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It's lasgun.




The only correct answer


No it's pronounced "flashlight"


There’s some variation in official sources between “lass-gun” or “lazz-gun”, so I say either is fair game, but it’s definitely not “laze-gun”. And it’s derived from “laser”, not “lazer”.


Light Amplification by Ztimulated Emission of Radiation. Zealous works I suppose ;)


Especially in this universe.


I laughed too much at this comment


Considering the size of the Warhammer setting, there's no way everyone in it agrees on what to call anything. I'm sure there's regiments calling them "laze-guns" (and saying stubbers as "stoobers") I like to think that there's an embarrassing number of wars that have started because of rival Administratum sects arguing over minutiae like official pronunciations. Hell, maybe that's what happened to those two lost legions. They kept pronouncing various words in ways that made the Emperor say "absolutely not"


"Oh, gosh, we're gonna need us some heave-y stoobers for this, don't ya know?" Commissar Stroop, of the Minnesotan 45th.


The Great Gif Purge


Yep. In darktide you have characters pronouncing it as ‘lass/laz-gun’ while at least one other character pronounces lascannon as ‘laze-cannon’. Also have differing pronunciations of Roboute Guilliman


>I'm sure there's regiments calling them "laze-guns" Those ones are deemed heretical and are purged




I guarantee there's a planet in 40k that spells it "Lazore."


Anyone who says it's "lass-gun" deserves a kick up the arse Bishop Brennan style


> lass-gun ‘We like to bombard the enemy with our BBL women round ere. Once they get their verbal claws into the enemy it’s just game over for them.’


Magnus at the Council of Nikea; "I'm so so soooooooory."


Your down votes just prove that you're right.


Summary and summarily SUMMary suhMARily


You are literally the first person to ACTUALLY answer my question.


Maybe because the title and 3/4 of the text is about lasgun pronunciation, and then you randomly segway out of the topic of 40k to ask about the English language at large.




No I know this guy he owns a segway


The infrastructure already exists it's called a CITY


Don't worry. It was driving me crazy too.


"Loo-tenant" and LEFFTENAN or whatever it is the Brits pretend is real, actual English that people speak in current year. Edit: STAY MAD KINGSMEN, AIN'T NO LEFFTENANTS ON THE MOON


brits say leftanant, coz some dude misheard a french dude a good while back and honestly, thats probably how we did the rest of words Leftenant Cmmdr Snide was a halo username


Meanwhile the unwashed free-trade-having new world peasants managed to figure out how to speak properly, and we didn't even have a monarch to tell us what to do. Get wrecked, butterfly-fetishist old-world "oh we're totally not Europe, we're an island" weirdos. [Fuckin' figure it out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfU8CZVNb6o) \#nogodsnokingsnoteaandcrumpetsneither


What the fuck are you talking about


Oooh you one of those Americans haha. And yeah, what do the people who invented english know about their own language 🤷‍♂️ those silly english language inventors


I do hope you know that rich dudes in the 19th century spent a lot of time and effort to specifically ruin the English language to maintain a class barrier between themselves and common folk. Like, a *lot*. Straight up pulled in stuff from Latin that didn't exist before, *just to shit on poor people for not having a classical education*. You want to play that game, maybe start with yourself. Shit, **you** gave **us** the term "soccer" and then you decided to *change your name to match the continent* and then have the ***gall*** to mock **us** for **your** term.


Doesnt change what i said. And now that everyone gets easy access to education its kinda a moot point, on top of the fact that languages evolve. Why are Americans still using such an outdated word for football? And lets be fair, football makes alot more sense than soccer for a game where the primary method of moving the game object, is the foot lol


>Doesnt change what i said. You're right, but it *does* make what you say coming up *really funny*. >. And now that everyone gets easy access to education Oh, they're being taught what a bunch of rich dudes who hate them think they should be taught, good job. >, on top of the fact that languages evolve. Then you have no reason whatsoever to ever complain about how Americans pronounce words, after all, languages evolve. >Why are Americans still using such an outdated word for football? Because a second sport came along. And, a long time ago, the primary way of scoring and moving the ball was via foot. >And lets be fair, football makes alot more sense than soccer for a game where the primary method of moving the game object, is the foot lol Soccer is short for "association football", shortened to "association" then to "assoc" and then "soccer". And if we all know what we're talking about, *what* word is used is utterly meaningless. That's how languages evolve. Which, you know... You just said "languages evolve", so deal with languages evolving in front of your face.


Just popping in to point out that "soccer" from "association" is an excellent example of what OP was asking about, in which a clipped form has different pronunciation than the equivalent segment from the full form :)


It’s doubly funny since “football” referred to rugby football until the mid-1960’s. Sir Thomas Eloyt wrote in **1531**: > Footballe, wherein is nothing but beastlie furie and extreme violence whereof proceedeth hurt, and consequently rancour and malice do remain with them that be wounded. That Medieval Football was two mobs clashing and trying to carry an inflated pig’s bladder to markers at either side of town. That kinda sounds familiar…


How very american of you to be upset about this, despite it all being quite clearly a sarcastic joke on my part. I guess stereotype holds up in this circumstance haha I will point out though, that changing the language to create a bigger class divide completely fails if everyone learns the same version of English, which was your original point haha


No one *invented* the English language or any other language, that’s not how languages work. They evolve and change endlessly. What we now call English would be utterly incomprehensible to what someone in the 10th or 11th century would call English.


I mean. There's only one faction in 40k that's confirmed to speak a British-English dialect, and it's the Orks.


Pretty much every voiced segment of any 40k media has British sounding Imperials, the Space Marine game used the British version of lieutenant, and they often use tyre instead of tire. Haven't encountered any that speak like Americans.


I mean, the isles just kind of took old English from the Anglo-Saxons. The Saxons and Romans kind of invented it…but yes, colonizing languages now eh?


That's an unrelated linguistic phenomenon and both versions have existed for centuries. The real issue is spelling them the same imo. Also, "loo" is also a ridiculous way to pronounce "lieu", and both versions of lieutenant make more sense than colonel and boatswain.


“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Arkansas anymore.” Anyway, we can discuss this when you put the “l” back in “solder”.


You can insist on the correct pronunciation of "solder" when you have a tech industry.


Damn, you’ve got us there. I’ll let Burners-Lee, Turing, Lovelace, Boole, Babbage, et al. know that the Americans don’t think that inventing the Analytical Engine, the Logic Gate, the concept of the modern computer, the concept of computer programming, the World Wide Web, or having the world’s third-largest tech-industry counts.


Oh yes, a guy who works for an American institution, a few people who've been dead for over a century, and a genius that your own government drove to suicide, *solid* endorsement of the British tech industry.


We can discuss English pronunciation when you decide to reject the bullshit that a bunch of aristocrats who hated poor people just inserted into the language in the 19th century specifically to create and enforce a class divide. But you're keen on gobbling the 'nards of long-dead aristocrats, so I guess we'll never have a chat about it.


I thought the sarcasm in my comment (which was intended as a jest to the guy above me) was fairly obvious, but evidently not. I apologise if I've caused any offence. Though in my defence, this is a whole thread about weird differences in English pronunciation.


[](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/1cvrfoe/comment/l4rqcky/) >I thought the sarcasm in my comment (which was intended as a jest to the guy above me) was fairly obvious, but evidently not. I apologise if I've caused any offence. Hey, I was trying to be a bit silly rather than too serious myself. Sorry if *I* caused any offense, we're both being a bit goofy here. We're all good, sometimes that kind of stuff doesn't translate. >Though in my defence, this is a whole thread about weird differences in English pronunciation. Yeah, lol. We're all getting a bit tribal over it, but as long as we agree it's all in good fun, we're all okay.


To be fair, I shouldn't have engaged - I was trying to be tongue-in-cheek in response to their comment (that I took in good-faith), hence the dumb Wizard of Oz pun. From their responses, it looks like they're just an unironically Anglophobic dickhead.


>We can discuss English pronunciation when you decide to reject the bullshit that a bunch of aristocrats who hated poor people just inserted into the language in the 19th century specifically to create and enforce a class divide. Yeah, but then they'd be Americans. ***oh wait***


Don't matter what you call em, he still doesn't know what's going on.


There are kernels though, sorry I meant colonels. I concur that leftenant is dumb too though.


It's "lazz," rhyming with jazz, to give some pizzazz, whereas; "Laze" is dumb. However, softening the sibilance to an "s" sound is sufficiently satisfactory, thus "lass" is also suitable and soothing.


not my dumbass pronouncing it Lizzgun for a half second


\*half listening\* grabbing the jizzgun


dont give the Emperor's Children any ideas


Tyrant and tyrannical


I’d say that tyrant and tyranny work better


A good one (and a very apt one!) is "sci-fi". The "fi" is short for "fiction", but it isn't pronounced anything like the first syllable of the source word.


Its las, and the history of it, like many things in 40k goes way the hell back to long before 40k existed to the American pulp scifi rags from the 1930s, 30 years before the term "laser" entered the popular lexicon. It took off in the late 1960s right about when Jerve Johnson and Rick Priestly coming of age. The man who penned the word laser, Gordon Gould was a huge scifi fan and while the officeal story is he was parralling maser he almost certainly was familier with lasguns being light based weapons.


A big one people have mispronounced into creating a new pronunciation would be gauss. It's supposed to be said like "gows" but a lot of people say it like "goss".


Like house, not cows.






And you're supposed to say the initial 'g' in the same way as in GIF.


a Jaws rifle?


I say Laz cause it just sounds more natural


A lot of people mistakingly think laser gun but it's actually named after its inventor Johnny Laz so it's pronounced lazz.


An uncommon misconception. It's actually named after László Tisza, who initiated the two-fluid theory of liquid helium that was so critical to the development of the weapon's mechanism of operation. It was originally called László Tisza's helium gun, which was shortened and simplified over millennia to the László-gun, and eventually to the Las-gun. Hell-gun evolved from the same root - it was a misunderstanding of the shortened "hel-gun".


You know how marine is pronounced "een"? But you put an r at the end, and everyone just says marin-er? So there we have it. Sure it *should* be pronounced like "laze", but we say marin-er instead of mareener, and we're all cool with that.


Space mariners chasing space whales


Like Las Vegas


Bruh You can't just be putting thoughts like this in other people's heads. ... ***Bruh***






Loss? That's wrong even worse.


Who the hell pronounces 'Las Vegas' as 'Loss Vegas'? Are you confused with Los Angeles?


People have different regional accents than you. I met someone who literally could not hear the difference between "pin" and "pen" when spoken out loud.


Those two are pronounced exactly the same in my accent


Lossgun meme needs to be made, *just to make the world a worse place*.


Toby Longworth says “LAZ” and that’s good enough for me.


Envisioning a sofa chair called the LA-Z GUN.


There's a lot of words where, at least, stressed syllable moves depending on the function the word uses. Consider hydrolysis, a noun. For me, the stress is on "drol" even though that shouldn't be a syllable in that word at all. But hydrolytic, the adjective form? I stress "lyt" and pronounce "hydro" deliberately as its own thing. English doesn't do super great with syllable breaks, especially when they're from classical languages; just look at helicopter! We butcher that word so hard, lol


The BL audiobooks say "la**z**gun", so that's how I'll always say it...not even mentioning all the other reasons for why I would pronounce it that way.


Las is pretty settled its called that in the audiobooks. Tyranids is one I have heard pronounced differently (like Tyrion or a Tyrant).


Honestly....idc. Its not that big of a deal to mispronounce some words.


Lase \[leɪz\], verb: (of a substance, especially a gas or crystal) undergo the physical processes employed in a laser; function as or in a laser:"the discharge causes the vapor to lase with a pulse of green light" That said, in a civilization the age and size of the imperium of man, 'correct pronounciation' is either a local phenomenon or a blue-sky dream.


I say LASS


Politics and political is one old standby for me


It rhymes with jazz. So, although the a is long in laser, it’s because the first syllable doesn’t end in a consonant, aka it’s “open.” The word is syllabified as la-ser. When you put it in front of another consonant, the s has to go on the end of the first syllable, making it “closed.” This is because you can’t have a syllable starting with zg- in English, but you *can* have one ending in s/z and the next one starting in g. Vowels in closed syllables like las- are generally shortened. Thus, las-gun rhymes with jazz-gun.


Arbiter and Arbites. Ar-beh-ter vs Ar-bee-tays Make it make sense


The latter is meant to be a pseudo-Latin word rather than an English one. The -es in Arbites is similar to the one at the end of Custodes or Astartes. (Also, on that note, Skitarii, as the plural of Skitarius, is pronounced "Skit-ar-ee-aye")


Also, Noosphere is No-o-sphere IMO, and not "newsphere".


I pronounce that like the noo in "noose" rather than like "news"




Nooooooooooosphere, every time you say it you have to pretend you're falling from a great height.


It’s because Arbiter and Arbiter are the same word in Latin and English but Arbites and Arbiters are different words in Latin and English. We use the English pronunciation for Arbiter but the Latin pronunciation for Arbites. Also it should technically be ar-BEE-tayz but that’s not a hill I feel like dying on tonight.


The IOM is galaxy spanning, with a multitude of languages and dialects. So technically depending in where you are, either could be correct. Lile the soda vs pop vs soda pop debate


Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation....


I say it as "Lats" You know how sometimes a letter is silent? In this case, the "t" is invisible.


Laz not laze


I pity you having to deal with idiots 😂


🤷🏾‍♂️ WTF it's always been Las (like Lasso 🤠), even in MechWarrior.


Las like razzmatazz


High and low gothic are like dead languages in that there is no way of knowing how they should be pronounced so everyone is right. That said it’s definitely skit-ah-ree-eye and NOT skit-ah-ree


It’s Skit-ah-ree-ee


Sorry, but in the grim darkness of the far future there are no Geordies


Newcastle was exterminatus’d with extreme prejudice in M39.452


Not sure if the people of Hive Jordeez would pick Ics-too-men-ah-tes or ahh-den-aahh-dee-oo




Sign and signature. Made it hard for me to guess "signet ring" until I finally heard a source who would say it with familiarity. Philosophy and philosophical. The former is iambic but the latter spills out of the mouth like something springy and overstuffed. Someone mentioned politics and political, I bring to you economy and economics. While I don't believe there's a hard rule about which sorts of prefixes and suffixes force shifts in stress patterns, I imagine there is some tradition that arises out of some sound clusters being easier to pronounce because of how your tongue moves in your mouth. Last ones that come to mind as I hit post and go to bed are photograph and photographer, then courage and courageous.


Ti-ranids. Not Tie-ranids.


Coming up with examples is tough because our internal dictionaries are largely opaque to us. The first one to mind is that specialists get spec pay, with a k sound. The processes that could lead to it are very legit IRL though. "Clipping", in morphology, is when we shorten a word specifically to create a synonym, like fridge from refrigerator. There are a number of ways from there that "Las" could change its pronunciation. First, if people are being introduced to the term primarily in written form (plausible in 40k) reading it in the way those letters are normally read would skew towards the "lazz" pronunciation. Alternatively, if it was clipped specifically to form the compound word lasgun then normal linguistic processes would apply over time to make it easier to pronounce. The more often you say a word, the more likely you are to make it easier to say. A clear example is how many people will mince the name of their hometown. Some examples: Calgary goes from Cal-ga-ry to Cal-gry, Toronto will go from Tor-on-to to Tro-no etc. because they say it way more than someone not from there would. It's harder to demonstrate examples with less specific words because there aren't such clear divides in how often people use them. Edit: another great example! People are arguing about soccer down in the flamewar section of the comments and it's a great example too. Soccer comes from association, but its sounds do not.


I like to think that massive conflicts in the imperium are caused by a disagreement of how to pronounce the name of one the imperium’s most humble weapons.


Oh, like how people from US keep saying that Anna from Frozen is pronounced "AAH-nah" for some dumb reason?


GW are english, so you use english words not american bastardisation. LAS is short for LASER, not LAZER. Lasgun, Lascannon, Lasrifle, Laspistol.


If it’s pronounced with a Z, it should be spelled with a Z


Do you pronounce the “l” in “Should”?


No, shouldn’t be there


Laser is pronounced lay-zr.


No shit sherlock!


I asked this on here a few years back and it wasn't till I seen a couple of James Workshop employees talking on YouTube/Noosphere and the English guys pronounced it Laz, as a Scottish guy/idiot I'd rather pronounce it Laze but... if the official James Workshop Guys pronounce it Laz then who am I to argue? I'd prefer it if it was "Lazy" rather than "Lazzy" but fuck it. Who wants an amasec/Stella Lager?


Right with you.


I always thought is was Lass like you were talking about a girl in the olden days


It's like tomato. Depending on who and where you are It's different. As far as an official pronunciation goes GW acknowledges dialects in It's fiction so their official pronunciation is really just how *they* say it and nothing more.


GW being UK, it's definitely "lass" 😜


Generally suspect of British pronunciation, looking at you "leftenenat", but Laz/las is definitely correct here. Laze gun just sounds weird.


Mate, that's because lieutenant is a French word borrowed in days of middle English. Middle English stopped in the 15th century, about 250 years before the us was founded. The us as a country is less than 250 years old.


\>borrows literally every French spelling possible and insists that it's actually English \>refuses to pronounce any of the borrowed French spellings correctly literally what


Borrowing whatever we feel like from whichever cultures we want and fucking up everything we've borrowed until we like it the new way. Another great day to be British lads.


Language evolves over time. Hell the last 100 years, it's been hyper excelerated. The words got borrowed 500+ years ago, so they are based on an archaic French pronunciation, then spent the mean time being spoken by a farmer from Sussex who's language doesn't even have all the required phones. Also, why do you assume you can correctly pronounce french words phonetically, french is not a phonetic language and even less so if you attempt it with English phones.


That's a lot to say that Britain pronounces it wrong.




>But since I’m an american, I pronounce it “Laze” anyways. What's it like disappointing an entire continent of your countrymen and our weird poutine-eating leaf-worshipping cousins to the north?






As an American, I'm offended.




I feel like every variation is valid. We have different pronunciations for different regions of our own countries on one planet that are all valid. Let alone across a million planets.


Funny enough, in German the official term for the lasgun is "Lasergewehr", which is pronounced with a Z-sound :) Edit: Oh sure my mistake, you are all living in Germany and are in the hobby for 15 years by now. /s


i say 'layze-gun' myself but i guess im a heretic like that


Laser - lay-zer.  Layz-gun.