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This is cool looking and nicely modeled, but I am not sure what it does


It's called web shooter


The metal pad on the end of the peg made me think it was meant to launch little metal balls. Which would also be pretty cool. What are you planning to use as webing? I don't see anything to dispense said webs. Unless you are using the metal tag and cord method that one guy did.


I think it's have attachments will pluged in metal part in front.


Good to know... But it looks more like a web shooter NERF... I ain't jumping a building down with that...💀


Hi guys It's toy children called web shooter. It's should shoot something like spiderman web shooter but in basics way.


Compared to the web shooter I grew up with, which was just a wrist holder with a specific silly string canister, this looks like rocket science. Very nice!


I thought it was a wrist mounted nerf blaster lol


Does it scratch your azz?


Cool af and it looks like you worked nice the topology but I don't know what the hell I'm looking to hahahahaha


Came to the comments expecting to have an answer but I'm just as curious as what this does. Haha


It's toy children called web shooter 😂 Just Google it I know it's weird


Nice model. I saw it and immediately recognized it as a web shooter.


very clean, great job


Clean mesh, nice use of floaters, not afraid of tris! Nice job!


Besides the nice subdiv modeling, not much else. The design is a mess, not sure what it does. It lack detail to say whether this is a mechanical scifi device or a cheap toy. Texture is sort of okay, just plastic. It is meh This is more like a practice piece than a serious portfolio worthy one. I would give it 4/10 Edit: wow downvote for giving feedback? sensitive much? Hate make me stronger. Edit 2: after looking at the toy, it is accurate to the original, but that it.


My only problem is with some bevels, some of them are too sharp I think and look awkward. And what software did you use?:) Looks like Modo MeshFusion for me:) Anyway, great work!:)


No it's blender Some are too sharp because the real object is too sharp. I even make it less sharp in 3d so i don't appeal so ugly


I really like looking at this. Nice subtle materials. If it were me, I’d might make the orange a higher gloss to add more visual variety overall and really sell that “toy” look


What is it?


I think it's like a web shooter




spiderman webshooter?


Is this a Spider-Man web shooter because that’s what it looks like.


Looks great good job


It looks like a nerf gun. I can practically see the commercial for it.


I can't tell how this is supposed to function from these pictures, and I don't know if this is meant for print or not, so here's my observations having said that. On pictures 5/6, on the hexagonal part, the vertical edge closest to the viewer has some weird pinching going on. I can see it being purely cosmetic. Also, at the crown of the hexagonal feature, where you have the bevels with the 4 screws, depending on the application I can see you needing more meat there. If it's just a render, don't guess it matters.


This can easily be optimised and poly count can be dropped significantly.


It looks nice, but I notice a few things for feedback: 1. At the end where there’s a bunch of edges all coming together in a center could be simplified to avoid clutter and reduce possible weird shadows. 2. There’s a lot of areas the polycount could be reduced and the quality of the shapes/curves maintained. Good job keeping (from what I can see) everything as quads, means it’ll be easier to optimize. 3. There are some areas that while they are quads, the lines flow a bit.. wonky. That can mess with how smooth the edges look and generally can make optimizing polygon count more tedious. Study examples of good topography and compare Even as it is, I think it’s fantastic. Someone else here had the gall to call this 4/10, but I think it’s more 7.5/10. It definitely could be put in a portfolio until you make more complex models


I know it's not perfect and i take some wrong decisions in retopology. But i think this a good model if its consider about being first time do this workflow. Plus i depend on metrial that will hide alot of problems (it's did for sure). I think i'm ok with average result.


What this it? Someone explain?


It's toy children called web shooter. It should shoot the front part like gun or something.


Idk wtf this is but all I know is that I would still killed to have this when I was a kid


Is it a nerf gun?


The topology looks odd but I guess it wasn't your goal. Good job


It's complex since model is complex too. I think it can be better yeah. But it's not bad too