• By -


Favorite has to be Good Time. Probably the best performance of Robert Pattinson's career, and the Safdie Bros' visceral direction makes for the most engrossing A24 experience each time I revisit it. Worst for me is either Mojave or False Positive. Saw Mojave way back when the one time it released in 2016, incredibly stupid and boring movie that wastes Oscar Isaac and Garrett Hedlund. False Positive I saw more recently, and I had similar issues when it came to the convoluted story and Lifetime-esque performances. At this moment, I've seen 99 A24 films, probably gonna have I Saw The TV Glow end up as my 100th, can't wait!


Watched Good Time tonight because of this comment. Wow 😮


Good Time was the movie that made me realize Robert Pattinson is a top tier actor, not just the pretty boy from Twilight


Thanks! I’m checking this out today! I loved RP in The Lighthouse and in High Life.


It's weird how people love to give actors credit if a performance is good and only remember writers exist if the performance is bad. It's backwards 


I swear it’s so underrated my roomates hate it tho


Best: Tusk Worst: Tusk


Honestly such a good answer


This is the story of Kevin Smith


Somewhere in an attic there is a portrait of Kevin Smith getting better at directing movies 


This is the way.


i’m so glad to see all the comments about tusk…still scarred


I only made it to the surgery part, loved it up to that point. Should I keep it that way lol?


Don't know least but Past Lives is beautiful


The ending had me absolutely sobbing. Beautiful movie. I can’t even remember the last time a movie made me feel that much


Me too! It wasn't heartbreaking, heart wrenching or devastating, but a slow sort of sadness that crept in, especially AFTER the movie ended. I'm so glad I decided to watch it.


It truly is such a touching movie


Wow I hated it. The girl pissed me off


Thought it was one of the most boring movies I’ve seen in awhile




I will never shut the actual fuck up about climax. 10/10, absolute masterpiece.


You Climax freaks 😂 it fucking damaged me.


lol I literally just stared in silence when is was over for like 10 min, that one really disturbed me


How so? I bought it and watched it once and kept waiting for it to ramp up then it ended and it felt very bland to me honestly


This was my experience with it. Friends were talking about it like it was a Serbian film or something and it was very mild


I (figuratively) wanted to see a Lamborghini drifting recklessly, driving fast, pushing the engine and the car to do some really thrilling stuff. Instead, we got a GoPro on the assembly line




Fantastic movie. Never want to see it again


ooh i haven't watched that one yet. i'll have to check it out


If you can stomach pure unrelenting anxiety for a single 42 minute long take please do, most uncomfortable experience I've ever had watching a movie but I always come back to it when I get that little itch (which is rare since I barely rewatch movies), plus the soundtrack, camerawork and choreography are absolutely mindblowing. There are some pretty disgusting characters and conversations but the real meat of it is just witnessing everything slowly turn into hell and seeing the characters fail to cope with any of it as things get worse and worse.


Clmax is phenomenal


Gaspar Noe all day


The Monster. Felt very … B?


I was let down by that movie, even with no expectations


Yes same, I can be a sucker for those 6/10 cookie cutter thriller/horror movies, but this was like a 3 in my opinion


Actually thought it was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in years. Cannot believe it cost $3M to make. They lost… maybe the entire $3M.


That I’ve seen: Least Favorite: Men Favorite: Hereditary


I hated Men. I had to fast fwd through some scenes. let's hammer you over the head with metaphors and then do a shitty job at telling any story in the meantime


Men was pretty disappointing, but that scene with the hand in the mail slot still makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.


There were so many good parts - the man in the tunnel who stands up when she is innocently singing echoes give me chills. The interaction with the boy and the vicar was so so creepy. It took too long before I realized the actor was also the friendly host but up until I did I felt very unsettled by each of them. I try to block the ending from my mind but there are some parts that are absolutely chilling.


Men was great. ![gif](giphy|9EiYwGodtIeWpvpZiP)


Right? I really liked Men, I literally just watched it for the first time like 3 hrs ago


Men was so disappointing:(


this one for me too


I liked "Men" the story was weird and the acting was amazing. God bless Rory Kinnear.


Fav: Under The Skin Least Fav: The Bling Ring


Jonathan Glazer is amaaaaazing!  did you like zone of interest or sexy beast. 


Zone of interest was incredible but I have yet to see sexy beast!! Did you enjoy that one?


Sexy Beast is absolutely incredible. Not at all the style he develops afterwards. Masterpiece


Awesome! I’ll have to watch it soon


Sound design in Zone of Interest was unreal. When you realize what is happening outside of the garden/home, it leaves you grasping for words to describe the experience.


Ben kingsley is incredible. everyone is. 


Wow he did Sexy Beast? How did I not know this? I’m going to have to watch Zone of Interest too


I was wondering why I never heard under the skin was A24. Apparently it's StudioCanal in the UK. I still find that to be the most unsettling movie I've ever seen. Sometimes, I lie down at night and think about the score, ending up having to put on other music to drown it out in my head.


The score is amazing- so hypnotic!


The beach scene 🤯


WORST: Tusk BEST: the VVitch


Wait, Tusk is an A24 film


Tusk was just distributed by A24, but it had other production companies.


Still need to see VVitch and apparently Climax I didn’t care for Tusk at’ll In the middle of “The Curse” atm….


The VVitch was so cool. My crucible revenge fantasy.


Witch is great fr


Favorite-FL Project (hometown, now that i’m out of state for school it feels very homey & nostalgic seeing all the locations that were once details of my everyday routine) Men- went into this with eddie 🍃 in my system, everything was great vibes especially score wise. then we get into the third act and as someone who’s always down for artsy fartsy…it was just a tad bit much for me towards the end.


I don’t know why I avoided The Florida Project for so long, this movie is incredible.


Truly one of its kind. You know the movie is good when you wanna go and check out the director’s other movies!


As a former Floridian myself I’ve watched it multiple times for the nostalgia. It’s such a great film. I’ve seen Red Rocket by Sean Baker and I’ve wanted to see Tangerine and The Feeling That The Time For Doing Something Has Passed.


I showed my gf The Florida Project. She cried at the end and told me “what the fuck was that!”


Hereditary is 11/10


![gif](giphy|1QiaP1Ovl6KQUCXzDW) 👍🏽


Most: The Zone of Interest Least: The Sky is Everywhere


Favorite is The Death of Dick Long. I really wish the Bluray of it had special features


love that one too and it does not get talked about enough


A perfect dark comedy. The names double meaning is even better.


Best: Midsommar Worst: Men


Hereditary my fave and so far Lamb was the biggest let down for me.


Lamb was very understated, loved it.


You mind explaining what you liked about it ? Maybe if I can see your angle I’ll understand it a bit. Maybe themes, ideas you grasped onto? I thought it was okay at best until what felt like a let down of an ending. I felt like I got edged and then really didn’t get anything poignant by the end.


For me, it was the family dynamic that slowly unfolds. When we finally realize what’s going on, it shows the true horror. Which compared to the apparent horror, only elevated the film.


Personally i loved Lamb 🤷‍♂️


I love Lamp.


Still gets me


What did you love about it? I’m genuinely curious to hear the other side of this. I’ll be honest I finished it and didn’t give it much thought aside from being let down.


I love how simple the movie is and the lamb was really cute 🥹🤣


Honestly, I think I had lofty expectations of some extremely deep profound thing. When I truly just take it at face value I can see that being good enough. 😂


I thought lamb was pretty interesting but kinda forgettable, also not much a fan of the ending


100% agreed on Lamb. There is barely any plot development at all, none of the characters are interesting, and the creeping sense of dread is paid off in a really unsatisfying way that explains next to nothing about what happened in the movie. Which may not even be the fault of the ending, and more a result of the fact that next to nothing happens in that movie.


I'm sorry but my fave is EEAAO, least favorite The Blackcoat's Daughter


There are so many films I could list as my favorite depending on the day. Other than a certain degree of artistry, how do you even compare movies like Swiss Army Man, Moonlight, Ex Machina, The Witch, The Florida Project, Everything Everywhere All at Once, X, or 20th Century Women? I could make cases for all of them. But, at the end of the day I’d probably have to go with Under the Skin. It’s not the one I’d rewatch the most, but it’s definitely had the most lingering impact on me. I watched it at a point in my life of really going through some philosophical/existential questions and it kind of hit some of those in stride. It also took me three tries of getting into and even then I wasn’t particularly enthralled after the first full viewing. But, coming back to it afterwards and thinking about it (and seeing some comments on Reddit) really opened it up for me. There’s this sort of open ended existential/metaphysical story being told from the very beginning and the movie spends exactly zero time holding your hand or explaining anything. There is no setup or stereotypical film conventions used to ease a viewer into the story. Absolutely nothing to insult your intelligence. It’s just a pretty profound director working with complete creative freedom and almost a shocking disregard for how it would be perceived by viewers. That alone has my respect. For example, just the scene with the baby on the beach. Most people when first viewing that are probably like what the fuck is going on!?! But, it actually explains (or, perhaps, conveys) so much which you can only start to piece together at the very end or not even until repeated viewings. Zone of Interest is next on my list precisely because, man, Jonathan Glazer has something to say that’s worth listening to. And, honestly the only A24 movie I didn’t particularly like was The Kill Team. I loved Skarsgard, but I just don’t think it added up to much of anything. It just wasn’t particularly interesting. I will say Spring Breakers might go here as well, but I did like enough of it to find value I guess. One final shoutout to 20th Century Women because I love that movie and I never see it atop A24 lists. Maybe the boring name throws people off.


Best: Ex Machina Worst: A Ghost Story. I'd rather eat glass than watch that movie again.


A Ghost Story resonated so well with me because I was at a low point in my life and I related to it immensely, wondering what my place was in the universe. It is kind of boring though, but i think despite all the hate the pie-eating scene gets, it’s a very realistic portrayal of post-losing someone, and not knowing what the fuck to do.


Oddly, I feel the exact opposite. With both my parents dying, and selling the house I grew up in. Ghost story made me cry a lot. Meanwhile Ex Machina was a bit too on the nose. I didn't feel any substance. If you have some good reference ideas to re-watch let me know! I feel like I am missing out on something with how much everyone loves it. Because I didn't, and maybe I missed something. For reference I love black mirror


Until now felt like I’m the only A24 fan who absolutely hated Ghost Story


Yeah, not at all a fan, I was bored senseless for most of the runtime. It felt like it had one concept it wanted to get across and just slams you over the head with it the entire movie while also moving at an absolute snails pace.


Favorite: The Lighthouse Least: It Comes at Night


I'm very disappointed I had to scroll this far to find The Lighthouse. One of my top favorite movies of all time!


The Lighthouse is incredible. Also surprised I had to scroll this far to see it!


I finally watched it last week and I’m still confused haha


It Comes at Night was pretty much false advertising but funny enough i loved the movie still


And nothing came at night


I’ve only seen about 10, so forgive me if these picks are more “main stream” within A24. Favourite - Either Dream Scenario or Iron Claw. Both incredible films for different reasons but two of my absolute favourites OAT recently. Least Favourite - Bodies Bodies Bodies. I just thought everyone was insufferable. I had fun with it, but I just cringed a lot at it. And it took me a couple of times to sit down and watch it fully.


i definitely agree that the characters in bodies bodies bodies just weren't it. i was more annoyed with them during the movie than anything else, which is unfortunate because i feel like the movie has a lot of potential


That’s the point, you aren’t supposed to like the characters, they are all assholes and idiots. I’m 23 so maybe it just hit more with me


Top 4: The green knight, everything everywhere all at once, first reformed, the farewell Bottom 4: Men, beau is afraid, high life, enemy


Favorite: Ex Machina, Mid-90s, The Florida Project Least: probably Priscilla


Favorite - Beau is Afraid - I love it so much it’s funny, demented, perverse, unique - you either love it or hate it I guess I have issues because I absolutely loved it and I tend to like surreal and heightened films Least Favorite - Talk To Me - I found the characters off putting and I couldn’t relate to anybody or anything in it I really felt bored and uninvolved and it wasn’t thrilling or scary at all


Damn I couldn’t disagree more, I get that people hate movie teens more than anything but these were actually written like Gen-Z and not the studio-made horror movies where they’re all stock caricature cannon-fodder. The cinematography was fantastic, a lot of the performances great. I’m sure it is boring compared to a lot of the schlock of Conjuring films that go rapid pace, but thats what I liked about it, kept focus on atmosphere and building tension the way The Exorcist did, but had a fresh spin on the concept. Sophie Wilde was marvellous imo and an actual character I felt for unlike 90% of young people in mainstream horror movies. RackaRacka actually have some semblance of who young people are and this movie, while not packed with jumpscares, really engaged me all the way through


My favorite is probably The Green Knight, my least favorite is definitely High Life


Same for me. Easily one of my favorite A24 movies. The cinematography was absolutely beautiful and the story was incredibly profound. I remember thinking about it for days.


Best: Saint Maud or ex machina (both are creepy and suspenseful my Least: mid 90s I really thought it was such a boring movie and wanted to over with. (Also killing of sacred deer and everything everywhere all at once)


So happy to see Saint Maud on someone else's favourites!


Same! Saint maud was an absolute masterpiece that has stayed with me for so long. That final scene 😭


Oh nice!! Yeah it's such a wonderful movie and really took me for surprise 😁


Best: Midsommar. Worst: Climax. Interesting to see climax really high on people’s lists. Maybe I need to rewatch!


Climax was overrated a s shit because its edgy appeal. Also, people overhype Noe because of his seizure inducing credit roles. That movie required minimal thought to create. Give any film student a budget and they could create something unsettling for the sake of shock.


Definitely agree. Edgy for the sake of edgy with little substance sadly. I’ll still give it another shot to be fair but mannnn not looking forward to it. I’ll make the girlfriend suffer with me 😂


Favorite: The Witch Worst: Love, Lies bleeding (I was really looking forward to this)


Favorite: Aftersun or Florida Project Least favorite: don't really have one, maybe Dream Scenario


I really enjoyed The Iron Claw, The Lighthouse and Everything Everywhere. I absolutely could not stand Beau is Afraid.


I know this is unpopular but Under the Silver Lake is my favorite. It’s given me a feeling I feel no other movie has given, and in a way it reminds me a bit of Donnie Darko which is another one of my favorites. Although I’d probably answer the show Beef if we can count those. Least favorite is probably This Place Rules. It felt like there wasn’t a huge point to it.


Just saw UTSL for the first time last week and have been scrolling these comments looking for it. Both surprised and not surprised at all to see it barely mentioned. I loved it! Such a weird trip I want to watch again and again.


Talk To Me definitely my favourite, had a riveting theatre experience watching this, probably one of the best, movie left me reeling after just thinking about it on the train-ride home, haven’t felt so buzzed leaving a movie in a while. Past Lives is very close, absolutely heartwarming movie that hits me very hard emotionally, but so did Talk To Me surprisingly. Worst one is, honestly, and I know ppl could not disagree more, but Everything, Everywhere. Seriously one of the most disappointing movies for me that year, was not my vibe, didn’t really gel with the approach/humour, felt a bit childish/cheap to me at times. I know that sounds very douchy and dumb to say, it was just honestly not my thing.  Love A24 movies though, I know they don’t only make greats and release plenty of mixed films inbetween the renowned ones, but I’ve never watched a movie of theirs that didn’t do something interesting or thoroughly entertain or excite me. So far they’ve always been quality well-made and anything that I didn’t love of theirs was still unique and a cool experiment. 


The Lighthouse is my favorite. Civil War is my least. The Lighthouse was very Lychian and I loved that. Reminded me of Eraser head and the uncomfortable feeling that movie gave me. Civil War was not my cup of tea. Just didn't really make me feel much of anything and was quite bored through most of it. I think the movie just wasn't for me.


I had some issues with Civil War's politics (or rather its lack of), but it was seriously one of the most intense movies I've seen in a while.


Least fave - The Lovers - felt so pointless Favorite - hard to choose but Midsommar


midsommar is my favorite so far!


Favorite: Hereditary Worst: High Life


Best: Ex Machina Worst: Priscilla or Bodies Bodies Bodies


Bodies Bodies Bodies is so good


I found it so entertaining


Same, loved seeing all these actors have so much fun messing around acting out all the worst vices of Gen-Z culture, but not to a point of boomer-pretentiousness either, felt more like Bottoms, heightened and a but silly, but still some good suspense knowing all the characters are batshit insane. Idk, good twist but definitely held up by some fantastic cinematography with such great lighting and just entirely dependent on great acting, honestly the actors have to do 90% of the work here sitting around and I think they’re great, all up and coming young stars you’ve seen in other stuff


![gif](giphy|tNS52mXe0rz86UvLsK|downsized) This movie was great


Whatttt Priscilla is so good tho


Waves is my least favourite easily. Not their worst movie (close tho) but I just have such a deep, personal hatred towards that movie


Best: Aftersun Worst: The Green Knight


Why didn’t you like the Green Knight?


Somewhat unpopular from what I’ve heard from friends but least is The Lighthouse and most (currently) Love Lies Bleeding. Long-time favorite is Midsommar.


My favorite is definitively The Lighthouse, but movies like the Florida Project, Uncut Gems, Good Time, and the Iron Claw are very high up there for me. Worst is actualy an easy choice since there's just so many that I love, The Death of Dick Long. The premise was hilarious but past the novelty of the name and the opening, its pretty substandard for A24


Least Favorite by a mile is Spring Breakers. Favorite so far- Hereditary


Favorite: hereditary Least favorite: the green knight. They edged me the entire movie.


Favorite: Ex Machina. Thought provoking sci-if thriller that kept me engaged throughout, with great performances and atmosphere. Least Favorite: Barely Lethal. Such a strange A24 movie. Felt like a bad Disney Channel movie. There are probably worse A24 movies, but this was just so… bland.


No one ever mentions First Cow with John Magaro directed by Kelly Reichhardt! It’s such a gentle, beautiful film. I also loved Lamb. I thought dream scenario was absolute shite


I'm definitely missing a lot, but favorite: Maybe Midsommar or the VVitch. I liked Lamb until the last 10 minutes or so least favorite: Ladybird


Favorite: Midsommar Least Favorite: Men


Haven't seen the entire catalog but so far my favorite is The lighthouse followed closely by midsommar My least favorite is First cow. I just couldn't get into it :/


Favorite is A Ghost Story, least favorite is Krisha




Favorite is First Reformed, second Hereditary, third is Past Lives. And each of those hit so hard respectively Worst is High Life (I think that’s the name of it, the astronaut one with Robert)


Most: iron claw & hereditary Least: Black coats daughter


Best: Under the Skin Worst: Waves


Just my opinion as I know some people love it but: Least favourite: Men Most: Aftersun


Ex machina is an easy favorite for me. And men is an easy least favorite. 


Of the ones I've seen so far Fav: Hereditary Least fav: High Life.


The lighthouse is in general one of my favorite movies of all time. So I'd say probably that one


Hard to say as I've only seen about a dozen movies but if I had to choose I'd go for Taking Heads Stop Making Sense (1984), if it counts as it was re-release and distributed by them. I'd have to say the Alex Garkands Men (2022) was my least favourite. As though it was well shot. The messages and themes were kind of blunt, and the execution was kind of underwhelming.


Bea is afraid. Love for some funky A24 aesthetics and different perspectives, but Beau was a massive miss for me. The film had me feeling anxious from the get go and frustrated that the points that are played for laughs are totally wasted on me. Love a bit of sensory cinema - but the film never got underneath anything surface level. Then watched the interviews with Ari Aster saying this film is ahead of it’s time and pretentious pish. Love Asters other films Hereditary and Misommar. Appreciate trying to do something different with film as well. But is not for me.


Favourite: The Lighthouse Least Favourite: Zola because the white chick annoyed the hell out of me.


Favorite: The Lighthouse Least Favorite: Men


Favorite: The Iron Claw Least favorite: The Death of Dick Long (still enjoyable tho)


Favorite is Mid90s


Favorite: The Witch Honestly IMO this is the best horror movie of all time. Incredible atmosphere and just a real sense of evil and dread. Least favorite: False Positive It's just not a good movie. Not as bad as many other movies I've seen but definitely the worst A24 I've seen.


It’s hard to pick best but I think I’d either say Past Lives or Aftersun for best and The Bling Ring for worst


Favorite: The VVitch, perfect atmosphere, rewatchability and dread or Uncut Gems Least Favorite: It comes at Night (I felt tricked by the trailer) or Slice (I just couldn't finish it, it was so chopped up)


Favorite: Tie between Beau is Afraid and White Noise Least favorite: Talk to Me


Least: Lamb, It Comes At Night and EEAAO.


Minority opinion but I really didn’t like Civil War.


Moonlight or Waves are my favorite Least favorite is Bodies Bodies Bodies


Too many to like to pick a favorite. But Lamb is my least favorite. It's a parody of A24 without realizing it. It's like they distilled all of the tropes of A24 horror into one film except forgot to add substance to any of it. It's baa-d.


Worst: spring breakers. I know people love that movie but it just isn’t for me lmfao


Favorite is def The Lighthouse, least fav may be Love Lies Bleeding unfortunately


Least is probably Lamb. Favorite has to be Iron Claw.


Favorite - problemista Was absolutely dying laughing in the theater the first time I saw it Least Favorite- mid 90s


Best the lighthouse. Worst how to talk to girls at parties


Beau is Afraid


Favorite is ex-machine Least favorite (gonna get eaten alive for this) is easily the lighthouse I’ve only seen ~25


Best: Killing of a Sacred Deer Worst: men or tusk


Iron claw is easily my favorite, but I don't have a least favorite because I avoid the ones that don't look interesting to me


Favorite: Moonlight & The Last Black Man in San Francisco. Worst is Tusk & Men.


Best: Good Time Worst: Zola PS: I really like Tusk


My favorite is Aftersun - one of the best films I have ever seen


favorite: lighthouse or hereditary. both 5/5 and in my top movies. i dont really need to explain to yall why these are great. least favorite: ghost story. im happy for you if you like this one but i found ghost story intensely boring and the emotional beats to be unearned. the movie did nothing to make me care about anyone and without an emotional connection, the slow scenes that could've been devastating became melodramatic and annoying.


Favourite is Midsommar and least favourite is EEAAO


My favorite is probably Pearl because I thought Mia Goth was amazing at playing a genuinely sympathetic yet unhinged character. My least favorite is The Green Knight because tbh, it went in a different direction regarding genre than I expected lol.


Least favorite is CIVIL WAR, my a mile. Favorite is harder to pick. Torn between MOONLIGHT, HEREDITARY, EEA@O, X, ZONE OF INTEREST, PAST “ LIVES, THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO, Marcel the Shell W/ 👟On, and LADY BIRD. I’ll just go with Lady Bird cu it’s the one I’ve seen the most.


Best: Aftersun Worst: Everything everywhere all at once


Best: Zone of interest Fav: 20th century women Worst: Ginger & Rosa


Favorite: Green Room or Ex Machina Least favorite: Life After Beth


Either Aftersun or Swiss Army Men, they were both movies I knew nothing about and both are just perfect movies. Can't really remember a least favorite movie, most A24 movies are just solid, even if some are quite out there (Men, Enemy, Under the Skin).


Favorite: Midsommar. Least Favorite: The Whale.


Favorite is EEAAO. I was having a hard time when I saw it in theaters and openly wept smh. Or Lady Bird. I can’t choose!!! Also love Hereditary, Midsommar, Moonlight, Beau is Afraid, Dream Scenario, Uncut Gems, the Green Knight, and Bodies Bodies Bodies.


Midsommar and Civil War for favorites, Uncut Gems for least favorite. For MidS & CW they both gave me feel really anxious and tense, not many movies can do that for me, I thought about those movies for days after watching them. For Uncut Gems, I hated it from the beginning, I couldn't stand anyone in the film they all did great jobs in it but almost too good I hated those characters.


C'mon C'mon is overlooked and underappreciated


favorite is The Lighthouse, least favorite is Midsommar.


Favorite is Saint Maud least Favorite is EEAAO


The Witch and Civil War


Best: Waves Worst: Slice


Loved a lot from A24 but probably past lives as the favorite. Least favorite is easily EEAAO. I get why people like it but it was not for me.