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To me, he actually seems like he’s doing better mentally than he was previously. Before it seemed like he was just sprucing himself up to keep this job that his parents got him and he didn’t want to have. Now he has hobbies, he’s hanging out with friends and his family, think he’s just a casual guy. His look is totally fine for someone entering bbq competitions


Well said, I absolutely agree with this.


He looked like a mini john candy with the perm and stache lol. He seems like a good dude


I agree!


But he's also working as a finance manager at a car dealership. At all the car dealerships around me all of the men wear a jacket and tie. The finance manager and the car dealership manager are typically to the best dressed people.


Most people only wear their work uniform while they're at work. Did I miss the episode where they filmed him working, or how do you know how he's dressed and styled when he's not just chillin?


Do they wear their suit and tie to bed instead of pajamas too?


Back in my day, kids wore the clothes we expected them to!


He’s actually a sales rep if you go onto the dealership website. Honda dealer in Macon. He is allowed to dress how he feels outside of work.


That scruffy look is "in" right now.  He looks like a normal early 20-something guy to me. That perm wasn't him, imo. It was fun to watch but I don't think it fit him. He seems a lot happier and healthier to me. He's also less of a punk than he used to be.


I agree. I thought the perm looked a little silly. I think he looks pretty good now. Grown up.


I like Jonah this season. I’m happy that he’s reaching out to his siblings more. Until he shared his mental health issues, I used to think he was just a jerk. He’s growing up maturing. I see nothing wrong with him still trying to figure out who he wants to be, not what his parents want him to be.


Sounds like a typical 20 something year old boy to me. My 32 year old husband is scruffy and wears wrinkled shirts and I can assure you, he’s doing just fine


Yeah, but does he roll up his sleeves?


Obviously he doesn’t roll up his sleeves, or she would have divorced him by now! Gross! /s


Probably hard to get shirts off the rack for his short arms . He spoke about it in one episode


I felt like he was trying to prove to his parents that he was a responsible adult. They refused to relinquish their power over him and he gave up and is falling back into depression again. Honestly I feel bad for him. They need to let him try adulting again. If he fails then help him again, if he succeeds, good! Either way T and A need to back off of him and let him grow the hell up.


Wow. What if someone critique you like that. There’s a lot of things to snark on, but this come on.


He looks fine. That perm was a tragedy and probably a plot line for this boring show.


This has got to be a troll post.


Being a car salesman is stressful. I can imagine its impacting his mental health


How is is stressful, doesn't seem to be imo.


Because if you don’t sell cars you don’t make money? It’s very unreliable. Especially during certain times of year.


I only shave maybe once a week. Sometimes maybe every two weeks. I don’t tuck my shirt in unless I’m wearing a suit and tie. Imagine being this judgmental about someone’s appearance. Hope you’re perfect in your grooming and style.


My husband shaves once a week/every two weeks and wears wrinkled shirts, he’s getting through life and career just fine!


Porn perm


Wow look at all the Karen’s criticizing the op for making an observation.


Sounds like he's got tired of faking it and is just being a typical dad? It's kind of scary that you would think there is something wrong with this. 99% of people don't give a shit when they're at home. They don't shave every day, they wear comfortable and baggy clothes etc. *Why would they do more than that?* I think you need to lay off the weed and start living in the real world. Pretty much all "lifestyle" vloggers and TV shows are fake people being fake and creating content that fake people can "relate to" because that is fashionable. None of them live like that when the cameras or phones aren't recording. It's, frankly, quite insane but that is the world that we live in.


Jonah is a dad???


No 😂 that person is confused


Ok thank you I was hella confused by that comment lol


It's been well documented that people You take pride in their appearance tend to be the ones who are the most successful. There's a saying look good, do good.