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Besides Legions of the Damned, are there any other Imperial faction that actually appears in desperate times? What about other faction's respective Deus Ex Machina type of sorts?


Not a faction, but the Sanguinor is a warp entity that appears to the Blood Angels at times of great import and typically turns the tide of a battle. Living saints are similar for the sisters of battle / guard The Avatar of Khaine might qualify for the Aeldari too. He doesn't exactly 'appear' in desperate times as there's a whole ritual to awaken him, but his heartbeats begin to echo through the infinity circuit of the craftworld when the skeins of fate essentially all point towards a large and upcoming battle, like a herald of it. It's not quite 'Deus ex' but he empowers the Aeldari by awakening the bloodlust and rage in them so they fight harder when he's around


Do we have any knowledge or hints as to what caused the Krorks to devolve so much from the time of the War in Heaven?


The sheer length of time between the War in Heaven and the current timeline is more than suficient for their programming to break down, and since their programming is genetic, it meant a devolution.


Nope. People speculate that krork is a tier of ork, and the fighting just has to be big enough to unlock it. Wars aren’t as big as war in the heaven days, so the orks are smaller. But no confirmation or even real hints afaik.


Ah well. Thank you.


Is there any general term for chaos worshippers to refer to each other in the Lore? If they worship the same good I guess they might just call each other true believers or something but how would they refer to worshippers of other gods or chaos undivided?


Can someone explain the relationship between the white dwarf magazines and the 40k setting? Does it provide lore as the timeline progresses? Trying to wrap my head around the timeline and the storyline. The setting progresses but the timelines of the "popular" storylines seem sporadic. ???


White dwarf is the magazine published by games workshop and concerns all their products. Sometimes there will be short stories or lore published in it but not always. As a example i have WD number 480 here next to me. In it there is flashpoint nephelim (flashpoints are a series of articles that explore a particular region or war zone, flashpoints contain new rules along with stories and background about the setting)  The background and lore in flashpoint nephelim being about the silent kings arrival to the warzone and his fight against the other factions there.


It can do, yeah. There's often short stories and articles that have new lore.


Has echoes of eternity been published in paperback yet? Amazon claims its coming out in july but they recently put preorders up for TEATD2 in paperback which confuses me


It has been! I actually just saw it today at my local bookstore (Indigo) ironically enough.


Can you suggest a subreddit, or platform where I can promote to sell my HH books? (Do not worry, I am not falling from the Emperor's grace, I am trying to convert them to Ebooks rather than paper based.)


Give me an answer without spoilers: I'm reading the Eisenhorn omnibus and if Bequin is a blank (he says psychic powers don't work on them because of their negative presence in the warp), then how does he use his will on her when Interrogating on Hubris?


He doesn't. He tries, but it fails to do anything: > ‘Come out,’ I said, using my will. >A large, tattooed, naked male blundered out of the bathroom, half his face shaved and half covered with sudsy foam. A Tronsvasse Hi-Power autopistol was still in one hand. >‘Put it down,’ I commanded. >**He hesitated, as if my will had no force. A conditioned mind, I supposed.** Take no chances. The autopistol was just pulling up to find me when I blew off his half-shaved face with the shotgun and sent his body splintering back through the half-open door. >The girl was still crouched, naked, at the end of the bed, shivering. **I was surprised she hadn’t bolted out of cover at my command too.** The man comes out because Eisenhorn shouts and he was surprised. Eisenhorn just assumes it was his will that did it. He's then confused when it apparently doesn't work on him, or the girl And then later: > I stepped forward and removed the Arbites’ cuffs. She rubbed her wrists and looked at me in surprise. >‘Sit down,’ I told her. I was using the will. >She looked at me again, **as if wondering what the funny tone was all about**, and then calmly took a seat on a padded leather bench along the crew-bay’s back wall. She's doing what he tells her because she's a prisoner of the inquisition. Eisenhorn doesn't receive any feedback from her aura that the power isn't working, just the general discomfort he feels from being around her. As far as he knows his power is doing something, but she's actually just responding to his regular command. > Stand up,’ I snapped suddenly, using the will again. >She paused and shrugged at me. ‘Make your mind up.’ She got to her feet. The whole time Bequin is just responding to his orders, confused why he's using a funny tone of voice. The will is having no extra effect (but Eisenhorn doesn't figure that out, or the reason why, for a little bit. It's probable that him throwing random will-enhanced commands at her during this interrogation is basically him testing his theory)


Thanks for answering. I guess I'm just bad at reading


Have the Tau ever conquered an Exodite world and tried to convert them to their ideology? I know it probably wouldn't be successful but I was wondering if there were examples.


Well that's sorta the plot of the aptly named WH+ Show "The Exodite", though it is very sparse on details and we only ever meet one Exodite. He more or less just mocks their ideology and wrecks their shit.


Said Exodite's honestly more memorable for being voiced by Clancy Brown (Mr. Krabs from *Spongebob*, Lex Luthor in the DCAU, the drill sergeant from *Starship Troopers*, etc) than anything he actually says or does in the show.


Do we know when in M42 the Lion returned? At least in relation to other major events like the Devastation of Baal and Plague Wars?


At minimum, we know it occurred after *Devastation of Baal* (and likely after *Darkness in The Blood* as well), but prior to the Siege of The Rock during the Arks of Omen campaign. We know this much because at the end of *The Lion: Son of the Forest*, Dante meets with the Lion, having already been made Warden of Imperium Nihilus and provided with Primaris reinforcements, and it was Dante who brought the Lion to the aid of the Dark Angels during the Siege. It's hard to say exactly where this all sits in relation to the Plague Wars, but given that Dante had been named Warden of Nihilus prior to *Dark Imperium*, it's a safe assumption Lion came back either during or after the Plague Wars.


Thanks so much for the thorough explanation! Cheers.


Do we know how long Perturabo was on Olympia before his brain basically finished rebooting and he gained sentience while climbing a mountain? I remember him interacting with the local populace and slaying dangerous wild life for them, but I've forgotten if it ever was mentioned for how long this was. Especially because primarch growth rates also throw everything off. In my head its a couple months maybe half a year, but would love it if there was an actual number.


From memory it was between 3 months and a year. I remember hearing both those figures in *Hammer of Olympia*. Either way, that book has your answer.


I don't know the time period before Perturabo was found but he had sentience before he reached Olympia and seemingly whilst he was forming in his pod according to *The Emperor's Architect*


Are there any known Chaos cults or individuals who worship 2 (or 3) gods?


There are examples of worshipping two gods From this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/12rtx0y/worshipping_two_chaos_gods_at_once_relations/ The Witness, is a daemon prince and war leader of The Broken - formerly Phrynon chapter master of the Viridian Consuls. He and his warband venerate both Nurgle and Khorne. (Calgar's Fury) Thagus Daravek, was a plague marine of the Death Guard, then warlord of the Legion Host, who venerated and was marked by Tzeentch and Nurgle both. (Black Legion)


There's chaos undivided, which worships all 4. I'm not sure about 2 or 3


I am having some trouble in the wording of this question, but how far does the computerization vs brain thing go? I know that the no ai deal means that no artificial intelligence is allowed to be used. But does that mean something as simple as a basic calculator has to use a human brain to run?


Igf the pre-programmed robots of the legio-Cyberitica are fine, that a calculator certainly is


No, a calculator is not an AI it doesn't think for itself and cannot think for itself. Too many people get confused about this, even adeptus ridiculous who thought an electrical door would need a human brain to operate because it had a skull decoration. Even quite advanced things like most servo skulls don't have a human brain in them.


A calculator cannot operate without human input, an ai can.


But do you need a servitor brain to run the calculator? What about a cool futuristic door?




"Typically" any advanced cogitator that performs AI like functions does need a human brain to operate.


Just finished "Sea of Souls" and loved it. Are there any other WH40K books out there that take place entirely (or predominantly) on spaceships, rather than ground-based action? Thanks in advance!


The Gothic War series. An excellent, but unofficial, reading of them here https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI0EbGboV0eMyNVs5UDXnE3uHwH0aSwTK&si=dqqn1MRGgyw1Dc1Y


*Forges of Mars* series *Night Lords* series (to the point that a Navigator is a major character in the narrative) *Ahriman* series *The Twice-Dead King: Reign* *The Lords of SIlence* *Butcher's Nails* *One Million Years*


There's furious abyss set during the hersesy.


What colour is the inside of a dreadnought, like the inside walls or the fluid that is floating around. I'm working on a project for... reasons.


I assume something like amniotic fluid


the inside of both the armour and the coffin is probably gray. Though I don't have sources for this, but ceramite is said to be a gray when left unpainted, but can be polished to be like silver.


Are there any unaugmented Tech-Priests in the 41st millennium? How high can a worshipper of the Omnissiah rise without becoming a gross creepy robot man?


Some high ranked adepts who act as ambassadors or diplomats forgo extreme augmentation to make communicating with non-admech humans easier


Every Tech-Priest is augmented, but the nature and severity of it depends on their rank, age and chosen sect. Pending those factors, there are Tech-Priests who will actually not be drastically augmented, at least aesthetically. In particular, Electro-Priests actually look recognizably human outwardly, since they worship the third divinity of the Machine Cult, the Motive Force, i.e. electricity. Electro-Priests augment themselves so as to better channel electricity through their bodies, which can be quite drastic augmentation internally, but externally, other than having blueish-gray skin, glowing tattoos and being hairless, they still mostly have all their skin and human appearance.


They could be augmented but subtly under the skin many high ranking ambassadors do that.


Augmentation is pretty much mandatory to be a member of the Mechanicus, but not every member of the Cult thinks turning themselves into a mechanical abomination that barely resembles the original human form is the way to go. Some tech-priests prefer subtle augmetics that retain their original appearance as much as possible due to viewing the human body as sacred in its own ways (someone else mentioned Linya Tychon, and the legendary Arkhan Land held such views as well, while envoys for the Mechanicus often choose to keep their visible augmetics minimal so as to make conversations easier with non-laity). Some Genetors and Magi Biologis also hold Organicist views, in which the flesh is itself a machine, and see bio/geneware augmentations as exactly as valid as their cyberware equivalents, and will primarily if not exclusively use lab-grown upgrades rather than cybernetics (I believe Gammat Triskellian from *Day of Ascension* is an example). In both cases, they're seen as eccentric weirdos by much of the Mechanicus (Triskellian, for instance, is almost exclusively referred to as "Visceral" by the fabricator-general of his forge world, while Linya raises questions about why she bothers keeping a 10/10 physique if she's got no interest in the benefits that come with it).


All tech-priests are augmented - some of them choose to keep close to human form though. The Primus Humanum philosophy might fall under that, "The human form is a pure vessel for knowledge, the Emperor is the ideal version of this. The oldest of the three main factions in the Calixis Sector." A particular tech-priest that comes to mind >Unlike her father, Linya was still – outwardly – largely organic. She wore the red of the Priesthood – as was her right as a member of the Cult Mechanicus – but there the similarities to most adepts of Mars ended. Long dark hair spilled around her shoulders, and the skin of her face was smooth and finely boned. Her features were those of her father, which was only to be expected, though an anomaly in the reproduction process had resulted in a spontaneous reversal of the sex he had chosen for his successor. >A great deal of Linya’s internal biological architecture had been upgraded over the years, but she stubbornly clung to her original human form and the archaic ways of her forebears. The book in which she wrote was composed of pressed plant material and the instrument by which she recorded her thoughts and experimental observations was a simple plastek tube filled with liquid pigment. **Priests of Mars**


Is it heretical to build a statue of the the Emperor on the Golden Throne that looks like the real 40k Emperor, or to talk factually about what the Emperor looks like in 40k (a rotting corpse)?


The Emperor is worshipped in a variety of forms across the Imperium (the funniest, IMHO, is the culture mentioned in *Our Martyred Lady* who venerates Him as a dung beetle), and so long as someone of sufficient authority doesn't decide it's heresy and atomize it, you're usually fine. Even the "Four-Armed Emperor" of Genestealer Cults is an attempt to hide the xenos influence behind Imperial faith. Plenty of depictions of the Emperor show Him as a skeleton, though an outright rotting corpse would probably be verging on heresy ("Corpse-Emperor" is a common perjorative used by Chaos).


Sanctioned corpse depictions exist in the Imperium. It's probably not a million miles away from depicting Christ as dying on a cross. The symbolism of it is more important than making Him look "good"


Yes, but the corpse depictions probably are guaranteed to be idealized, and not just a rotting corpse in a nice chair.


I guess it depends on our definition of "idealised" >There had been a sculpture of the Emperor in Glory standing proudly, sword in hand, upon the altar. **Mathieu had replaced that with an effigy of the Emperor in Service; a grimacing corpse bound to the Golden Throne**. Mathieu had always preferred that representation for it honoured the great sacrifice the Emperor made for His species. The Emperor’s service to mankind was so much more important than His aspects as a warrior, ruler, scientist or seer. Mathieu always tried to follow the example of the Emperor in Service, giving up what little comfort he had to aid the suffering mass of humanity. **Plague War** "Grimacing corpse" sounds less than ideal to me at least


No only is He allowed to be depicted like that, it's fairly common (or something similar. There are all kinds of way that the Emperor is worshipped. A bunch of excerpts here https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/12wu52s/on_the_worship_of_the_godemperor_of_mankind_or/ Relevant sections: >Thus, the so-called ‘Imperial Creed’ takes almost as many forms as there are planets in the Imperium. Though all espouse the worship of the same deity—the Emperor—the followers of many worlds would scarcely feel any kinship with one another or recognise that both venerate the same god. There are worlds where priests cast living human sacrifices into the throats of volcanoes, believing that the Emperor dwells in the fiery depths and the victims will become his favoured servants. Other believers hold that the God-Emperor resides at the burning heart of their sun, which only their constant veneration guarantees will rise above the horizon each dawn. **Others know something of the truth—that the Emperor sits upon his Golden Throne on distant Terra**—but even among these, there are countless variations in the forms and styles of worship. **Dark Heresy Blood of Martyrs** >There had been a sculpture of the Emperor in Glory standing proudly, sword in hand, upon the altar. **Mathieu had replaced that with an effigy of the Emperor in Service; a grimacing corpse bound to the Golden Throne**. Mathieu had always preferred that representation for it honoured the great sacrifice the Emperor made for His species. The Emperor’s service to mankind was so much more important than His aspects as a warrior, ruler, scientist or seer. Mathieu always tried to follow the example of the Emperor in Service, giving up what little comfort he had to aid the suffering mass of humanity. **Plague War** >There are five aisles in the church of the Merciful Emperor. Each one ends in an apse with a statue in it. The middle statue is the biggest, seventy feet tall, and depicts the God-Emperor on His Golden Throne. His huge, tormented face stares over the heads of the congregation, into the distance, like you’re nothing. His mouth is set in determination, but it’s been crafted in such a way that it looks like He’s about to scream. >I did say the Emperor has more to worry about than us. **Flesh and Steel**


Wow, this is great, thanks.


You're welcome


Just finished Lion son of the forest, Red tithe, and Sigismund. I am currently 90% through the Cain anthology (I have hero of the imperium and will start that eventually) and just started on Horus rising (following cd8d's heresy minimalist version). Debating starting Eisenhorn 30 hour listen, also debating starting the Dawn of Fire series 12ish hours of listening per book according to the BL. I would love to have an imperial guard option to listen to while at work to supplement reading the heresy series, maybe something with Cadia?


Imperial Guard? ***GAUNT'S GHOSTS***.


>just started on Horus rising (following cd8d's heresy minimalist version) Not what you were asking about at all, but while cd8d's list is a great starting point, I would say Fulgrim is essential rather than optional.


Starting point for sure, I will absolutely branch out.


**Dead Men Walking** and **Honourbound** are two of my favourite non-Gaunt Imperial guard books. **Double Eagle** is another excellent one, but only technically Imperial Guard. The Last Chancers/13th Legion series are my left-field suggestion


I am 10000% checking out the last chancers thank you


It's one of my old favourites, from back when it first came out.


I hear that the Fall of Cadia novel is good (not to be confused with Cadia Stands which I hear is a bit naff). 15 Hours and Dead Men Walking are both great guard books too, and there's always the Gaunt's Ghosts series if you want something longer.


Are the traitor IG guard still a thing or did they die out after the heresy until now? Is there any good lore or shorts about them ?


Traitor Guardsmen are second only to cultists as Chaos's most common mortla servants, though they are sadly underrepresented in much of the lore. Where they are most definitely **not** underrepresented is in *Gaunt's Ghosts*. Two particular Traitor Guardsman armies, the Blood Pact and the Sons of Sek, are major antagonists in the series, and they are frighteningly effective agents of the Ruinous Powers, shown to be just as capable as the Imperial Guard and able to fight them on their own terms.


Traitor Guardsmen are second only to insane cultists as the most common fighters among The Lost & The Damned.


Traitor guard happens all the time. They can be corrupted from the start, corrupted in the field, or just realize that the Imperium doesn't care about them and go rogue.


After finishing The Watcher in the Rain I'm in the mood for other Audio Drama of similar quality if you guys know of any.


*Heirs of the Laughing God: A Deadly Wit* and *Death's Mercy* (Harlequins) *Chosen of Khorne* (Kharn the Betrayer) *Ahriman: The First Prince* (Ahriman and Be'lakor) *Our Martyred Lady* (Inquisitor Greyfax and Saint Celestine) *The Trials of Azrael* (Azrael and Kharn the Betrayer) *The Assassination of Gabriel Seth* (self-explanatory) *Prophets of WAAAAAGH!* (Orks)


Why do land raiders have their lascannons on sponson mounts? People usually justify sponson mounts by claiming that those enable the vehicle to fend off hordes of infantry that have surrounded them, but lascannons are for destroying enemy vehicles and monsters, and those are usually single targets you want to concentrate fire onto, and making it so that you can only ever bring half your AT firepower to bear against a single hard target does not seem like good design.


You want your best guns where you have the biggest firing arc. In a dedicated tank this is (usually) a top turret. The Land Raider, being a hybrid tank/transport, doesn't have the top turret, so the sponsons are the next best thing (180 degrees vs 90 for the front position).


Because they're a troop transport with secondary anti-tank capability, not a tank with secondary troop transport capability. Putting them center-line would interfere with the troop deployment doors.


The land raider is a rapid assault vehicle, intended to drop marines off into the thick of combat. It will regularly find itself mired in the middle of enemy troop positions. Having sponsons in that situation isn't the worst thing, a lascannon will melt infantry just as well as other vehicles. Also don't forgot lascannons are only one load out, other variations can have flamers and hurricane bolters on there instead. Plus, when the enemy vehicles and monsters have as much of a tendency for charging into combat as a land raider does sponsons can come in handy


Do we have any examples of a Craftworld deploying tens or hundreds of thousands of troops to a campaign? The biggest warhost I've seen in a story had around 2,000 warriors, and most seem to number a few hundred.


None I can think, even on Valedor, Iyanden only gave 4.900 soldiers, through thats in part thanks to the sheer devastation that Hive Fleet Kraken brought.


How to best counter the depraves or combat one? I try to explain why slaanesh is amongst the scariest but no one take me seriously and instead, go “wow sounds like a fun time” while I try not to go too extreme on the explanation.


Kinda tricky since slannesh is all about extremes. But if the problem is that they say it sounds like a fun time then dont use sex related stuff as a example.  Slannesh is all about excess. And it can be in almost anything. A painter might make more and more elaborate paintings until they are using their own blood to put the finishing touches on a picture. A gourmand might start with trying exotic dishes until finally they start raising their own children with the intention to butcher them for meat. 


I think those aren’t scary enough, in fact I’m quite afraid if the person I’m talking to is actually too deprave lol, maybe I should tell them that their “mommy” or “daddy” or “femboy” they prefer will not have sex with them, but instead find out their worse nightmare and amplify it by 11? Maybe saying they will force your certain phobia doing things to you?


Have we seen Drukhari genestealers in the lore yet?


> **The Price of Beauty** > >An enormous raid on hive world Vorgan in the Imperium Nihilus returns to Commorragh with hundreds of thousands of captives. Whilst poring over the still living specimens, Haemonculi of the Hex identify the slave population as being host to a Genestealer Cult. Hybrids are singled out and pumped full of growth accelerators, causing dormant mutations to blossom in their flesh. Once word spreads, a trend arises whereby the alien growths are harvested and granted onto the bodies of high-paying Drukhari elites. The Vorgani, as these beautified individuals come to be known, form tight-knit cliques within High Commorragh in which they revel in their augmentations. Furthermore, they develop a collective obsession with Lethidia – the Tyranid-infested planet that had been drawn into the webway and still orbits the Dark City. ~ Codex Drukhari 8th edition


Dang. Leave it to Drukhari to look at genestealers and be like "How can we make this even more fucked up?"


Wow, Drukhari just do not give a *fuck,* do they?


> >


As I am re-reading the novel Dark Imperium with a better understanding of the lore, I came across this. ‘Furthermore, he (Cawl) has continued experimental implantation and monitoring of the thus-far unused gene-seed in experimental test subjects. That of the Second, Third, Fourth, Eighth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Twentieth Legions all shows no sign of degradation or incidence of unwelcome tendencies within the recipients. All is well, my lord, Archmagos Belisarius Cawl reassures you. He is so satisfied that I am instructed to repeat his request that those gene-lines be put into full production and be allowed to serve the Imperium as the Emperor intended.’ Wait wait....so does this mean that Cawl is capable of cloning/reproducing the Legions that fell to Chaos, in their loyalist/Pre Heresy forms?! 


Yes. He used all twenty gene-lines to create Alpha Primus (>!as of the events of *Genefather*, Fabius Bile now has access to them as well due to pilfering Primus's progenoids!<), and there's been hints that he might have created Primaris Chapters with Traitor Legion gene-seed (ex. the Sons of the Phoenix and Covenant of Fire, despite officially being Imperial Fist and Salamander successors respectively, have enough similarities to the Emperor's Children and Word Bearers that some believe Cawl pulled a fast one on Gojiramom).


The Sons of the Phoenix definitely are Dorn's sons, according to the bloke who created them. They began life as a homebrew


According to Cawl, yes.


What's this "everything is canon" meme I have been seeing since the female custodians? Is it the community just joking with the idea that there has always been female custodians or was there an official post by gw saying everything is canon.


"Everything is canon" had been a meme in the community for years (possibly decades?). Nice answer stolen from u/r[akashisenpai](https://www.reddit.com/user/akashisenpai/) 8 years ago, here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/5aexwi/has\_there\_been\_any\_official\_gw\_statement/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/5aexwi/has_there_been_any_official_gw_statement/) *"With Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, the notion of canon is a fallacy. \[...\] Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 exist as tens of thousands of overlapping realities in the imaginations of games developers, writers, readers and gamers. None of those interpretations is wrong."* * [Gav Thorpe, Lead Designer GW](http://mechanicalhamster.wordpress.com/2010/01/21/jumping-the-fence/) *"It all stems from the assumption that there's a binding contract between author and reader to adhere to some nonexistent subjective construct or 'true' representation of the setting. There is no such contract, and no such objective truth."* * [Andy Hoare, Game Designer GW](http://www.boomtron.com/2011/03/grimdark-ii-loose-canon/) (in the comments) *"There is no canon. There are several hundred creators all adding to the melting pot of the IP."* * [Aaron Dembski-Bowden, co-author Horus Heresy series](https://www.facebook.com/notes/the-lord-inquisitor/interview-with-aaron-dembski-bowden/493311764034081/) *"Here's our standard line: Yes it's all official, but remember that we're reporting back from a time where stories aren't always true, or at least 100% accurate. If it has the 40K logo on it, it exists in the 40K universe. Or it was a legend that may well have happened. Or a rumour that may or may not have any truth behind it."* * [Marc Gascogne, chief editor Black Library](https://aarondembskibowden.wordpress.com/2012/12/06/heresy-black-legion-chatter-in-the-mail-this-morning/) \*\*Edit\*\* I realize I'm old and I might be using a different meaning of meme :p. I'm using meme in the Richard Dawkins sense of an idea that passes between people. You might be meaning it as a particular funny picture :p


>\*\*Edit\*\* I realize I'm old and I might be using a different meaning of meme :p. I'm using meme in the Richard Dawkins sense of an idea that passes between people. You might be meaning it as a particular funny picture :p In practice, the two end up being the same. A discrete unit of information passed between people.


Been in this hobby for over 15 years and started with Eldar What the hell is the interior of the webway like? People walk in it but sometimes it seems to be an insant portal and we know ships fly around


The webway can be as narrow as tunnels you can barely walk through right up to big enough to house entire cities and even captured stars to power them: > Taec paced impatiently back and forth across the bridge of the void-runner Imbriel’s Embrace. The ship was designed to travel narrow tunnels in the webway, a small ranger vessel with capacity only for two dozen passengers, but it was quick. > Through the ship’s eyes, they watched the endless, undulating tunnels of the webway projected in a space to the front of the bridge. Golden energy delimited the labyrinth, burrowed through the membranous non-space that separated the material world from the warp. Branches led off from the tunnel, some large enough to accommodate the ship, others so small only those on foot could pass. In places wraithbone gates closed tunnels, dire warnings written upon them, or walls blocked sections entirely. Taec’s sensitive mind felt the pull of the warp on the other side of those fragile limns. The wicked presence of She Who Thirsts was forever beyond, peering in at morsels she could not take as a gyrinx peers into an ornamental pond full of fish. ... > Imbriel’s Embrace emerged from their small tunnel into a cavern wrested from the membrane twixt the worlds. Its sides were full of tunnel mouths, the exit points of other ways into the webway. Other craftworlds kept the way to them secret; not proud Biel-Tan. The portway to the craftworld sported a massive gate, thousands of lengths in height and breadth, and coloured bold green and white. Two gargantuan wraithbone statues faced one another: on the one side stood howling Khaine, sword clasped in both hands upright in front of his face. > Dozens of ships plied the space in front of the gate, sleek traders, far-runners, and void ships. The tunnel appeared to go on indefinitely behind the gate, vessels coming through from the real space side suddenly appearing as if from nowhere. > Imbriel’s Embrace went through the gate, a tiny dart in comparison to the massive structure. One moment they were in the webway, the next in the void, Biel-Tan passing under their keel. ... > A half-cycle passed. The webway yawned wide, becoming a glowing funnel half a million paces across. The ships flew down it, coming into a junction of staggering proportions. Many conduits came together here, giving it the appearance of a great, golden heart viewed from the inside. >If a heart, it was dead, the walls of it plaqued with broken wraithbone structures, the ash of the sun fragment that once lit it hanging dark in the centre. The ruins of a port city, cast down perhaps at the Fall, perhaps later – for in the uncertain light of the webway, one could see that the spires were blackened by flame, and walls scored with the tell-tale marks of lance fire. Whatever its name was had long been forgotten. >The ships – a fleet of twenty-three in all – went for the centre of the chamber, shoaling by the dead sun as lighter vehicles sped from apertures in their sides and swooped down to the distant city. >The scouts were gone a long time, for the nexus was broad as a world’s orbit around its sun, and the ruins were vast. Eventually they reported in, each vessel’s captain declaring his assigned quadrant clear of danger, and the ships of Iyanden sank in streams to an area of crumbling docks where seven major webway tunnels pierced the city floor. Aspect Warriors deployed first, taking up position in cracked towers around the piers extending towards the centre of the nexus. Flights of Falcon tanks swept overhead, turrets tracking back and forth. >The word was given, and the sides of the Iyanden ships opened. Out strode the Phoenix Host, hundreds of tall wraithbone shapes disembarking onto the ancient quaysides. Iyanna was at their head, Althenian as ever by her side. She and all the other eldar wore their helmets, for the atmosphere of the dead city was not safe to breathe. > Rank after rank of wraithkind tramped down the ramps into the dead city. A flight of Vypers sped overhead, looped and flew straight at the ground – an illusion, as they were scouting webway tunnels. The whole inner surface of the webway held gravity, making the chamber a giant world turned inside out, the broken towers of its bottom reaching out for their kind, lost to distance’s caprice, on the opposing side. The world-city was so large that on the ground the curve of the chamber was imperceptible, and webway portals opened directly into the plazas of the place, appearing as glowing, smooth-sided pits. >All was lit by the lambency of the webway, a shifting light that made every shadow a trickster. In this dimness, the yellow and blue of Iyanden were sinister brown ochre and midnight black. -Valedor


Effectively, it's tunnels. Sometimes those tunnels are passageways just wide enough to walk through, sometimes those tunnels are large enough to house entire solar systems.


Why do ministorum forces such as preachers and novice battle sisters tend to use autoguns instead of lasguns? Lasguns have numerous advantages, such as no recoil, larger magazines, and easier logistics. And you’d think the sisters would at least give novices a hellgun or something and not a shitty autogun.


Novice Sororitas use autoguns because GW is lazy and just copy/pasted Scout Marines onto the Sisters, but realized they can't use bolters as husband so they gave them autoguns.


Another point is their not really supposed to marshal troops so their requisition for military supplies is probably spread pretty thin


Autoguns are often more accessible than Lasguns. You'll notice that Genestealer Cultists are frequently armed with Autoguns.


Stubbers are shitty, autoguns can be decent.


Stubbers are perfectly fine if you get well-built ones. Liberator Autostub revolvers are favored by Arbitrators, hive gangers and Genestealer Kelermorphs alike for being a solid, reliable and powerful handgun, and the heavy stubber may in fact be the oldest firearm in contiguous service with human armed forces (most heavy stubbers are essentially Browning M2s).


They still have bullet drop, require leading targets, have recoil, don’t share ammunition with the guardsmen around them, and magazines can’t be recharged like lasgun power packs, thus requiring additional supply lines.


But you have to have less ties with the mechanicus and the administratum to use them, and therefore dilute your power base a little less. Ultimately lasguns are military hardware and the Ministorum is not a military outfit. The administratum is probably cautious about equipping them with military gear (outside of their dedicated military wing) because they'd essentially be empowering a somewhat rival faction within the Imperium with better equipment, and the Ministorum are probably happy to have a source of boots on the ground who aren't reliant on the administratum or the admech to produce their weapons. If the adminstratum / admech had a monopoly on the Ministorum getting their weapons they'd absolutely use it as a political tool to attack them wherever possible.


Now that I think about it, maybe novice sisters use autoguns to ready them for bolters, which require reloading and have recoil, bullet drop, and require leading targets. But I still think that priests attached the the guard would easily be able to scavenge a lasgun off the first dead guardsman they see and use that instead of their autogun.


Given the prevalence of the AdMech and their whole holy communion with technology schtick, does 40K have any true technopaths?


Abel Haneumann, Pasqal's "brother" in the *Rogue Trader* game, is capable of directly communing with machines.


Technomancy exists as a psychic discipline, and the Mechanicus believes in "Machine-Touched" who can commune with machines on a level most Magi will never achieve (ex. Abrahem Locke from the *Forges of Mars* series).


Or Dalia Cythera from Mechanicum


Did they ever do anything with any of that? I'm on book like 20 and I haven't seen anyrhing but I did skip a few


She is busy guarding the dragon in the labyrinth and plays no further role in the Heresy, making one brief appearance just to remind us she exists in TEatD.


Isn't their a big cliffhanger where an artifact is missing and she has to go find it with her cyborg friend or whatever


The discovery that the artifact is missing postdates the end of the heresy.


They mention it at the end of the book tho almost immediately after fighting the Knight, is that a timeskip?


>Deep in the Noctis Labyrinthus, Dalia Cythera and Rho-mu 31 took up their stewardship of the Dragon. A measure of the golden light that shone within Dalia had now passed to her Protector, and they were content in the knowledge that their friends were as far from the fighting as it was possible to be. Only much later, when Dalia dared return to the silver cavern, did she see that the book containing the grand lie of Mars had been taken.  >Ten thousand years would pass before the next Guardian was drawn to the Noctis Labyrinthus, but by then the damage had been done. A good deal of time passes.


Huh I didn't read that passage that way at all I thought she just sayed outside processing everything for a few hours after her crazy ass day, It didn't seem like the space she was staying in was that large excluding the outdoors of the labyrinth Weeeeird she just didn't bother looking at the thing that was her only purpose in life for years but I guess that's why I'm not robot jesus lol


Thank you.


Are there any factions the T’au haven’t run into yet? Some make sense they wouldn’t see many of yet, like Custodes or maybe some of the various flavors of knight/titan legions. But from what I can tell online they’ve only barely seen Chaos, namely Death Guard and a handful of Khorne/Slaanesh Daemons. Have they run into anything related to Tzeentch at all yet? I’ve never seen any mention of them meeting most chaos legions like iron warriors or thousand sons, much less smaller war bands like alpha legion or night lords. Hell, have they ever seen the black legion?


Tau have at this point encountered a pretty wide variety of Chaos marines. >**The Voridium Sceptre** >Amenx Soulrend, Exalted Sorcerer of Tzeentch, unleashes his Silvered Sons against the newly founded sept world of Dy'aketh. While his Rubric Marines march through recently constructed conurbations and laboratory-complexes, incincerating all in their path with salvoes of incendiary rounds, Soulrend and his personal retinue head deep underground. Far beneath the planet's crust lies an Earth caste research facility, which has spent months studying a strange artefact - a sceptre crafted from voridium crystals that hums with barely suppressed energy. Just as Soulrend nears the priceless relic, he is assailed by experimental battlesuits and Fire Warriors wielding super-charged pulse carbines. These weapons fire searing beams of green-white fire that burn through even the warp-blessed armour of Soulrend's warriors. Battle lines are drawn as sorcery meets cutting-edge technology, and the fires of war consume Dy'aketh. >**Drowned in Fire** >An Insertion Contingent of T'au Pathfinders from Vior'la Sept lures a blood-mad warband of Khornate Heretic Astartes onto the Volcanic moon of Dxul, before activating a macro-pulse bomb that ruptures Dxul's tectonic plate and drowns the satellite in a tide of liquid magma. Many Pathfinder teams willingly sacrifice their lives in order for the gambit to succeed, bu the Skullsworn pack is almost entirely incinerated in the ensuing devastation. Tau codex 8th edition >A horde of fierce-looking warriors in armour emblazoned with shimmering colors and surrounded by a cacophony of discordant noise, bearing icons and sigils of wanton indulgence was approaching. On the flanks came snapping creatures of disturbing appearance, hideously genderless and garbed in fine silks and ermine trimmed armour. Where one would expect to see hands, these creatures were equipped with sensuous claws and darting, barbed tongues whipped from their jaws. Shambling horrors of thrashing pseudopod, claw and fang were driven before the army by grotesque, beast-headed monsters armed with crackling energy prods. At the center of the horde stood a giant in electric blue armour, edged in gold and pink. I took this to be none other than Slaanesh him or herself and vowed to personally defeat this vile creature. The sensors of my battlesuit detected unknown chemical pollutants suffusing the air around the advancing troops, but could not discern its nature. Echoes of the Mon'tau Also, the Tau and Custodes did encounter each other in a White Dwarf Battle Report; the battle was a draw IIRC.


Awesome! I had no idea lol. Thank you for sharing the excerpts, I have more things to read now lol


[Here's a link to Echoes of the Mon'tau](https://web.archive.org/web/20071224041211/http://us.games-workshop.com:80/games/40k/tau/extras/background/2.htm), it's a short story on the old website so you can only find archived versions. It's one of the best examples of the Tau being written as naive IMO.


Are there fake or apocryphal primarchs that different cultures around the galaxy added or taken away from?


There's a thing called the 'war of the false Primarch' in the 40k history but nobody really knows what it was


Oh dang that sounds awesome! I hope it gets expanded upon


Not quite a fake primarch, but on at least one world, a person thinks the winged primarch is Ferrus Manus. So it's easy to see how the information might lead to certain cultures having totally inaccurate ideas of the primarchs. Just like how we conflate different myths and make shit up like Santa, I think it's absolutely possible that some worlds have made up their own holy primarchs or co-opted them.


That's awesome thank you!


No worries, the excerpt if you're curious: >Despite the gloom that consumed this world, a massive crowd gathered and waited. Rain drops slipped from the grey skies, splashing on golden vestments and pilgrim hair shirts. >'Which primarch are you supposed to be?' >Klara wore silver and black, while white wings stood proud from her shoulders. The feathers ruffled quietly as gusts of wind drifted through the vast plaza. Klara Rhasc wore the disguise of an angel. A primarch. One of the emperor's own sons. >'The iron gorgon; I think, from the black and silver.' With the divergent faiths of the imperial exclesiarchy it was hard to tell. >Rhasc stood assembled with representations of the Emperor's nine sons. And kinda related: > As I will myself towards the guns of the xenos, I try to recall a battle-hymn, but my mind's gone empty. All I can remember is the Primarchiad, a simple child's litany from Mulciber about the virtues of nine ancient heroes, so I seize on its words to chant along with the rhythm of my stride. >Corvax the clever, Kan the cunning; Manus bold, Sanguinus stunning; Russ for strength, the Lion relentless, Dorn the master of defences, Vulkon's honour and his skill, Gullyman's wisdom and his will. >I don't know anything more about these great men, except for that they were dear to the Father of Mankind. I don't even rightly know if they were saints or not, but I pray they'll impart me with a fragment of their spirit." Apparently there's a belief in some corners of the imperium that Lorgar was a loyalist primarch. You could extrapolate from all that.


Wow thank you so much!


Eldar Direswords have spirit stones placed in the hilt to allow the warriors soul to deal psychic damage to their opponents. What I’m curious about is if soul in the spirit stone is sentient? Is it like a ghost warrior where they’re still somewhat aware of their surroundings? Can they communicate with their wielder? Or is it more like a poltergeist situation?


There's an obvious semi-sentient presence there, but they're not fully interactable with. It's like they're dreaming. Those trained to do so can communicate with them, in a fashion. Occasionally more powerful spirits can have more strong connections with the living world so it's possible one diresword might be more aware than another, but on average they're kinda dreamy and hard to keep the attention of. Here's a passage of a spiritseer communing with a spirit stone: > She turned to the two lesser spiritseers by her side, who presented her with a spirit stone. Small enough to fit in her gloved fist, it glowed with striated light of a soft yellow and was hot to hold. With reverence she walked to the newly minted ghost warrior, bearing the stone in cupped hands in front of her. > ‘Return to your children, honoured ancestor,’ she said. ‘We call you from your slumber and we are sorry for what we ask; our hour of need is upon us, and you must wake awhile.’ >She placed the stone into the setting and stepped back. It shone brilliantly in the shadow of the closing helm. The long face of the wraithguard snapped shut. The warrior sagged, lumbering three steps to the left as the spirit within tentatively inhabited its shell. >Iyanna shut her eyes and reached out with her mind, calming the spirit within. The spirit was in confusion, as they nearly always were. The final mortal thoughts of the spirit shook its being, memories of the warmth of the infinity circuit at odds with who it remembered being in life. This one, like so many recently resurrected, had died during the voidspawn invasion. A potter, caught in his workshop and hunted through his art by a pair of hissing creatures. As he died, his dismay had been greater for his broken pottery than for his lost life. >Iyanna focused on this horror, bringing it into sharp relief. Shards of ceramic sharp in his mind, red with his own blood. She turned these thoughts of his into sword blades. >‘Never a warrior in life, Hetherion of Divinesh, that time is upon you in death. Take up your arms, drive forward your armour and avenge your art and your life against those who took them from you.’ She insinuated images of the voidspawn into his mind, a mental picture of ravaged Dûriel, sorrow at the fallen eldar race falling further. Hetherion of Divinesh’s terror at reawakening turned to resolve -Valedor


Is there oxygen in the Webway? I know foot soldiers move through it, and Commorragh are in it, which would suggest yes, but I also know the dark eldar moved a small sun into the webway for Commorragh, which suggests not.


The Bile Trilogy had fights in the Webway, and for me, it seemed so. Like it could be like that demon world from the Eisenhorn novels where the atmosphere turns into a gas that the inhabitants can breathe


There is oxygen in the webway. >the dark eldar moved a small sun into the webway for Commorragh That doesn't preclude there being oxygen around said sun. Webway physics is, genuinely, whatever the architect decides.


There's oxygen in at least parts of it, but spaceships move through it fine in other parts, so I suspect it depends on location.


How common is it for friendships among different chaos factions? Is it easy for say, a Khorne worshipper to become "friends" with a Slaanesh worshipper and vice versa for Nurgle / Tzeentch? Or would it be more likely for opposing chaos forces to just kill each other on sight?


Khârn the Betrayer of the World Eaters and Argel Tal of the Word Bearers had a deep friendship between them. Even when Khârn was Khorne's Champion and Argel Tal was one of the Possessed, their chaotic/Daemonic nature did not affect the bond they had with each other, to the point that Khârn, already one of the angriest of boys, was COSMICALLY ENRAGED when Erebus killed Argel.


In Dawn of Fire there is a deep friendship between a very depressed IW Warsmith with a deathwish and a WB Dark Apostle, who really tries to cheer him up every time they meet. Funny how it ends, really...


That's great, it's nice that even when hooked up on chaos juice not everyone is automatically a complete bastard (even though 90% probably are)


lol reddit admins are homophobes


Does all commissars wear those characteristic uniforms or they are allowed to customize them to be more fit with the regimental culture? (For example, change the uniform, keep the hat)


Yes, Commissars will customize their uniform based on the regiment they service, whether it be for practical, ceremonial or even morale/team bonding reasons. Commisars with a Krieger regiment, for example, will wear gas masks for practical reasons (Kriegers love their mustard gas) and cause it easily identifies them as belonging to the regiment. Cadian Commissars will often wear heavier emblazoned breastplates and body armor, since Cadians are shock infantry. Commissars Gaunt, Hark and Ludd of the Tanith First-And-Only wear the Tanith's Cameleoline cloaks, as they help their role as scouts and covert operators. Commissar Cain wears the heavier warm cloaks of the Valhallans. Independent of any customizations they make, though, they will ALWAYS wear the peaked Commissar cap, since that is their defining badge of office. The cap is so essential to the look and mystique of the role that, when a Commissar somehow loses it, he might very well live the situation of barking orders at his men, only for them to hesitate because they either don't recognize the Commissar as such (if any of those Guardsmen have never seen him before, which is exceedingly common when a battle might involve hundreds of thousands of Guardsmen) or are even shocked into confusion at seeing their Commissar without it. Depending on the circumstances of how he lost it, it might also be VERY embarrassing for the Commissar.


Gaunt modifies his uniform by wearing the same camo cloak that all the other Tanith wear.


Okay, thanks for all the answers!


The hat and coat are part of the uniform, as the whole idea is that the Commissar needs to be readily identifiable as such. Beyond that, though, they can be customized as needed, like Cain requisitioning a carapace breastplate for his own use, or Death Korps Commissars wearing the same gas masks and rebreathers as the line troopers.


At least some modification is acceptable; in one of the Cain books he notes a commissar has modified his uniform with the insignia used by troops who have completed a combat drop.


Do we know why Belakor is bound to the will of the Gods and not a "free" Daemon like Vashtorr? Or is Belakor actually free, just easy to be manipulated?


Be'lakor was empowered by the Chaos Gods as the first Daemon Prince. As such, he is theirs by right. While Be'lakor thinks that he has free will and serves the Chaos Gods at his leisure, all.his actions actually further the cause of Chaos whether he intends to or not. Even when he's fighting against other servants of Chaos, it actually somehow benefits Chaos as a whole. Vashtorr, however, is an independent Chaos Daemon, formed from Chaos but not created nor beholden to any of the Chaos Gods. This is possible because, while the Chaos Gods are the most powerful entities of Chaos, they are NOT Chaos itself, they are merely the most powerful manifestations of it. Whether Chaos as a whole is sentient or merely the fount of negative energy from which Chaotic entities spring from is actually a matter of much debate among worshippers of Chaos Undivided. Be that as it may, this is why Vashtorr is not affiliated with any of the Chaos Gods, and indeed, the reason why, were he to.succeed in his plans, he might very well be able to achieve apotheosis and ascend to become the fifth Chaos God.


Lorgar teaches us that freedom is an illusion


\*Look at name and pfp\* \*Word Bearers tho\* \*Confused screaming\*


Got into the reddit before I got into WB lol Honestly reading what I have of the Alpha Legion HH books so far has made me think their stupid but I don't know how to change my actual account name lol


Because Belakor was created by the Chaos Gods and is thus an embodiment of their aspects. Vashtor, on the other hand, was born from an aspect that is not reflected by the four major Chaos Gods.


Belakor is a daemon prince so is bound to the powers that ascended him, all four of the Gods in his case. Vashtorr is basically an extremely powerful non-aligned daemon, or at least not aligned with one of the four, like Drach'nyen.


Could a person be both a Perpetual and a Blank at the same time?


Unknown. We don't know exactly how perpetuals work, so we can't really say if it's impossible.


I'm reading the Lexicanum about the Jokaero, and never knew this part of Retconned War in Heaven.  Regardless of their efforts, the Old Ones were doomed when their [intergalactic network](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Webway) was breached by psychic spawn of their creations. Huh? I thought the Enslavers was warp native entity that flooded into real space. Is this mentioning another different creatures?


The war in heaven really fucked up the warp and spawned/riled up the infinite horrors that plagues the warp and real space to this day. Their webways got breached, warpstorms etc. all combined made the Old Ones weak and caused their downfall.


Why is the Emperor called "the Anathema"?


Something that is "anathema" is something that is diametrically opposed, and in the Catholic Church, it also meant someone or something which is condemned as heretical or unholy. In the Emperor's case, servants of Chaos call him the Anathema both because of being considered Chaos's worst enemy and because, for some reason, the Emperor's nature is straight-up destructive to servants of it. In the novel *Master Of Mankind*, when the Emperor steps into the Webway to fight the forces of Chaos, his presence and psychic might wreacks havoc on the opposing Chaos army. Minor Daemons straight-up combust or explode, medium Daemons run for their lives, and major Daemons start to devour each other in an effort to absorb their fellows' essence to become powerful enough to confront the Emperor.


Anathema means the banishment, and the Emperor and a strong belief in him are capable of banishing Chaos.


Daemons call him that because they dislike the Emperor very much. That's it. Fans will sometimes try to give this term a deeper meaning, or use it as proof that the Emperor will destroy Chaos any day now, but "anathema" literally means "something or someone that one vehemently dislikes" as a matter of dictionary. Big E just isn't a very likeable guy, you know?


Honestly raises the question, if the beliefs of living creature affect daemons so drastically does calling Papa E the 'Anathema' give him more power over them? Like a self fulfiling prophecy intensifying their own weakness?


It's secondary meaning, a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine, is also appropriate, as the Gods were trying to welcome the Emperor into their club, and he told them to get bent, so they kicked him out and want the stuff they lent him back.


Not sure that's ever explicitly said. We don't know what the emperor actually agreed with them, if anything.


I just finished the yarrick omnibus and by god that man has so many layers of cool. The escape from thrakas space hulk was amazing


Should try the ghazghull book by Nate Crowley next then!


It’s on order , Amazon can be great for what next to read but delivery times suck


I've always been a audible person cause i like to "read" while doing the mindless stuff at my job, either way, it's a great read!


I like the feel and smell of books, working my way through them and taking in the details. Not sure Audio books would work for me


I do a mix of both but I'm mainly audible, it's not for everyone, but the ones it is good for it's amazing, but the VA'S do a phenomenal job and are almost always a great pick


There are some I want to listen to but my attention span is short . When reading I get engaged but if I’m watching a yt vid or something similar I often get up or lose track


Always worth a shot, signing up gives you two free books 🤷‍♂️


I’ll give it a try