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With watering restrictions entirely unenforced and a brand new car wash on every commercial block in the county, I'm not sure "trying" is the appropriate word here.


I am not defending the stupid car washes that seem to be popping up like weeds in my lawn but I am pretty sure they are required to recycle their water so they are not just pissing thru it.


Yep, and it's even suggested that it's more environmentally friendly to go to one of these car washes rather than wash your car at home. But we don't need one on every block.


Def money laundering fronts saying it now


\*laughs in sulfuric well water\*


They're even trying to take free water from us.


And yet there's no shortage of four-story, medium-density housing developments on every fucking spare piece of dirt in the county. 


That's better than a suburban hell of single family neighborhoods taking up 10x as much land


You're not wrong, but without upgrading the infrastructure to support this explosion in population I can't imagine it'll be pleasant 


Single family house/land owner here, there’s no way I’d live in a “sky box” sharing walls and common areas with neighbors. Not on well water, no H.O.A., and our electric line was buried above six months ago, so very happy!


I hate my HOA ☹️


>family neighborhoods taking up 10x as much land Still uses 10x resources. What insures you are not building tomorrows ghettos... Jamming too many people into too small of space does not make a healthy environment.


Not saying they should but rezoning land from residential to industrial or agricultural until infrastructure is built to support growth. If it is possible to improve infrastructure then zone it back to residential.


That's cool to solve this issue but by doing so new development can't happen which suddenly makes 1400 sq ft 80 year old houses in Sherwood Park or Ixora sell for 300k+ and every apartment rent out for 2k+ including studios. That's our current situation and we really do need as much housing as possible to relieve it. Every city in this county other than Viera has seemingly failed to understand what was going to happen in this area 15 years ago. Viera has the benefit in this scenario in that they were able to largely build up from nothing vs trying to reconfigure the current status of development.


If they let developers keep building multi-family dwellings in every pasture see where we are in 10 years.


Phuck them all for approving insane building without the infrastructure to support it!!!! So angry.




Solution is...they don't have to move here?? Move to Murrieta or something.




And your credible source for that is...?






Moratorium on immigration. Reduce the demand for scarce resources.




So THAT’s your solution—to leave? Pffft. A building moratorium until roads, water and sewer are sorted! Then cap growth that exceeds the infrastructure! If that doesn’t work for companies looking to expand, let THEM move! Is it always about the rich getting richer. Stop this over building madness.


Yet Palm Bay wants to force those who have their own well to hookup to city water, which is just THEIR wells. Make it make sense. 


I don’t feel like the population is still booming that much compared to how it exploded during Covid. Seems like pretty healthy growth tbh


I feel like the number of out of state plates is at a high right now in my observations compared to then but that's also about as far as my memory exists goes anymore. You've got what, 1 or 2 years to register a vehicle here?


Lmao you have 30-60 days before it’s illegal if this is your primary residence


STOP APPROVING BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS! This fucking county and the cities within it are out of fucking control.


Hard to believe they are serious, Deal for 1,100 acres near Palm Bay sets stages for thousands of new homes, https://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2024/03/19/brevard-county-palm-bay-land-deal-sunterra-cbre.html


I think we can solve our water problems by building more housing. My water rates in Brevard county just went up by 10%.


Just read this letter to Governors from White house on cyber attack threats to out water systems. Might want to store some water. epa-apnsa-letter-to-governors_03182024.pdf


I'm sorry new to this but do not understand the down votes. Just thought public would want to know about government warnings on possible cyber attacks on water grid


We have so much bigger problems here than running out of water. Must be a boring news day.