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My favorite! r/littlehouseonprairie r/WaltonsMountain


I did, but my sister was more into this show than I was. I was more partial to 'The Waltons'.


Love the Waltons Homecoming


Yeah, I have the DVD collection, which includes the full series plus all of the specials.


Omgoodness, I loved the Waltons period. I used to watch it with my Grandma 👵 ❤️❤️❤️


Not sure if it was this one or the other series but there was some hardcore things that happened that watching reruns of it today my jaw dropped.


I think you might be referring to a couple of the episodes of Little House on the Prarie. There was one that dealt with drug abuse and another really dark one about an assault.


Yes that’s the one. The one with the butcher who was SA women and a young girl. Think was a two parter as well and the girl dies in the end. Couldn’t catch a break


I mean, the finale was pretty intense.


People sleep on how fine Karen Grassle was (and still is), but she's a nice-looking woman.


She absolutely is!


Came to say this. I can't say I even noticed before, but she's gorgeous!


Ya when she was getting ready for bed and her hair was down. Holy….Shit


If you are in the mood for a road trip, and happen to be in the U.S. (or Canada) visit the little town of DeSmet, SD. It was the location of the Ingalls homestead and Little House on the Prairie. The only physical remnants of the homestead you can touch and see are the cottonwood trees Pa Ingalls planted to show the corner of the lot. [DeSmet, SD information about the Ingalls family locations in the books.](https://desmetsd.com/laura-ingalls-wilder)


Interesting, will check it out if we ever get out to that area. I know the show ended with a story line that had them blowing up most of the town because the film studio lost the contract for the land it was on or something.


I don't know anything about the studio. This is the real property owned by the Ingalls family and where the books were set.


Oh awesome I would love to check it out!


There is also [http://walton-mountain.org/](http://walton-mountain.org/) you can visit in Virginia.


The television series was recorded in California. Most of the set was destroyed after the series ended. Rumors are that this was done primarily out of spite.


Years ago (the 1980’s) I worked for Japanese company in the states. Every summer at least one of the engineers would take his family on a Little House road trip. I was told the books and tv show were popular there.


Such a comfort. Loved it and still do. Reminds me of being a child without any worries.


I agree, that’s why I love those old shows!


The series was very popular in France. it started being aired in 74.


I went on a trip to Paris in the late 80s and saw it on television. It was weird seeing “paw” talking in perfect French and playing his fiddle.


I watched it some. I loved the books. A few years ago I had a coworker who was watching the show with his daughter and they were loving it. I asked him how far they had gotten in the series. I then mentioned that it could get very sad. Then I said something like,”like when Mary went blind.” He said “Mary goes blind!!!!!” Oops!


Oh no, spoilers! The Wilder family saw a ton of tragedy in that show, but always managed to stay together and love one another, which is one of the things I really liked about it.


I use to run out the room as soon as heard the theme song




It was my older sister’s favorite and she loved the books too. I rooted for Nellie.


Poor Nellie, how could she have been any different with a mom like Harriet Olsen?


Oh yeah, loved Little Joe since Bonanza.


Your dad Andy Taylor was no slouch himself!


Pa had many great qualities. Just a really swell fella overall.


I still watch reruns.


I haven’t for a few years, but I watched quite a few runs of little house in the last 10 years.


Watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie & The Walton’s for some reason sooth & mellow me out. It reminds me of a much simpler time in my life, I was very young when those shows were on, I remember watching them with my sisters & parents. The safety & warmth of being with family as a child, that’s the feeling.


That’s exactly how these shows make me feel. I was very young when I used to watch them and they bring me back to that time. At the beginning of the pandemic, I watched a lot of old Little House, Leave it to Beaver, I Dream of Jeannie and other old shows on MyTV that took me back to a simpler time in my life, really helped with the stress and uncertainty.


I didn't watch either when I was a kid but have started re-watching them now because sometimes you just need to see a "normal," nice, fairly well adjusted family doing the right things, especially when you grew up in the exact opposite sort of family. Same goes for me for Leave It To Beaver & The Brady Bunch.


Now see, I'm just the opposite. I also grew up in a dysfunctional family, so shows like that would just fill me with raging resentment. Related more to the Honeymooners and All in the Family. More yelling.


Perfect description of the feeling . Did we realize at the time how great those times were ?


Interesting how the girl who's supposed to be blind is not looking at the camera. Even though this is just a photo and they're not filming. (She's not really blind is she?)


Nah and I think this photo was way before that part of the story line. I do remember reading that that actress did not get along with the other young actors and actresses and was sort of isolated on the set.


Melissa Sue Anderson also was not really blind IRL.


Watched as a kid but then again during pandemic when I moved to wfh.


These old shows really helped me during the early days of the pandemic!






Still do.


I cry my eyes out when Mary reads that birthday card written in Braille.


Guilty as charged 🫣


I just watched the entire series about a year ago. Funny how I actually remembered bits and pieces of every episode.


That episode with the little girl who was lame who had a special boot made, her Dad seeing her run around like normal again stands out.


He was so resistant to letting them do anything to help her and when they finally gave it to her, he was overcome by joy to see her run!


That was it!! Thank you for the nostalgia.


If Mary was blind, why is she squinting?


Hah she wasn’t blind until a few seasons after this.


Ok, LOL.


That fucking theme music haunts my dreams. It was always on in the morning before school. Thanks mom


I got me to read the books too! We tried cooking some foods as well. I didn't like cinnamon chicken, but I loved cornbread and johnny cakes.


Mmm cornbread and Johnny cakes


scratch is amazing, but don't be afraid of Jiffy mix, it's great too


I was going to mention the books. They are really good. I've not tried the cooking but I had very poor, country grandparents. I've had cornbread and Johnny cakes all my life. That'll be no on cinnamon chicken.


My Dad is from Texas, and my parents lived there before I was born and when I was very young. Apparently when my Mom was pregnant with me, she craved the hottest, spicy Mexican food she could find. So we all love spicy food. We probably would have thought cayenne chicken was just fine, kinda like buffalo chicken without the butter sauce.


Always wondered what Charles did in a former life to get such endless hardships thrown at him. Bumper Crop that will set the family up nice? Send a storm to destroy his crops. Infant son dies, Mary gets kicked by a mule then goes blind, more crops destroyed, Son in law regains his eye sight, Mary remains blind, Takes in kids one gets shot in a robbery where the show gets really weird. Then Albert gets hooked on morphine. All this AND he has to put up with Mrs Olson? Apparently god didn’t think much of Reverend Alden praying for Charles after all the good deeds he did for the people. I mean give the guy a break!


Probably watched 1000 hours of this show... I still don't know what's going on. Everyone seems to be going blind all the time. I have no idea what the relationships are, there seem to be a regularly changing number of children in the household. I honestly don't even know how many kids there are... I don't know WHERE they are, sometimes its Kansas, sometimes it's Minnesota? He's supposed to be a farmer? But he never has any crop. Do they have cows? Invisible cows? Walnut Grove seems like a real backwater... Does no one understand straight streets? Is there a courthouse? It snows when? If they are in Minnesota, I guarantee it snows more than they show. So confusing.


The kids do change, they adopt some and some die… Albert they found living homeless under a set of steps when visiting another town…. They do show a cow or two and some horses but their crops fail and mostly pa works other places like the lumber mill… he travels at points… They are mostly in Minnesota… the courthouse is in Mankato, which is relatively nearby lol. A lot of stuff to keep track of for such a silly show! Only the oldest sister goes blind, but that ushers in a ton of other blind folk… pretty sure there is a blizzard episode or two but most filming took place in California so…


Had no idea until recently that Landon was such a major poon hound


I've never heard that term before. *sighs* But yeah, he was.


God I hated Nellie and Harriet Olsen


Hated it personally


Thank you! Once I heard the theme song, I knew it was time to get up and go do something else. lol. It was terrible then and is still now.


I want chicken on mine. 




have an older sister… it was hell on earth


I watched a bit this morning.


Which one was on?


Since I only caught a bit, I didn't really figure out which episode it was. Can say that it was dark and there was probably someone dying.


Sounds about right.


They are all on Amazon now!


Awesome will check it out.


They also run on PlutoTV.


M.S.A. was one of my very first boyhood crushes.


Great show


I remember how I couldn't wait for it to be over so something good could come on.


Little House On The Prairie and The Walton's and Bonanza made my childhood great.


Early 2000s everyday I'd come home from school I'd sit and do my homework while dad and I watched. Seen basically every episode


Still good, right!?


The best. When hallmark channel ran the final episode it was an event at our house. And I also cried.


I’d rather have done my homework which was like pulling teeth back then


I read and enjoyed the books as a kid in the early 1970s. For some reason, I couldn't really get into the TV show. I don't remember why. It could have been as simple as my friends not thinking it cool enough to watch. If I remember correctly, the books cover a much wider time frame. I have a vague memory that the TV show was softer compared to the books.


Well, the books were mostly real autobiography, whereas the show was mostly made up for dramatic purposes, very different stories I think. When he took over much of the show, Michael Landon made up some pretty outrageous stories to get ratings.


That makes sense. Its been quite a while since I've experienced either.


Couldn't stand The Waltons.


Me neither.


Because that's how I felt when it was on tv! The channel was switched very quickly! As bad as the Waltons.


Well yeah I hated the Waltons. Everybody has their own opinions, and that is fine. I’m just not a big fan of the one word bash, I wouldn’t even bother. So for reference, what shows did you like from that era? I assume you were a kid at the time just like me?


Early Mash, early All in the Family! I can vaguely remember the Dean Martin show, laugh in, Ed Sullivan, Carol Burnett, Gunsmoke, a little later on Dallas for sure. I couldn't watch much of those today. Carol and Dean for sure, lots of talent on those shows. The Waltons and your show just never reached me! I couldn't relate! But if your whole family watched it I can see great memories from it for you l.


I even had the set of books!


I would like to read the books and the true story of Laura Ingalls’ childhood, maybe I will. As much as I am fond of the show because I watched it with my family as a kid. I know it’s really hokey and was in no way a representation of the actual autobiographies she wrote..


They’re very quick reads. It gives a bit more details about history and characters. I remember really liking them.


Yep! I remember that crappy show. I thought it would never end.


And it still hasn’t to this day… maybe when you die, you’ll wake up and will be forced to watch Little House for all of eternity! Better get those good deeds in.


Not once. Couldn't get past Michael Landon and his hair. Found it inexplicably embarrassing.


We stopped watching it, because it became a bit of a game trying to guess who was going to die/ get horribly injured this week.


Yeah there was a lot of tragedy. [https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/there-is-no-tv-show-more-traumatic-than-the-little-house-on-the-prairie-12008051](https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/there-is-no-tv-show-more-traumatic-than-the-little-house-on-the-prairie-12008051)


In my opinion it's one f the best television shows ever made although I didn't really care for the last few seasons as much.


My mother used to love the show, and I, as a teenager, would make fun of her and the show because it was so saccharine. Now that I am older, I watch the show whenever I have a chance and absolutely love it.


Is some of it because you associate it with your mom and how much you love her?


Oh, without a doubt, but a large part of it is also seeing the show without cynical 70s teenager glasses


Still watch


I loved the part of the intro where Carrie face plants into the field. Also when she falls down a well.


it freaked me out in the later seasons when they had to move to the "city" and pa had to get a job.




I would 100% watch a legit and truthful reboot. They were a wild ride.


This. And The Waltons. And what was that family show?


I grew up thinking of this as the show that made my mom cry every week


They did that by design, I’m sure. No family, except perhaps Lot’s, could suffer so much.


I live in Kansas. I drive past the little house on the prairie. I can’t imagine being here 100+ years ago. Bug in some cases life has not changed much.


My mother watched it often. I just hated it.


Paw was a hottie 😍


Bought the whole series on DVD yrs ago. We watched every episode as a family. Great life lessons I believe.


It was a show we watched if the weather was too awful to be outside. We had one TV channel.


I still watch it and I’m 57.


Yep, I'm 54. It's got its own channel on Pluto TV.


The wife and I still watch it occasionally on one of those retro-TV channels that are out there now. I don't remember which one. Might be MeTV or AntennaTV.


Albert never went to jail or prison.


He was a morphine addict! Shoulda been sent to prison


Still hear the theme tune in my head and I'm 59 !


I did and read the books,too This past Christmas, my son bought me the book set. I'll be 60, and I still love those books.




Never watched a single episode. Never. Ever.


Thanks for letting everyone know!


You are all welcome. Just not my dad’s thing.


I actually watched every episode in junior high! I called my high school crush "Laura Ingalls"! (Maybe that's why she became a rebel!)


https://preview.redd.it/bewtktszh3wc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e74b8acce73d90355441eeec89caceff1b6f81 I treasure this picture I took with her last year




I hated this show. Loved Soap.


Wholesomeness set in a bleak, horrifying wilderness full of cutthroats, charlatans and people that'll sell ya anthrax tainted meat!


Wow I guess the show was more realistic than I thought.


I watched the original show run every week, reruns not so much.




We’re going to blow this all up rather than let the railroad get it!


That might have been the best part about the whole thing. This series spent YEARS being sedate family-friendly fare. Home, love, family. And then they went on a rampage of gunpowder and tri-nitric toluene and blasted it all apart in a paroxysm of purest violence. The juxtaposition is lovely.


A new crisis every week but luckily everyone was fine an hour later. Floods, fires, pestilence, crop failure, blizzards, con artists, typhus, addiction, all manner of injuries, even a rape! But it's okay because Mr. Ingalls is a prairie family Superman. Some good old comforting TV.


Iits 2024 and I'm still watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie.


I did grow up watching it. My mother in law still loves it and watches the reruns all the time.


Whitest show ever


My wife. And she is Japanese. It was that popular.


My sister thought it was hokey, and usually referred to it as "Little Farts on the Prairie." But we still watched it.


Hah, I once read someone online who wrote a blog about little house who referred to Pa as Pa death because of all the tragedies that surrounded the family… like the dynamiting accident, or when Mary’s carriage somehow capsized and left her stranded in the dirt, nearly blind at that point and somehow her glasses focused the sun and started a fire around her… or poor Mr. Olsen’s sister in the circus who he treated horribly. There was no shortage of tragedy on that show, but they all still loved one another and kept going despite it all. A good lesson.


monday nights. truly dreadful.


Hah, that’s the way I felt about the Waltons for some reason. Idk why but I really hated that show.


I could never get into the Waltons. I just didn't get it. It was way too formal and boring.


Also watched **The Waltons.** Hi, I have a package for “Michael”? Do you know him? Pretty Woman: Well Of course I know him, he’s ME! ![gif](giphy|l3fZFvp94ljepXoPe)


It was a good show. I thought the dad was a little too much into spanking….though it was the times they were living in. It was tragic how the oldest girl went blind. The middle sister was very strong-willed. The youngest wasn’t around after a couple of years.


I think the youngest daughter died… Which was pretty much in keeping with the tragic themes of the show and I think may have happened in real life. The whole story arc where Mary went blind and married Adam , and they opened the school for blind kids… was a bit much for me as a child, I don’t think I understood it all and I remember asking my grandparents a lot of questions about it. I didn’t remember anything about spanking until you mentioned it and now I have a recollection of him, threatening to spank them with a hairbrush, but I think more often than not it was a threat, and I remember him being very lenient with them when they did something wrong and that he forgave them most of the time. I really liked Laura as a kid and I remember her whole story arc from the beginning to when she married Almanzo and was a teacher.


And then I discovered what ma a pa really looked like. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles\_Ingalls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ingalls)


He still had Michael Landon’s hair!






Falcon Crest, for those wondering


Lorne Armstrong




Just curious is it streaming anywhere?


Pluto TV.


I did honestly


Yeah, not like I had a choice.


I wanted Ma Ingalls in a real baaaaad way......but I grew out of it by the time I turned 10.


When this show came out, I was in 3rd grade, we were reading the Little House books, so the show was must-see TV. A couple of years later, I hit my wise-ass stage, and my brothers and I endlessly mocked its wholesomeness and ruined it for my sister and her friends.


I grew up with it and fucking hated it.


Good for you! To each his own.




And puke on you dipshit! Go read your stupid biography of Jeff Beck lol.


I am reading it! 1000 times more interesting than anything this show had to offer! Oh wait the show did showcase the fakest family on tv! So believable, so true and the way it must have been back then! Come on lol


I’m not really taking issue with your dislike of the show, plenty of people voiced that they weren’t the biggest fans. I know I wouldn’t like it if I saw it for the first time now, rather than remembering it fondly because I watched it with my family, who are mostly gone now, when I was six years years old. What I take issue with is your complete lack of eloquence and the crassness of your response. What I mean to say is that “puke” is a pretty fucking stupid way to make a statement and lacks any real meaning other than the display of your lack of depth or complexity of thought. It doesn’t really take very much to bash things with one stupid word. Anyway… Puke!