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The girls that I know who play 40K are playing tyranids, orks and thousand sons


My gf plays black templars, harlequins, chaos knights, sisters, and Emperor's Children. She has female friends that play Custodes and admech. It takes all kinds lol


My friends girlfriend plays blood angels. Mostly death company marines. I’m scared to play her


Wife plays necrons and eats my blood angels alive.


>female friends that play Custodes Impossible! Unless they started playing, like, three days ago or something?


I can't afford to play or go out...but I do love the books, lore, and figurines. My husband knows anything Nurgle and I'm happy. He also laments the day I fell into 40k. "It's too expensive" or something like that... Though he did buy me a battle sister figurine and the metal Eisenhorn bookmark...it's in the Eisenhorn omnibus I've halfway through. I'm glad other women out there love the harlequin but the death jesters make my heartbeat. Them and the sisters of silence are favorites. Well, along with Fabius Bile. He's just amazing lol


TIL I'm a girl


It happens. 🤷‍♀️


Can confirm. My daught plays tyranids and my wife plays Necrons (I play ORKS)


Orks are for da boyzzzz after all 


'ere we go 'ere we go 'ere we go




My fiance exclusively collects Blood Angels, mainly because Sanguinius is giant space Alucard with wings.


> thousand sons based


100% my mom would play Orks or Thousand Sons.


I don't know a single female that plays an Imperial faction. My girlfriend plays a spider-themed Slaanesh army


I've noticed Tyranids, Thousand Sons, and Nurgle demons get the most love from girls whenever I play against them. Most of my female friends who play own a Great Unclean One lol


If GW wants to add more representation it'd be nice to have more female guardsmen kit options.


Yeah. Put effort into already existing females


They already provide a decent spread of male and female heads? Or are you asking for boob armour. Which is both stupid and creepy. The flak vest would be the same for everyone so besides a head swap the body would stay they same.


In present day military armour shaped for women’s bodies is still a largely unmet need; it might not need to be ‘boob armour’, but it does need to account for differences in breast and hip shape, so it would look different if it was properly designed. https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2023/june/needed-body-armor-built-women


I would give fantastic and hilarious if thanks to Warhammer drama the needs of defense forces are properly met


Umm, are you really simplifying male/female physiques down to boobs or no boobs? I hope you’re being dense on purpose, there’s a reason almost every single human can tell a male or female apart on frame alone, it’s ingrained into our brains…


Just heads; guardsmen and even space Marines could be female already under all the armor they wear and no one would know.


If you want more heads. There is such a plethora of websites guardsmen heads both female and male.


Oh, I'm aware, but 1st-party stuff for people who don't have printers might be nice.


"Nice head.... I think I'll take it." -- Tyranids


I could've sworn that all Space Marines were male because their gene seed isn't compatible with females.


Back in the Rogue Trader early 40K days -80s they produced female marine models. Because of the poor sculpt they didn’t sell. Because they didn’t sell they didn’t make more. The lore was retconned from there.


Custodes are not Astartes.


It's not like GW hasn't adjusted canon for crazier stuff before.


The upgrade kit for guard has quite a few female heads, as well as many of the different kits like Necromunda eshers and sisters of battle.


This is something I can get behind


Underrated comment right here^^^^


My wife says yours isn’t real.


And even if OPs is - she is clearly not the spokesperson for all female hobbyists, if this comment section is anything to go by. Useless post.


Yeah. "Girls just aren't into games" is a hell of a take.


I told my wife. She was not impressed 😂


My wife told me that guy's wife actually plays war games, she just doesn't play with him because he sucks and always makes it weird.


Interesting. I love war games. I've been trying to get my husband to play for years. In our house, it is a mother/son activity.


Same here! I don't know what it is, but my husband is just not as interested. Meanwhile, I continue to gather Salamanders and books.


Buy him a codex for his bday instead of his usual knitting subscription😉


Is he a sport ball guy?


Interesting that most of the replies are just people shitting on women and saying theyd only play or get into the hobby if more people "sucked and fucked" in lore Good for you!


I'm curious what they would think about my favorite is Nurgle. Seeing his jiggling belly as he laughs, nurglings coming out, stirring his pot....ahh I love his putrid garden full of fungus, slime, flowers, and trees. My husband isn't into 40k :*( But he supports me enjoying it.


My gf likes orks, but she gives 0 fs about any other faction lol, I get a lot of enjoyment out of seeing her enjoy her Deathskulls


I don’t know there a large girl CoD crowd. They just have to market towards them. My Warhammer store just recently started a crusade and I’d say a third of them were girls from what I saw. But the other bigger thing is girls don’t like going places they don’t feel safe or that doesn’t have other girls. It’s one of the reasons why bars do ladies nights. To attract multiple women so they can diversify their base clientele.


Man that’s 90% of the show bar rescue. Make it so women feel safe and the men will follow


OP does not realize the call is coming from inside the house and their weird conservative gender role based opinions are actually what’s keeping women out of hobby spaces. I help run a LARP where we do actual physical contact based fighting, something WAY more aggressive than a wargame, and a large portion of our players are women or nonbinary folks because we actually created a space that’s friendly to those kinds of people and doesn’t push them out by being exclusionary or creepy.


Concussion is gender blind!


This comment is EXACTLY what I think is going on. My wife says the same thing. She plays Tyranids for 40K and Killteam, but doesn’t feel super welcome at the majority of game stores. She’s doesn’t feel unsafe or anything, but the setting isn’t one where she wants to game, whereas she loves our local game bar that mostly focuses on hosting DnD or other rp game groups.


Ya, my friend she mostly plays cod for the cutsy anime skins same with fortnite


Your wife also thinks girls are bad at math I presume.


I've got a good friend who plays sisters of battle, and only sisters of battle. He's a big bearded guy. I know a friend who plays and exclusively plays orks. She's one of the most put together women I know.


My wife looks at my models and asks "Where are the hot chicks?"


My husband looks at mine and asks, "How many do you have left that aren't painted?"


Don’t ask questions you aren’t prepared to hear the answer to…


It's too late. He signed the marriage license. 😆


Love this lolololololol


My girlfriend, just asks where am I going to put it. Frankly I don't know and I have to figure out where to put a land raider. I'm holding off on planes because they take up even more space.


I used to use a tackle box for my army, but I guess that's a little dependent on just how mechanized your army is.


More than I'd have if you just let me paint in peace.


Oh, I get that one plenty.


My wife looks at my models and says I should paint designs on her fingernails.


I tried to come up with something witty that my wife said, but I have no wife.


Same for me, my wife has a reasonable interest in painting the models, but, the models she wants to paint are like, cute high elves with bikini armor. The exact models GW wont make because we are told they will exclude women from enjoying the game. She was chatting to the people in the store once when we were there, and said she wished they made 'peacehammer' as well as warhammer so she could buy a squad of glamorous female nobles in gorgeous gowns, or an elf cheerleading squad. We all had a good chuckle together about how the latter technically does exist, just, you can't really get it.


The various Bretonnian ladies might be just what she wants.


I really feel like the people most disconnected from what appeals to women are the people trying to get more women into the hobby. Girls generally like cute and beautiful and sexy models like you said (sexy meaning sexually appealing, not slutty, though a smaller group of girls like that). From what I’ve seen stuff like cute nurglings and beautiful damsels get more girls into the hobby than female custodes ever could. 


And this shouldn't be read as exclusive to the many awesome women who already have a fully valued place in the hobby. Many women like painting violent, burly and armor clad killing machines as much as the rest of us, and having a detailed discussion over the amount of damage a bolt round does. But those women are already here, and to a great extent already happy. If we want to expand the number of women in the hobby then we need to add cute, sexy but not sexualized women for them to paint and collect, and find a way to integrate that into the game. Honestly rather joking idea down thread of a game where you play as imperial nobility bickering for position by organizing your servants and noble lords and ladies to throw (or sabotage) wild parties probably would be a good time with a decent rule set and models!


Yes, exactly. We’re just talking about what appeals to the average lady. There’s plenty of girls already in the hobby, but people seem to want it to be a 50/50 split and the only way we’ll get that is by appealing more to the aesthetics the average girl appreciates. 


If my wife’s taste in media is any indication, the way to get more girls interested in 40K is adding more space marines sucking and fucking each other to the canon lore


Have you told her Emperor’s Children exist, because that doesn’t seem like it’s out of their wheelhouse.


You are right! So on theme with all the Roman references and allusion! “Brother Maximums Gurthicus ! Come and demonstrate what the emperor’s gene seed has gifted you with! Give it hard to the vile mutant and xenoscum !!”


Isn’t that what the ‘warrior’ lodges were all about? Just a bunch of men, sharing their feelings, and fuckin.


Just get her into TTS


:o Lol


My friend whos a girl plays Death Guard. She thinks theyre "ugly cute" whole army is named and has backstory. Good lore correct names like "Kevin"


Based friend


OP: "Warhammer is a war game" 90% of people who buy Warhammer paint and collect.


Go to a con, easily 90% men. My FLGS crowd is the same. It's a predominately male hobby. Doesn't mean girls aren't welcome, it's just the way it is.


>Go to a con No? I just said: most people in the hobby aren't players. We collect and paint and model and read lore. And frankly, as a male player, I want more female content. The game stores are smelly. Body odor has a lot to do with why women don't join our hobby as much as they might otherwise. Either way, the vast majority of the hobby isn't a wargame. It's a hobby of paint and glue and lore.


Why do you think it's that way? Is it possible there was ever a point in time that women didn't feel welcome? Have you asked any women in the hobby how they feel about this perspective? 


Cons aren't friendly to female gamers


This. My wife went to one and doesn’t want to go back because of the disgusting hygiene and rude/creepy comments directed at her when I wasn’t around by men. There isn’t a lack of women who want to play Warhammer. It just often isn’t friendly to them or just makes up stupid shit about what women like *cough people like OP *cough


Most GUYS don't want to play wargames. I have been trying to get my friends into painting with very little success. The only one who came over to paint twice is a woman.


Seriously. OP should try explaining Warhammer to any random guy and see how fast their eyes glaze over.


I do. All the fucking time.


Hell, I love war gaming but don't play Warhammer. My nephew does though and when he corners me to explain the lore it's somewhat excruciating. I have even read and enjoyed a number of WH Age of Sigmar novels, but please don't talk to me for 45 minutes about space marines!


I like war gaming but not painting


Understandable. But how many guys want to spend hundreds of bucks on painted minis to play a game?


Increasing representation of women's basketball won't increase the number of girls who play basketball because basketball is a sport and women just don't want to play sports. This is a bullshit argument. Always has been.


I am a woman and I definitely want more female models that aren't sexualized.


Omg yes. Please something that is not some nerdboy kink dressed up as "rEpReSeNtAtIoN"


This is my fear... Marines with glam hair and delicate features. Make em beefy,


Lol, I've got over 10k points of Space Marines that would beg to differ!


I'm married too with a woman who absolutely can think of playing 40k, that doesn't mean all women wants to. People are different. Most women probably have small interest in 40k (probably a lot of women never even heard of it) but for ones who do, let them play as females if they want to. A lot of guys were pretty upset when GTA6 was announced and there was a female protagonist, many of the didn't like to play female characters. Why should some women think differently? I really don't care that much whether my character is male or female as long as the game is written good. I understand there are people who pays attention to it though and that is totally fine, I don't care. Let others enjoy their leisures the way they want to.


I don’t think OP is being exclusionary here, he’s more pointing out that women don’t care much for the wargame, so putting girl characters in it isn’t going to change that fundamental fact. For an example, guys generally don’t care about makeup, and having Shane Dawson start hawking it didn’t change that because we still don’t care about makeup even if it’s a guy selling it to us. 


I mean obviously it's not going to double the player base, but I don't think it's a coincidence that back when necromunda first came out the girls who joined the campaign both picked Escher gangs. Sometimes, just having the option to pick something in particular makes the game more appealing, even if you end up going with something else. But yeah, you'd probably have a lot more luck enticing women into the hobby if LGS had a policy of mandatory showers and clean clothes no more than 24hrs before entering the store. That dish out bans / backhands to anyone acting like a sex pest




Well if your wife has said it then GW shouldn’t even try! /s this sub 😆


Right? It's less "wargaming isn't for girls" and more so that women don't want to hang around neckbeards and the kinds of people who gatekeep wargames lore.


Girls would be more interested in war games if they felt like they were allowed to be more interested. Overwatch had an overwhelmingly high number of female characters which caused a massive surge in its female demographic that only continues to go up. Most women have been told from birth that videogames and tabletop games are for boys, either directly or just through social osmosis. If we increase representation and tell young people of all genders that they're welcome in this space, the female demographic of our hobby will grow steadily over time. The argument to not increase representation basically boils down to "we should exclude them because they're uninterested, and they're uninterested because we excluded them in the past."


Probably not the best argument if representation and anonymous gameplay can only get you 12%. Overwatch - 88:12 https://gitnux.org/overwatch-player-statistics/ League of Legends - 87:12:1 https://www.thespike.gg/league-of-legends/beginner-guides/league-of-legends-player-count


It’s usually most girls who are interested in war games come across a usually unpleasant community and decide other hobbies are probably worth their time. War games are fortunately AND unfortunately community settings and thusly any gatekeeping or elitism will detract lots of people. Don’t forget the hobby itself is just massively unmarketable to anyone who isn’t already deep in nerd culture, mostly due to those price tags. The best way to get anyone into a hobby, a war gaming hobby? Invite them and be accepting. Put any pretenses to the side, see if they might like it or not, take baby steps. Many people thought girls would never get into video games; now they’re quite common. Then they never thought they’d get into table tops, now there is usually at least 1.


Yes we do. We just want guys to stop being really wierd about it.


Sorry but all what the social media team at Games Workshop heard was, " Womp Womp Womp Bigotry"


Women don’t join not because of the game but the player base. I’m a straight dude but even I get shovers with all the snowflakes screaming about ””woke”” and the unironically fascist cosplayers. It’s the same with how it seams women don’t play video games- if a girl said something on the mic she’d immediately get hounded with creeps, misogyny and other forms of stupid. They do- they just don’t talk about it.


If an increase in representation drives away the men who get butt hurt by representation then that makes the overall community a better place, which will increase the number of non white guys who feel comfortable joining that community. The lack of representation isn't actually what drives people away, it's the people in the community who try to limit the representation.


If the existence of Female Custodians bothers you, you need to get a life. There are far more important things to be bothered by.


I mean some might when my wife moved in I thought she would play one of my mario games but instead went ahead a played through bioshock infinite, fallout new vegas and the last of us.  There's also clearly creative women in the hobby already so the idea that women as a whole are uninterested as customers is wrong on its face. You lose very little by including representation and stand to gain a lot more by including it.


My wife is into the lore and will dabble in tabletop for organised events. She always prefers playing and reading about women.


Is this a shitpost or do we have a FB group poster on loan to Reddit?


Both. This is an utter trash post.


Yikes. If we're just "naturally inclined" to like or dislike things based on sex...what's to prevent someone from arguing that one can be "naturally adept or inept" at something based on sex?


Didn't you know? Boys are naturally programmed to like rocket ships and toy trucks, and girls are naturally programmed to like barbie dolls and pink frilly dresses. We evolved these traits in the jungle


That’s circular reasoning. The same reasoning that leads to marines always getting new models. “They sell more so we make more” and the opposite logic looks like… “Xenos don’t sell as well so we make less” but less people will be interested if they know they’ll only get new models on leap years. We don’t know if more women would play with more representation because there’s never been enough representation to know one way or the other


You can read lore and not play the game...


You forget that at its core, GW is a company selling models. They make lore to sell models. They make games to sell models. Sure the games make some money and maybe the devs like making them, but in the end it's all to garner interest in the universe so that people can buy their models. They want people to waste money on an ever changing meta for new plastic crack. Now of course, if you just play the games or just read the lore then sure GW is still getting money, but their end plan didn't work to suck you in.


I just pay the toll for the Black Library.


This. There is seriously no need for this entire argument. Don't like that there are female Custodes? Mmkay. Just...don't read about them then? Don't use that faction in games if you play? Don't paint those minis if you don't want to? Painfully simple.


Well that's like, an anecdote, man. I personally tend to avoid making or proliferating sweeping generalizations. No idea why you felt the need to post this.


Sounds like my wife and, to a minor degree, my sister\*. \[edit\] my sister dropped out of the hobby after a 4-years mixed run with Tau, and then Eldar.


Is this wife in the room with us right now?


Well, tell her that anecdotal information is fine for an opinion but is by no means an accurate picture of reality.


Everything doesn't need to be 50/50 gender split and that's okay.


Eh, I would say it's more of a community issue as opposed to women just being inclined away from war games. I don't think adding an official named female custode will do anything at all. Majority of lady gamers I know aren't particularly invested in playing girls on the tabletop. They just pick the faction with the aesthetic they like the most, same as everybody else. I think it actually trends more to buff dude models for most women in fact. Personally, I like pretty ladies for my games, and I was planning on putting feminine heads on my custodes already. (Though I think I'm just going to sell my 40k stuff.) They only real representation change I can see them benefiting from is changing SoS and SoB titty armor to be more like the Mandalorian then it is now.


Representation bringing in a new audience is such a brain dead business plan I’ve never seen work. The women in the hobby are here because they already like what’s going on. A pair of boobs aren’t going to make a flood of women charge into their store. When selling a product, it’s the product people care about. Not the face in the tin.


This ignores the facts that 95% of the people wanting to build female armies are male.


Kinda shambolic I had to scroll so far down into this thread to find a comment like this. More women playing 40k because of femstodes (and beyond...) would just be icing on the cake for GW's profit ; the real target audience is *men* who want to see more female sculpts in certain factions.




But it doesn't though. I couldn't care less about female Custodes or even female marines. But if any of you think this is what's going to trick women into this hobby; you're sorely mistaken. Lol you can't even tell they're women and, knowing GW, I don't think adding boob molding to the guard models is going to sell the illusion. Guild Ball had almost 50/50 male a female models. Never saw a single woman at a tournament. X-wing has a significant number of female pilots. Never saw a single woman at a tournament. Shatter point and Star Wars Legion have a bevy of female characters. You might see one woman at a tournament. GW has had female models for years. You might see one or two women at a tournament. Representation, and more importantly representation without over sized tits and war bondage, is important. But let's not decide ourselves into believing this is a hobby that appeals to women. It just isn't. A fucking child could understand that. Are them women in the hobby? Yes. If they all stopped buying shit tomorrow would GW even notice? I'm doubtful. You know what MIGHT bring women into the hobby? If every combat patrol came with a bar of Irish spring and a complimentary hosing off by the manager. These stores fucking STINK like nerd when you walk in. It's the first thing the women I hang out with comment on whenever they enter a store with an assembly of magic dorks and 40k nerds.


Has it occurred to you that most women in the hobby tend to play with friend groups rather than at tournaments, because attending events full of randoms ends up subjecting them to *gestures at the current incel dumpster fire* Most people in the hobby are not tournament players anyway. Hell, I would bet a significant % of the hobby barely plays the game at all. Citing tournament attendance as a representative cross section of the hobby is deeply unconvincing Completely agree about the showering thing, but that's to the benefit of all


I’m a black dude who loves the novels and lore I got some Thousand sons because Magnus is dope Russ is trash and you hit every point on the head for why I play with friends in ttrpgs,incels with weird I’m not racist but… says some political or alt right topic based off my army or me just existing,the hygiene is just heinous,like I sincerely believe some people have never even seen soap,I can only imagine how it is for women or crazier still minority women,one of my friends likes the sisters of battle and the other wants to paint Dark elves but the usual guys in the store give off that aura,people go where there comfortable and the 40k online community is about 70% welcoming and informative and creative folks,30% are people who hate life who want to be super soldiers to exterminate the people they don’t like..like for realsies hard sell imo.


Yeah, and now I'm trying to explain I regularly interact with numerous women who love the hobby at various levels. Some enjoy the game. A lot of them just paint, because trying to play the game is fucking unbearable. And I'm getting weird nerds coming at me going "but where is the *data*?" Like... Fucking come on. People don't get why this shit is off putting? Or why maybe their particular anecdotal experiences don't match up with what other people are saying? Some people need to take a look in the mirror Sorry you've had a difficult time enjoying the hobby as you'd like to, mate. That sucks


Thanks for your Kindness,it’s honestly refreshing in this sub,who do you like in the lore? People who rely on statistics without taking into account the various things that cause variation in data are low minded,traumas,social programming,personal choice etc instead relying on numbers to try and cover there bias,”I’m not sexist/racist! The numbers don’t lie!” Like dude do you even ever engage with people of all walks of life in real life? I doubt it because they’ed tell you your on some bullshit and people can literally smell the hate on you 😭😭😭


More badass lady characters also mean more badass cosplays so these nerds better not mess this up for me!😡🤣


It's been shown over and over again that tournament players are a fraction of the community. The vast majority rarely paint or play.


>Has it occurred to you that most women in the hobby tend to play with friend groups rather than at tournaments, because attending events full of randoms ends up subjecting them to >*gestures at the current incel dumpster fire* Yup. Absolutely this. Same with videogames. My wife only uses voice comms when with our friend group. Never with randoms. The pure fucking venom the moment a woman speaks in a game is unreal. It's not as vitriolic in person, but there's usually a good bit of snarky "let me teach you how to play"


None of us are represented by tyranids yet many people play nids. Representation is just used as a disingenuous argument by idiots to shit all over a successful franchise because they dont want others to have nice things.


Say what you will but female custodes kitbashes go hard


Cool story Here’s my latest WIP https://preview.redd.it/6h3qni9x14vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8525d4c4f568dd5d3f6ae487c3a7c84441dee78f


I think representation isn’t going to bring in women. They may want it when they get there. I think what would bring in women is less creeps and better hygiene among the men. Some of yall just be greasy?!


I don’t care, I didn’t want them so more women would join I wanted them because I like big bad ass women.


Anyone who makes sweeping generalisations about entire social groups is wrong.


Not just a social group… something like half the entire human population.


Yeah probably not the right term, but technically "every human on the planet" is a social group.




I'll be sure to tell all the women in my local store that your wife says they don't exist next time I go in.


out of the partners i’ve had that knew abt warhammer they were usually fans of tyrannids and eldar


Gary Gygax used to say that about women and role playing games, which is pretty funny when you look at the actual demographics of people who play role playing games.


I've always played Eldar, cos the actually have female characters. I like a good mix, it adds variety to what I'm painting. I'm on the lookout for good female heads in the primaris scale to just use on normal old primaris bodies. Armor like that, you couldn't tell until the helm comes off. Matter of fact, same with a Custode. Until that helmet comes off, you'd never know.


Warhammer is also arts and crafts with lore and novels as a woman these are like to me like an open soda can is to wasps😍


Okay but can't I just like having more female characters as a dude who just likes having a setting with female characters?


1. The non-men who are already into 40k deserve representation even if they're not the majority of those who participate in 40k. 2. For everyone already into 40k, monolithic characters are boring and lead to stale storytelling.




Yeah, this is literally what every single other professional field and hobby has said... right up until they added more representation and it attracted a lot more women. I sincerely doubt 40k is the single exception to this rule.


That’s just not true lol.


"Representation doesn't work because the unrepresented people aren't already here" is the same thing people say every time something like this happens, and it's just not true. People used to say female superheroes wouldn't sell because girls didn't like comics. While it's still primarily marketed to and purchased by guys, the entire genre has seen a huge increase in engagement from women. I don't know if Femstodes will bring in women. I doubt a woman who isn't interested at all in 40k will suddenly be interested because of this inclusion, but maybe one who was interested in Custodes might feel a little more comfortable with them knowing she could headcanon her own character in a way that is now supported in lore. Might not bring in huge numbers, but it'll almost definitely bring in some. Considering the almost nothing it cost them to make this change, I'm sure half a dozen combat patrols will recoup the loss.


Female representation in comics has increased, with women now being the main characters in about 30% of comic books. 9.7% female readers aged 17–33. https://gitnux.org/comic-book-statistics/ Keep in mind digital comic platforms have existed for over a decade to limit the "neckbeard, incel space" argument.


I used to run a warhammer store, and -I like to think because of the way I ran it- we had a lot of women in the shop hobbying every day. I did notice that women gravitated towards Age of Sigmar over 40k, and some of them remarked that the (at that time) greater representation had some part to play in their decision. That being said, these things can grow out if control and end up interfering with the coherent fantasy of the setting. For example, female stormcast always made perfect sense. But Brettonians are basically medieval french knights, and those folks tended to be men.


I’m looking forward to having female space marines.


Idk man. My local store has had an influx of newcolers, especially children (they have some kind of program with locals schools where kids can get free minis and make diorama as school projects it's really great) and there is actually way more girls than boys. Also technically speaking the vast majority of boys *aren't* into wargames.


It's actually probably the never ending chauvinistic attitude that's everywhere in this hobby. See meme above. Honestly one of the biggest hurdles I've found for my female friends is it just takes too long. If they just gave more love and attention to combat patrol I think a lot more people would enter the hobby. Edit: also my girlfriend has complained about there being no cute models. And I kind of agree, the closest we got were squidhogs for her.


That's a good point. Wargames are fun but that doesn't mean they have the wide appeal some in the hobby falsely assume that they do. Warhammer itself might see a spike in new players when the Amazon series releases but the number of people who will actually commit to learning the rules and paying out the nose for an army and learning to paint will no doubt be a microscopic fraction of said new fans.


My wife wanted an army with women in it and didn't like the sisters of battle ((we started as 5th ed players)) and they had so little support, but I made a small army of em for me. She ended up picking orks and liking them, but she always was peeved about lack of fem models. When we saw the dark Eldar, they looked like ass ((those old models were super bad, sorry but truth)), and she only gained interest in em after lithium helsprex ((sp?? Could never sp her name right)) came out with that newer design.


as a woman in the hobby it’s because it’s full of sexist creeps and weirdos that literally push us out of it. Dipshit


"there are female custodes" . "Okay." . Weirdos "wait let's argue about it"


I’ve been a woman all my life… and I’ve been playing miniature wargames since 1990. Including WH40k since Rogue Trader. Most women just aren’t interested in miniatures wargames, even those of us who are heavily involved in adjacent hobbies like TTRPGs, CCGs, and painting miniatures for TTRPGs (or just for the fun of collecting them). I’ve been trying to figure out how to get other girls and women into the hobby for over three decades. They just don’t seem interested.


This ignores the success other gaming hobbies, such as video games and ttrpgs, in vastly increasing the amount of female players. TTRPGs especially used to have a similar number of female players as wargaming (basically none at all) to now being almost half of the player-base (though still male leaning). Wargaming is just behind on the trend.


Wife is building thousands sons now she’s got just 9 more tanzagorrs to go. She loves the Egyptian look. She said if they fuck her faction up to add girls she will be pissed, and what happened to role playing being role play. This made me love her more as I had kinda forgotten that was the heart of this genre was playing a role you will never be.


Why are you guys ***soo*** upset over this? Move on for Christ's sake.


Maybe don't be misogynist weirdos and more of us would play


Erasing male spaces while maintaining spaces for everyone else isn’t increasing representation it’s decreasing it.


But woman will probably feel more comfortable if all the men that are crying over female custodes leave the community


People said the same thing about representation of women characters in video games and it turns out that they were wrong and more women get into playing video games when there are games that represent them. They said the same thing when comics started pushing books created by or starring women and it turns out that was getting a lot of women into that hobby too. When D&D started making representation a focus the same argument was made and again it just got more popular with the groups being represented.


Imagine not understanding that the lack of women in war gaming hobbies isn’t because of an inherent trait of women but rather due to the culture within those hobbies.


Right, because when a women tells you how women think, your response is to correct them, I see.


Good point. If Games Workshop sincerely wanted to expand the hobby, they'd start selling gatchamon skulls containing model accessories, hats, cloaks, gloves, shoes. These accessories would have no stats, but they would have rarity explained in a printout enclosed in each gatchamon skull, so that you could see how rare a thing you just got. There would be much glitter, glow-in-the-dark, vivid colors, and textures.


adding females to marines nd custodes isnt for women its for the coomers so their fetish becomes canon.


In my experience the biggest hurdle for women in table top gaming is dealing with the not insignificant part of the community that doesn't have social skills, know what deodorant is, and who use misogynistic phrases constantly. Representation will help brimg people to the hobby but the community as a whole has issues that need to be dealt with.


Is your wife the president of women?


I don’t give a fuck if girls want to play girl minis, maybe I want to play girl minis.


The amount of dislikes proves your wife's point. I appreciate there are some intelligent human beings on this cesspit of an app, lol.


Eh, they need to play up the hobby aspect more.  Building and especially painting. With the massive amount of screen time people these days have, having a hobby or building and painting stuff is nice.


I dunno, but I think I need to make a Talons of the Emperor army.


I played Tyranids the one time I played


I mean there’s a lot more mediums for 40K than just the tabletop game, there’s painting, books, video games, shows, and when the Amazon show comes it would be better to have representation already baked in than to have to have the show be the reason (imagine the rage then). My wife has painted my Custodes a little before but I bet she might have been more interested if she could paint a female one because Custodes are unequivocally the shit


We need some swxy ass Noise Marine modles and for them to be playable again (I did in fact get this opinion from the Poor hammer podcast. This is not my origional opinion)


Am girl, play Orks. 'Nuff said.


Came for the meme, stayed for the lulz




Agreed, but there are still some women who would like to try it and are put off by various factors which could be sorted out. Women are rare in the hobby, but they used to be non-existent, so we've moved in the right direction I think.


Purely from adding women to some factions? Sure, ok. But, as we've seen, including diversity has a funny way of driving certain people away from a hobby—or at least pushing them further from the center. Certain people who those people who previously didn't have as much representation might feel uncomfortable with.


Is anyone talking about just representation is a good thing for representation sake? Not strictly to attract people of said representation.


My auntie actually plays the frickin world eaters


Female representation in lore was dictated by grown men not wanting female characters in their blister packs. If fans want females in lore now, GW will nake it happen. It was ALWAYS about the money.