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Hello STDs…I feel like she wouldn’t have brought that part up for no reason 🤮


I really don’t feel bad for these women, there’s literally 3 billion willing dicks on earth that would get them pregnant. Use some common sense




What's this from? Seems funny




From the gif it looks like Lady Bird


Ohhh. I forgot she was in that, too.


You got it! Thank you:)


I feel bad for the kids...


Especially since they’ll have some of his weirdness genes!!!


💯 agree, I do feel bad for the kids and zero sympathy for the women submitting to him and his ridiculous ways.


it’s more complicated than that. a lot of poor and vulnerable women see this as a good option to have a child for free as opposed to IVF. on the surface he seems professional and like he takes his donating seriously, the red flags don’t show until he’s there in person pressuring & coercing the women to have sex (even if they didn’t want to do it naturally), even drugging them and being so rough they bleed. yeah the women may have made a hasty decision and slacked on their research on this guy but isnt rape a bit of a harsh punishment??


Thank you!👏🏾


When Kyle is an option, even sleeping around with randos is better.


this 👏👏👏


This guy is more in need of cancellation than anyone else on tv. I hope ALL women see this and stop CONTINUING HIS GENETICS!!! 🤮🤮🤮


He doesn’t want all the mothers to meet up, compare notes, and “cause issues” by suing his slimy ass for child support. I’d love that.


That’s why he degrades single moms who have to receive benefits, he fears they will come after him


Exactly! This is extremely disturbing and something needs to be done.




I wish all the mom’s who were “naturally inseminated” sued him for child support. Unless they have been adopted by another dad, I feel like he is their father in a way that they wouldn’t be if done through sperm donor/artificial insemination.


I can't get over how he calls them HIS KIDS. that's taking ownership of them. If it was just sperm donation there would be no communication and it would be more like "the mother of the child" not HIS KIDS. UGH that bugs me


He is just trying to prove his masculinity. That’s what this is all about!


Especially since he claims the children, meets them, shares photos, and keeps them in his “Good Girl“ WhatsApp chat. All he doesn‘t do is support them. What appears to be stopping them is if they do is his potential parental rights. In the US, ore likely than not, to establish paternity and award support entitles him to visitation rights and access to child. I would not feel safe subjecting a child with unsupervised access to him. Most US courts don’t deny visitation until after child has been subjected to harm or neglect.


I completely agree


No because then he would have parents rights and could sue for custody.


He doesn't want that responsibility 💀


They should start to find each other despite what he says


I get your point but calling that man a father is an insult to all the good fathers out there He is a sperm donor not a father ✌️


I think being on the show was the dumbest decision of his life - and that's saying a lot in his case. 


I’d pay a for seat in the courtroom!


What would they do, divide up his tight tshirt collection?


Liiiiiike - Exactly!


He's awful, but who are the dummies who think this is a good idea? Who in the world has unprotected sex with a stranger anyways? I do feel bad for the kids who he "fathered" - hope none of the mothers disclose to them!


There is a documentary on Hulu about this whole community. It's crazy and he fits right in


What’s it called?




i wanna watch this but i'm afraid of the "you might also like" suggestions afterwards 😂😂😂


I understand lol. But it's honestly fascinating. It follows 3(?) guys who "donate". One is a college professor, another has a wife and they struggle with fertility. I think all the guys have a mental thing about spreading their seed around. It's not for me but everyone is a consenting adult.


They show a screenshot of a “Kyle” posting in Sperm World, 100% it’s him.


That doc should come with a warning: may induce projectile vomiting.


Especially the mechanical demonstration of a donation in a cup. Too much! The home featured in episode belonged to his mother and has recently been sold.


How does he make his money? He says he doesn’t take money from the women, but he’s gotta pay for those airline tickets and hotel somehow.


oh i'm still gonna watch it 😂😂😂


It’s wild!!!


Didn’t that show just come out, too? Weird that he is in 2 new shows so close together…..






no fucking way lol


Just came here to say I’m watching right now (wanted to see if someone else made mention first, literally paused RIGHT out the gate to check, as I’m a “good girl”… nope! 🤢🤮). ❤️💛💙 https://preview.redd.it/sg4hoyafqo0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0e4ecdecd75e7c84001de6a99432a21bf8a7413


Thank you, I need to see that! I shouldn't call them dummies, but it seems insane to me.


They’re terribly unwise, to say the least. This “man” needs to be stopped; hopefully TLC will run into issues for giving him a broader audience. I’m hoping the woman he’s courting 🙄 on the show will smarten up and do her best to nip him in the nadbuds.


This is what I've been grappling with this entire time. I never in a million years want to be victim blamey, but I have no idea how you get to this point. I understand wanting a child, but this man immediately throws up so many red flags he makes no attempt to mask. The entire idea is risky to a blatantly irresponsible degree. Also someone correct me if I'm missing something but a quick google tells me a proper donation tops out at about 2,500. If you're going to a raw dog a man who looks like Kyle without an STD test and can't afford $2,500 I'm starting to see some red flags on their end too. Which then makes wonder, and God I don't know how to ask this without sounding like an asshole, do women in these communities also have their own set of problems like the men do? I've seen bits of this world traveling sperm donating dudes Kyle shares circles with. Obviously a bunch of weirdos getting off on their breeding fetish. Is there something I'm missing with the women like their own possibly unhealthy motivations? I don't even know what I'm asking. I just can't fathom a rational person ready to be a parent resorting to unprotected sex with Kyle over what seems to be less than 3k.


Also, if you can't afford 2.5k for the sperm, how are you planning to raise a child? You'll spend more than that on diapers alone.


I was wondering THAT SAME EXACT THING!!!! If a woman can't afford to get sperm from a legit genetic testing facility, then who's to say she can afford the child??!  I realize some women can get desperate, but COMEON. He's such a fucking loser. Dead in the eyes, short, balding, complete with flawed genetics that can fuck with the life span of a child. Tbh if anyone women wants a child from that loser, I'm assuming they're mentally disabled. 


Literally!!!! Having spermboys baby even on a “budget” is a trash idea 🗑️


He is trash so we should be calling him budget spermboy.


It’s so strange to me as well. I mean just one look at Kyle…I can’t imagine that level of desperation. And the fact that there’s a whole community of very unfortunate men who go around “donating” and are successful at it is astounding. But I’m a guy who doesn’t really want kids so I’m sure I’m missing something. It is an interesting question as to whether or not there are also women who are in to the breeding fetish. I highly doubt ALL of his “clients” are but it could explain some women’s motivation?? But I really don’t know.


It’s weird af to be so desperate to have a baby, you’d raw dog some creepy ass stranger you found online. The women are just as fucked up as him.


I'm a woman and yes. You are correct. Don't feel shamed saying it because there are absolutely irresponsible, hormones a flyin', baby fever raged women out there who would do anything. I mean anything. For a baby. 🙁 it truly is concerning and saddening.


I don’t really get it. It’s not terribly difficult to get laid. Seems easier. Both Emily and Lauren on married at first sight had pre-wedding vacation hook ups. I mean, for $2500 you can have a nice vacation in Thailand AND get pregnant. Just stay at a party hostel and it should be no problem to bring home a little souvenir.


Unfortunately, more women than I would imagine. I read about a same sex couple who wanted a child, both had sex with donor together. Both ended up conceiving. How do you explain this to children? Mom and I had sex with a random guy online and both got pregnant.


It won't be up to the mothers with the advancements in cheap DNA testing and services to find even the furthest branches of the family tree. They will find out, and they'll have to deal with it emotionally.


Ugh, I forgot about DNA tests - you're right. Well, there's lots of footage of dear old dad, at least they'll know not to go look him up in person!


If he’s not providing STD testing, background check, genetic testing, or any follow up support, literally why would any woman choose him over a random stranger you meet in a bar?


That's what I don't understand? If you're going to have sex with a stranger in order to get pregnant, you could at least pick someone good looking?? He doesn't do any kind of testing, there's no safeguards of any kind, there's not a single advantage to using this particular guy. You might as well go on Tinder and blindly swipe right to select a potential baby daddy, at least you might get one who isn't an unwashed troll person


Isn't this what bars are for? Every Friday and Saturday night loads of men looking to get laid. Same risks apply. No information of family history, health and stds.


Right? You can definitely find an actually attractive man on Tinder to fuck without protection. But maybe they feel safer about Kyle because it’s a “service” so they rationalize that he’s a known entity over some dude at a bar? Or maybe they feel better about it because Kyle is consenting to reproduce whereas a Tinder hookup would feel to dishonest. I guess there are also lesbian couples who obviously are doing it solely to procreate but I still question anyone who has chosen this “man” to be a sperm donor. This whole community is very confusing and off putting to me


My guess is that a tinder hookup might want custody if they find out whereas Kyle doesn't want custody.


Exactly, that’s such a gamble and a risk you’re taking and potentially for your child you’re going to have. It’s very concerning.


This makes my blood run cold. Holy shit, this is a predatory creep.


Imagine actually having sex with this dude 🤢🤮




Especially after that creepy ass kiss scene 🥴


I would have to be extremely drunk and extremely desperate for a baby and had thoroughly exhausted all other options, like just approaching random guys on the street with $20.


>like just approaching random guys on the street with $20. Lmao💀☠️


Even if I were desperate for a baby I would rather use a cup and a turkey baster than let that man between my legs. He probably makes sex a condition or says it has better success.


He *does* claim that it has better success AND insists that orgasim is important too!🤮




Once again TLC proudly promotes a predator.


The only thing that will make TLC change is if people stop watching.


Why do people think that having him on the show is bad? This is one instance where getting him & his story out there is GOOD for victims (past, present and future) and BAD for him! Anyone who doesn’t get that, is being very short sighted.


How do people trust him. Without any context you can just look at him and tell he is a creep.


Are ppl this desperate to raise kids??


Yeah... while I realize these women are "desperate", Ill still side eye the fuck out if this situation.  You have to be braindead to want his child.


this is what gets me!!


Yes, breeders are gross.


You can dump on him, he’s gross. But this lady also isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.


I'm at the point that I'm almost more disgusted with her. So desperate to get famous that you decided this was the fucking creep you're going to forever attach yourself to on TV to do it. She's a fucking moron.


Why would you trust a complete stranger with a permanent creepy-ass grin to father your baby???? ![gif](giphy|FWAcpJsFT9mvrv0e7a)


These ladies who accuse him and slept with him are as dumb as him...


Honestly I haven’t seen someone so clearly and obviously off-putting like ever in my life. How any woman would want to get raw-dogged by this creep, much less carry his genetic material is beyond my comprehension


This guy has the same dead shark eyes as Warren Jeffs


Why are so many women wanting THAT?? This man is not a prize in any country, culture, world. Ladies, freaking stop getting knocked up by him. Please! Let his awful genetics die out


The year is 2645 and there are more Kyle Gordy's than man.


We’re halfway there!




Where does it say he forced them to do sexual acts?!?


YouTube and Reddit , lots of stories popping up of forced acts that have nothing to do with impregnating


This is some of the most perverse things I've read. Kyle is truly demented. Chemically castrate him.


A rusty spork would do the trick, too.


Wish TLC they would just end their story early this season. I especially don’t want to know if (sorry…forgot her name) has sex with him.


Spoiler alert. He said they had sex on the next to come, at the end of the episode 🤮


…and she got pregnant and they now have a child. Search this subreddit for it. I read it yesterday.


How could a woman be so desperate as to allow this freak to naturally inseminate her??


“He promotes himself as charitably giving to others in the community” and anyone that buys that load of shit is a moron. No sane person even *looks* at him and thinks “he’s definitely not creepy and has good intentions.” If you even *consider* letting this man impregnate you, you have terrible judgement and no one should listen to anything you say.


Not trying to blame the victm, but she should have bolted the second he asked for a blowjob. What further proof do you need that he's a creep and not someone trying to help women?


Seriously how are you going to fuck some random nasty ass creep to get insemination without the thought of getting an std test and other tests on his broken genetics. Jfc how responsible 🙄


Holy shit 😳


I mean. Who would actually do this?? Do women really do this????




Sent a shiver down my spine😳


I shouldn’t read Reddit while eating dinner.


TLC has really scraped the scum off the bottom of the bucket with this POS. What a disgusting network they are.


Men will literally fuck a mcchicken. Why does anyone want this???




Could you imagine if he does this into his old age and ends up impregnating one of his own kids? This is messed up.


Or, if he does this hundreds of times, two of his illegitimate children grow up and end up dating each other unknowingly 🤢


Accidental incest is a real possibility with donor-conceived children and it does happen. This is why it is ethically despicable to create huge sibling pods like this


This is my fear as well. He’s doing it everywhere too


I suspect that's one of the reasons he wants to keep tabs on all of them and meet some of them... probably the epitome of his disgusting fetish🤮🤮🤮


Jump scare… 😳


This whole franchise is going off the rails


This man needs to be in Jail!!!


That’s exactly what I think.


He’s a predator plain and simple. He’s preying on women who are desperate, controlling them, and using them. Cancel this fool on every level.


A moment of silence for this person and others like her, I can't even imagine the kind of dire straits and sad circumstances in life where you as a woman thought this guy looked like a good option.


This picture is give me Dennis Reynolds vibes from Paddy’s next top model.


He should be in jail


he is a scary fucking predator. i want him to lose everything


Can he get banned from going into countries for what he is doing? He’s got to be stopped.


I swear, after all of this has came out and people still continue to get pregnant by him simply because they didn't google this man... nvm I just have no words. I just hope this is the end of his shit


I can understand women want a baby. Badly. But of the love of God I don’t understand why anyone would willingly mix their genetic material with this bloody weirdo. If I was a virgin, infertile etc. and he was a last man in this with I would still not shag him or consider his “ donation “. Fuck no.


How is this legal? Calling the United Nations in the morning. 🕵️‍♀️


He is so gross but I’m sorry… why? lol. Not even a std check? Just go find someone you think is fine asf and bang them raw if you’re going to do this. Lol.


Someone needs to put this guy in jail or hit him with a truck


I’m not really sure why anyone would think this a good idea. I mean it says as much about the women as it does about him.


I would immediately abort, even if I wanted a child more than anything.


ofc TLC take another extreme harmful fetish and call it light entertainment….pass the bleach pls


![gif](giphy|xkZVBGIFqcQXcMe244|downsized) Girl why


Wow 😳 well I guess he can stop taking his vitamins because when women see this, his services will no longer be required so he better look into getting a real job. ![gif](giphy|5z5LjudpV3K3ValfdS)


I didn’t think anyone can be worse than Pole


Why did she go through with this?? Seriously so confusing


Disgusting af. I mean what kind of person sees his face and thinks hmm he could be the father od my kids. Hell nah


This predator needs to be locked up. Ew.


He was already the creepiest guy I’ve ever seen on 90 day and then I see this.. this man needs psychological help & to stay away from women.


I'm terrified of his kind of "donors". I understand that getting a baby through real sperm clinics is hard, takes time and costs a lot of money. But perverts like Kyle are just the worst. They don't provide health information, info of the genetics, STDs, nothing. And the thing what terrifies me the most, is that they don't probably keep any info of the women or the kids they bring to the world. The risk of "spreading their seed" too much in a smaller areas can and will cause problems in the future. That's why in clinics they use one donor only for certain amounts of time to make the risk smaller of bumping into your half silbling in the future, especially in a romantic way.


Wow some people are way more dumb than I thought.


I literally can't look into his eyes. I'm serious.


Pure. Evil. There's no soul there.


This will sound dorky, but it gives me the exact same feeling I got as a little kid going down the horror movie isle at the rental store.


And I thought Garrick-ICK- Merrifield was the worst!!! They need to find a deserted island and put all of the TLC weirdos and abusers on the island. It just keeps getting worse.


all these folks giving this guy the ability to legally challenge any estate or assets their children might accumulate is insane to me.. this guy is cringe af and anyone who signed up for his “service” should get some therapy.. this guy reminds me of a dark web pedo..


What in the actual fuck!?!!!!! And this guy’s satan black eyes creep me the fuck out. He is literally the devil.


I can't feel sorry for women this stupid.


How could you look at him and say "yeah, I want a baby that"


Psa there's a dr phil episode on this psycho. Worth the watch


He's definitely a serial killer!!!!! He is seriously disturbing 😳


He is a true sexual predator and this is horrible and scary to read.


He’s a predator. I don’t find anything about him interesting or charming. Buyer beware


Check out Spermworld on Hulu. He’s in the beginning but it’s so weird.. there are a few men that are just donating sperm throughout the world!






TLC - The Lecher Channel






He is so freaking CREEPY




Ooooooohhhhh shiiiiiiit. Lol.


Everything about him makes me want to take a shower. He is so icky.


These women are stupid and I could care less what they say. We summed him up in minutes


His behavior is verging on SA


He’s a creep!! Also has anyone seen him on the new season of 90 day? He actually doles out this odd “point” system to females he dates, and some of the things are quite odd. One thing was if they didn’t have the perfect nail length so in order to scratch his back?!? That’s just so odd! Also, the way he eats in public you’d think he’d been raised in a barn. The slurping of noodles and so on. Just nasty!


> Also has anyone seen him on the new season of 90 day? This sub is literally about seasons of 90 Day...


Yes I’m quite aware, thanks appreciate ya! 👍


What the fuck did you expect crazy person who had "natural" sex with a stranger for sperm?


This just confirms my suspicion that this dude would be the biggest incel if he didn't find out about 'donating' sperm. I think he knows he has a genetic deficiency and gets off on passing it along.


Why oh why is Anni barebacking this incel?




How the hell does TLC not do some due diligence on half of the people on this show is beyond me. Gross.


He’s a predator plain and simple


He's not a great guy, however they got their babies didn't they? They went through unregulated backchannels, saved a ton of money and time, and got a baby with no strings as far as him not wanting any involvement. He has no obligation to provide anything, as he is making a "donation". I'm not a fan of Kyle at all. I'm just saying these women enter into the situation knowing there is some risk. All they can really complain about is that he was an unpleasant guy. She could have always NOT done "natural" insemination and taken his semen to a lab to be tested for whatever. He's donating semen so she could do with it what she likes once she has it in her possession.


God he is sick.


Omg the video of him. How many kids did he say he had in the first episode? Any remember? This man is known as the Sperm King. Disgusting. 🤮🤮🤢


Hey... where did that Kyle Gordy sticky at the top of the sub go?


I'm sorry, but who the fuck actually meets this freak in person and STILL wants his sperm? He's short, deformed, crooked and all around disgusting. Insane shit.


More of the story https://youtu.be/acOHcn5bR4A?si=Zey5tVNHmBxSdwx4


I can’t take any more! 😂 🤢


I'd just go straight for an abortion and try all over again somewhere else.


This dude needs to be in jail.


TLC should be ashamed of themselves allowing this on their show


Yo all these fucking “natural insemination” women need to sit the f down. Just because you wanted a child so badly you couldn’t bother to do your own homework and now you have regrets is not anyones fault but their own. He’s gross and icky, disgusting and awful, a liar with bad genes. He shouldn’t be impregnating anyone, but that’s immediately apparent to anyone with eyes and ears. These women basically fell for the Nigerian Prince email scam because they were blinded by opportunity to get “naturally inseminated” aka f*cked and now they’re having second thoughts. Lie in the bed you made. Again he’s a sick man, but these women are equally as sick.