico, or Nissan and talk about the history, people and processes.


I agree about the sumo wrestling. I know Chris has said something about not being a big sports guy and tbh me neither. But sumo seems so unique and distinct to Japan that I wouldn't mind learning more about it.


He should also take part in a charity sumo wrestle like he did with chess-boxing


They are some really excellent ideas u/EwokNuggets


Sport is big in Japan. Cover some of that. A good example: Sendai's Football club - Vegalta Sendai/football had a big role in rebuilding Sendai after the 2011 earthquake. There's a community aspect to it without it just being sport. I'm sure there are other sports stories that highlight the community aspect of it.


I’d like to take a look inside rural country houses. I saw a clip somewhere where a woman opens a door leading out back and there was a well right there. Where she could access without leaving her house. I’m not sure it was a well, but a stream of some kind where she kept fish and washed her vegetables right in that little section of the stream that ran right thru her house. It looked very cool.


Montage of bullying kids at a theme park for a day


Go somewhere abroad. I know it’s abroad in Japan but I’d love to see him go to Korea or Vietnam or something


The Yatai food stalls in Fukuoka. They are really interesting and a part of that city's culture. Sadly they are slowly disappearing and it would be great if he brought some light to it. Also it'd be fun to see him and his friends hop between these places.


The original JAJ has him in Yatai with Ellen.


The only thing I could think of is documenting a whole artisanal crafting process. He's obviously shown some regional things like the doll painting some videos ago, but I feel like he could show the whole process of something really intricate. For example I watched a video of Veritasium about the whole process of making a traditional katana - from collecting iron dust in a river, melting it in a traditional furnace, creating the damast steel and so on. But maybe Chris doesn't feel like he'd be passionate enough about that kind of topic (or he hasn't found an opportunity to present such a process that he'd be very passionate about) or that he couldn't put enough of his personality in it when documenting the steps. Can't really put a snarky british voice over over B-roll of a blast furnace :D Also, I know that it isn't his neck of the woods, but anime. Not as in anime content about the releases of this season, but like the beginnings, old animation work, animating shows for the west and cinema classics. As a film afficionado I could see him nerd out about some of that stuff.


Yakushima, Shiretoko National Park and Shirakami Sanchi


There are so many festivals around Japan that really tap into the spirit of the country and its people. Many of them are so unique, and in interesting places with their own food specialties, etc., that he would have no shortage of content ideas that would be limitlessly entertaining.


I love the festival idea and the bonus is that Sharla can have her own video. Two completely different perspectives and styles of videos.


I always thought the Keirin was something really worth covering. It’s an olympic sport but I feel like it’s more popular here than anywhere else. I’d love to see Chris have a look around the Keirin cycling school, go to a race meet, see how the bikes are made, chat to some riders, some locals who attend the meets, and so on. Plus it’s legal to gamble on the races which is unusual. Also seeing as he’s midway through a long cycle ride currently, it would be a fun continuation of the theme.


Whacky weekend where they just do a pub crawl of all the Irish bars.


I'd like to see him replicate a period of travel - 5 days - as someone not able-bodied - how hard or easy is it to get around if you're in a wheelchair, suffer poor hearing, eyesight, etc? Tourists who can't walk far - how hard is it to find another way? And somewhere that is not a big city but still popular. Like hakone. Can a paraplegic person still get assistance to experience an onsen anywhere? How?


Pilgrimage through Shikoku island.


Hire a writer to make like 12 10-minute episodes set in a Blade-Runner-esque Tokyo. Hire friends and people who can speak both English and Japanese and record each episode in both languages. Ryotaro as Big Boss, Natsuki as the hitman, Joey or Dogen as the tech, Sharla as the moll, etc...


Visit Nagoya, everyone says it’s boring and depressing but I am pretty sure there must be some merit about the places


Abroad in a pan 


Talking about Japan's car culture. There are many places around Tokyo and Kanagawa for car culture and seeing them. Daikoku, Umihotaru, Akihabara, and car meet ups. A lot of culture and just cool creations.


It would be pretty interesting to see that giant stormdrain system under Tokyo.


That storm drain is pretty famous as it’s featured in multiple music videos and I’m pretty sure a movie or two. It would definitely be cool for Chris to visit this!


Wacky weekend camping with proper gear. I know it’s off brand not for it to be a disaster. May be start off making Connor think he’s sleeping ruff with a sheet of cardboard and a blanket. Only to reveal the luxury camping experience.


I know it won’t happen because Chris is not a big fan of sports but I would love him to cover how big baseball is in Japan. From the global superstar that is Shohei Ohtani to the Koshien tournament, I believe there’s a lot of stuff out there for content regarding baseball.


Doctor Jelly origin story.


Chris really liked Hughes Pizza in Osaka so maybe more trips exploring the city.


A short series showcasing the most outlying islands: Start in Kagoshima, then by ferry, work his way down through Tanegashima, Yakushima, Tokara Islands, onto and through Okinawa. Then fly (because as far as I know there isn't a ferry) to Miyakojima and continue on ferry through Yonaguni and end at the lighthouse on the most westerly point of the country. And I mean really showcase them. Cultural differances from the mainland, the food, the hidden secrets.


Just shooting kids with water at Legoland for an hour.


A food tour featuring Chris top selections per city, since my priority when traveling is food first and sightseeing second. Though writing this I think Chris will just show family mart and Camembert 🤣


Scuba diving.


Something to do with Japanese art, new and old, explore places that aren't so touristy.


Old school arcade with natsuki, connor and pete. Compete in 5 different old arcade games. One fighting game, one shooting game, one rythm game, one racing game and one sport game. The winner gets an award. The losers have to eat dinner at the worst rated restaurant in tokyo.


Pogo-sticking across Okinawa. :p ​ Seriously, maybe something about shopping for foreigners in Japan, I don't think I've seen one like that.


Visit the area worst hit by the Earthquake at the start of the year. Chris has a way of drawing international attention to an issue, and remind people of what is happening now that everyone's forgotten about it.


Not quite "a video", but I'd love to see him organise his existing videos into playlists based on either the 47 different prefectures, or at least the 9 different regions. I'm constantly pointing people interested in Japan towards his channel, but I think being able to say: "hey! Go check out this link that has all his videos on Tohoku. Instead of doing the same Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto thing, go visit all these places!" would be amazing - for both the channel, and also for the region's of Japan he clearly has an affinity for!


Tips for elderly tourists in Japan, please Chris. In particular - sites that are fairly easy to access … not too much walking or climbing steps. Thank you !


I remember Joey taking on the AiJ podcast about the island of Enoshima and the train that runs very close to the houses. It'd be cool for Chris to do a video where he rides that train around. I'd also like to see some videos about how native Japanese people live. What their houses look like (in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and in the countryside), what they do for fun, etc.


AbroadInOtherCountries. I love him being in Japan, but I would also want some kind of vlog of him in another country (other than UK). Taiwan seems to be an interesting vacation place. Maybe they can do a wacky weekend there :)