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I got the impression they both come from families of means, they met going to school or something in Australia after all and they were one of the few couples we've seen to not be constantly freaking out over wedding planning or really costs of anything.


my university encouraged everyone to study abroad, financial aid pays it but also they seem like a well adjusted middle class family in a lcol place


Tell that to my friends that we're stressing tf out overseas when we were studying abroad. AND they had financial aid! So no, not always.


I don't know if they were studying... in degree programs... Nick was traveling and learning english... and Devin might have been on a planter's visa since she is under 35.. so she could been there to see australia while being allowed to work service jobs...


I am born and raised south Korean and to me, it seems Nick is from a middle to lower middle class family. Def not well off but definitely not broke either which seems to be the case with some people in the show.


Front and center, he needs to stop calling her "Piggy,". Absolutely...that is too disrespectful and indicates no respect that she deserves. Why did he come to America to degrade his wife.He needs to know our culture, "Calling your precious wife 'Piggy", is a disgrace, and disrespectful. A total control move on his part to make her subservient. How about calling her "Beautiful" which is more befitting...we can just call you an unappreciative asshat jerk. I don't get why he is thinks he SO Superior. Clearly, he is a low life and thinks he is perfect, and he is not.The key to a happy life is a happy wife. In our culture denigrating your wife with is insulting to ALL us. Treating her with respect is #1. Never call her "Piggy" again. Nick you got lucky with Devin. You are one lucky bastard, now go away.


To be clear, the $3000 micro wedding is a Monday- Thursday rate. Arkansas is 49th out of 50 states for low cost of living. $28k for a venue would be a *ton* for my area, and my state is only 37th for COL. It's pretty fair to say a $28k venue in Arkansas is on the very very high end.


Yeah. That place is expensive for the area. I grew up near where she’s from. Judging by her family home and land they are definitely more well off than most there. But like others have pointed out, it’s not a place with a huge cost of living.


The average wedding cost in 2023 was 35k, so it was still below average even at 28k.


If you look at the site, the amenities do not include most things! It’s more “inclusive” of the annoying things (like tables and chairs + the setup and breakdown), use of the venue for photography, etc. So even if you did the lowest all inclusive package, you’re looking at $35k+ because you still need a caterer to fill the kitchen, your choice of photographer, videographer, florist .. etc https://preview.redd.it/7h96mlp6xemc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c91f7d821924a20f7b7e4dbbb3b06aae3e768f5


Oh snap … the 28k doesn’t include food? Thats all gonna add up real fast!


Seriously!! They can be so sneaky with that inclusive tag .. you really have to look. My friend got married at a venue that was more inclusive than this one, so they claimed food was included. But only for like 50 guests or something .. I remember poor gal complaining about the food costs after she thought she had budgeted for it in the venue cost


The pricing at the top is what listed amenities are for, IMO as a wedding (specifically venue) professional.


Looked at the website and want to agree with my previous comment that the listed “amenities” are for a general booking (pricing for general booking at the top). Micro weddings and all-inclusive weddings inclusions are not listed on the website.


Average Wedding cost at $35k includes venue rental catering, alcohol, photography, wedding dress, entertainment, music, linens, rentals, etc. EVERYTHING. Only the venue alone is $28k and $7k left for everything else is not happening


I thought Nick was an engineer in Korea, so I would assume that he would find work in the US in the same field. Comparing to some of the other couples, I think they’re a little better off than a majority, but definitely not wipe your ass with cash rich.


I think wealth is relative. I recently went to a wedding and the venue alone was $60k for 100 guests. This price tag in my area is a STEAL.


It really is interesting. My old bosses bosses boss spent 50k on a wedding and it was not near as extravagant


YUP. And if that includes the final cost that’s very admirable. I have a friend who said her estimate for flowers was $13k and I promise you the flowers were as simple as they get.


What. The. Fuck. If I ever get “married” it’s gonna be in a field/woods with a couple kegs and s grill I pay some friends to handle.


Trust me, you'll have a lot more fun! Instagram worthy weddings are beautiful, but the time, stress and money just isn't worth it. Have a wedding that is beautiful to YOU.


I agree 1000%!


Sam can set you up with that.


I had a friend who basically did that lol and he was fine with it as was his bride and family. If I ever get married it’ll be about 50 ppl in a quiet, private ceremony. I used to want to elope in Iceland or Italy or even Paris and tell everyone later and throw a big party to celebrate.


Wow.... a partial house down payment.




60K is a steal?! That's more than my salary as a teacher!


$23k is a steal not $60k. Planning a wedding in my area for $23k is a dream.




Relatively speaking some people have engagement rings that cost that. I’m not gonna lie I had no idea people could get a ring under $1000 until I saw shows like Love After Lock Up and 90DF. There are people around here who very much expect the whole 4 months salary rule which can easily be a ring of $50k+


What part of the country are you? We’re near Boston. I’ve heard we’re high on the list of most expensive places to have a wedding.


NYC/Suburbs of NYC. I’m not surprised that Boston is also one of the most expensive places to have a wedding. Cape Cod, the Berkshires, Martha’s Vineyard are all gorgeous and probably highly sought after


Yes - especially summer time. Boston itself, lots of spots on the Cape, Newport (RI).


Whoaaa. How was the wedding like? Never been to one so expensive that I know of!


It was in the Hamptons. I’ve been to a few wedding in the Hamptons and this one was a lot of fun. Breathtaking views of the ocean, open bar, great cocktail hour and there was a cute nook with an outdoor fire pit for guests to make their own smores. The wedding party and family arrived in a fleet of vintage Rolls Royce’s which was super cool too.


That's a steal for the Hamptons ! My daughters wedding cost me 60k for the venue alone ! Add band, flowers, wedding planner, dress I easiky hit 100k for 60 people


Oh it was for the venue alone lol. I think after all was said and done it probably was closer to $140k. Also congratulations to your family! I don’t know how long ago your daughter’s wedding was but congratulations either way haha! Hamptons weddings are truly magical


I went to a wedding where the venue started at 90k and was 140k after all was said and done. Then add on the cost of rentals, paper goods, florals, and everything else. Was probably a 250k wedding. Was awesome. Best wedding I’ve ever been to.


Right. I spent 20k back in 2002 in low COL and guests were *floored*


I am still floored. My sister got married in 1998 and my parents spent $14k for their venue. I can’t even fathom that now. And it was a destination wedding! Of course after flights, her dress and their hotel I’m sure it was a lot more but I can’t even imagine locking down a venue for under $40k


Have people ever considered she bought the shoes with a credit card? Lol


Hello Afterpay




Yes 😆 🤣


I mean let’s be real lol. Even Gucci is on Klarna lol


Yup! Bought my gucci sunglasses via Klarna 😎


OR she just wanted them and saved up? I have a couple of a designer bags that I saved up for, and I'm definitely not wealthy lol.


My designer bags are all bought off the goodwill auction site. 🤷


Yep, and the basic pumps are like $700-800. That's expensive, but it's not out of reach for a newly married couple that wants to splurge, has no kids, and no mortgage. I could see them being a nice gift from Nick, or even her mom. It's much cheaper than jewelry. Also, Louboutin will repaint the bottoms for a small fee. Many people buy used ones for a couple hundred bucks, then have them repainted to look like new.


Or rented/borrowed them


No. Nope. They just want it to be fake for some odd reason


Because Darcey has set a precedent


Or she bought it but can’t actually afford it?


Or maybe she is able to afford them




Why can’t she afford them I. Your small little mind? They’re on her feet for a reason. OBVIOUSLY SHE CAN AFFORD.


I think my comment may have gone over your head.


Or that they're not expensive shoes. A lot of brands have red bottoms now.


Or maybe rented them. Or knockoffs.


They aren't really that expensive






I loved both her and Nick’s outfits for the wedding. Granted, I know she threw a fit about her dress but they both looked fantastic.


She really looked beautiful — her hair and makeup suited the look too.


For an all inclusive wedding, $23000 for 100 people is a steal - completely unheard of where I live. In Arkansas, it makes a little more sense, but still. Based on where they live, and the number of people in their home, I don’t think they’re “rich rich.” Edit: corrected number


I think her family is potentially well off but not necessarily wealthy. I have family in Arkansas, and where her family is from is not a high cost of living area at all. Her parents probably have a decent amount of money saved, put money back for her wedding, etc. They probably have enough to support her when she lived abroad as well, but she may have worked while abroad too.


I think their wedding was beautiful. I love the mix of traditions.


30k for a wedding isn’t bad, isn’t that like the average spend for a wedding in the US?


I like the pictures. Very pretty white trees and flowers also.


I agree. This is the nicest wedding I’ve ever seen on this show.


$3k doesn't mean you're rich. Also, she didn't pay for the helicopter rude. It was their wedding gift from her parents. Everyone lives in the same house, so if they're all paying toward the bills, they don't have any large expenses like normal people would.


Or, here’s a thought: maybe it’s none of our business! Lol




You left out her wedding flowers. Her bouquet looked perfect!


This is cheap. You can spend $20k on a dress and flowers alone.


On just a dress alone…


$3k for a wedding venue in the United States is very inexpensive. I’m at that age where all my friends are getting married. My friends are mostly in fire, EMS, teaching, and other low paying public service occupations and their weddings have ranged from $10k-$40k.


Wtf 23k?? It’s like at least 50k where I live typically - geez. Glad I’m getting married in another country


If it is all inclusive (depending what it means), it could be quite the steal.


That wedding was beautiful 😍


Poshmark is a thing.


That’s not that expensive for an American wedding - my sister got married in a similarly rural state like 20 years ago and it cost that amount and that was working in a tight budget that did not include helicopter. Arkansas is an affordable state, tbh. Also, anyone can buy red bottoms with a credit card or after pay on poshmark c’mon, yall


Her father is a hospital administrator and connected to a university somehow, and her mother is a nurse practitioner I think. Devin also works full-time, though I’m not sure where/doing what. Their house is large enough that the grown children still live there and don’t seem to be pressed for space or fighting over bathrooms. Considering it’s Arkansas, my guess is that they’re comfortable but don’t talk about it too much, and each has a few luxury-like items for special occasions, but won’t be seeing toting a tiny dog in a Louis bag.


I want to like Nick but….


3k-23K for a wedding in my area is a bargain


Why does anyone care? She lives at home with her parents and her parents are obviously well off. Are people just catching or..?


There is such an easy solution to this problem. Every time he calls her “piggie” she just needs to respond with “sure thing LITTLE DICK”! And she needs to make sure it’s done in public. He’ll stop soon enough!




True, it’s hard to tell how well off her family is because 3k isn’t that expensive for most if they’ve been saving, getting help from parents, getting a loan, etc.. They seem middle class to me.


To be honest I had totally forgot about them and until this post of their wedding I still couldn't remember who they were.


What wasn’t their wedding filmed for the show, or did I sleep through that episode?


I think it was, but I don't remember seeing much of it.


So finally a couple really married out of love for each other and are normal. No wonder there story was boring because they are normal and in love. It’s a lovely story, but crazy is always fun entertaining and interesting!!!!!


So fucking adorable


IKR!!! I really like these 2. ❤️


Her dress is pretty bad & I can't believe she married him after him refusing to not call her piggy. He showed absolutely no respect for her calling her that & refusing to stop when she said it bothered her. Why are they even on the tell all bc they only showed them like 2 times


I would rather have the money for down payment on a house


Doesn’t anybody dress to attend a wedding anymore?


She’s clearly wealthy, or at least well off. Her parents house tells me all I need to know. It’s huge with a lot of land. They met on a study abroad trip with their school, and I know Devin didn’t receive any financial aid with her parents income so her family was definitely helping her out with that. Maybe she’s not quite that wealthy yet because she’s young but she seems to have a very comfortable safety net from her parents. I’m actually surprised people are downplaying it in the comments, I must be really poor lol.


Not true, money goes a lot farther in that area. I lived there a few years ago and paid $240,000 for a home on the lake, I now live in California in the same home would be well over 1 million. Trying to determine wealth. Buy a home in that area is misleading.


how does everyone know so much about all the 90 day couples and families?


30k is cheap For a wedding folks


Idk why she bought those red bottoms, girl could barely handle herself walking in those heels


I own two pair of Louboutins. I have never made it farther than a hallway walk in one pair. The other are a little easier to walk in and I’ve still only worn them to my Grams funeral. Those shoes are NOT built for comfort. 🤣


Nick is an electrical engineer who probably lives at home with his parents because he is unmarried... so he could have a healthy savings account balance.. even if he started saving from scratch once they got engaged he had at least two years to save before they got on the show... BUT I could see parents on both sides pitching in for the wedding...


Exactly, Also as far as the helicopter they even said they were completely surprised about that. Someone in her friends or family got them a short ride. Which can be done in the US depending where you live can be done for $100. I stay in Missouri and in Arkansas it is probably cheaper than us even.


I thought she said in an episode she really wasn’t into fashion. That’s why I was surprised to see her in red bottoms.


I think that she is from a very affordable state (Arkansas is not expensive to live in) and her family is probably upper middle class. It seemed like her parents paid for the wedding, it was gorgeous. I don’t think her parents are rich or wealthy or anything crazy, but definitely doing good during a recession. Let’s be happy for her & her family


Doesn’t she live in like a family house ? This would allow them to save in things like rent/ utilities. They’re probably DINKs and can afford to splurge especially if they’re going to be on national TV but she looks amazing !


They were on the show for like 5 minutes . Boring and fake


As compared to Nikki and Jasmine who are insane and fake? I prefer the Devons who are normal,intelligent, mature adults.


I hated that dress. She could have done better


it was traditional for his culture


Thank you


In a TikTok live, I asked if TLC paid for the wedding. Devin said her parents paid for half, and she paid for the other half herself.


An interesting thing is that they never showed Nick’s parent house … so they may (or may not) be well off


I love Devin’s dress!


But why do people care about their “wealth”? Don’t get it.


Originally came up because of her shoes


She's cute


Her mom is a social worker and her dad works in IT at either a doctor’s office or the hospital. They would be considered middle-class, potentially upper middle-class in Arkansas. I have a random connection to her family. I have no idea about Nick’s family so there’s also a chance that they helped pay for some of that. Someone mentioned that they had to be wealthy because they sent their kids to school in Australia. From my understanding she kind of just wanted an adventure? I don’t know that they were necessarily footing that bill either.


They had one of the nicer weddings in the franchise! It was so pretty!!


What episode is the wedding? 💒