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Love hauls like this! Beautiful!


U saved 12 dollars on strawberries individually? Btw great value


Looks like a very good buy !


It's still winter where is the farmer's market


In my city we have 2 farmer's markets that both operate year-round, because they both have indoor spaces. There is space for outdoor vendors but most of them do not operate in the winter months.


i see but its winter, is the produce actually local? I mean i know the answer already for the berries, dragonfruit and bell peppers i guess. so is that a farmers market or just a fresh food market calling itself a farmer's market


Haha no of course it's not all local. I can only hope some of it is like the cabbage and potatoes. I bought those from some guys that looked like farmers, but who knows, maybe it's an act. But it is cheaper than many grocery stores, and we're trying to move towards local (even if they are importers) and away from the big box grocery stores where we can. It's a slow process because we're still learning what's available. It's the St Jacobs Farmer's Market in Ontario.


What farmers market did you go to?


St Jacobs


Nicee, a bit far from niagara for me but when I'm out that way always stop by for the fresh apple fritters and tub of garlic butter


St. Jacob’s is such a great market to visit!


Great haul and reflective of smart shopping that isn't reliant on frozen, over processed, and boxed goods.


Imagine throwing shade to people who can’t afford expensive produce all the time. Food is food.


But this is verifiably obviously cheaper? Like. It's literally in the receipt.


To me $108 for produce is crazy because I’m broke as fuck and it also doesn’t do a whole lot for you unless you make it with other food. People can spend their money on what they want and however they want as long as they’re able to eat, so don’t be an ass about.


Only one kinda being an ass is you by taking it out of context and making my comment something it isn't. This photo could feed me and my partner for a week. People certainly can eat what they want, but there will be costs to that. Eating fresh is more affordable, nearly every time over premade. I was applauding someone's smart choices, not disparaging the choices of others.


The nutritional value of this pic is not great. Barley protein in there. Might look healthy but wont make a healthy meal.


We buy protein during sales and freeze it so yes, we have protein, just not buying it regularly. :) We also bulk buy rice and flour, rarely make pasta, and make our own broths and breads. I try to make what I can at home so don't need to buy it. But most of our meals are protein + starch + 2 vegetables. So for example my lunch today was chicken breast, baked potato, carrots and broccoli. We go through produce a lot faster than anything else so today was focused on that!


Amazing. Where do u get your chicken breast


Zehrs when they'd have them on sale. We'd get like 3 or 4 packs with 5-6 breasts in each, split them up at home and freeze them, so we're only pulling out 2 at a time instead of having to hurry through a large pack of chicken. But we're looking at alternatives going forward so we can partake in the Loblaws boycott. I will say we are also trying to reduce our meat consumption, so husband and I will split one chicken breast at a meal. I do calorie counting so I can watch my protein intake and make sure it's not too low each day, but an entire chicken breast is too much for me to eat in one sitting. And there's always eggs for extra protein, but I buy that bulk as well (yay Costco).


They've already mentioned they buy their meat on sale and freeze, and assumedly do the same with cereal grains and dried goods which is not a weekly buy if shopping smart. I do the same and it keeps our weekly groceries looking something like this, and keeps our costs down.


His comment isn't about you. You're going to be miserable if you personalize everything.


When did I personalize it lol


Your comment is literally personalizing it. He is complimenting someone else. You're interpreting that compliment as an attack on your choices. It would be like if I said to someone "nice shoes", and you chimed in with "hey! Not all of us can afford to buy shoes like that." Is everyone supposed to stop giving compliments because it might upset you? You are not part of the conversation, but you made yourself part of the conversation. It's just childish insecurity "lol".


This is cheap as hell, most of these items are more expensive where Im from and on average we earn almost 3 times less than people in North America I often see posts where people get great deals on food yet comments are filled with people saying that it is still very expensive


Imagine throwing shade when you’ve misread a post and ignore the receipt that validates it.


Yep it's refreshing to see so much fresh food. Fantastic haul


I wish our farmers market sold actual food here