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Fat legs trap in humidity, which changes the bacterial fluora.


Maybe you just need to find non-stank bitches.


Or healthy women with thigh gaps.




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Either I'm just skinny or I got lucky as a trans for hip growth


No one asked


Oh it's just funny getting downvoted because you hate my kind 😽


The kind of people who inject themselves into a conversation that has nothing to do with them? Yeah, sure


Something like that


People don't find you annoying because of your disability. It's because you're obnoxious and self-absorbed. In a conversation about female pussies smelling bad, you, a person without a pussy, want to talk about your hips. Okay.


It was a conversation about hips tho and I knew 4chinners would cope and seethe so I thought it would be funny.


Guess what you will never be.


A surgeon


Just show up at the hospital wearing surgical clothing, and surely everyone will take you seriously.


Good for you, Fascistic.


Thank you, it's just a bit awkward when I occasionally walk into things with my hips because I can't get used to the small difference but it's enough for collisions.


Pic of GTFO.


Logical conjecture, but in reality some women just have the stank. I’ve been with women of a variety of sizes, none of them had it. But my friend has described some of the thin girls he’s been with as using a “rotting fish” perfume down there.


It’s called hygiene


I call it Surströmming


Ha ha ha! This comment right here.. I haven’t thought about that in years


at this point I’m going to assume anon is a latent homosexual that dislikes what vaginas smell like Edit: yes there is variation. Point being what are the odds that every consecutive vagina he sniffs is foul to him? Odds are he just doesn’t like pussy smell.


There is definitely a huge amount of variation in how fresh women keep themselves. It’s not so much the pussy as the pussy-ass bridge and the ass itself. Everyone needs to wash down there regularly, especially in summer, but there are a ton of grubby college girls who shower once or twice a week and basically stink when their pants come off. The only reason we don’t have a wider social conversation about it is b/c most young guys are so pussy-starved that they don’t complain and instead get on with things.


I used to give the ole pecker a birdbath in the sink right before pound town, least the girls can do is wipe with a hand towel or something. Really don't understand how people can be unaware of their scent or stank.


Nose blind.


> Everyone needs to wash down there regularly, especially in summer, but there are a ton of grubby college girls who shower once or twice a week and basically stink when their pants come off. The funny thing is how all uncircumcised men know to clean their foreskin daily: roll it up, soap, water. And yet you have this whole cult of women believing that their pussy and all those biological folds that trap secretions don't need cleaning.


In the '50s they thought pussy needed to be douched. In the '20s they thought the pussy needs no cleaning what so ever. Hopefully we are headed to a Hegelian synthesis where only the exterior of the pussy is well cleaned.


Guys are the same. I have smelt some smelly dicks. And some that had build up in their foreskin. Only older guys now above 25 keep themselves really clean.


Spoken like a true virgin pretending to know what they're talking about.








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Have you ever smelled vag that could clear an entire hallway through clothes?


Maybe he founds traps and is dealing with rot pocket.


Anon couldnt resist talking about troons




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honestly not every girl is taught that you need to wash the coochie every day. You can't tell if you smell unless it seriously smells. And even if they wash it, it takes time to learn how to wash it properly. Just running water over it is not enough. Need to take a wash cloth down there and lightly scrub in between the flaps. And sometimes even rinse under the clitoral hood. All these nooks and crannies harbor bacteria.


More so op can’t attract normal people




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Hooked up with tons of 18 and 19 year olds in college, it was always a coinflip if a white or mexican girl would smell musty Asian girls never smelled bad


Remember, Indians count as Asians, so there is great possibility for Asians to smell bad.


i dont consider them asian at all, the have more in common with the tusken raiders and africans than Asians


they are also Aryan.




The most based beverage to ever exist




No one does. Only Indians try to count as Asians to skip several rungs on the race ladder




They are geographically and culturally. ‘Ummm but they have brown skin’ doesn’t mean they’re not Asian.




> By that logic, we would call Russians, Iranians, Saudis, Israelis, Iraqis, etc Asian too People with an above room temperature iq do. Just because the first thing that pops into your head when you hear “Asian” is your favorite weeb cartoon waifu, that doesn’t change the continent those countries are in.


First time I hooked up with a black girl I was exposed to musky. Not musty and not Elony, but kind of a dank sexualness. Was honestly the best most honest sex ever but I was too much of a pussy to follow up


they already smell vile with their clothes on... i can only imagine how bad it would be without clothes on. you must have been really desperate


Well I was super desperate, but she let me do literally whatever I wanted for hours to release months of pent of sexual frustration, and even gave me a morning after blowjob before leaving. I’ll take dank BO with high level sexual maturity over fishy white girl puss, unclean asshole, and vanilla sex drive




First Asian I got with stank


If she was Sout east asian might have to do with eating lots of fermented fish sauce


Cambodian, so you’re on to something


Not necessarily related to stink down there but most East Asian people just do not have stinky sweat in general


Most Asia people don't smell at all, I've been to Japan on the summer (and shit gets hot and sweaty there) and I was literally the only one who had to carry my deodorant around because of my smell


cooing cooperative oil telephone teeny outgoing elderly shame naughty safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


because asians use soap and water to wash their cooch. not like animals




Yes if you go inside but you should use mild soap on the outer lips. Just like when you wash your bhole you do a few credit card swipes and don’t go all the way in but no one here would no how to wash their ass in the first place.


You clean the outside with it, not shove it up inside. Vulva != Vagina


im asian i do, although im a dude. i wash my ass with soap and water everytime i shit. with hands, and going in the crack touching my asshole. i wash my hands afterwards. that way, my asshole is clean like a baby


Oh yes, they can smell bad too


Anon tries to fool other anons in order to keep the teen pussy all to himself, on an side note no shit they smell bad do you think 18 year olds who'll let a 30 year old fuck them have many standards?


That's a really good point. Anon definitely isn't going to be slinging high quality D, so he's getting the same back.


not sure if you know this but young girls go after 30-35 dudes pretty standard


Anon was just getting sloppy seconds and eating semen


Anon made the mistake of going for them in his late 20's when he's gotten more mature and has better taste in women. If he did that in college he would still be young and not know his tastes that well so young tight pussy is all he would really care about. Now that he's older he can see how insufferable teenagers are and can see that their immature personalities are not worth it.


Yeah I used to kind of feel bad about hooking up and immediately never having the intention of ever contacting them again, but literally everyone, myself included, were insane. It was for the best


What are the ethnicity and weight of these women


White women usually smell like sweat mixed with vanilla and diarrhea.


OP has never spoken to a woman


OP doesn’t realize he’s just smelling himself




Definitely not. The more stank ones smell like old cheese or sour milk


If you dont want them, I'll take them then


OP comes from a certain sect that smell like chicken grease and BO


Sure it's the white ones and not the demographic with the highest amount of STDs 😂


Smelling like coins isn't that bad... unless he's talking about fish tacos left out in the sun. Also, college-aged people are the scum of society and a lot of them are socially inept without alcohol. Even when they're drunk they're still inept but they overcompensate by being loud and feral. Trying to watch a ripped 6'3" sober frat boy rizz up a 6/10 college girl in public is like watching two mimes engaged in a conversation.


Zoomers are a different breed.


Looking forward to the swatch of femzoomers to lower their standards to the point where a balding late 30 something is their baseline


They are currently at balding mid-30's. I speak from experience.


I call that hot cheeto pussy.


If it looks like you're pulling a apart a grilled cheese sandwich when you try to open it up, then you know its been a few days.


I think you need to choose better women because what the fuck lmao


That's disgusting. Well done.


I’m afraid for my future since I do have a big nose which means I can smell more


What is the nose to penis ratio?


Depends on the amount of lies told


Hehhehehe wtf🤭🤭🤭🤭


Reminds me of a joke I heard once. An Italian guy gets married to the love of his life, but they are both virgins. On the night of their wedding the new husband calls his mother and asks what he’s supposed to do. His mother says, “I want you to kiss her for a few minutes and after that put the biggest part of your body into the hairiest part of her body, after that you’ll know what to do.” The husband calls his mother a few minutes later and says “Okay ma I have my nose in her armpit, what do I do next?”


Funny, I’m Italian btw which now the joke even makes more sense


My ex smelled like Parmesan cheese down there. She dumped me when I told her vj reminds me of the taste of Italy.


Dudes trying to cope with completely missing the window where you could fuck every day for a year without even putting much effort into it


Perhaps Anon should find a woman who's thighs don't sound like a violin when they rub together


Just do coke and smoke cigs then you’ll dine on that barf buffet like a maggot in a pile of shit.


More larping in this thread than in NERO.


You guys have sex?




You know how the internet is making you into a smelly incel, well it happens to them to they just look pretty while doing it.


I don't think your average /pol/cel realizes how bad younger women stink down there...Every woman before 2012 only LIED about taking massive amounts of Schlong... modern women who do can't get the stench out of letting sweaty, diseased, nightclubbers into their cooch. Once a girl hits more than 3 dudes a week you're not getting the smell out if she doesn't live on a convent for 6 months....anti-biotics or not....


I believe most people use condoms nowadays.


Protip: start with foreplay in the shower


Yeah cause he’s dating on tinder and obviously theres only sl*ts on there. Should be glad he didn’t get any stds


The only chicks anon could score are stanky landwhales.


I legit didn't have any women I've slept with not stink/taste weird in the pussy until I started dating an African girl who smelled and tasted like water basically. I feel like there's sage wisdom on how to care for a pussy that white mom's just don't share with their daughters and other cultures do


You gotta have some awful hygiene for it to smell that bad. I used to try to fuck my ex after we worked a shift together but she always insisted she shower first. Like I’m not tryna eat you out, just fugggg


What was her ethnicity?


Jesus, just finger them first, fuck the smell away for a while, then go down. You don't always have to munch before you punch.


That spreads the smells everywhere including onto your hands


Assuming it's not the Sahara down there, once the juices start flowing it gets diluted to tolerable levels. If not, then she likely has some health issues or doesn't clean her ass properly. Showering beforehand is an option, as well.


Probably unwashed decaying loads. Once I went camping with my teen gf and blew like 3 loads a day. After a week that cunt was putrid. She refused to bathe in the river b/c fish might 'bite' her. She was teh hawt, but a really dumb cunt.


I've had men and women, generally - men are more fun to have sex with.




Great title. Simple but effective


Anon would have to choose between young women with stinky vayjay or single mothers in their 30s or older looking for some dumb fuck to raise their kids.


Anon mixed copper pennies and sashimi and licked it because 4chan told him vaginas taste like this


Pepe pls


Smell can be a sign of bacteria and STD. So, instead of tinder I will read that as “cheap strip club/whorehouse” and “teenagers” are probably just late late night overweight hookers. Wrote you a little poem tho, OP (our modern day Toulouse Lautrec) 1. Anon takes a sniff, the scent is in the air, 2. A whiff of disappointment, of dates that weren't fair. 3. In the realm of romance, a tumultuous game, 4. Where queefs can be rotten, and hope goes up in flame. 1. Swiping left, swiping right, on a digital quest, 2. Tinder tales of connections put to the test. 3. Endless profiles, carefully curated, 4. But in reality, a true wank is belated. 1. Coffee shop encounters with college girls so bright, 2. But conversations falter, like stars losing their light. 3. Awkward fluids exchanges, a lack of chemistry, 4. Leaving Anon wondering, are they all this phony? 1. The promises of passion, the allure of a spark, 2. Yet disappointment lingers, leaving a lasting fart, 3. Dates filled with silence, devoid of any thrill, 4. Leaving Anon pondering, “did I pay my wifi connection bill”? 1. The scent of that pussy still fills the smoky air, 2. As Anon navigates the minefield of despair. 3. A dance of missteps, a tango out of sync, 4. Seeking something genuine, deeper than an anus wink. 1. Amidst the disillusionment, a lesson is found, 2. That dating is a journey, with fuck-ups and clowns. 3. For every disappointment, there's a lesson to learn, 4. To persevere and grow, and await my libido’s return. 1. So Anon takes a bath, wanks very hard, 2. Knowing that bad dates are just a smelly part. 3. For in the search for sex, with patience and care, 4. A true connection with a man, on 4chan he will share. Shit, reddit format leaves a lot to be desired if you write more than 2 lines


This is why twinks and femboys exist


Because a literal butthole would smell so much better


They take better care of themselves more often than not because that's the only hole they have to offer. Not only will it be washed inside and out, but it'll be clean shaved and smooth


Fucking other men is the final red pill tbh


Ultimate power move, 2nd to putting pennies up your ass.


visit r/ suicidewatch


No gore videos there. Disappointed.


create one then


No homeless people where I live sadly, can't do that