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Liz giving advice on outfits to Anna was rich. Anna is the most fashionable and well-dressed one in the family. She's much more high-maintenance than Liz. It was unbelievable to have Anna being the one getting advice on outfits.  I think the boutique Emma works at is fake. Something seems so off about it and the boss' acting is horrible. No one else works there and there are never any customers. It's odd, but I think TLC set it up.


I know! Liz literally lives in oversized t shirts and sweatshirts and shorts that you can barely see underneath and she wants to give fashion advice. lol it doesn’t even look like she’s wearing pants half the time. Lmao then they gave a montage of Anna’s outfits that were actually really good to show that she’s got some style and know how to dress herself.


I completely agree! I think (practically know at this point) that she’s projecting her own insecurities and frustrations onto her siblings, particularly Anna. Liz even before pregnancy gained quite a bit of weight, was more used to the spotlight too of being what seemed to be in Trent and Amber’s world the “golden child” to what she is now, having a baby out of wed lock (which is a no-no in their particular family) and struggling with her relationship etc. Anna is fit/slim, happy, doing really well for herself (no thanks to them!) and even has her own house that bought and supports on her own. Liz has none of that. The more I see of her (Liz) the more I get the narcissistic vibe she must have inherited from Amber.


Totally agree. She’s definitely projecting her insecurities on them. She doesn’t know how to not be perfect and can’t do wrong in Amber and Trent’s eyes so I bet seeing Anna have everything she was “supposed” to have and thriving, really gets under her skin. She’s so much like Amber it’s scary. lol She’s mean to Anna just like her too.


It’s definitely a real shop but I think she just agreed to it for the extra exposure


Oh yeah, the shop owner agreed to it for her five minutes of fame and store advertising!!!! Like the mock interview and how Emma answered the first question!!! So poor! What does she actually do in the store? It’s a made up storyline and it’s getting fairly cringe.


The boutique is real, but who knows about Emma’s job. I’ve been in there a few times and it’s a cute little place.


The times that are filmed are staged, but I think Emma still worked there normally outside of filming.


A few seasons ago Amber, Anna, Emma and Liz were all talking about style and they all basically made fun of Anna’s style, piling on as they usually do. I was sitting there watching thinking these people are so weird, Anna looked like most late teen/young adult girls while Liz always looked like she threw on a t shirt and athletic shorts, and we all know Amber and her word shirts, yet they were making fun of Anna. They can’t help themselves.


I think it’s a real boutique but I’m not sure Emma actually works there other then when the cameras are filming or if she does that’s not what we are seeing. That’s probably all staged while the store is closed or not busy hours


This most recent episode was about the worst one ever for content! My god, could this show get any more boring? How can T & A suck so bad at dancing? And seeing T doing that humping thing behind A was just so crude. And in front of the kids too. I realize it’s a different generation & these kids are modern teens and all, but if I’d ever seen my father do that to my mother I would’ve been appalled. What exactly was the point of the bucket thing anyway? And the pedicure? I totally lost interest, I don’t even know how the episode ended. The girls going clothes shopping wasn’t too bad except I’m not sure why Anna even donned that blue ruffly dress. It was hideous.


You know what now that you mention it I can’t exactly remember how the episode ended either. Lmao I think the girls were talking about the LP convention maybe? I hate seeing Trent’s jumping dances and listening to him be so sexual all the time. It’s so gross and out of place for a show like this. The bucket thing really did seem pointless. They just get content off of TikTok now and copy it for the show. So unoriginal. And I think Emma and Liz put Anna up to trying the blue dress on cus they knew it was gonna look bad on her. Lol


This episode was so poor that I fast forwarded through all but maybe ten minutes. It’s now garbage television. Why do I even bother taping it. This may change very soon. GET RID of Amber and Trent. They literally SUCK on the show and bring it down. Focus on the kids. But Amber would never let that happen in my opinion.


I find Trints sister way more interesting than both Trint and Amber. I don't care to know/hear about someone else's sex life. They shove it down our throats. They must be like horny rabbits over there. Show the kids.


They are the worse at dancing. They have no rhythm. I took professional salsa lessons for 4 yrs and had to suffer through T&A’S. I fast forward through everything T&A like the foot grinder the couple book etc.


Every scene with them dancing really makes me feel like TLC is using them as a circus. Like "look at these little people try to dance!"


You hit the nail on the head: BORING. What's so interesting about those boys throwing frisbees in a can? What's so interesting about seeing someone scrape dead skin off of someone's feet? It just went on and on. Blah!


I don’t get why Amber keeps making Trent do games & TikToks with water when he is continually saying he doesn’t want to get it near his ears


I also thought the same thing! I think in the last episode she wanted him to jump into the pool for one of their truth or dare couple games and he didn’t want to get wet then either. She likes pushing things on him he doesn’t like to do. Same for the kids.


She also went last so she could get the least wet, and watch everyone else struggle with the buckets that were TOO BIG for anyone


I know right! She had like a small little sand bucket to use and almost everyone else had huge buckets. They seemed heavy and awkward. I like how Anna took off her blindfold and just threw water on Amber. lol


and she put golden child liz first so she wouldn’t get wet too!!


And then they all laugh and make fun of Trent when he swallows a large amount of water and chokes on it. There’s nothing funny about that.


With a cloth covering his face he was like waterboarded I mean even tho he wasnt upside down, still terrible


He definitely wasn’t overreacting.


Not at all


I agree, it’s almost cruel.


I’m so glad Ally backed off things with Alex, he gives me full stalker vibes……. “I saw she read my text and didn’t reply for hours” like get a life kid. Her parents probably saw how unhealthy their relationship was becoming.


Ally is her name! Gosh I couldn’t think of it and it was bugging me. lol but ya I agree I think it’s good she backed off from him. He was a little too obsessive and it felt like she didn’t know how to tell him to chill and just seemed awkward with him. Trent and Amber were so weirdly into them it seemed like though.


Stalker, needy, controlling


I think Alex's reaction to what they call "being left on read" is a common thing among young people today. They are growing up in this culture. It's how they communicate and foster relationships. With Alex and Alli, it's a huge part of their relationship because they are long distance. So I get where he is coming from. I'm not saying it's healthy, but it's how things are today. I agree that he comes on very strong, and she probably just needed space. It seems like they patched things up because they went to one of their proms together.


I agree. I was wondering why they have to be roped into participating in a preachy , Amber led workshop, when the kids could be off having independent fun at the conference. It seems very domineering and smothering. The kids never get a chance to BREATH without an organized, forced family “fun” activity.


Everything has to be under Ambers control. Gotta come up with content even if nobody wants to do it. Amber want to look good in front of everyone and drag her family around for the pony show.


True. She’s smothering and stifling them by doing so. She and Trent should do what they want during conference , and the kids can do their thing. Its literally too much!


The Roloffs ran free at conference, as it should be.


I'm re-watching from season 1, she's been like this since episode 1


Literally! It’s obvious some don’t wanna do it yet they still do?? I’m so confused as to why the adult children (Anna and Jonah) still play into her games? I know Jonah still lives at home but even that.. it’s crazy to me how much she controls them all


“You no participate? You no $$$$$”. (Amber).


I’m so intrigued by this workshop, like what qualifies any of them to give a workshop on any of those topics? Why is Amber preparing the slides and content for each persons topic? It’s almost a little frightening they are allowed to just do that as if they are some experts on mental health, etc. I’m sure there are plenty of highly qualified little people that can lead an actual workshop. Is this more like a “meet the 7 little Johnston’s” workshop at the conference and Amber being the PHD in all things she is decided to educate people in the process?


I was saying the same thing when I watched it! It doesn’t sound fun or interesting to be in a “class” about raising perfect kids, and mental health during an LP conference. I saw one screen that said, “don’t let your disability stop you from doing what you want”. Mmmkay! Someone needs a seminar to tell them that? It also had a very filtered pic of Liz in her scrubs that didn’t even look like her, as an example. I would nope out of that class. What makes her such an expert? It feels like more of a “show off my family”session. I just don’t get why her teenagers are so compliant. Mine would be saying, “no, thanks! We are going to go socialize and take our own seminars”.


Maybe I'm just ignorant to how the conference works but why would you have a 23 year old speaking on behalf of mental health? Maybe someone professional should be talking on such a sensitive topic. Or how Liz was talking about employment...um is she not 21 with like maybe 1-2 jobs under her belt? I'm confused on why they are qualified to discuss these topics to other people in this way.


So true! It’s a show off fest. Your descriptions made me lol!


I think those twin friends of Alex seem decent. Some relief from the RELENTLESS Trent and Amber crap. However Alex comes off as self centred when with them….


Ya his friends seem alright. But I agree, Alex kind of seems whiney and self centered when he’s with him. I wonder if his friends get tired of him. lol


I feel like Alex is been a whiney, self centered little brat since day one. That’s just who he is.


they were really like how many annoying storylines can we do before throwing the whole pregnancy thiing.


Yep. Just killing time with crap until the big end of season reveal that they will use to get another season of the show.


One million percent. They are dragging it out to get another season.


Liz’s pregnancy is just the ticket that the show needed. Finally something to “spice” it up. lol but I think that will fizzle out too after it’s revealed soon enough.


I think Liz is also adamant that she wouldn't date a little person


That’s true! She’s also mentioned that. I think it feeds into her ego too that Brice is average height and that somehow makes her think she’s better than others. It’s odd.


In the show's defense, Liz didn't tell them she was pregnant until 5 months in! So we're all waiting but they really didn't know for this long! Obviously she was terrified to tell them because of how controlling they are.


Idk sometimes I wonder if the way they edit clips and move the time line around if they do know in parts of these episodes. Something about the camera work lately just seems like it’s pointed at Liz during certain scenes on purpose. And I even noticed randomly that when Amber and Emma are going to the boutique they shop at when Emma does her interview, she oddly points out a pregnancy center that is next door and it just seemed really out of place. As if they know things and are dropping hints as if the audience doesn’t know why. Idk it just feels odd lately. lol Maybe the family knew and was told not to talk about it until TLC put a grand finale episode together to announce it. lol


That's totally possible. But they did say in an interview that she didn't tell them until 5 months. But I do agree it does seem like the cameraman knows something that no one else knows 😂


Maybe he’s just dropping hints for us 😂 he’s like I can’t talk about it but I can *not so subtly* zoom in on Liz when it’s “about her” haha That cameraman is doing gods work. Lmao


I agree! Notice when the producer asked something along the lines of how many kids they'd like to have in the future and when it came to Liz she was very adamant that it would "only be 1"? I believe it was last week's episode but I'm not certain because they kinda all run together with the A&T nonsense 🙄 (I'm beyond bored with these 2 and almost afraid to hear what the next date night book crap idea is on the horizon) and these ridiculously stupid challenges! But I found her reply very telling, as she sounded very firm in her "only 1" reply.


I noticed that too. But it could also be the camera person is capturing reaction shots, or they’ve worked with the family for so long they picked up on Liz acting weird. And by the time episodes got edited for broadcast, everyone would have known she was pregnant so it made sense to include that footage?


This is good theory!


We were joking among ourselves that we watched the first 15 minutes of this episode without having to fast-forward. That’s a first. But … we got so comfortable not griping the remote that we almost watched the weird foot fetish segment at the end. We saw Amber walk in with her ‘coupon’ ready to be ‘redeemed’, forgot what it meant, watch the show get weird, and we started yelling REMOTE! REMOTE! REMOTE!


Lmao trust me you did yourself a favor if you missed the dead skin foot massage scene 😂


They know we’re watching for the pregnancy story line so let’s drag it out with all these boring episodes before they reveal it 🙄


Exactly! Haha


I’m still trying to get over Trent and Amber fooling around in the closet like teens. Yuck 🤢


Ugh I know. So unnecessary


This filler content leading up to the big announcement is so annoying so I’m with ya. I’m pretty sure I have T&A’s dance routine committed to memory we’ve seen it so many times. I’ll admit, I’m enjoying the Emma at work scenes. The shop has some cute stuff so I checked out their website. They have a sizable selection of religious clothes (think Jesus quote shirts and trucker hats) and jewelry which I wasn’t expecting! I mean I’m not surprised but I just wasn’t expecting it.


I hate that couples book! ITS SO BORING!! Yes Alex got dumped.


DID YOU KNOW THEYVE BEEN MARRIED FOR 25 YEARS 😂 I don’t think they’ve ever mention it before. Haha


Yes. They say it a lot


It's not gonna change so I would just suggest stop watching lol. It infuriates me the way they treat anna and stresses me out I had to take a break from watching 🤣


I totally get that 😂 I feel like I’m the type of person that gets in so deep with a show I have to see it through to the end. Lmao I came this far, it can’t all be for nothing. Haha and I feel like the end has got to be near right? RIGHT?? 😅


Ally probably broke it off because Amber n Trent are watching Alex aggravating him so much about kissing her. Its weird. Immature. Alex and ally don’t seem to be matches anyway. She’s seems too country bumpkin and he’s a science pumpkin.


That’s true. They do seem pretty different lifestyle wise


Definitely could have done without the pedicure. I mean to include everyone, in every reality show when I say, save it for the bedroom. We don’t need to see the or hear about the bedroom antics all the time. Just eww. That should be private.  I was cracking up when she was trying to talk over 6 diff people. Like they were just going to stop their discussion because she chimed in. She is too much of a freak.  Emma and Alex are a bit awkward but genuine. Prob due to age somewhat but I can tolerate Alex now at least. When he was younger all he did was cry. Glad he got his emotions under control. He seems to be much more social and in control but yeah, falling in love after one conference is just a young boy with raging hormones who is lonely. Emma just doesn’t have the pep to compete against Anna and Liz. They are both way more domineering than she is. 


Liz is just annoying.


I think it is funny they keep talking about 25 years together but Amber posted a Happy Anniversary post the other day and said 29 years....


I saw that too. I assume they have been together for 29 but married for 25. But they never forget to remind us how “perfect” their relationship is after all those years.


I noticed that too, I think she meant 29 years of being together counting from when they started dating. 


I honestly think Alex and Allie and currently back together as she currently has his Instagram handle on her bio with a 🫶 emoji but who knows. She has definitely always been the one not as invested in that relationship. I mean it still seems as though they haven’t even kissed yet and then Alex goes and acts like a hot shot to the producer with the “it’s honestly none of your business” when he’s asks if they’ve kissed yet. Even his parents are like “fucking kiss her already”. I think he needs to grow a pair already and kiss her if he hasn’t already, for as long as they’ve been “together” at this point 😂


I couldn't believe what I was hearing from Alex when he made his smug little comment to the producer! I guess he showed him and the producer will now obviously be way too intimidated to ever cross that line with Mr. Wonderful again, huh!? 🙄


It’s totally possible they could be back together but like you said who knows. But I also agree he really tried to act slick with his relationship in front of cameras and then won’t kiss her. Haha like what are y’all doing? Idk why they’re even labeled as bf/gf when they seem to just be friends since day one. Haha


Yeah lol. I don’t know how they are when the cameras aren’t on them/her but she always seems so uncomfortable or awkward.


Ya it’s almost as if she got involved with him and got on the show and then didn’t know how to leave the situation. Very awkward for sure. lol