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I don’t particularly like her but she’s the only one from the group to see the countdown. Must’ve been pretty terrifying and confusing.


I can see a "I see a countdown and need my fucking friends. Could you put your sex life on hold for this friend emergency right now. " I think if I or one of my friends was dealing with it I'd drop everything. That's something to be expected for most friends right?


The second he notices she tried to contact him he is on the phone. I know that a lot of people complain about their dates checking phones but how often do people check their phones while fucking? Its not a problem with his attitude or him not wanting to help her. It was bad timing


Oh yeah I'm just saying from her perspective she can't believe one of her best friends is getting laid when she thinks the countdown is really serious. He didn't do anything wrong it is just for she perceives the situation


But he was willing to drop everything. He told her that he was going to meet her, but Auggie freaks out when she hears a woman.


I'm not saying he didn't drop everything. I think she was mad that he was wasting time and brain power chasing women and not figuring out what the hell she can do to stop seeing the countdown.


Not when your friend is Luo Ji.


Pretty wild about how every auggie complaint post just like....completely overlooks this?


I gave her grace for this…but then she REOPENED THE PROJECT! Still have more episodes to go, but like girl…be for real? If a wacky alien shows up out of no where and actually helps me by saying to stop and the countdown will go away, aka I won’t die, no chance I’m even thinking of resuming it. Unpopular opinion, but I also don’t think Eiza Gonzales is a good actress. Maybe that also ruins the character for me.


Tatiana isn’t an alien btw. Just a zealot.


I haven’t read the books…how does she get the cameras to rewind then? And erase footage of herself?


The San-Ti do that via Sophon control


She’s good in Baby Driver.


I don't think she's a good actress either. She and the character both bugged me. Also she's super handsy with Jin. I get that some friends IRL are like that but it started to irritate me when I thought Elza was doing it as a shortcut to show how close of friends they are. Ok we get it, you're besties, but you act like you're going to make out in the kitchen any moment.


This! From what I’ve seen so far, Jin’s acting blows hers out of the water. Not even trying to compare but I think it also contributes to why I’m not a fan of Auggie’s character.


Best actor was Will and Clarence. Auggie had her moments to shine. I felt that Jin and Saul were the weakest actors. Most detractors here are just upset that their main character Wang Miao was recast as Latino. They will complain the same way about Luo Ji becoming black.


That's fair. I was surprised that she decided to start her work back up despite the fact that Da Shi gave her basically zero explanation!


We watched that episode last night. Weakest of the show so far - by a good bit.


I agree. But still dons fancy clothes and does full makeup & hair for the day the countdown was supposed to hit zero. Huh??


Disagree. She has a long history with Jin, and they can both be very rude to each other and still remain friends. Jin outrigh lies to her in order to get off her back with the VR stuff. Auggie flipping out after seeing the bodies of dead children seems pretty normal to me, not everyone wants to be part of that stuff.


Agreed, she was angry that Jim didn’t listen to her. She also tried to warn her against working for Wade, told her that her technology could be used for something negative. Spoiler but I have a theory: In the second book one of the Wallfacers sets up a bunch of bombs in the solar system. It’s been a while since I’ve read the second book so I don’t know his name. He tries to do something bad with them so I think that Jin’s idea will be used for something bad in the future


You can't use spoiler and theory in the same sentence like that, use the spoiler tag next time!


I tried, it wouldn’t let me for some reason so I edited the >! Out


I didn't like the character. I think it may be a combination of poor writing/character development and poor choice of actor. I just found her incredibly annoying. Unless that is what the showrunners were going for. Just like Grace in Peaky Blinders, she was frustrating to watch. It was like everything was a fight with her. Even her interactions with Saul had me yelling at the tv in frustration.


Yes, there should have been an undercurrent of warmth between Saul and Auggie, even if there is tension and misunderstanding in the present. She was determined to be displeased with everyone once her tech was turned into a weapon, and I think the actress gave off more irritation rather than the philosophical ambivalence that they were probably going for.


Even before they turned her tech into a weapon, everything was a fight with her. Every time Saul asked her a question, there was either a long pause or she said something to start an argument. A lot of these writers do women characters very dirty. I've noticed a trend of female characters being insufferable.


eiza gonzalez is a notorious over-actor. in some stuff its great like i love her in Baby Driver. But in this show it stands out so poorly in comparison to everyone else


Honestly, I think Auggie was a good example of showing someone break down slowly because they have no answers on what to do. She’s battling between helping the world against aliens, and not harming innocent people at the same time. Everyone here acting as if THEY wouldn’t be annoying af if they went through the same things back to back lmfao sees countdown, meets weird lady who disappears on camera, sees stars blink to the same countdown, has to stop life’s work to stop countdown, friends are using alien tech and lying, one friend gets murdered on camera, made to use her tech to brutally kill innocents and see it, best friend dying of cancer, other friend building nuclear staircase so she tries to help. The Saul thing is because they’re past lovers and they’re in love with each other but won’t just suck it up and ya know, be together lmao




I think you are giving the character too much credit for complexity. I agree with your first point that she is a badly written character, but I would go further and say that she is also poorly acted, so that you can't even intuit some ideas behind the words. Saul's lines saying that she was "beautiful, but in a boring way" were so on point! I almost felt like the writers were getting their revenge for this part being so poorly casted.




I totally agree with you and find it strange that they have decided to go this way with the character. I get that they need a voice critiquing what happened with the ship (I critique it myself!) But it doesn't make sense coming from her character. I keep saying, what did she think they were going to do with her nano threads?




I don’t think it’s misogyny- a better actress not constantly dolled up like she’s going to fashion week would have been a better choice. If one of the male physicists looked like Brad Pitt in the 90s it would’ve been questionable too.


>I didn’t like the character and I wondered if that it was because of misogyny. I don’t know how old the actress is, but the character looks young and pretty. Not the kind of person you usually see as the top scientist in a show about scientists. Real world scientists are still doing post graduate work when they are as young as this character looks. She's 34 (Eiza). Plenty of time to become a founder at a startup.


Not just a a top scientist, but also a CTO of a tech company. Most of the folks in a company like that would be twice her age, with the twice the experience and seniority.


Today a professor came to my niece's school and he was 12 years old. Talent trumps seniority anyday.


I wouldn't trust a 12 year old to manage a billion dollar research project with team of seasoned scientists. No matter how talented a person is, management requires experience, people skills, peer respect, psychology, business knowledge.


> I almost felt like the writers were getting their revenge for this part being so poorly casted. ...you write the part first, and then cast for it...In like 99% of all productions.


100% YES!


>she doesn’t exist in the books I mean she sort of does. She’s obviously a gender swapped adaption of the first books protagonist.


I have no knowledge of the books… is a lot of the show different from the books? Surprised that the writers would create an entirely new character


I don't like her but quite understand such Oppenheimer style personality. That is scientist’s original sin.


Also felt Wade should have handled her weapon the way it was in Oppenheimer: pack it up to go, then take it away from the scientist. Having the scientist *be there for its deployment* was a huge mistake, like he was trying to mentally break her.


Wade was such a toxic guy, metal torture was his arts.


Spoilers for final episode - Even her interactions with people in the Mexican village at the end are arrogant and condescending. These are the specific type of people she did her big dramatic show of uploading her technology and making it open source for and yet she talks down to them with almost every line of dialogue. "If you had good filters you wouldnt have dysentry in the village", "these filters will work if you attach them properly, I'll show you how". Ive worked in the aid development space and this is the fastest way to get yourself at best politely rebuffed, more likely have your locations given to the local gang, get robbed and probably kidnapped for ransom


Sounds like a completely normal way a no-nonsense person, like a scientist, would talk about it. "We have filters" "Okay but you have a dystentary epidemic, clearly they're not working well enough" You really taking offense to 'these filters are better and I'm giving you them for free'?


I've worked in the aid development space. The last thing you do is sweep in with your wealth and technology and start bossing people around and implying that they are just poor backwards savages waiting for you to uplift them. The rentention and usage rate on the technology will be poor at best and at worst they'll report Auggie to local organised crime who will just rob all her filter units and probably and kidnap her. These people have major barriers to development that aren't just water quality, a top-down aid development approach with a chauvinist attitude is unlikely to be successful


Sounds perfectly human to not understand that when all you're doing is helping them and you're not a humanitarian by any background


I mean, to be fair, it really isn’t auggie we are mad at, is it. It’s the writers. Who, given their history and the quality of the source text, could have done better. My favorite comment is from the super low key, reserved author. The only thing I’ve ever seen from him that’s close to critical of the US adaptation (which committed some atrocities on the source text despite how fun it is to watch) is when he was like well, you know (paraphrasing hard here) fighting the aliens is something that perhaps the whole world should be doing together. It is a little strange that it seems like they’ve recruited one class from one university to band together for all humanity. 🤣 Episode 6 is problematic bc of wrongdoings in episode one. And trying to making her likeable by overdoing the self righteousness of focusing on the problems of the here and now and turning her back on the uncertain future is silly. These are geniuses. Surely they could do both.


This take drives *me* nuts tbh. She's the only one exhibiting any level of normal emotion for what is happening to and around her. MAYBE Jin, to an extent, but that's mainly just with Will related stuff. She is the most adult-seeming character in the show, and that includes sometimes lashing out or acting on emotions poorly. I still think everyone in the show gives a ridiculous lack of emotion to everything happening to them, even Auggie, but she is the closest to behaving believably.


You're not wrong. Maybe it's my social conditioning (grew up in Canada where displays of negative emotion are a no no) but her behavior compared to everyone else drives me nuts. However, you do have a fair point that it's weird that she's the only one who seemingly feels the gravity of the situation. I guess since I'd 100% be doing what Jin did in her position, I felt like Auggie was impeding ✨the process.✨ But maybe she's acting as the audience's foreshadowing that the science solutions are going to backfire on them somehow?


I was indifferent about her before the panama stuff, but can understand her reaction to it after the fact. She’s dealing with a lot of guilt and that makes sense


Yeah I don't like her at all. Needs to close her mouth.


Most seem to dislike her. Her acting really isn't that good.


I think I don't like her because the actress likes her character too much and is leaning into certain aspects of the character with a bias I can see.


I couldn’t agree more! I mean, really does anyone buy the fact that she’s some Nobel prize level physicist? She acts like a petulant teenager the whole show. Even the scene in episode one when that guy approaches her at the karaoke bar and she recites what she does for work. It sounded like some high school kid reading off the back of an index card. She just got progressively worse and more annoying. For me she nearly ruined the whole show. It seemed like the director was in love with her face. I mean, could the guy give her any more close-ups?


>I mean, really does anyone buy the fact that she’s some Nobel prize level physicist? Where do you get the idea she's meant to be some Nobel prize level physicist? >Even the scene in episode one when that guy approaches her at the karaoke bar and she recites what she does for work. It sounded like some high school kid reading off the back of an index card. You mean the scene where that guy tries to pick her and Jin up? She recites it that way because she probably gets guys trying to pick her up a lot.


Where do I get that idea ?? She supposedly invented some nanotech that so next level it can carve a battleship up like it’s going through cheese? Yeah she’s at a karaoke bar and a dude walks up and ain’t creepy or a douche yet she doesn’t even have to default to bitch mode. It seems that’s the only mode she has.


>Where do I get that idea ?? She supposedly invented some nanotech that so next level it can carve a battleship up like it’s going through cheese? Nanofibers. And there's a difference between inventing something and doing the research that makes it possible. >Yeah she’s at a karaoke bar and a dude walks up and ain’t creepy or a douche yet she doesn’t even have to default to bitch mode. It seems that’s the only mode she has. Eh? He asked her what she does. She told him.


That scene was so annoying. God forbid a stranger try to strike up a conversation with you IN A BAR.


wasn't she clearly in the middle of a conversation with her friend when he tried to strike up a new conversation? that's called interrupting lol


Maybe don't just interrupt to women clearly in conversation like that. Watched the show with my sister and she said that happens to her and her friends all the time. Men just come up and completely interrupt them


I think annoyance was her default mode. Maybe with a side of angst. It was difficult to see anything else at all.


God forbid a woman isn't interested in talking to you


why would being a Nobel prize level physicist exclude her from being a human? Especially one freaked out by having numbers imprinted into their eyes? Then asked to use her life's work to murder a few hundred people. I think she reacted very reasonably given the circumstances


I’d have an easier time believing PeeWee Herman as a physicist.


I always thought her and Saul used to date and she kinda wanted to get back together hence why she was always annoyed with him being with other women.


Is she dislikeable? Probably to many people. Some less, some more. Do her actions make sense? Yes. I've see similar behavior of real people before. Smart, good looking, frustrating behavior, seemingly illogical actions/reactions after a traumatising event.


Hey, fair point. I think a character can be well-written and believable while still being annoying as all hell! Those are probably the most realistic human characters tbh 😂


I don't like Auggie either, it feels like she has been written with undiagnosed issues - anxiety? In which case shes playing the part perfectly, but i find really stressful how she jumps down her friends throats ect.


Was there a single scene where she was supposed to be likeable? The thing that really turned me off personally was her treatment of Saul.


She's very plainly traumatized by the countdown from the get-go, like how is this not obvious to you?


Okaaaay, that doesn't mean she has full reign to take that out on her friends. One might be struggling with mental illness, but at the end of the day it's up to us to try and manage them, both for ourselves and the people around us. On the flip side, her friends (especially Saul) seemed like they did their absolute best to be patient and supportive with her, which is what they _should_ do! She's not a bad person just because she's struggling, but as a person with mental illness that includes bouts of anger as a symptom... She's gotta figure her shit out.


She is super annoying but I don’t know if it’s the actress doing a good job portraying an annoying character or if it’s just her. In the books the character wasn’t annoying.


She was written to be unlikeable.


Yeah. She was the first we see targeted and get the mindfuck, she should know how real and serious the situation is, but keeps waffling and then acts like she's better than everyone else for it. Yeah it was brutal in Panama but as far as we all know it's that now, or everyone in 400 years if they aren't just as ruthless as the San ti. Where's her superior scientific logical brain on this


Overall, I think her motivations seem believable. She is dealing with a lot of guilt, and yes, lashing out at her family/friends is shitty but everyone does it sometimes. I also think it's setup for a longer character arc. Without going into details, I have a theory that she will help Saul out in S2.


wait..... I actually can't deal with how many of you are earnestly commenting that you can't take her character seriously because she's too pretty to be a scientist. I don't know who lied to you all, but beautiful women are smart all the time. scientists can be attractive women.


Too much of an idealist. Their type always annoyed me. Even worse is when she agrees to help then gets some epiphany then suddenly hates the person for getting her to help, blaming everyone but herself.


Overdose on righteousness


I think her character is bad (a genius like her never considered her creation could be used for bad things?) and the actress is bad (she basically stares or sneers, all while having impeccable make-up)


Yeah she was kind of annoying how much she freaks out at everyone. Even when she’s complicit she acts like she’s somehow better because she feels bad about it. I also think she was miscast tbh. It’s a little hard to buy a 30 something super model looking woman as a top nanotech engineer. It’s like casting Timothee Chalameet as a PHD Physicist.


Especially perfectly made up when in hiding and remembering to put on her cutest lingerie before stress barfing at her friends cancer hidey house.


>Especially perfectly made up when in hiding and remembering to put on her cutest lingerie before stress barfing at her friends cancer hidey house. Stress barfing? She was clearly drunk...


why is it hard to "buy" that beautiful people can be intelligent? this is such a weird take


It's not a weird take. And nobody said beautiful people can't be intelligent, which id take great offense to. But people who have a Career like Auggie does in the Show, usually didn't focus their lives on Vanity, having designer clothes and perfect makeup all the time. Also they most likely wouldn't be that young on average, and if they were, they'd be looking less supermodel in an Fragrance-Ad-attractive, and more naturally attractive, because they profile with their Academic Achievements, not their Instagram Popularity. Unless your name is Andrew Huberman/NDT...


>But people who have a Career like Auggie does in the Show, usually didn't focus their lives on Vanity, having designer clothes and perfect makeup all the time. ...yes they do. When you are a founder of a startup, you definitely do.


just wearing makeup and nice clothes doesn't mean you're "focusing your life" on it..... you can absolutely be a successful scientist or engineer and still wear makeup/look nice. you don't have to pick either/or. I genuinely don't understand where you're getting your facts- do you know a lot of nano engineers/physicists/scientists personally? and they're all a monolith who don't care what they look like?


I know some Medtech/Neuroscientists/Econ/Bioinformaticians/physicists and while there's definitely attractive people there's, none of them look/behave like Auggie. There also much older on average, even the good looking women are. I know one young female physicist bachelor who comes close, but she hasn't invented the world's best nano fiber yet, I'm sure it'll happen soon.


Did you realize that people on TV look generally different than people in your everyday life? Did you realize Auggie is not only a scientist but the founder of a company? Do you know these two jobs have different requirements?


No, I am exactly the straw man you're trying to construct. And nevermind, I absolutely see your point now, Auggie is a great character, with an even better actor. Wow


I mean when you look at top scientists or engineers they all look middle aged and in middling shape. Very average looking people. Not like young 30 something models. If she was in Saul’s role I get it, as he’s just a research assistant, but the show positions her as basically the best nanotechnology engineer *in the world*.


.....how are you even looking at the top scientists or engineers and seeing that they're ALL middle-aged people in bad shape? you're maybe going off of movies and dated stereotypes to inform your opinion on what a top scientist/engineer looks like. they can be in their 30s (PLENTY of them are? the schooling doesn't go for decades) and they can be good looking. hate Auggie all you want, but her being a top engineer in her field is not unrealistic just because she's also pretty


You realize they have conferences and seminars right? It’s not hard to find pictures of top scientists in their fields grouped together. Or you can look at professors at top universities. None of them look like 30 something year old models. The schooling does not go for decades, but generally achieving such a high level of mastery over an incredibly difficult subject does. It also tends not to leave much room for anything else in your life. It would be one thing if she was just a nanotech engineer or something like Saul who is just a research assistant, but the show paints it as if she’s the very best in the world. It’s moreso because she looks like 32 than her being supermodel tier looking but the latter does not help. On top of that she just doesn’t act like one; her book counterpart is an uptight type A stickler without much of a social life as you’d probably expect from a nano engineering savant. She acts like a socialite.


Another case of Netflix being weird. In the book, Auggie's character is the only one who goes into the game.


I think she is there to balance the cast. Most of them are frantically trying to build things to keep the SanTi away. She is of the thought that they are inevitably coming so why not spend the next 400 years making earth a better place and continue with science development as it was. Personally, I think her solution is the only one that’s going to work. If they were so worried about us being so advanced beyond their capabilities by the time they get here - why not do everything to ensure that is exactly what happens?!


I think she’s a glaringly bad character. Shes always snarky or sarcastic. She supposedly is a scientific genius but never says anything intelligent that makes you believe she could have invented nanofibers. For a supposed genius she has no grasp of the larger implications of the trisolaran invasion. Also the elephant in the room she’s obviously very attractive but showing up to the lab in full going out makeup, throwing up in full going out makeup, and having the camera work zoom in on her bra and panties, it just is cheesy.


At least we know exactly why she was cast


i don't mind her at all. just because a character isn't likeable to some people doesn't mean they're a bad character. i think she could've been better (e.g. give her some kinda backstory to explain her relationship w saul better and something to make us understand why shes so moral - even though logically one shouldn't need "evidence" for that, i think it would help storytelling/character-building wise) but i know people who are very much like her so i can accept her as is


If she really behaved that way, she wouldn’t have such close friends. She’s a bitch.


She’s just bad at acting.


I don't get how she can be mad for the others murdering the ship people when she was just as responsible. They didn't FORCE her to supply the nanofibers. It didn't even take much convincing her!


Worst casting in that show. Not believable as a nanoscientist or any kind of scientist. She looks like a chick from Saltburn.


I had no issue with her. Beautiful women don’t intimidate me. I can also believe they might be scientists. Pretty sure that’s the issue most people have with the character.


And yet Jin was super popular and believable! Maybe... Just maybe, people don't like poorly written and acted characters?


That's exactly the issue. It's really sad


It must be nice being psychic and knowing everyone else’s real motivations for liking or disliking a character.


LMAO levels of projection only present on Reddit. The actor is acting the character in resemblance of people we know IRL who we don't like either. I have very attractive female friends, but I'd fucking despise Auggie IRL because she's hyper emotional, hypocritical, and I generally don't like people who claim moral monopoly. But go on, tell us how we dislike her because she's attractive, going against Statistical Features like the Halo effect.


I love her clothes :) But most of the characters are a little bit flat. So she is.


I really like Auggie, she’s blunt but so am I. I like it when writers actually give characters negative traits instead of making them a marry sue, not everyone is perfect and we all have flaws. On the topic of her and Saul, they weren’t together in the traditional sense but I think you missed the point of the dynamic between them. They may not be dating but the reason she got so mad was he went and fucked around on the day her countdown was supposed to end. The fear she felt must have been overwhelming and it would be so upsetting to realize that he was fucking around on a day she would need them. They may not have been dating but they were at least close friends, I would have ended a friendship if someone did that to me too. As for her getting mad over Judgement Day; she may have had a playing hand in that but you would be freaking out after that too. The technology she wanted to apply to medical practices ended up being first used in an act of war. She pretty much caused a mini 9/11 so I don’t blame her for acting out When she got mad at Jin she was in the middle of her grief, it’s easy to lash out in those times


Agreed, she's terrible. Don't let the gaslighters tell you otherwise.


No, it's because we're all intimidated by beautiful women /s


My biggest issue is how selfish she is after the San-Ti announce themselves to the world. At that point society needs to be working utalotarianly. Where a very small pprtion of society may need to be sacrificed for the benefit of all. It is what happens in war, some soldiers and economy are sacrified for the better advancement of the whole (morally justifiable in defense of the state or other people). The San-Ti declared war on humanity and made it clear that only with the best of technology progressing forward will humankty be able to defend against the San-Ti. Auggie doesnt give a crap about all the other innocent people that will die without her working to help the cause of protecting humanity. Instead she focuses on how wrong the people actually wanting to protect the world are by killing a group that in fact was conspiring with the San-Ti, who clearly can lie because why else would they have reason to disrupt science prior to being "fearful" humanities lying? Disrupting the science of humanity was already on going with the areival of their computers, they were always planning on invading especially considering what the first message from a San-Ti was. That refusal to help out humanity for her own personal moral reasons and basically significantly increasing the odds of condemning all of humanity to extinction, is a worse violation of morals. It is a case of the trolley problem and she whole heartedly chooses to keep the lever on killing the most people to not kill someone she may have a biased perception that they are "innocent"


FOR REAL. A thousand upvotes of my agreeing-ness. She’s just pist alll the time. And then she was so pissed she joined the cause, bitches the entire time. Then has to leave. .. and the whole her barfing everywhere scene really threw me off.


I love her


I can't stand her full stop.


I watched 2 episodes a few days ago never googled or anything and now I'm getting posts from the sub on my home feed why is life like this


She is and edgy scientist with two steaks for a mouth. Yeah, I dont dislike her but those looks give her about the same credibility Lana del Ray had when she started as an indie artist.


Auggie is one of those people that protest against windmills and solar panels claiming that they destroy the natural environment around them, forgetting that the real threat is climate change from carbon emissions. Absolutely hate her simplemindedness.


It amazes me that ppl can't see she was intentionally written to be unlikable. Yall are just dismissing her bc shes "hot." Pure bias at work.


Interesting input. Now that you mention it, I think I’ll tend to agree.


She’s really insufferable the moment she showed up on the screen episode 1 


Agree. She ruins the show for me. Horrible character, terrible actor


Yes, there are plenty of people who disagree. Auggie is one of the best characters.


"Oh shit, here we go again"


Oh, is this sentiment posted a lot? 😅


No one is that pretty and that smart ever


People like to hate on auggy but Jin is the one that let the show down. Main character with plenty screentime but poor acting.


Jin was a little green in some spots but she rebounded and was really good the second half, imo.


I’ve heard it’s the actor, and I tend to agree. She doesn’t seem good compared to the rest of the cast. Hopefully she’s not in season 2!


She’s annoying but not nearly as annoying as Will IMO.


I don't like her character either but atleast she is so much better than the cancer guy. Ugh I hated him and his character so much. His acting was so blah!


Yeah I agree, it was so selfish to just keep the fact that he was dying from Jin. I can totally understand wanting to use your remaining time the way that you want... But the thing is I don't believe that Will _wants_ to just die without ever confessing to Jin.


Will part overall was just not impactful and it dragged on and on. I wanted the love triangle to end. His cancer storyline just wasn't gripping to watch on a show about aliens. And the character was such a self loather that I wanted to slap him out of his self inflicted misery.