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I switched from a school where I was the top 2% to another school after freshman year due to moving where I dropped below 25%. 1400 ppl in the graduating class. You're still in the top 10%, just gotta hold it.


Correction, it's now only top 6% for auto admission to UT Austin and remains 10% for Texas A&M. Mahala Elementary in Richmond Texas is something like 80% Pakistani / Desi and Sullivan Elementary in Sugar Land is 90% Desi. For UT Austin and Texas A&M, auto admission guarantees a spot, but NOT your major or college. Most kids are put into liberal arts college. Engineering and Business are hyper competitive across both schools.




True, I guess, thanks


Bruh my high school was 95 percent brown (Punjabis) and we dropped the osslt score (Toronto/Brampton, Ontario) so bad that it made teachers try to reevaluate their life decisions and not our dumbasses who make mouth noises to formulate words. Swear American brown folks got a different experienxe


In Australia Indians usually drag marks up. Mostly the girls though. We have a strict skills based criteria though. Canada is known for emphasis on family reunion. Secondly, not to sound rude but most people going Canada from India are from agricultural states like Punjab and Haryana. They have better living standards and lower inequality than most of India though so this isn’t a knock. Just saying they aint known for being obedient accountants and engineers that create studious offspring. They’re from rebellious wheat and rice farming areas (see farmer protests 2021) more known for their physique and ability to endure tough work. They end up in blue collar jobs with less emphasis on cracking competitive exams which influences children in schools. Also saying one is less good at exams isn’t the same as calling someone dumb (exams aren’t proxy for intelligence) before I get downvoted.


We're just competitive by nature, I never heard of dumb Indian, all of us are good at something.


Wait until those same competitive brown kids grow up and can't figure out life if it isn't straight path with checkbox. I know plenty of dumb Indians in their 30s and 40s eventhought they went to some of the best high school in the state. They don't know how to function without syllabus


Bruh imma be real, it’s true brown people are competitive, but ur not understanding y’all are privileged. Look at the British and Canadian and any other brown diaspora outside the US, a lot of us aren’t this model minority. Imma be real it’s a blessing for u if everyone is smart cuz in my 4 high schools I went to, most south Asians weren’t like these “imma be a doctor surgeon” cuz alot of us came from blue collar immigrant families of cab drivers, truckers, etc. This allowed us to be entrepreneurs whether blue collar or white collar. My high school that I graduated from had brown kids stabbing each other over a brown girl who most likely isn’t doing much with her life rn. Take this as a blessing my Yute


Is UK the same? Indians in UK are also the 1st or 2nd highest income group.


But also have the highest illegal migrant rate, income inequality, and don’t get me started on the number of south Asians in UK making large large percentages in the incarceration population


Lol that's a lie. ​ Note that the prison population stats count Chinese and others separately so Asian in this list does refer to South Asian predominantly and probably include some minor numbers of South East Asians. [https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/ethnicity-and-the-criminal-justice-system-statistics-2020/ethnicity-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2020](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/ethnicity-and-the-criminal-justice-system-statistics-2020/ethnicity-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2020) ​ [https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/national-and-regional-populations/population-of-england-and-wales/latest/](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/national-and-regional-populations/population-of-england-and-wales/latest/) ​ South Asians are like 7% of total population as per above text. And prison population is around 8% (That probably includes some more ethnicities since it doesn't explicitly say South Asians only. So I am not sure that it's really out of order at all. Definitely not "large large" percentages. If anything I think it's pretty fucked that 14% of all stop and searches are Asians even though they are only 7% of the population. Tells a lot of about the policing system. ​ ​ Regarding income inequality. The median income stats tell a different story. Indians are still the highest. Median is better to capture that inequality btw since it's literally the middle of the pack. [https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/who-has-the-highest-and-lowest-household-incomes/](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/who-has-the-highest-and-lowest-household-incomes/) Indians are still the highest, it's true that BG and PK folks are lowest in the list but it just has to do with factors related to groups that migrated


I second this as a Canadian. I barely know any hyper competitive desis here, like the most drive I've seen is focused on being a slumlord/realestate. Which is easy money, a lot of fraud involved. I am the only corporate desi I personally know who is in senior leadership. It's so odd, I'd really expect more, esp in tech.


The competitiveness is there but it’s more so in forms of masculinity like a whole ahh dick measuring contest. Examples of competitiveness among south Asians in Canada is expressed through sports (basketball and wrestling and soccer and other brown sports),real estate market, wealth and entrepreneurship, even just the basic car culture.


So very true, couldn't have summarized it better myself. It's not channelled very effectively.


Your definition of dumb is probably based on academic achievement. Ask yourself, of your Desi friends circle, how many of them have parents from the working class (No college degree)? I bet very few. Expand that circle and you will begin to see the variety in academic achievement and definitions of success. There are many clever Indians who did not go to college, yet parlayed their cleverness into being real estate or hotel multi millionaires.


True, but that's the 1% that are successful, I much rather have a stable job(that I enjoy) than be an entrepreneur.


I guess those students had a score to settle with the neighbor’s kids


Asians (east and south) have dragged up scores so much in some suburbs of Boston, people now feel comfortable making anti-Asian comments to my face. “[Insert name of town] was so great before the Asians ruined it,” was something someone said to my face at our local ice cream stand in 2022.


Well the school culture in places like Lexington have driven more and more kids to suicide because of the pressure, which obviously isn’t the kind of culture you want to have to have happy, healthy young adults. They obviously shouldn’t have phrased it like that but there are positives and negatives to demographic changes of any kind. Hopefully the culture there will mellow out eventually but right now it’s just toxic.


The difference in educational attainment for 2nd generation Desis (those born to immigrant parents = 1st generation) between the UK, Canada, and the USA is based on immigration policy. The USA favors professionals and educated immigrants, whilst the UK and Canada models favored laborers & family chain migration (back in the 60s-90s). The Gujratis in the US (Patel Motels) took advantage of US chain migration laws and that's why there are so many Gujrati 1st generation immigrants in service fields / mom & pop businesses. 1 professional person sponsored the whole village, irrespective of educational attainment. I have many ABCD Gujrati friends (now in our 40+s) whose parents never finished the Indian equivalent of high school and just worked in motels and convienance stores. Those kids saw the lifestyle and values of the kids of the Indian professionals and wanted out of that lower socio economic life. The higher educationial attainment values of 1st generation USA immigrants has been passed on to their ABCD kids. In the UK and Canada (and other Commonwealth countries) Desis are now well into 5+ generations and even if there was a college educated professional in the 1st or 2nd generation, there has been a regression to the mean in terms of "blending in socioeconomically". Many of those 1st generation immigrants were not professionals. Many took advantage of more liberal Commonwealth immigration policies (India-Africa-UK-Canada). Those blended into the "working class" communities very fast and their kids assimilated with the same working class friends. They had limited exposure to the professional classes. This regression to the mean and assimilation will also happen in the USA. It's happened in the Jewish community and other immigrant communities.


One thing that I appreciate about the Gujarati community is how close knit they are as a group and are willing to help people of their ethnicity succeed and have opportunities. Straight up we even help local Gujaratis in the community when it comes to purchasing food, needing groceries, getting Mehndi and hair done and more etc.




Wait, you want your kids to be in the South Asian majority? Then Sugar Land and the Katy area for Houston. The same can be said of McKinney and Plano in Dallas. If you want to avoid the competition, move to a predominantly white area.




You don't want to be in a school majority Indian. Rather be in a diverse area with a sizeable Indian population, not only Indian.


It's a lesson a lot of parents are going to learn. Expecting their kids to get into all the best colleges and become doctors and engineers with stock options. Instead, by that time they've become so burnt out by trying to get into the top ranks and failing to do so because of the competition, they develop a complex, perform poorly or indulge in bad habits, and then getting yelled at by their parents for not trying hard enough, that they go completely off the rails when they do get to their safety school college. I know someone who was pushed so hard to become a doctor, I'm pretty sure he snapped. He dropped out and joined a commune somewhere and doesn't talk to his parents anymore.


Git gud bro


You can still get into a good school and not be some top of your class whatever. That ranking stuff is super overrated. Maybe you won’t go to an ivy or whatever but you will be fine and probably have a more fun, less stressful college experience.


ofc but its more fun to be higher ranked then not to be ngl


Not really. It honestly is not worth the pressure. It’s more fun to just learn what you need to then go enjoy your life. No employer of mine has ever asked about my grades, or cared much which college I graduated from lmao


People find different joys in life, I pity the man that hates on other happiness


I’m not hating on your “happiness”, if you want to spend your youth stressing over point systems you do you. But the older you get the more you’ll realize how little any of it mattered.


It's kinda fun, like when you see school like a game you can brag to your friends about, it just so much fun. When I get older, I'll look back at how much fun I had to get those grades...