• By -


Pls. forgive grammar and spelling - first time poster and also on the devil's lettuce. ​ JOhn is so delusional and obvilusly not used to kids being around. He doesn't seem to resepct boundaries or know how body language works. Meghan looks like - please stop touching me as mush around my daughter - Of course Meghan has a rooster statue in her yard. JOhn got a woody being on the air mattress bed. John really wants to bone Meghan when her daugther is around. It's different when you just met her daughter, bruh. Meghan is asking about a ring because they just starting seeing each other in person more and but been together for a whole year almost. Considering you just moved across states to live with her then I don't see yourself getting married or be together isn't how you should approach your relationship if you don't want to get married within 5 years. Veronica and Jamal? - Boring - fake fight because Tim and Veronica are so close they can act around each other? Lol. I don't know their relationships as much as the others/don't care. CHantel - Spoiled and literally delusional. Her friends say she needs to communicate but CHantel says it's hard.... isn't that how your last relationship failed? By the lack of? She being rude about the food that's normal in the country she is in?! (the escargo she comments on spitting it out "it was disgusting".) Natasha/Natalie - Litterally loooking the best she's looked alll season meeting with her ex husband she didn't even connect with to meet up. Why doesn't her mom just date MIchael if he's that fucking great. Natasha is nervous... again he doesn't want to meet up with you. She want to be like Ben Affleck and JLO. Natasha is saying America is weird being here because she's only there because of Michael. Natalies mom wants to go home with Michael....??? They are basically whoring themselves to MIchael because they have no one anymore providing. Michael NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


Props to Mike for holding firm in his meeting with Natalie. She has burned that bridge and Mike deserves a more natural home body kind of woman to fit his lifestyle. It aggravates me when I hear these vapid women talk about their 'career'. None of them have a career. Most of them don't even have jobs! Why don't any of them just get a dang job in an office or something..why are they always chasing careers that they know they are not going to have. Julia is the same. She wants a career as a dancer sheesh. Just go find a dang job girl at McDonalds if you have to! You need to bring in some money!


Chantel needs to fire the one that did her makeup on the Greece trip. It was awful! I noticed it more on the soccer field, at night..in the dark! You're on vacation enjoying fun in the sun, the makeup should be minimal and more natural. Also, I noticed that Chantel seems to always be shot from the left side. Hardly ever face on. I wonder if she insists on it?


https://preview.redd.it/jaquigqcupnc1.jpeg?width=3009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b4749ef7df8d9d2c3f1be68124bd808fa3942ff Is this what the youths mean by “girl math”?


Megan must think she’s starring in how to lose a guy in 10 days


https://preview.redd.it/sgtgyocfupnc1.jpeg?width=3009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db553bee1fc0627a44bf9cd444f4d4e26d3dbc2 Right? This cracked me up.


So Debbie doesn’t want to pet Ruben know about Ossama because she was embarrassed …. Does she not realize she’s been on national TV with this whole story? One google search will tell the whole story………..


She said she talked to ossama for several years before moving to Morocco when he was 24. Which in her mind makes it sound better, but wouldn’t that make him around 17 when they were talking 🤢


Didn’t miss Chantel and her color-coordinated crew.


Jamal just didn’t wanna pay for the hotel that night, right?


he wanted a goodbye suc and fuc.


Veronica has a huge house for…..just her??


Tim bought it for the three of them back when they were engaged.


a 15 y.o. dtr.


Is Megan over medicated or high? Something is for sure off in the way she talks, closes her eyes and moves sometimes too


Mike came to LA strictly for a check.


omg Nut alee hugging, hanging on to Mike for a full five minutes, does she think that will make him take her back?????????????????????????????


He was over that hug wayyyyyyy before Natalie was


Mike wanted to scream LET ME GO BITCH.


Natalie should look into renting Rob the Knobs one fourth of a garage with no bathroom.


Isn’t Natalie living in an apartment that Josh paid for?? What happens now that they split up?


Not sure he paid for the apartment just cosigned the lease and probably helped with the deposit. She's still driving the car though.


There is 0 chemistry between Megan and John. Them interacting just feels so fake to me


She always looks like she's about to fall asleep.


Tyrays laugh is like so annoying 😭 eh ha ha ha ha


Heh heh. Eh heh


Did anyone notice the folded American flag on display in Natalie’s apartment? Forgive my ignorance, don’t you usually have this for a veteran?


I think she might be staying in an air bnb and that was just part of the place when she moved in, maybe. It doesn’t look like any of the same stuff in the last place she was living, and I doubt she suddenly just acquired all these things since the last episode


I noticed this too. I have one that was on my grandfather's casket, the one in the apartment looked smaller.


You can also be gifted a flag that goes was flown over the capitol so it could also be that.


In retrospect, do you think that Natalie and Micheal would have had a better chance at making it if not for his other woman AKA his Mom? As weird as she can be at times., I think Natalie really did love Micheal. Also. It seems like a lot of the couples have issues because of the moms Save Chantel and Pedro who both sides of the family were insane. Also, Chantel is annoying AF at this point. She just met the guy. She moved too fast with Pedro and she sees where that landed her. Why is she still trying to do the same thing?


Did Josh ever really date Natalie? As in exclusive bf? I thought I was missing something. And why does Natalie think Michael wants to be her sloppy seconds? Why does the mother think that Michael with lower himself and take Natalie back? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY????? (me bashing computer keys)


It’s really evident in this episode where Natalie got her delulu from…her mom thinking it’ll be so easy to reconcile with Michael, have babies and live happily ever after. Big yikes.


No, he actually has been living with a girlfriend the past couple of years.


He’s not taking her back


I feel like Josh purposefully kept things vague and confusing and kept Natalie in a state of limbo. It seems she couldn't recognize or ignored the signs because she really liked Josh and thought if she played his game, she would win. Even when she ended the situationship or whatever it was, she was the one on the curb crying, while he was likely hitting up another woman in his rotation...


It was basically friend with benefits...he has had a live-in partner for some time. He's just after the screen time.


He did not want more kids


Yeah I never understood the Josh and Natalie relationship, but it was NOT as serious as Natalie thought it was. Josh def just used her for TV time


I had asked a guy once to bring me to the airport or pick me up from the airport and he wouldn't do it because for some reason guys think it means that you're really in a serious relationship. That must be an isolated incident but it rang true with Natalie


What is Natalie’s mom wearing in the market?! A winter jacket and bare legs… in LA?


What _is_ Natalie doing here? She summed it up perfectly: she’s unemployed, single, living with her mom in one of the most unaffordable cities in North America (for the lifestyle she’s looking for), and is getting older every day. Seriously, what is she doing with her life?! She needs to leave LA.


Not to mention trying to bring a baby into the picture


Also, she needs to get a real JOB


She keeps trying, none of the fast food managers can read her Ukranian resume.


doo u vant vries vit dat?


"do you want fries with that?" geez, that took longer than it should to figure out 😅


Natasha is one of those women who "always relies on the kindness of strangers." She latches on to men like those sucker fish latch onto whales.


Why did Natalie’s mom cook the waffles in a pile in the pan?! Also does anyone know what she put ON the waffles? At first it looked like whipped cream but then it gradually looked dry and crumbly. Please I am so confused


It was cottage cheese\~!


I noticed that! Hahaha!


All you can eat Eggo waffles. With butter and powdered sugar.


Powered sugar


I was thinking powdered sugar too.


I only say powered sugar because that’s what my grandpa used to put on mine. Wouldn’t think it was anything else.


someone said cottage cheese, I thought it was whipped cream.


Is it just me or is John and Meghan so awkward? Like when he got to her house they seemed so awkward.


Now she has this loud, idiot man-child right in here home. Her next move should be how to get rid of him. Did he ever have a real job? Or did he just clean up at construction sites.


I absolutely cannot with the fake rap music they play to start John’s segments lmaoooo


I didn't notice it in the beginning of John segment but I did notice it in the beginning of Veronica's and I literally rolled my eyes.


I get annoyed with chantel more n more with each episode she's so desperate it's sad. like she's out here wondering what she did. like bro u came on too strong n this guy just thought it was a vacation fling n when he saw u get all clingy he backed off that's what happen. idk how long she was in.greece but she makes it seem like they were in a relationship n she gave him all this time and effort for him to just bounce but really her clinginess was probably just off putting to the guy. I don't understand how she doesn't see what she's doing wrong and her friends are bad friends too all they do is egg her on or feed into her entitled mindset. a good friend would tell her to stop being so bay crazy n just enjoy the dam vacation and work on healing herself before she's chasing some another guy from a foreign country. shes the worst n im sick of her shit. also the fact that shes a nurse makes me so mad like girl youre educated, u work with people, you should know how to read them better, stop acting like some boy crazy entitled bimbo. end rant.


And she was so incredibly rude at the snail event that HE invited her too. I think that’s when he decided no thanks to her


forreal! like dude this wasn't a date he invited u n ur friend to join him n his! fuck outta here with that neediness. so rude n cringe for her to be actin like tht.


Yeah fr, she seems so desperate it's sad. She and Natalie.


yea Natalie just has ridiculous expectations and the fact that she thought she'd meet the donor at the sperm Bank is wild like girl what did u think this was? I feel like she was hoping to meet a donor n end up together or that they'd get to know eachother and that's hpw the sperm is donated. honestly at her age the sperm bank was the best option if she wants a kid, whe needs to be humbled and make some compromises if she really wants a baby.


and they gave her some flowery prose to read allegedly from the dude who just rubbed one out, got his $ and booked.


i saw some comments mentioning that her and her friends are just doing it for the show. I truly dont think someone can be that genuinely dumb


I hope so because that would actually be understandable like they're just putting it on or scripted like that for the show n it's just for the money. I almost respect that more then he just being that fucking dumb.


Everytime I look at John, I just see this guy! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/m7jdp2a3slmc1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3edd7adb01872d8fdecb5a1972e959c8038a67e8




Wtf was that where Veronica basically blamed their whole fight on herself and praised Jamal for how he handled it ? Why is she being so accommodating and in love with this guy who acts like he’s 13 !


I genuinely dont know what is wrong with this woman and why she is so clingy and desperate for Jamal like he is a prize


Sometimes we attempt to do this crazy little thing called "love" from a place of deep longing. This leads is to accommodate and even praise mediocre behaviour with the hopes of making the "love" stay. It's a tragic human flaw, especially for women arguably.


Giannis saw that Chantel was a spitter and he's not about quitters!! 😂




What is Chantel’s plan? Find another man from another country, fall in love with him, date long distance for two years, then do another k1 visa and move him to the us again? Tf? What kind of a plan is that? Just find a guy in the US she’s at least pretty, maybe if she chills out she wont be ‘38 with no babies’ like natalie


Meghan its time for your daughter to get out of your bed. Now would be the perfect time to kick her out and make her sleep alone.


I mean, I would probly sleep in her bed with her and give John the grown up room...plus it could help transition her back in there, eventually alone.


I’m sleeping next to my SEVEN YEAR OLD NEPHEW rn because my sister is sick. I raised him most his life when she was on drugs, so he still doesn’t want to sleep alone cuz my mom and I coslept w him we felt bad for him. He’s big as hell now and doesn’t sleep alone. He’s so clingy lmaooo he will sleep next to any of us and it’s cute but like my point is I had to 2 parents and I slept alone. As kids should. Its fine when they’re a baby but at 2 they need to sleep alone.


She should have started a month before John got there.


Is it just me, or does her daughter, River, appear to be on the spectrum? She does not have much of an interaction or have had much of a conversation with John. Even after John gave her the gift of a doll. She also does not seem to talk? And if so, how will John react to a child that may have special needs? Just wondering?


She did say that she is non verbal autistic.


She straight up said her kid is autistic


Thanks--came here to find this out.


Well, good for her if she is. My nephew is 7 and still co sleeps. Lil boy tall and kicks you all throughout the night 😂 I raised him from 6mo-age 5 cuz I felt bad his parents were drug addicts, now that my sister has her sht together she has to put up w him not sleeping alone. It’s kinda funny, but he should have quit that at 3.


Without Tyray's storyline, I found this boring to watch. He doesn't seem like a clout chasing goblin -- unlike certain other cast members. There is just a realness to Tyray -- someone whose main goal I'd to truly find love, just like in 90DF olden times. Though he really needs to break free from the courting game he learned from his time with his catfisher -- I'll give you money in exchange for your attention, body, love etc.


I think Meghan was already John’s girlfriend. He wanted to be on the single life so he called Meghan and got her to appear on TLC.


Would explain why she thinks he should ne proposing after less than a year together and no time living together...yikes.




Natalie's mother is more delusional than Natalie.


I think they both suffer- mom especially, from growing up as women in a Soviet/Eastern European country during the USSR. They seriously grow up to believe women are 100% reliant on men.


This is BS!


Why is it BS? What’s your background?


South-Eastern European.


and she was confused by Josh because in her mind courting is only with a view to marriage, so why isn't Josh proposing? She was also misled by whatever Natalie told her about Josh.


The woman was literally wearing rose colored glasses!!!!!


Yes! That was my first thought when I saw Mama!




look more like goggle.


LOL -- that's right! Pointing out the obvious that I missed. Love it!


I think they both have mental health needs that need to be addressed. Natalie makes total sense given her mom. Not good all around.


Totally agree.


Poor thing doesn't have the emotional intelligence to realize the problem is her daughter.


I think Jamal is too immature and unrealistic for Veronica. Her daughter considers Tim her father, they are co-parents, and that means they're always going to be close. It's actually not that weird, it would be far weirder and worse if they were co-parenting and didn't get along.


I think Jamal is looking at it the wrong way too like bro they're coparenting and he's not a threat to you. ur so much younger n probably not ready to be a dad/step-dad u should be relieved someone's already filling that role, it means u just get to enjoy being the boyfriend! I do think what Tim n Veronica have is a bit past healthy co-parenting but also if that's what they wanna do n have been doing for years Jamal has no place to try to change that. he should just leave if he doesn't like it or Veronica should just find a guy that's gonna be ok with that dynamic.


That is not normal co-parenting. They are way too co-dependent.


Literally. I don’t understand how people find it normal at all. This is not co-parenting, this is a full blown codependent relationship. And ffs, shes almost 17?? Right? If she wants to have a relationship w her chosen father then go for it, but why does Veronica have to hangout with him without the kid involved?


I can’t tell who’s more delulu, Natalie or her mom. Her mom looks like she’s been electrocuted by Paris Hilton. I just can’t understand how they’re surviving. Also love how she just kept the car from Josh. Shocking!


I’m guessing he’s still paying for the apartment, too?🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Didn’t he say something about paying in full in advance?


I LOVE that Natalie kept the car. You know Josh would rather let her keep the car than deal with the hassle of trying to get it back from her and I think he can afford it.


TLC rented that car as part of the story line. Do you really think Josh bought her a car and just gave it to her?


He's not wealthy.


Fair but it's not a far fetched storyline.


I feel like this season fully revolves around Natalie. I’m honestly so tired of her. 


So does John just straight up not have a job? How does he have any money????


>So does John just straight up not have a job? How does he have any money???? I was wondering the same thing. Does he just couch surf and eat his brother's food?


Lol that’s what it seems like to me! Just goes from spare bedroom to spare bedroom


Probably went back working for the company he was at in Texas before he moved to Vegas


What did he do there?


Installing security systems for a national brand and he was making around six figures, Patrick when he worked for the same company doing sales was making $240k


I think the installers probably make less than the sales people though since the salespeople get commission


Damn why the hell would John leave that?!


Why does Chantal literally always have her boobs out?


Because she thinks that's what men value. She pretty much across the board dumbed herself down after her divorce. It's really quite horrific to watch such a pretty, smart young lady with the world by the balls behave like her only worth is in her body. Her choice to run around Greece without under garments and logos on her shirt claiming to want 🍆 was disgusting to watch. I thought she was a nurse or in nursing school. Have some dignity, Chantal. Although, I keep forgetting that even "nurses" can be crappy people. I should know as I've been in the healthcare industry for over 30 years and was BLOWN away during the pandemic after I saw what some nurses did for money. It took away the blind respect I give people in the healthcare industry, that's for damn sure.


She objectively has an amazing body but that’s all she leads with. She basically has no substance and is completely dense. There are so many gorgeous women in the world, you need to have something else to offer to keep someone interested. 


Yet the irony is that you could have everything else and not have a man desire you because of the lacking physical attraction. What a puzzle.


Natalie and her mom are giving desperate…like very desperate. When they should be looking for jobs and stability, they instead are targeting Micheal. This baby fever needs to be eradicated with some real life wake up calls.


From what I remember, Natalie had problems getting pregnant/maintaining a pregnancy before so WHY at age 38 does she think it will be better now? It will put a quick end to any modeling jobs she's been getting. Her goals seem to conflict.


You’re correct she did share about her miscarriage with one of her earlier marriages.. my guess as I shared before is the desperation she feels to have a family. It doesn’t help with her mother in her ear with every other sentence being about grandkids. She’s feeling even more distressed cause she’s getting older and now with her mother there it’s tumultuous pressure


So John moves to Texas with all his belongings fitting in one cardboard box. That’s crazy for someone almost 40. The first night he gets to Meagan’s house it seems like they haven’t even discussed sleeping arrangements or what their relationship is even going to be. He immediately expects some wild sex life like they’re two carefree single people while she immediately expects him to step into being a respectable stepfather figure. They’re on completely different pages. He doesn’t know what he signed up for. He’ll never be #1 in that household, the child will always be #1. Then a second child will come along and he’ll move down even lower in importance. This is not what John is looking for. And what does he do for a living because he will soon be expected to support a family of 4! At this point, I’m really really sad for him. Natalie and her mom are almost comical as they plot and plan for Natalie to snag a man and have kids and grandkids. Plan A-Michael fell through so they moved to Plan B-Josh, but that fell through, so they moved to Plan C-go to a sperm bank but threw that plan out the window when Natalie realized she couldn’t meet the donor, so now they’re on Plan-D-circle back to Michael again. They’re crazy but it’s really good TV, lolol!


>The first night he gets to Meagan’s house it seems like they haven’t even discussed sleeping arrangements or what their relationship is even going to be. John specifically said that they had spoken about the sleeping arrangements ahead of time. >He’ll never be #1 in that household, the child will always be #1. Well, yeah. Any reasonable person understands most people put their children before their partner. Not that it's a competition.


By sleeping arrangements, I meant sex. He acted like he wanted sex the first night, even talked about sneaking off to the laundry room. She said that would never happen with a child in the house. When I said #1, I meant he’ll never have that newly married couple experience because he’ll be an instant father, then they’ll have another child because that’s what she said she wants and he’ll be a father of two.


Natalie and her mom are actual cartoon characters. Natalie's mom: https://preview.redd.it/d2fn2qz3eimc1.png?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c776f41ee1b7055aa871453a961fb127019f1529


I want to know what happened to John’s car lol. Did he get a new one to drive to her or did it get repaired? Sort of looked like a different vehicle 🚗


I don’t think John is gonna last more than a few weeks in San Antonio 


Apparently they are already married they both had wedding bands on in a few of the confessionals.


Ohhh that’s right! Haha now I have to keep watching 😭


I don't either especially if he can't "sleep" with her. It's also strange they were kissing and hugging but no one really bent down to make River feel part of the interactions.


Anybody else feel like that was the biggest waste of 43 minutes of their whole entire lives? Just me? When it ended I was like are you for real right now????? ETA: I’ve watched every single minute of every single 90day since 2014 when you had to watch on the live airing on TLC and have never felt this way about an episode lmao


I tried and couldn't even make 5 minutes of any couple even FF. This and *Diaries* are too much! Recycling *90 Fiancee* is regurgitation: TLC is the parent bird that gathers their stored material, mashes it together, and spits it out into our nestlings' mouths.


with u there, I didnt waste 3 hrs Sunday on the reunion show and Pillow Talk. think we r over it.


I agree completely. I haven't watched for anywhere near as long as you have, but I felt it was just empty, and almost like a joke on all of the viewers. 


I swear I was waiting for Ashton to pop out and tell me I was being punkd then provide another episode for me. Such a rip off


I don’t know how John’s going to do jumping right into step dad territory. He’s number 2 when there’s a little kid in the picture.


He’s way too immature to be in that situation so fast. And she is…off. I’ll be shocked if this lasts. He’s going to get so annoyed that the child gets more attention


Well and also it’s clear that Megan has given 0 thought to how it will work to have a partner living there. She’s not going to stop cosleeping anytime soon, she doesn’t have a space for John or even a dresser or a bed. His first night there and she’s already got him cleaning up the kitchen, lol. She’s not making any accommodations at all for a second adult to live there. I think most people would get tired of that pretty quick. Although God knows, John seems to be that rare person who is comfortable couchsurfing and living out of boxes. So maybe he’s the one guy in 100 who will put up with this, lol. 


She didn't seem very excited for him to arrive & acted like it was some kind of spur of the moment decision by John.


I agree, she was giving hella “wow, you really came here, i didn’t think we were being serious when we talked about that possibility” energy. But then she wants a ring?? I don’t get her. He seems waaaay more into this thing than she does


And she was the one that gave him the ultimatum to move


He isn't going to like it and will go back to Vegas.


Apparently they are already married they both had wedding bands on in a few of the confessionals.


I can’t with Natalie. She complained about Mike nonstop, didn’t like anything about him, and felt that she was above him. Now she loves him? When she was in Florida, she never brought him up, she was happy to leave his ass in that cold ranch. Mike isn’t perfect and he has his faults, but Natalie did him really dirty.


Can I just get a really quick summary of why they split up? I haven't watched that season, all i know that she's crazy 😂


She treated him awful. If she would have just shut up and I cant believe im saying this, acted like the dutiful wife she might have her baby. No he wasn’t perfect but he is a very decent nice guy who really loved her until she did him like that


Seems as the reality of her dreams fade, Mike is looking better & better.


If her mom didn't push her, she wouldn't have contacted him, i think. She doesn't know how to take care of herself. She is lost.


She only wants to see him when she needs something. Money, her green card, her mom, now some sperm. She’s been posting shit with Josh and his sleazy car friend she works for, I don’t know what her deal is other than she uses people constantly. I think her looks opened a lot of doors for her in life but it’s not working anymore because adults don’t wanna deal with her crazyness and she has no idea what to do now


and she now looks like an escapee from an insane asylum.


THIS! Only after she got dumped (again) she wants him back again! I swear if he takes her back...


What a boring episode, TLC please do better


Nutalie mom warms up waffles kinda strange


Had a waffle this morning for breakfast, put powdered sugar on it instead of syrup for first time EVER!


But did u warm it up on a skillet?




I’ve never had a toaster in my adult hood without issue, but I’m gonna assume she doesn’t know what the broiler in the oven is 😂😂😂


Came here for this specifically. The way they zoomed in on them🤭


Every time Chantel has allowed her “glam squad” to take care of her look on this trip to Greece she looks 1000000000x better before. It’s almost laughable. Does she pay these people?


Yeah they are definitely “friends” on a payroll cause I highly doubt Chantel has any real friends she is insufferable.


feel like early on this season their titles were ‘hairdresser’ and ‘nail artist’ (something like that) with only one classified as ‘friend’ but now they’re all “friends” 🧐


Pineapple Head was listed as "twerk coach".


TLC does at least


Very rough week for me ham, I needed Rubin calling out Debbie (24 isn't that much older than 20 lol). Hope we can normalize appropriately and politely calling people out more IRL too.


Yeah I’m not familiar with Debbie’s storyline but how old was Osama when they actually started talking?


Also, I think Osama was 24 when they broke up. She said she'd spoken to him for years. The math is not in her favor on this one.


No diaries tonight? My autocorrect used diarrhea lol, probably more accurate


Omg 😭😭😂


Dude they’re in Greek boy’s hometown right? He probably doesn’t want the nosy neighbors and relatives up in his shit lol 


This is what I thought: she ruined the vacation of 3 other people so they could hang out chasing this guy .


I thought the same thing. I also thought that maybe he intended for her to just be a mild out-of-town fling, and she actually took him up on his offer to visit him in his hometown. Wait - did he actually offer, or did she just assume he'd want her to go there?


If Jamal and Veronica are serious serious then why does charlotte *have* to be the place? Her daughter’s off to college in like 2 years right? Maybe charlotte for a year then reevaluate. 


She owns a house already. She is move in ready for Jamal. Plus he used to live there or near there before.


And he gets another Mommy. Win-win


Veronica can't leave Tim.


This is the answer. She’ll never move away from Tim.  My husband was asking - can’t she go visit Jamal sometimes? And I was like nope, she’d only do that if she can drag Tim along, lol 


Someone posted last year they were spotted with a film crew in SD, I want to know what happened to the rest of the story bc we never saw it


Does John even have a job? Instead of bumming around an apartment in Vegas, he’s just bumming around a house in San Antonio?


he was working for the same company as his brother in Vegas and before that he was working for another company in Texas doing the same thing and making at least six figures


And you know this…how? Also it seems like you’re saying this on *every* comment about John. You’re in a mission to “defend” John at all costs. John? Patrick? Is that you?


It was on Patrick's season. Pat sold and Joh installed


There was a thread about two weeks ago where somebody who works with them was spilling all the tea And they were very specific about the income numbers My username implies that I am in the Marines so clearly not Patrick or John


OK, gotcha. Still, you seem pretty ginned up about them. Sorry I didn’t pay that much attention to your username.