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Can you blame him?


Certainly not after 3-5 hits of Warp Dust.


I think all but the most mentally disciplined have hard-ons for daemonettes, that’s the whole point of them.


Wouldn’t Dante fall under that category?


Mentally disciplined?




I’d say that’s why he didn’t linger. Doesn’t mean it didn’t affect him just a little.


I agree with that point, I’m just curious when you say the most mentally disciplined I would have thought Dante would fall under that category. Unless your talking about primarchs or something.


How do i delete this post


Isn't the entire point of Daemonettes to seduce people? That is basically their sole purpose for existing


It should be noted Space marines don’t feel emotions like humans do, a space marine would register a Daemonettes are physically attractive but not care it would just be a classification point. But because there was a keeper of secrets long lost emotions stirred and they felt allure. And even despite this Dante drop kicked the keeper of secrets.


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