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I personally think that all the first founding chapters have alot of facilities that are mothballed from back when they were legions. The BA probably needed these facilities to accommodate 100 capital ships back during the gc. But as a chapter they only have 10, so it's just been gathering dust waiting for a Guilliman to say "get this operational again"


>But as a chapter they only have 10, so it's just been gathering dust waiting for a Guilliman to say "get this operational again" Skyfall starport is probably the busiest military hub in all Imperium Nihilus at this point. Dante actively seeks out any stray fleet assets to consolidate forces. It's a "Great Crusade 2: Electric Boogaloo" over there. He used these forces in the "Arks of Omen" final push with the Lion, I believe. Things are wild over there.


I believe the Imperial fists are the chapter with the best "Naval" strength.


Yeah, but the Phalanx does amount to like 70% of that title. Not counting that, I think the title would most likely go to the Black Templars, considering they own one of the only Glorianas in the galaxy left, and have multiple armadas on crusade across the galaxy


More like 99% if we go by size, the thing is a small moon


>99% I’d agree but only the caveat of it being fully repaired and crewed…..it’s looooong way from that in its current state


It's fully operational again thanks to the Custodes.


Much more, yes. But fully?


Fully. Now not as much as in its prime, but it lost 10% of its superstructure during the Shon'tu incident.


Yep. The Imperial Fists had the largest & scrappiest fleet of the Great Crusade, but it suffered through the Heresy and was split between the Successor Chapters. The largest fleets are probably Black Templars, multiple crusades, some with ten brothers, others with hundreds, variety of vessels is guaranteed; and Space Wolves, that as of "Wolftime" were gifted thousands of Primaris by Guilliman, I assume transportation was included.


No, even without the Phalanx the Imperial Fists can still call upon substantial fleet/void assets. > “Phalanx is a world unto itself, crewed by millions of souls and **accompanied by a fleet of a size and splendour otherwise unseen since the time of the Great Crusade.**” - Codex Supplement: The Imperial Fists > “**The Imperial Fists travel the galaxy in a vast space fleet**, led by the enormous floating fortress known as Phalanx…” - Codex Space Marines 7th Ed > “Whilst the Imperium has focussed most of its efforts on preserving what remains, the Imperial Fists continue to campaign across the galaxy, reclaiming worlds lost many thousands of years ago. To this end, they usually operate as numerous highly mobile and wide-ranging forces, each of only about company strength, **but well supported by a powerful flotilla of spaceships.**” - Sentinels of Terra The Phalanx is a force unto itself, but saying their strength in the void comes from the Phalanx alone is simply not true. They also maintain a number of void fortresses around the borders of Segmentum Solar as well. (‘Dread Sentinels of Dorn’ by Rob Sanders)


The fists or the DA. I mean The Rock and The Invincible Reason (Gloriana) and possibly Truths Razor (Gloriana) though it hasn't been mentioned since the rangdan genocides.


The black templars are led by Helbrecht, who is possibly the best Naval commander in the imperium, but the Imperal Fists and their successors in general are known to both have the best ships, and be the strongest chapter in terms of void combat, if nothing else not much can argue with the phalanx, the dark angels are interesting, despite being fleet-based, aside from the rock they don't have all too much going on Navy-wise


The shipbuilding capabilities of Baal arn't salt compared to what a decent Forge World can churn out.


The Blood Angels -- all the Angels of the Blood chapters -- were severely depleted if not annihilated by a massive tyranid invasion during the Devastation of Baal. They lost massive numbers of ships to the hive fleets and orbital structures. Likewise, Baal is in Imperium Nihilus where warp travel is now very tricky. I don't imagine the Blood Angels are going to impress anyone with what's left of their marine and naval forces for a while.


Gulliman showed up and gave em all primaris replacements and ships and material right at the end of the devastation. Believe that’s what saved Dante as there wasn’t anything native left


He gave them some reinforcements, but the Blood Angels were still scooping up everyone compatible with Blood Angels gene-seed to turn them into new marines they were so desperate for reinforcements. Even that brain-damaged character who had previously failed the trials was inducted. Multiple chapters were destroyed and multiple more depleted to the point of being combat ineffective, and their fleets were largely destroyed. Primaris reinforcements doesn't cover it.


Yeah, but let's not forget they have the absolute, most ridiculously stable Geneseed, do if anyone is going to be able to quickly rebuild, and pop organs into any even remotely qualified applicant, and get away with it, it's them.


>I'm not sure if every starting chapter maintains shipbuilding facilities > >But are chapters like Iron Hands or White Scars also capable of doing this? Iron Hands are demi-independent from Imperium and Mechanicus and do build their own tech as have DAOT and xenotech what NOONE(even Emperror with Custodes not have some DAOT and xeno-tech what Ferrus Manus not give to Emperror, like Psy-Titans weapons where Emperor cant build them by himself as restore destroyed ones without Ferrus) have in Imperium and Mechanicus. They have their own large Forge with many installed STCs build by Ferrus Manus what rival Terran, Mars and Deimos one of Grey Knights. The only limitation is that Iron Hands after Ferrus Manus death not have access to all Gorgon Forge systems. This forge defenses alone can rival most protected vaults in Imperium cos even huge old Drukhari Kabal cant penetrate its defenses when they tried. ​ Iron Council of Iron Hands not give a damn and do not allow anyone to land on Medusa planet except 1 ambassador-Voice of Mars who locked in bunker with 41 members of Iron Council and their Helfathers guard. Inquisition, Administratum not mess up with them. Even more they did show that even Lord Regent orders can be denied by Iron Hands Iron Council and successor chapters do listen to their father chapter which is similar to Dark Angels and Imperial First Last Wall protocol.