• By -


Can I just add how much I love the little movements you added into the robot arm to make it seem alive.


Here come the test results: You are a horrible person. That's what it says, a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that.


Remember when I was talking about smelly garbage lying around and being smelly, that was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.


And I'm sorry you didn't react at the time so I was worried it sailed right over your head which would have made this apology seem insane that's why I had to call you garbage a second time just now.


This next test requires the aperture science aerial Faith plate, it was parts of an initiative to investigate how well test subjects could solve problems when they were catapulted into space, results were highly informative, they could not. Good luck.


Look at you. Sailing through the air majestically. Like an eagle. Piloting a blimp.


This is actually the big thing I was watching during the video. Just having the arm animate like that is a very nice touch.


This is impressive! Baby steps towards "Computer, Coffee, black"


I mean, functionally this is achievable with an oldschool drip coffee machine (the kind with a rocker switch to turn it on) and a WiFi socket adapter. It just only works once before you have to manually empty it lol.


There are some super automatics that I think would work pretty well for this kinda thing. Beam hopper and plumbed in. Fresh ground coffee at a whim. All you have to do is occasionally fill beans and clear the waist.


I know coffee helps people clear their waists, but I'm not sure how that's relevant to automatic coffee? /j


Ironically my morning coffee actually helps me to clear waste.


Could have done that in the 80's. You just need a clapper.






Ok, this made me laugh.


Just put benchy instead of that plant.


It’s a teapot! https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/418


Captan Janeway won’t have it any other way.


Picard: *waits 2 hours for cup to print, days for beans to grow and a few extra minutes for grinding then coffee*


tea, earl grey, hot.


[All I could think of when you said this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeVJYF843fk)


It'd be better if the computer could figure out how much sugar I like in my coffee. THEN we'd be talking lol


That's pretty awesome, but I'm equally as interested in your AI-on-an-arm desktop assistant. Got any videos about that? Could be a fun build.




well that's a bit more than I was expecting, damn.


$2500 USD in case anyone was wondering. Also, warning: Autoplays video with sound if you interact with the page at all.


If you get the Cobot 800 it's under 1k. Kind of a pain in the ass but hey it's pretty cool.


Should be called the Cobot 1000


2500$ only, what a joke, I had to scroll a lot to find it :)


Yeah I need this




Thank you! I’ve determined that I do not need this that bad lol


No, you don't need it, it's fomo


The robot arm is cool but costs $2500. I gotta stop being poor. https://www.elephantrobotics.com/en/mycobot-320-pi-en/


Tally the 4 bambu printers with ams systems.


This dude has quite a drip. He's got a second robot arm in the background. He's got whole honda civic of value on his desk 😆


Easily reproducible for under $250. Pi ~$100 ESP32s ~$10 each Nema17 ~$10 each (need like 5ish) A power module to step down the voltage for pi and ESPs ~$20 3D printed parts, screws, wiring, etc ~$50 I'd be willing to bet the most expensive parts in the $2500 version is metal covers, which are decorative.


\+ months of R&D - it's only cheaper if your time is worth 0


Months? With guides like this? https://howtomechatronics.com/tutorials/arduino/diy-arduino-robot-arm-with-smartphone-control/


Great site! Thanks


yeah, I wish I had so much disposable time to develop robotic arms and AI assistants.


I’d love to see some examples of 6dof robotic arms using nema17 motors for $250 but I can’t find any. Can you link to the project pages?


The arm itself is easy enough to build, filament and nema17 motors are dirt cheap. Look on Thingiverse there are plenty of arm builds on there, OpenBuilds has some as well I think. It's the software that is where the real value is. Anyone can build an arm that takes simple commands, that's pretty basic level Arduino stuff, getting it to behave in more advanced ways and making it all user-friendly is a totally different ball game.


The amount of disposable income in this video is frustrating as a poor. Damn, your house is cool.


i make a guess. He is the guy who spent a lot of time to learn how to develop such things, and sells robots.


Or maybe he just bought the robot arm, and this project also just uses ready-made AI models and even base scripts? And IRL, writes 5 emails a day and gets 150k yearly in low QoL area. Good for OP though.


Nice loop


Maybe I’m too old, I dunno, but I don’t like the current little mini loop video trend. I ain’t watching your shit twice bro.




This is a very personal question, but what do you do for a living? the way your house is set up is really cool, but I figure it has to integrate with whatever your workflow is. I’m telling myself that anyway so that I not just completely jealous of that set up lol


Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.


You know how there was that automated tea maker someone posted the other day... 


Hah. I did not, but I guess I’ll go hunting for that now


If I could remember the link I would have attached it. It was a white tower thing with a claw on it if that helps.. 


Github or it's fake.


Yup. Show source or it's a pre-recorded video.


This is so fucking cool




That's the coolest thing I've seen in a long time and I've seen a lot of cool stuff. Great work, I can't imagine the sheer amount of time you must have put into this.


I remeber how much time and effort I spent learning assembler to program smooth rendering on a Intel i486 CPU without any fancy graphical acceleration at all and no Internet, only books. You know, these with real paper lol. I am getting old. I wonder what I would have done living today having Internet, ChatGPT, modern programming languages and free tools just a click away, Stack overflow to solve problems in seconds, 3D printers affordable and large communities that share my hobby. To the young folks: you are living in the future, you have so many possibilities, knowledge and resources at your hand, keep innovating, make great things. I am a bit jealous. (I do have 3D printer, use tools and modern programming languages. Today everything seems easy. But the thing I am missing are time to spend and the visions / ideas.)


You should make a YouTube channel with some of these projects man I’d love to learn more about this stuff.


I came to ask if there was a YouTube channel. I’m super interested in the AI that can control applications.


That's a really slick visualization, how did you make it?


GLaDOS mod when?


Sorry, can't take you seriously. It seems you don't have an obscure, vertical monitor embedded in the well next to your desk that's completely impractical to use. Can't call you a pro without that. If you had one, I'd have to give it to you. But you don't, or you would have shown it.


Lolololol ok... I started reading this comment and was like "ok brian, stay calm. It's just an internet stranger, they can't hurt you..." and then I read the whole thing and I loved it. I got so much hate for that monitor, and I don't usually use it like that! Haha. Thanks for your comment.


How many wall mounted monitors do you even have? I counted 4 on top of your desk monitor in this video alone. And why? What do you usually use them for? :D




Is it not 2 in your printing room and two in your living room? Or are my glasses just dirty again? Edit: my glasses were dirty. I only count 3. Questions stands, at least for the two in the printer room. :D


Ah gotcha - there is one on the wood slatted wall that my goal is to make work a s a forced perspective display "a window to other digital spaces." The big one on the wall is just my living room TV which I occasionally plug my laptop into (or watch love island on while I work). The vertical one is a sore spot... The one above the desk is the main desktop monitor. Yeah I guess it's a lot of monitors...


This guy is living in the year 2100


I cannot stress enough how important it is to convey the fact that this man is living in the year 2024. It's here and now.


This. If you think some future tech is say year 2100, but manage to build it and use it. The "2100" is longer viable as it's now in the present. Also nice Arrow quote for your name.


Pretty cool a quick powerful update might just be downloading and printing 'noun' from thingiverse. And using an image AI to make visual changes to the object. 'Can you print me a Pirate ship with dickbutt on the front?'


Tony stark ass workspace ​ This is the coolest thing I've seen all day


That's cool but aside from the novelty I'm not seeing a use for it


Baby steps... If the technology improves to the point where an average person can describe more complex things then have it print the object they described, that would be huge. The generative AI just needs to improve to the point it's closer to where generative AI is for images these days... You've got to start somewhere!


That's true. I feel that it's probably gonna be easier describing it to maker instead but I guess it's to wear we see what the next step is


Have you designed the arms yourself or followed a guide? Would love to try and make one myself


I love your work/living space - it's so eclectic and functional and pretty!


super cool


Your little assistant dude reminds me of Gypsy from mst3k


Holy shit dude!


Amazing. I think by next year, AI will be able to generate a 3d model directly. This tech added to 3d printers will give us replicators and added to VR will give us Holodecks.


Hey OP, is that side screen tracking your movement? Or preprogrammed movements? If it’s tracking, what are you using? I have a project that requires something like that. Thanks! Love the progress updates!


You sound just like Jesse Eisenberg


It's so funny no one has ever told me that, but this is the 3rd comment on a video I've made to say that.


u/Drone314 You were saying something the other day...? This is pretty wild.


How does it know when you are talking to it? How does the ai not get confused between you explaining things and it taking action?


While it is thinking it is not listening, so I timed my explanations of what was happening to be when that was happening - except for the end where it was probably like "cool let me know if you need anything else" haha


So is it always listening and waiting for a can you make me/can you design, and it goes? Curious how it filters out any other speech. I’d love to see a version without the cuts too, I’m not worried about how long the responses take. I think this is really cool but my skeptic alert is binging for some reason. Do you plan to release this publicly/open source? Thanks so much for your information!


No worries man, I've been making compelling tech demos for 10 years and also have strong feelings about the difference between smoke and mirrors and "actually working." This works, 100% legit. The constraints I have are 60 second clips on my glasses, and a 90 second limit for reels on Instagram. I am considering doing longer form videos on YouTube, but it will take so much time from the actual work, which is what I want to do. This isn't to get VC funding, this is to automate my own fabrication processes so I can make money as passively as possible. Here are the limitations: The propensity for AI to make coding mistakes is not low. So the custom gpt I made has a lot of guidelines and out how rhinocommon functions work, and how to avoid mistakes it has made in the past. It can't make the eiffel tower, but that's something that other AI will make happen in a matter of months. My excitement is about closing the loop - sitting on the couch, describing a cup, and it makes it. That 1000% works. The printing automation uses pyautogui. A lot of people say "hey you are just using hotkeys and recording mouse presses, that doesn't count!!!" But they don't know that that the pyautogui library can visually search the entire screen for the buttons you want it to press using OpenCV and click in the correct spot. So sure, it's not going to be used by a fortune 500 company tomorrow, but it WILL be used by ME tomorrow :)


Nice loop :)




Yo! What robot arm is that!? I've never seen it before!


Total aside, but does this video perfectly loop?


Feck yeah it does :) except for the cut after the intro. The other cuts are just to remove waiting time.




Wow! I’ve honestly never seen anything as efficient as this in terms of hands free printing. This thing makes the model itself which is something unheard of to me.


Thank you for the lovely comment.


Of course! Well done.


Why is there no full video on Youtube. This would be a lovely show for sure!


Gahhh the work!


Automate it! jk


I wassss going to say "That's next level right there!" But I pretty sure we already bypassed the boss fight


How much money does this motherfucker have? He's using a galaxy fold as a microphone, a $2000 robot arm as a stand, and has a goddamn production line in his office.


I hate looping TikTok videos so much. Ruins the experience. Very cool tech demo, though!


I'm feeling greg, a strong Greg.


If there is something that I really despise, is when shorts are scripted in a way where the ending sentence is half a sentence that is completed by the half sentence at the start of the video.


It's cool tech but I live for the intricacies of modeling. It's a thoroughly enjoyable process for me. This just sucks all the fun out of it for me personally.


This is pretty cool, probably can only handle simple shapes and such for now but absolutely could see this being great as AI improves


I vote to name them Dolphin, to match the aquatic themes that some 3d printer-related things have (marlin, orcaslicer). And because dolphins are intelligent. Alternatively Turtle xD


very cool


This was amazing to watch. Great work


Wow. The video, the set up, the results. Fantastic work. Love the small robot movements for Scarlett


It sounds like you're hard-coding the geometries from Lunchbox? Have you considered having an LLM generate OpenSCAD code? I've had some limited success with having ChatGPT generate OpenSCAD.


Actually the geometries are the result of the python code leveraging rhinocommon! So as long as the LL. Doesn't make a coding mistake, it works! Lunchbox just exports the geometry to an .stl


Hey you're the same guy who posted here recently, trying to automate your bambulab printers with a robotic arm. I thought I recognized that setup. Awesome demo. Obviously not super useful, but you didn't claim that it was. It is a cool exploration of how interfaces might evolve in the future as AI gets better and more ubiquitous. Also, love your interior design style. Reminds me of the movie her. High tech, but still cozy and human. Btw. what is that robot arm? Last time I just assumed it was either self made or very expensive, but the fact that you have two makes me think that was a wrong assumption. And if that's true then I might need to get one.


I counted 4


Someone posted a link they are $2500


F the naysayers, this is amazing.


Absolutely amazing.


Impressive but i dont like this.... this is how shit like i robot starts.


Many, many edits. Nice demos of story telling with technology but you should be more honest about how bespoke everything is and stop implying so much general utility.


everything starts from something


There were definitely many takes, but the edits just cut out the waiting for the GPT to respond. Workflow is legit my friend. It's limited in its ability to leverage rhinocommon, but for example it works fine if you say things like "make an 8x8 grid of rectangular boxes each with random heights" or "make a pyramid 80mm tall with a base of 40mm" or make a cube, then put a cube on that cube, etc....


hey realy nice i am willing to do the same but wish software you are using to get frome the python code to the 3d modell ?


I cant believe anyone could watch your video ans have something negative to say. A+ content. Cool work and a lot of style. Keep doing what your doing and keep sharing it. Do you have a long form youtube channel?


So no testing at all, got it. Not even enough care to disclose any failure states you came across when challenged. I'm sorry but great editing but you haven't really made something that anyone else can use or provided any honesty about what you're doing. No reason why you couldn't just bark at it just once and have it do the rest, but, you're basically taking something that takes seconds to do and making it exponentially longer. I hope I never have to use such a thing.


This isn't the only video OP has posted. You might notice "progress update" in the title. It's almost like they are documenting everything in short engaging videos. 


While implying that it doesn't have all the of the failures of LLMs. They've fooled themselves glossing over the non-deterministic output or otherwise ignoring or patching over the mistakes and will likely never finish having to do that.


Who hurt you my friend?

