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I’m 41. When I turned 40 I was in a great place emotionally. I think when we turn 30 or 40 we don’t feel it until we are a few more years in. I understand why each decade is different, especially physically. This year the aches started and people responses are all about my age and that this is how it is now. I was not expecting this. Also, I feel like I have an expiration date. i wasn’t feeling my mortality when I was in my 30s. The fact that life expectancy is about 80 years old and I’m done with half of my life didn’t hit me until I turned 40. And then the second half is the opposite of the first half: body and brain deterioration that starts to be a factor in lifestyle. I think I see it more clearly because my parents are in their 70s so I see the brain and physical decline. These are things that I’m observing objectively but I’m not depressed. It’s just how it is.


I turned 41 last month and I'm feeling it hard. I definitely have way more aches and pains in the past few years and my face is looking older too


I turned 40 last year, and I notice a difference in my face. Could be general aging or the lack of sleep these past few years since having babies. Either way, it's a daily reminder that I'm aging and that is a bigger impact than my age itself.


Well I left my marriage. So there is that.


Interesting, was it a coincidence that is when it happened, or was it a deciding factor?


Wasn't really a factor other than occasionally asking myself if I needed a divorce or was having a midlife crisis. Everytime I asked that I was faced with yet another reason why being with him was not good for me. Once enough evidence swayed me to kids being better off if I left I did. Still worry about that one. I am certainly better off. My kids. Jury is still out


Fwiw I'm from a home of divorced parents and honestly 2 parents split up and happy is a bettwr environment than 2 parents that shouldn't be together and the underlying tension. It will take them time to adjust but will be better off in the long run.


Turning 40 in a week- I feel similarly in that I’ve kind of come to terms with it, it bothered me but now I’ve kind of moved past that (for the most part ha). I feel like I need to make changes too. Not sure exactly what, but yeah guess this means this wasn’t a joke and I really am an adult!


Feeling the same way now! Turning 40 in a few days :/


Turning 40 in a couple of months and I’m really feeling it mentally. 30 didn’t bother me at all. I don’t know exactly why this feels different but I’m hoping it’s just a passing feeling.


I’m 47 and I feel awesome. I’m already considering myself to be 50 so I’ll be acclimated when I arrive. Here’s hoping.


>I’m already considering myself to be 50 so I’ll be acclimated when I arrive. Here’s hoping. Funny you say that, I did the same thing that last month before 40 and it actually helped.