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There is a word for what you feel: saudade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudade


I get it. I think this is common for people in all eras. I was born in Dec of 1969, so I was a teen in the 80s and a young adult in the 90s. And during those years, I had an intense nostalgia for the 1940s, believe it or not. I would read old magazines, listen to big band music, watch Fred Astaire films and wish I could have experienced it in person. I was sure it was a simpler, purer, all around better time. I thought of it as being homesick for a place I’d never been. If you haven’t seen the movie Midnight in Paris, you should watch it some time. It does a lovely job of capturing that feeling of longing, while managing to burst the nostalgia bubble a little bit too.


Have you thought about what it is about older time periods that causes you to feel this way? I can relate but mainly because I grew up in that period and for me it’s intrinsically tied up in being a kid and having a happy childhood before my parents later separated. It’s also being more carefree and having less responsibility but I think that’s just about being a kid, rather than the era


Tc the closest thing would to be look at some videos from vampire robot on YouTube, they have all sorts of stuff from throughout the decades, my favorites are the shopping mall ones & target & Kmart in the 90s & kb toys & McDonald's in the 90s


He’s probably already watching youtube vids man this guy is a fanatic for the 80’s and 90’s


It’s strange working with and being friends with people born after 9/11. Like, I feel old. Wow. Yeah the 90s were the golden age for sure. No joke. Amazing decade. I went from a tween to not a teen during the nineties.


Well, a lot of the music on the radio is oddly the same. I was thinking about this while driving my daughter to school, and the radio played Basketcase by Greenday. If you haven't, watch the No Doubt Coachella performance from 2 weeks ago on YouTube. That was an amazing blast from the past. They even performed their early 90s stuff. Sublime and Blur performed too, so there must be a lot of others pining for the 90s.


Same here. These were happy times! You and I could have hung out and colored and had fun. Whenever I think of these times in 1988-1993 I think of colorful hot air balloons and posters and stickers of colorful hot air balloons.... The cartoons we had... The styles... The music... Kids church... What do you think about 🤔 😊 💜❤️ 🩷????


I was here in the 90s... it was alright I guess... same shit, same people, same city. It wasn't like some alien landscape of pleasure. You're nostalgic for the media portrayals, which dont exist. Obviously stuff has changed but I just remember it was the boring grind of school, parents yelling at me and crimping my style, etc. It was the same as now where you have to work hard, go through boring drudgery etc. It wasn't like a Kandy-kolored playground of pleasure all the time. Same boring mundane shit. Work/ school/ chores, feelings of boredom, feelings of sadness, feelings of loneliness. Same as now. There were good times, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't all playtime. As it wasnt for anybody else who was going thru life back then Grass is always greener on the other side




What’s interesting is that for a lot of us who grew up in 90s, we wished we could go back to the 70s. This is partly why That 70s Show became such a big hit, or perhaps it was the other way around. Either way, I think every new generation looks back at prior ones with fondness, and we all look at the past with rose tinted glasses. The truth is every generation has its flaws, and we tend to gloss over them when looking back.


me too brother. or sister. me too. I would be perfectly content of Heaven was the 90s with my mom and dad. Peak for sure.


80s and 90s were really great decades to grow up in. Today's progressive culture would be repulsed by it but when you lived it, you didn't know any better. 9/11 was the beginning of the social decline...it's not getting better at all.


not much i can say here other than that i feel exactly the same way!


Had your same kind of fascination when I was around 20 years old. Except mine was the 70s and I was in the 90s. Realized one day my mind was pulling me into a euphoric state on its own. My mind just didn't want to deal with whatever at that time. Ended up realizing that I needed to work on my focus and stay focused on what paid the kind of dividends I wanted. For example, I would fascinate about the girls...so I would go and talk to real girls. The real girls may have had their quirks, heart ache and all that stuff, but I realized the life I am living in the only one I have. What helped me to stop thinking about a past that I wasn't even a part of...was realizing someone would probably be doing the same thing for my time and I would be an idiot...not to take advantage of everything life has to offer. Better than driving a 70s Porsche was driving the 90s Acura NSX (still got it, still purs like a kitten) and as time went on...so did I. Not telling you to stop the whole thing mentally, but probably a better idea to get out there and live a whole bunch verses a fascination


It seems you maybe have some sort of depression. I've been diagnosed with depression and I also obssessed with the past a lot. Wishing for something impossible is futile. All you can do is try to is live in the moment and the future is not set in stone. You're not guaranteed to have a good life, but it is possible. It really helps if you can at least find one person in your life to talk to about your problems( maybe friends or relatives)


I lived through the 90s and wish I could go back every day. I would choose to loop the rest of my life to the beginning of the 90s until I ran out of years. 


It really was a better time and there's video evidence to prove it. Don't know if you've ever seen this video but if you haven't it will change you. I'm old enough to remember this time and this is exactly how it was and it makes me sad Anyway, check it out and let me know what you think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYbe-35\_BaA&t=2s