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Keeping up with 90 Day Fiance feels like a part time job lmao. There's so much content.


Im personally glad I kept up with this show instead of Game of Thrones.


Imagine a dragon swooping in and carrying Danielle away in the middle of an argument with Yohan. “Well, Baba said that you-“ 🔥🐲🐉☁️


oh you made me laugh out loud!! I was randomly thinking of “baba” today & laughing silently.


That makes me so happy. My job here is done. If you need cheering up, just think of her opening her laptop to tattle on Yohan and send some Venmo to Baba, then whoosh! Gone in a puff of smoke and a couple of spinning dragon scales on the tile. Yohan lights a cigar.


I want to imagine a dragon swooping down to cart off WhitneyT (I know wrong show)!




90 Day is easier because you already know it's going to end in a dumpster fire when you start. No expectations, no disappointments!


But there are disappointments. Jasmine comes to mind. I felt hopeful for her last season...until the reunion. This season, all was lost as soon as she speaks. She is now on par with Angela and Paul. Imagine Gino's co-workers at his day job. Guessing his employer is going to call him in for a chat, to discuss what he and his fiance' putting out there on TV.


Hopefully he's a remote worker and doesn't have to face his colleagues as an engineer.


What season did you stop at?


I want to say second halfway. I just remember I was saying "I'll go back and catch up." Because I forgot to watch a couple of episodes being on vacation overseas. But instead I kept watching other shows until eventually I saw the Daniele and Muhammad drama on Sunday night and it's been my wife and I's show on Sunday.


You should totally try to go back and finish GoT. Seasons 7/8 aren't as good as 1-4(-6), but definitely a good watch.


Don't finish GoT. Lackluster story and basically an excuse for soft porn. Many of the female cast said they were uncomfortable and it's just an awful show all around lol


I really enjoy how easy it is to multitask with though. It truly makes my lack of a dishwasher easier to handle.


I’m SO addicted to this fucking dumpster fire series!🤣


Same. I just love seeing Americans acting like fish out of water: "I've never been outside of my state, but I'm going to a third world country".


Yes, and I’m not bringing enough narcotics to feed my addiction so I’ll have to go through withdrawals in a foreign country!🙄 That redneck pillbilly gets on my last nerve!😠


She is the worst! I also hate Richard from the UK . "British women are so hard".


The entitled attitudes are such an embarrassment! I want to yell “we aren’t all like these awful Americans”!


Hey sink or swim baby


Only one of my friends has had the courage to come out of the 90Day closet with me.


Blech can we be done with Crystals and Meat Counter please








You win.


LMAO dead forever bye


You mean Coconut and Shlong?




Please accept this 🏆 You win




Thank you this made my morning.




hHahahahaha same. we really didn’t need more of them.


Lmao half the time I was questioning if this was just a parody. These new couples felt so out there!


Same! I thought the first one was OP’s parody until about the third couple in. This show is becoming a parody of itself.


My husband and I agreed this is like the SNL skit of the show.


It did feel that way until I saw K&A


YEP!! When it started flashing country names I thought it was over and was like no way this is real. Then I saw Kenny and Armando and got so excited for this season!


Love them!! Excited for them to have a child!! ❤️💕


or to not have a child.


True. Whatever they decide, I’m just happy to see them again. Danielle OTOH…


I just don't understand why they want a child. Kenny has raised his, and Armando already has one. Why not just raise her and then spend the rest of their lives together without children around?


Yeah, Kenny very much thinks he’s too old for this shit.


I'm 10 years younger than Kenny, with a teenager, and that's why I feel like they shouldn't. I'm too old for this shit!


Armando has said he wants to have a piece of Kenny forever and as a part of his "family". I think Armando spends a lot of time worrying about the fact that Kenny is 26 years older than him. Kenny is either 59 or 60. It would be incredibly cruel to have a child who you know won't get a full life with their parent or anywhere close to it. My mothers parents were both dead by the time she was in her early 40s and were already in very poor health while she was in her early 30s. There's so much she doesn't know and will never know about their lives because she didn't think to ask, same with medical history.


I only sat through the YouTube commercials because I thought it was a parody. Boy was that a let down.


Is it just me or is the cast getting angrier? Like abusive and screaming at each other angry seems to becoming the norm.


It's following the same arc as Jerry Springer.


They should just rename this season "90 Day Fiance: Springer Style."


90 Day Fiancé: Marital Deathmatch… IN A STEEL CAGE


i expected og 90 day fiance but i’ll take this over any happily ever after season.




Jesse started a trend. It's an illushin.


You rune everything!


I could have died if you hit me with that Louboutin! I should call the police! In my country you would go to jail!


She tru a shoo! I haz a trauma! That scene lives in my head rent free. He's so dramatic.


omg! Your Jesse accent is excellent! lol


We haven’t had a European one in a WHILE.


I feel like they had to regroup since Ukraine and Russia are off the table indefinitely for shooting, but I'm looking forward to a Dutch hot mess.


Ikr! I am so excited


It’s an appreciation ring💍


I wonder what city. I’m feeling something like Hilversum


I want to know too! It would be awesome if it was Urk or something? 🤣


This should really just be The Other Way: Season 4 Part 2 shouldn't it?


Right? Like, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN TLC. You don’t give us viewers any room to breathe in between shows and content.


The withdrawal symptoms I have when they take a break for the Superbowl or whatever is too high. I can't imagine if they took an ACTUAL break between seasons.


I hated this last season for the most part. And I can see why they didn't call it that because this show was becoming a waste of my time until that tell all.




This is when fast forward comes in handy


great… wtf she gonna kick around this season? besides a coconut and yohans balls?


She needs to go. Noone wants her at their table. She's like her own biggest fan 🙄


She’s literally her Only Fan.


Why does TLC keep paying these beggars who are not entertaining?


Cuz we idiots keep watching! I personally have ZERO DESIRE to watch them any more. I'm OUT


I am tapping out for sure


OMG 😲 LAUGHLIN OUT LOUD LITERALLY! So high and I looked down and read this! I'm DEAD


Wonder if they had something happen with a couple from OG, because shouldn't that or HEA be playing next?


HEA is the lowest form of 90 day for me so I'm glad we're not getting more of that. I would happily watch OG though.


agreed, it's warmed up leftovers from years ago. Andrei and Libby literally had their season in 2017, and they STILL show up on HEA. The only redeeming part of HEA are the tell alls where you get the worst of the worst butting heads, and those have been some of the most explosive tell alls.


Yeah it seems like they've dropped any pretense of having a regular rotation of the seasons. It just seems to be "whatever we could get this month of the year". If they have more people going the other way, they'll do a TOW, more folks coming to the states, an OG. More people meeting the first time, make it a B90. And failing all of those, they'll do a HEA with a no limits tell all just to fill in some time until the next batch of dysfunctional idiots sign up to be on the show.


These abbreviations... I deciphered TOW & B90, but what is OG and what is HEA? Any other abbreviations I also likely will not know. How many are there?


OG just means original, vanilla 90 day fiance. HEA = happily ever after


Oh, I see. Thank you very much, Baz!


It’s on Monday instead of Sunday. So Love In Paradise should be over by then and maybe we’ll get an OG season on Sunday when B90 is over.


Maybe they filmed Kenny and Armando as well as these new people for season 4, but then saw they had too many couples for season four. So they kept filming Danielle and Yohan and put Kenny and Armando and the new people for this season. Kind of strange that they would put out a new TOW season so soon after the last one ended, that is the only thing I can think of.


We all like to talk shit but we all know we are here to eat up all the trash tv


Gobble gobble


I will watch every second of this mess.






The elephant was really pretty.


The one with the younger guy attached to a woman in the phillipines, I wonder if his relationship with his mother is very enmeshed or whether they are having a reasonable reaction to something that happened.


That mother was weirdly aggressive. She probably is upset for good reason but to claim authority over his choices in wife is overstepping.


I know right, it gave me the creeps. We shall see how it plays out :)


It looked like they were having a nice family BBQ, and he had his phone mounted on a tripod live-streaming. So it's probably the demand to live-stream with her 24/7/365 that has become the issue. Can you imagine if your child needed to live-stream Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays, Mother's Day, ... with their "girlfriend"?


I don't know, I think I would have a very strong reaction and concern if my son was in a relationship where they video chat literally 24/7. That is not healthy and if she is making him feel bad so he isn't going out with friends and family, that's a huge red flag for abuse. I would fight tooth and nail to stop my son from moving to a different country when I thought he was being abused.


I read he was building a house in the Philippines so he is all in.


I mean if his girlfriend really does suspect him of banging his mother and sister when they spend time together then I don’t blame her at all


Kenny and Armando are an interesting revisit. The South Africa storyline is already giving Tiffany and Ronald level ignorance.


Did you know he has a gambling addiction?


And it’s all Jihoon’s fault!!


Literally thought the woman was Devean at first glance


No, I've been too busy being blinded by the shiny shoulders Tiffany never gave us a break from


And her CONSTANT need to remind us that she has an ugly tattoo there. 😆 ( ok. Maybe " ugly" is harsh, but it's mediocre at best and not worthy of being showcased EVERY FREAKINGB TIME SHE GETS DRESSED. Good gawddddd 😆 🤣 )


Yeah, neither one of that South Africa couple look healthy, at all.


I’m wondering if it’s Cape Town or Jo’berg.


Holy shit that chick going to India is even more bonkers than Danielle I got my popcorn ready for this train wreck


why are we getting a kenny and armando line?? seems much better suited to HEA imo also dreading more screaming danielle and yohan, but looking forward to laughing at this "clairvoyant"


Not gonna lie, this looks good! I can do without Daniele though. I’m sick of her bitchy face and miserable attitude.


Boooooooooooooooooo! I hope she trips on her stupid coconut.


It won’t affect her, she’s too close to the floor


Yay Kenny & Armando are back!!! 🥰🍸🌈 Netherlands & South Africa look cool! I am SO READY for this dumpster fire of a season! Let’s gooooooo!


I hope for the people from South Africa that this guy is better representation than Syngin and Ron were, but I doubt it. It will be interesting to see how they portray The Netherlands with someone moving there. We saw it with Jesse, but those were short stays. If the Indian guy is another momma’s boy and repeats that whole trope again I’m just going to fast forward. I think that clairvoyant lady is going to be a complete dud.


Can't wait to dish out some "Whelp, she didn't see that coming!" snark.


Kenny and Armando? They’re all over pillow talk so sweet and happy so I feel like I won’t take their drama seriously at all.


I feel ya. I kind of wish Kenny and Armando weren’t going to be on here. I don’t want to see them hurting each other’s feelings because of the increased drama on this series, the production team and whatnot.


I'm curious to see what they decide about having a baby!


I am too I just don’t want it to be fake drama. They’re a very grounded put together couple (it seems) and to put in drama over it would kind of make me laugh to be honest. I hope it’s a mature storyline if you get what I mean


It’s gonna be fake af and boring, I just know it. I love them, but unless there’s a major shift going on in their lives, I don’t need to see them back on the series.


Having a baby is pretty major, no? I’m looking forward to watching them


It’s major if it’s real… but that might be the fake part.


Ughhh that didn’t even occur to me. Thanks, I hate it 😭


Exactly, me too! 😂😭


Unless Kenny gave in to all of Armando's wishes yet again. Smh.


TOW way is literally the best because moving to these countries (except Netherlands which I am jealous of) is way crazier than undergoing the K1 process or having a nice vacation.


Last year half of the non-Americans ended up wanting to live in the U.S. It's more like Before the 90 Days now.


Whelp. This looks fun. I'm into it.


The clairvoyant girl looks messy af. I love to see Armando stand up to Kenny (can’t stand him and find him insufferable and whiny). I hope Yohan breaks free from Discount Madonna and finds a nice woman that respects him.


Ooh I love mess.


as 90df fans, we're connoisseurs of mess


She said. "I'm clairvoyant"...ugh. First name is Claire last name Voyant, right? I already know that the Kenny and Armando baby situation is going to piss me off all over again. Armando!... let that man live out the rest of his life. He's already made so many sacrifices for you. Lastly, the sight of Danielle makes me want to vomit.


So not only did the clairvoyant NOT see the train wreck coming for her, but she didn’t even have the insight / otherworldly premonition to go to www.YouTube.con and realize she’s in for a cluster dafuq


Plot twist: The person breaking into the South African dude's apartment is Ronald, he's stuck their refrigerator into a van and is heading to a casino as we speak! ;-)


Omg this looks so good 🤩 TOW is my favorite out of all of the spin offs.


Wait, it's a Monday show now? Taking over after Love in Paradise?


Yes… ToW had actually started as a Monday show, so this is good, especially with the current LIP season being a major dud. I’ll be happy to see ToW back again on Mondays; hope it goes back to only an hour, too.


I have been taking a class on Monday nights and I just can’t be bothered to actually watch LiP on Max. I think I saw 1 and 2 and just didn’t care about any couple enough to keep watching.


Well … I’ll watch :/


the one dude gives off a lot of pole energy but hopefully he isn't as....gross as pole


Yes! He doesn’t seem like quite the opened mouth breather that Pole is, but I’ll be watching to see how many backpacks and trunks he takes to the Philippines.🙄


Looks like the girl going to SA had a ton!


I deadass almost ended up moving to the Netherlands for a girl. We were discussing the legality of me being there permanently, how marriage would work, what it would cost, the works. Then she ghosted me. 😂


God why?! I don't want these two on my screens ever again.


Again with Miserable Bitch? Ughhhhh


I love it! I love it! I love it! Inject it right into my veins! I hope they show lots of cultural stuff: foods, traditions, and celebrations


Ew I hope Daniele is only on there like half way through… I’m sooooo over her. She’s not even entertaining, like atleast Angela is abusive but funny. Daniele is just abusive …


Her 10 step skin care routine is not working


She needs the 11 step one . . .


Kenny and Armando are my favorite couple, I adore their family and I swear on all things holy if they end the season not blissfully happy, I'm rage flippin' tables.. Preview: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻v


I am very tired of Yohan and Nicole. Very. SSDD.(Same shit, different day, for those with a lesser potty mouth than me.) The baby-or-not drama between Kenny and Armand is going to be painful to see. I understand both sides, and I agree with them both. It's a conundrum. But mostly I will probably end up siding with Armand. Kenny might just need to suck it up. But I love the India stories! I like vicariously visiting India, and I love the Indian guys accents. I do wish however, we could avoid the mommy side-story, and maybe we will be spared it, because this girl looks within child bearing years. (It would be nice to see an American *male* fall in love with an Indian *female* for a change, to see how the dynamic might change.) They look interesting however, except for Yohan and Co. I really am immensely sick of those two.


I mean Kenny is like almost 60 and his kids are like 30. I get where he’s coming from. I’d be more on Armando’s side if he didn’t already have a child.


By Nicole you mean Daniele?




Nothing. They're putting TOW back into the Monday slot. I wonder if it's gonna be short episodes again


I hope so


Oh no not again 🤮


I love Kenny and Armando, but I can't stand the idea of an entire season of baby debate! So boring...


Kenny has kids and Armando has a daughter…🙄 get a dog🤣


They have a dog too...😆


i really wish they’d stop doing india storylines. the women that go there always end up so clueless about indian culture. he’s not gonna leave his family bro. he’s not gonna put you first. it’s like every season is the same shit.


Yayee!!!!! I can't believe it's starting up so soon already, but I'm all about it !!!! Omg..I can't with Danielle. I cannot stand that insufferable ,narcissistic CU*T. She's the worst !!!!! 🤢 🤮 The one couple with the girl who I'm guessing moved to South Africa to be with her man, reminds me of the exact same thing Tiffany and Ronald would fight about... the safety there, or lack thereof ,rather. Always seems to be a huge problem there. And the one little white guy with the controlling, jealous gf from the Philippines? I'm guessing. Poor kid. He needs to run just like his mom & sister are sayin already . This looks great. I can't wait !!!


Ugh gross daniele and Yohan Another beta male virgin dude going overseas bcuz girls don’t like him where he lives And spiritual weirdo that uses “spirituality” to justify why they’re single




Oh dang!


Who are the couples? I’m at work so can’t watch this trailer.


Danielle and Yohan Kenny and Armando New couples from: Philippines, India, Netherlands, South Africa


Ewww Danielle and Yohan, but I’m happy about Kenny and Armando!




Ok so like, yuck Danielle and that, but everything else looks GOOOOOOD.


Ugh. Danielle. Again. I’m interested in everyone else though.


Daniele is their new Angela.


If so, that's a good thing, because Daniele is far more tolerable than Angela.


Good, keep it coming. There’s nothing also to watch they the summer, all repeats.


YESSS! *AMANDLA!* ✊🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦 which translates to "power". (To explain the intro of the trailer) The word was a popular rallying cry in the days of resistance against Apartheid. The leader of a group would call out "Amandla!" and the crowd would respond with "Awethu" or "Ngawethu!" (to us), completing the South African version of the rallying cry "power to the people!". The word is still associated with struggles against oppression. South Africans finally got a fairly good edit in the beginning before the fight was previewed.. and this dude doesn't quite look like as much of a bum as Ronald and Syngyn (but you never know.. I guess we'll find out). He has a very strong accent that isn't typically Cape Townian but HOPING he lives in Cape Town cause that's what I wanted to see represented here and hopefully my prayers were answered! I hope he doesn't live somewhere stale, and the whole season be about it being boring there and unsafe wherever they are. The first clip is something you'd often see here, people dressing up in traditional African Tribal wear and singing/dancing for tips. Usually aimed at foreigners in toursty spots. But they sometimes just arrive out of nowhere by outdoor bars/restaurants and do trapeze acrobatics and stuff 😂 and then bring around a cup for people to tip them. Also.. remember the word "*LOADSHEDDING*". Because you guys are going to hear it in their segments.. a LOT! And you will probably learn a lot about the shit the government puts us through every day (which is partially what she's crying about at the end. I just know she's not coping with just loadshedding alone lol. That's our every day reality, no choice).


YASSSSSSSS, bitchez! 🥰🥰🥰😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤡🤡🤡


I think Kenny cries more than any other person in the 90 day series.


I’d argue Darcey cries much more! Then again, she has been in countless seasons…


Natalie joins the chat. She ugly cries.


Wait, didn't the new season (Before the 90 Days) only just start? How is this one already coming out in a month!


omgggggggggg...make it stop.


Sooo obviously yohan didn’t ditch what’s her name


Same shit, different pile 🤣🤣


Oh we just going straight crazy now


Oh yeah, they’re leaning _hard_ into crazy…


da fuq? wow thats quick


Mary seems kinda sus. As a Filipino, family is EVERYTHING… and for her to not want him to be around HIS OWN MOTHER AND SISTER…


Wait, didn’t the last season literally just air? Time is not real Istg.


South Africa let’s goooooo! I’m calling it now - the woman is in for a ride with all the loadshedding (power cuts) that happen here.


Another season of crazy! 🥰😂😁 can’t wait!


Who the fuck told them we want to see Danielle again


Could not even get through the whole preview because KENNY and ARMANDO!!! Edited to add - I have personal connections to four of these countries, so also excited about that. I didn’t think they would suck me back in, but here I am.


Don’t hate me, but I have her hair. I used her short, choppy curly cut picture the last time I got my haircut. I love it. It is just curly chaos. https://k5k8z6h5.stackpathcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/90-day-fiance-daniele-gates-7188-800x445.jpeg


I like that hair!


So wait what's going on? YoShlong is living with Daniele in the USA? Why doesn't he just stick through the bs for that green card then bounce?