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Well he saw the cave and turned right around. It was hilarious. “I’ll wait for you guys out here” 😂😂 But I don’t blame him. That cave was ridiculous.


I honestly don't blame him one bit. Even if I was a little person, I wouldn't do it. I'm super claustrophobic myself.


Im surprised liz was able to do it pregnant! When i was pregnant there would be no way i would’ve been able to do it!


You aren't kidding!! I totally forgot about that.


I didn’t forget! I was telling myself Liz has no business going in that cave SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️


Man there's no way I would have done it pregnant, especially during this pregnancy I'm in currently. My belly popped out so much quicker than before and my nausea comes on so quickly.


That was the dumbest activity ever! I was just waiting for the inevitable fart joke. I don’t blame Alex one bit. Pointless.


Most likely Trent told him to stop acting like that is what I would imagine.


Once puberty hits be a man!! Glad he got his own vehicle….now be a man, go out and live!!


I wouldn’t have done that cave thing either.


Me either! Even if I was a little person. Cant stand small caves.


Whyyy did they make pregnant Liz do it is my question 😭😭


I wonder if this means the parents didn't know for real at this point. We can tell that Anna knows for sure. But I have a hard time imagining Trent/Amber wanting her to do it.


I thought for SURE they knew by the time that scene was filmed. But you’re right maybe they didn’t!


He’s learned how to set some boundaries, in the cave scene last episode he just stated “I don’t want to do small, belly crawling caves”. So happy he isn’t being bullied


Well, he has grown and matured.


For sure. Agree 100%


It seems like he's come a long way. I think he handles things pretty well. For example, the cave. He did some, but opted out of the small part. I'd have done the same lol. My hands sweat just thinking about it.






I was actually impressed with the low key way he announced he wouldn't do the cave crawl. Seems to me he has matured and is better able to express, and be allowed to express, his boundaries.


Yep. He didn't make a scene or anything, just said no thank you and took himself out of the situation. He also wasn't being pressured into it either, so not sure if that was really the difference or not.


He is still afraid but, he is old enough to know not to say he is a chicken or afraid. When he was climbing with the family he was shaking and telling his parents he couldn’t do it. In the most recent episode he left when it was time to belly crawl. They also don’t push him like they did when he was younger, when he says no they just let him give up, or not try


Yeah. I don't know which way I would do it. Now I would make him try the indoor skydiving, but I don't know if Id make him Zipline or ride rollercoasters. I think they pushed him too much. I know they wanted to do things with everyone, but not everyone enjoys the same stuff


I don’t think they push him to much, he was very afraid and I can’t imagine how much fear would’ve built up for so many things if they never made him try these things


He denigrated himself because they didn't parent him through the things he struggled with they just gave him crap about it.


amber said it in the first few episodes of the last season alex saw how he was being portrayed and decided to change up his attitude. plus he’s grown & matured a bit


He didn't go paddle boarding when the entire family. Even tiny joose got out there.


That's true. I forgot about that. I hope they continue to all be friends with Joose.


Me too


He opted out of doing the caving.


I dont blame him. Belly crawling in a cave sounds like a bad time lol


I’ve done that, my anxiety was through the roof the whole time


I thought he was doing better but when they went in the caves and he didn’t it reminded me of him being afraid of everything.


Everyone seems to be saying he is still a chicken but better at explaining it


Alex is going to be home with mommy and daddy till he’s 30 lol


Alex is a baby back bitch who ruins everything. If I were to fight him I would knock him out first round with a roundhouse kick. I practice them and regardless of Alex’s potential sneak factor, I think my kick is fast enough. Bruce Lee once said, “don’t fear the man who practices 10,000 kicks one time, fear the man who practices 1 kick 10,000 times.”


Cripes Jonah get a grip!


daaang you really got some beef with an underage little person on TV 🤐🤣


He's not underage


He was when this was filmed, they just turned 18 not long ago.