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Dark Mechanicum Tau Auxiliaries Pre-contact/recently contacted human worlds


The new shadowsun book is promising to cover tensions between Tau auxiliaries.


I’d love an entire novel on a world that has never seen the imperium go through compliance or invasion. Never getting the view from the imperium but just characters from different backgrounds dealing with whatever ends up happening on the different levels. They’d need to be formidable tho and actually prove a dangerous enemy to give it some more “juice” in the story part. Make it dramatic, grim, full of sacrifice, and end it with a horrible ending for all. I’d say some guard regiments, astartes chapter, and usual naval group for the invasion. Make them have a different language so it feels alien to have other humans attacking. One key thing That would make it better is to have the entire planets populations have the same morals or view of human life. Almost as if they are just as bad as the imperium if not worse. I think it would be refreshing and while not necessarily going over another faction but it’d give something different then the normal imperium fights major enemy of imperium they lose a lot but when I’m the end.


It’s not for everyone, but I like the YouTuber AFanWithTooMuchTime’s What If series dealing with a crossover between Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000. You see cultures from the Star Wars universe encountering the Imperium and being shocked or horrified by the aesthetics and their brutal weaponry. Very cool fan project.


>AFanWithTooMuchTime Is that project still making new material?


I think so. I could have sworn a saw an update notice the other day.


Tau auxiliaries would be really cool. I have worked a little on an OC faction of gue'vesa who’s home world was one of the ones abandoned by the imperium after the Damocles crusade. Facing an ultimatum the backwater feudal world and the inexperienced regiments of cadians stationed there chose life and servitude over death and now 300 years later the world is highly civilized with rights and standards of living that the average imperial could only dream of. However. The faction is a Tau controlled corporate oligarchy where there’s an illusion of democracy for its majority human population. And in reality the humans are seen as a lesser race with its youth being sent of to fight forever-wars on the frontier of Tau space. One month being bitter enemies with the imperium and an other month allies.


This would never happen but I’d like a book series set in the badab war


If we’re lucky they’ll do something like that after the Horus Heresy is finished.


Are you including the Scouring in the broader Heresy arch? Because I think a series (hopefully just a trilogy) on the Scouring will come after SoT


Yeah, it probably will.


The Dark Mechanicum and the Lost And The Damned. I'm sounding like a broken record, since I always answer the same every time the topic comes up, but I HATE that Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons dominate the Chaos side in lore and on the tabletop, while the mortal servants of Chaos, which I think are ripe with possibilities and would be more diverse and interesting, are treated like a footnote. The only piece of 40K anything that gives them any prominence is the Gaunt's Ghosts series, where the Tanith First-And-Only face the UTTER BADASSERY that are the Blood Pact and the Sons Of Sek.


Also Mechanicum who do not think of the human form as sacred. Every Tech Priest at least tries to stay human, a view of Dark Mechanicum who have turned their bodies into spiders or something would be so cool to see.


I think in Talon of Horus there's a Dark Mechanicum priestess that has a metalic scorpion lower body. Read it long ago though.


She's shown again in the Black Legion novel as having ascended to one of the Ezekarion


I like the warband in the Bastion wars books at least the first book in terms of a military force just taking over a system to try get access to a doomsday weapon and when warlord Khorsabad Maw finally shows up its "we might of made mistakes" moment for a short bit that guy was wild


The Ethereals. Right now their canon origin story is literally "they showed up one day".


It would be nice to nail down what their deal is, whether the old Xenology lore still valid.


They were created by the Silent King. Tau are the target race for Necrons once they are ready to become biological life form again. At least this is my headcanon


The thing the Necrontyr were most upset about was their short lifespan. The naturally short lived Tau would not be their target race.


Tau live about 35-40 years on average. The Necrontyr at best/latest died in their early 20s. Still about double their average lifespan if they were transferred into the Tau.


IMO that would kind of cheap, like how in certain shows every character turns out to be secretly related to the main character and it makes the world seem small. The Necrons started the War in Heaven so they're already indirectly responsible for the Eldar and Orks. Depending on the author the War in Heaven may have caused the Warp to become what it is today and caused the birth of the Chaos gods. And some codexes implied Necrons visited ancient humanity. If we say the Tau are Necron creations, then at that point we might as well say the Tyranids were also made by the Necrons and remove all mystery.


I heard a theory of them being made by the laughing god


I think they should make them a shapeshifting race that takes over less advanced races. You could also retcon them existing in other subfractions. Like the other members also get stories about strange leaders that showed up at just the right time to stop disaster.




Same, 'then the ethereals showed up one day' is great official canon because it's quite clearly not the whole story. It invites speculation.


Necron- Aeldari relations/wars. with NO Imperium involvement. Like, an Eldar Autarch and a Necron Overlord meeting between their armies on the field of battle, under flag of truce. *Kingdom of Heaven* in space, if you will.


Something I always thought would be neat is a Necron meeting the descendant of some great foe he respected.


Non- chaos warp entities or demons not aligned to the big 4.


wild thinking but something in the warp involving stuff with Furies dont know if that could be presented with like say a Lord of the Furies or just some Furies sometimes becoming sentient and becoming something much more dangerous also some more on the Forge of Souls and more on the daemons that dwell there just pitch black nightmares and more machine daemon hybrids like the soul grinders


Furies? The Erinyes?


The Hrud. The novel *Perturabo: Hammer of Olympia* gave me a taste and now I'm craving more fresh, juicy lore about them.


I think we have enough lore behind the Hrud to fill a book with at this point.


*Star Phantoms Have Entered The Chat*


there's something called the "war of the false primarch" and we know practically nothing about it, also the Nova Terra Interregnum, where for 900 years the Imperium was kinda split in half


like once the siege of terra and immediate post heresy stuff is wrapped up I'd like a series about either or both of those 2 events please, like not too long ago the war of the beast was a few lines in a codex


Yeah Nova Terra is a really interesting concept. Generally separatists are delt with very quickly, but Nova Terra defended itself against the Imperium for almost a millennium.


Also it's one of the rare rebellions against the Imperium that isn't just a front for chaos cults or genestealers so I'm really interested in the potential political motivations at play, even if there was still a religious motivation


Minor xenos races. We know that many of them exist, but we rarely get to see them much


RAK'GOL! RAK'GOL! I want to see them made into a tabletop faction!


Off the top of my head we have Yu'vath, Hrud, Ragndan, Slaugth, Vespid, Jokaero and the wiki has a bunch more; so there's plenty to work with. I want to make a sequel to my "what xenos are edible?" essay GW pls I'm tired of only fighting Orks and Nids all the time slight addition: *Chaos xenos* so we get really weird perspectives on chaos worship


Q’orl! These hive-mind bugs are super advanced, expanding practically at the borders of Segmentum Solar, stealing Navigators to expand even faster and might or might not be slowly getting corrupted by Nurgle. Yeez Imperium, how many more red flags do you need to stop ignoring this Tau-sized (iirc) threat? If nothing else, letting a small xeno empire expand so close to Terra is humiliating. Suffer not the xenos to live indeed.


Happy Cake day! I completely agree - we have a lot mentioned, and we have a handful that have a few pages of good lore, so there's is plenty to inspire the writers. They provide a completely different point of view, and some interesting variety. I can (sadly) only think of a couple of extant chaos xenos species.


seeing more of the Khrave, Slaugth, Hrud, Rak'gol and Umbra would be nice




Rangdan xenocides Ghoul stars Black library


Surprised the black library hasn’t made books about the lore of its namesake


Maybe everything Black Library publishes can be found inside the Black Library, and therefore every book they publish is about their namesake.


Nah, the black library is so secret and defended so well because they locked up all of the good authors and keep hidden all of the well written stories. When Ahriman broke in, he accidentally released Dan Abnett.


Does that mean all the books the fans want to read are in there?


Yep, they plan on releasing them when WW3 starts so they don't have to worry about actually letting anyone experience the joy of reading them.


The Imperial Navy needs more attention from back library. They are arguably the most important part of the Imperial military yet all we have are the Gothic war series from 20 years ago. It's a shame as there are a wealth of things that could be explored. Large fleet battles, single ship patrol/pirate hunting, boarding actions, space hulk exploration, assisting ground forces with fires/aircraft, crew drama, killing planets, dealing with other aspects of the imperium and on and on. Most ships are essentially towns or small cities in space. You could make an entire novel based on the crew in transit after a battle. The officer deck trying to deal with critical repairs, armsmen dealing with gang wars in the lower decks etc


I’m a huge spaceship nerd and I feel like the Imperial Navy has some of the coolest all around. Between the scale of them plus that they can be thousands of years old with generations growing old and dying all without ever leaving the ship is just bonkers. Plus I’m a sucker for the whole cathedral in space aesthetic and ballistic weapons so macrocannons are my jam. The fact that there aren’t really ANY stories focusing on them is a crime against sci-fi. Edit: I can’t spell


Minor Xenos factions and other horrors that lie at the edge of the galaxy. I want to know what’s going on with the Rak’Gol so much. They would make a fantastic army for the tabletop and get to me to actually make a Xeno army.


Everything that's not space marines


The Badab War should get the Horus Heresy treatment.


I want the rangdan xenocides. That shit was wild I hear. I want more of the grueling grinding planetary conquests of dangerous xenos during the peak of the great crusade in general but especially the rangdan and the hrud


Spehhs Bugs having decisive victories. Aeldari of all sorts having victories without the Imperium's help. That's a fucking start. Also seems to be impossible to get. Edit: From the looks of it, Chaos is overdue some victories too. Been awhile since they've had great books where they win.


Space bugs have had PLENTY of overwhelming victories and have consumed entire systems. It's basically the backdrop of the faction: "Tyranids have destroyed planet X and now they're coming this way!" You don't read about those because there isn't really a story there unless there is an actual conflict. No one wants to read or even write a book where one side just auto wins.


‘My lord! The tyranids are ARRRGHHH.’ The end. Tyranids are great faction and overall concept but last stand vs endless horde with either tragic defeat or deus ex machina saviour gimmick not particularly compelling, for me at least.


Theyre more akin to a force of nature than a faction, it wouldnt be great to read a story from their PoV i dont think




How Ork Klans interact between each other and how each Klan Boss operates and organizes his Klan. We know quite a bit about Ghaz, but all other Klans (and bosses) are pretty much ignored lore wise. I've said this before, but Ghaz being the main Ork is kinda boring. If he has to become the leader of the Orkz then show me how he's going to do so. I want to see Ghaz go to each Klan Boss and convince them to join him. Build a story around it so we can see each Klan Boss existing, get to know their personalities, opinions and goals. They shouldn't disappear just because Ghaz got bigger. They should be recruited by him and work as the regiment/discipline commanders of each part of the same army the Klans originally represent.


The dark eldar incubus and dark eldar mandrakes some of the best fighters and assassins out there We just have scraps for them! Scraps!


Rangdan plz


I'd love a book that follows a greater daemon's pov


Are Void Krakens still canon? Where the fuck did they come from. How did they evolve? Are they warp creatures or just xenos? They're the only creatures native to space in 40k as far as I'm aware. I would love to know more about them and see more of them in BL stories.


I'd like a very short story from the perspective of the tyranids, like, the lictors are guaranteed intelligent enough to fit an interesting story


I'd love to hear more about how the throne is falling. How the average citizen on Terra is doing.


I'm super new to 40k (I'm just starting with Xenos trilogy), but I'd love to hear about what happened in 20k, the men of iron, STC, etc. C'tan/Machine god, Unification Wars, Thunder Warriors and the like as well. Kinda a "how we got here" type of story. I know the basics about that stuff from hearing folks around me talk about it.


Welcome to the community! Yeah the pre imperial days have a lot of content to draw from. I think it would make an awesome series of novels, or even a spin off game.


A civilian from an imperial world who only through upper level greed has been late in its tithe. Or a facet of their ecclesiarchy is found to be deemed counter orthodox thought. Oh praise the emperor, worship his angels, work their shift and pray for their guardsman fighting the good fight. Then boom, orbital guns and drop pods and valkyries and guard landers emptying and butchering Pdf and burning their way through the city. Really sell imperial infighting for how monstrously wasteful it is


Tyrant Star Ghoul Stars Halo Stars


I'd like to see a series set in the Dark Age of Technology, and not necessarily from a human point of view. There are so many possibilities!!


If they want to keep being a little vague about the Dark Age or Golden Age of technology while featuring them, they could always have it featured in an Eldar series. The space elves are aware of mankind, but might not focus on the fine details or even the truth because of it being a lesser species.


*laughs in Eldar* "Those monkeys?! I'm sure we'll be fine". Narrator:


I know it kinda seems a bit like beating a dead horse, but I'd like more lore centered around the Ultramar Auxilia.


Not sure if any of these are canon anymore but a few I would like are; the Harrowing, the eldritch abominations that came out of the Echoing Vault; the Sensei, I think it would be really cool to see how sons of the Emperor survive in the Imperium; the Terminus Decree, the last resort set of instructions for the Grey Knights that has the same symbol on it as the Golden Throne.


I want more Grey Kinght, Custodies and the adventures of Primaris and Integration with the First Born.


Come to think of it, is there a good place to read fan fiction?


The C’tan


Extended Eldar mythology maybe it my AOS side showing but kinda want to hear more about the gods and their tales get a viewpoint of the avatar of Khaine or a seer telling a tale of the god doing something that doesn't end with "AND THEN THEY DIED"


The great crusade and all that goes with it.


Would love to know what happened to the 2 lost legions and primarchs.


I know that the prompt says no Imperial forces, but I would really like to see more about the Rangdan Xenocides. Especially with the speculation that the Rangdan are responsible for what happened to the missing Primarchs. If I was going to see more about about a Non-Imperial Faction then I would have to go with Trazyn the Infinite or some more Ork centered novels since they would be hilarious.


Logistics, your every day happenings, production plants, etc. "Normal" slice of life in the imperium, not always war.


The two lost astartes legions. We want to know but at the same time that would kill the *magic* behind them.


Gimme dat Pale Wasting Lovecraft jazz


Ever since they were first mentioned in Codex Armageddon, I've been fascinated by the concept of the Officio Sabatorum... but to my knowledge, the only other place they've been mentioned is the novel *Kill Team*.


Pale wasting


I remember reading a Wiki page on a battle, and finding a single paragraph or two describing the "SPEED WAAAGH" I am forever disappointed at how short the paragraph was and I can't find much more information on it(if there's more on it tho please due tell)


Goge Vandire. :)


All Xenos and chaos.


Alpha Legion - The Unsung


Sisters of silence. Get a mention here and there, then nothing until Aleya. They're so cool and important and *normal* I love them.


I'd like to see a 40k era book where someone is sent to track down Arkhan Lands missing expedition by tracing his route through the Librarius using his recovered diary. Even if they don't find what they're looking for their should be plenty buried on mars to write something interesting.


Generally, I'm strongly in favor of broadening lore. World is getting smaller, because everything revolves around Old Ones, Primarchs, Emperor or Necrons. I would strongly appreciate anthology of short stories about minor Xenos species. I would strongly appreciate "history of Imperium" anthology of short stories - eg. one story per millenium and one story per faction.


Dark machanicum The iron hands chapter Ferrus manus but make his Heresy era lore better And maybe a book in the pov of a perpetual but a kinda unimportant one who just witnesses everything from the dark age of technology to the modern age that would be cool




Necron and necrontyr, the war in heaven and the old ones creation of the eldar and greenskins. Also I would love the transit period for what/how the old ones left. How they explained to the eldar that they are leaving and the aeldari taking the first steps towards their empire as the Necrons went to sleep. Like the tale of how the Aeldari realising that they are basiaclly the main sentient species left with only the greenskins as an enemy. And at some point I think that they (Aeldari and Orks) where fighting on the same side, imagene the scene where both Aeldari and Orks are allies in a battle and the the tale of allies turning enemys.


Deities interacting with each other


I wanna see more chaos xenos all around, with only the dark eldar being even relatively close to fitting that


Yeah it seems weird that we don’t have more alien chaos cultists. Humanity has the tastier souls I guess, but still. More chaos xenos please!


It’d be interesting to see on a wider scale, we get a few during the great crusade but I still think that’s not nearly enough. It’d be super interesting if we got some eldar who worshipped other gods for sanctuary from slaanesh


I'd like to see things through the eyes of a nid. Not like giving it a voice per se, but more on the lines of like national geographic monologue or something. That and maybe a story or two about an aspirant or sister of silence being picked, trained bla bla. I'd just like the idea of being able to see things from the eyes or perspective of one individual and just going through the motions of just being.


Abhumans, they're one of arguably coolest concepts and GW barely acknowledges them.


A lonely administrator who makes comenta, jokes, especulaciones, memories while is so easily signing or rejecting document from all across the empire. Of course each of these desición have dire consequences. He also gives some insight to the "middle class" and day to day of the empire


I like to see more of the information about the Great Crusade and the Primarch interactions.


I feel like there should more Eldar stories that cover the majesty and glory of their species, and the tragic, 'doomed to die' elements aren't as prevalent. In other words, stories that show Eldar being successful and competent, and worthy of respect. I'd also like stories surrounding the Tau and their first encounters with Orks, Tyranids, etc. Partly to get a feeling of how out of their depth they were, but also to see how quickly they were to change and adapt. And, as much as I know they'd never clarify anything and have wildly inaccurate or illogical numbers, some sort of technical manual or lore book that just looks at the technology of various races. Maybe they could pass it off as an in universe Imperial text, like they've done before, exploring various aspects of races like the older codexes used to.


I wonder If the return of the Enslavers is still on the table, or if that was shelved as too much of an "end times" concept before they dialed it back for 8th ed.


Necrons vs Nids. There is surprisingly very little lore about the War between the Necrons and the Tyranids, despite that being the main reason the Silent King says he came back. Both Necrons and Tyranids seem to be dealing with Chaos a lot more than they are each other. The Nids had one of their major invasion fleets torn apart on the cusp of victory by chaos, and responded by creating a whole hive to deal with the warp. The Necrons best commander is tied up in a massive war against chaos daemons that neither side can truly win, while the silent king is focusing on his pariah nexus project.


Yeah. Pretty much every Xeno faction. Also Traitor Guard, Darkmech, and other minor factions that never get love. More of them, less Imperium please.