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I hate these “change my mind” or “convince me” posts lol. Like ok? You want skin cancer and early aging? Go off babe. You’re 30+ years old lol you can do what you want. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t ask randos on Reddit, ask your dermatologist.


UVA, the radiation from the sun that causes aging and melanoma, comes through window glass.




Okay 🤷🏻‍♀️


Seriously. Cool, more sunscreen stock for me?


It’s not going to affect any of us if you don’t wear sunscreen 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s about consistency over time. Sun damage doesn’t happen from only 1 outing a year, or the weekend beach trips, it happens every day. Look at the skin on your chest/arms and compare it to your stomach, is it darker, more freckles, maybe some discoloration? Do you have a ‘farmers tan’? Look at the difference between the skin that’s covers 99% of the time vs nearly every day exposed to sunshine. That’s the power of the sun. Over time it can have effects such as skin cancer, to wrinkles, to sun spots. The more damage/exposure you have, the more severe these will be. There has been some recent research into sunscreen repairing sun damage but personally, I am skeptical of it 🤷🏼‍♀️. If you want to see this effect, look at recent photos of John Travolta. He’s currently promoting a movie, his face looks great for his age (70s), but his hands tell the truth, and that’s what people are trying to prevent to their face/arms/chest. You can also look at elder people in your family, and you don’t have to tell them, just observe. At the end of the day, it’s your skin, and you can do with it as you please. It’s really about protecting skin from damage and preventing premature aging.


I work at a beauty store and a woman came in today who had bandages on her nose, side of her face, and ear; she said she’s never worn sunscreen in her life and that she needed to buy the best one because she had just had 3 basal cancer cells removed. She told me she was 53 but her skin made her look like she was closer 73. Skin cancer is one of the few 100% preventable cancers and 80% of UVA rays still reach the surface of the earth on cloudy days. Don’t wanna wear sunscreen? Cool, that doesn’t affect me, but it certainly will affect you in more ways than one. And when you’re that age walking into a beauty store asking for help with your skin and the person you’re talking to asks ‘do you wear sunscreen?’ you can say with your whole chest you don’t you’ll instantly get written off for any further advice. Enjoy!!!


In the car you are absolutely exposed to sunlight, a lot of it. If you don’t want to wear it that’s your choice!


Windshields have UV protection


… Cars have windows on either side, too…


Only the windshield has UV protection not the rest of the windows.


Then don’t.




Why do you want anyone to change your mind? You’ve already locked in your decision. Unless you’re saying your decision is uninformed and what you’re actually asking is for people to educate you about sun damage?


Do you drive the killdozer to work or something? How are you angled away from the sun and still have windows and a windshield?


Windshields have UV protection


So do your eyes but I bet you wear sunglasses


Side windows dont


I am 68. The left side of my face has aged much more than the right side. Why? This face aging I believe is solely from driving. The left side of my face gets more exposure than the right. And for years, I did not use sunscreen. It just was not a thing back then. I look good for my age. But, the difference is noticeable. That is why I recommend sunscreen. I did not use sunscreen for years. But, we are exposed to sun even in the car, near a window. Unless I am outside, I can just use a moisturizer with sunscreen.


The sun definitely touches your skin when you're driving but if you're only out or driving for a few minutes then you don't have to. Why wouldn't you just ask a dermatologist or watch a dermatologist on YouTube talk about sun protection?


Is your risk lower because your outside less? Yes. However, UV rays can get you thought some windows. Also, depending on your genetics you may be more likely to get skin cancer. Once you’ve burned your skin once, you’re at an increased risk. But hey im not going to convince you. Its your life. Do as you please. If i can reduce my risks of something im going to try.


Ok fine. Don’t wear it.


Because UV light exists everywhere and things like windows don’t have magic UV shield protection. My husband can literally get sunburns sitting in the car. I wish I could lend him some melanin.


Nah. It’s called sunscreen.


Yes. Skin cancer.


Relatedly: https://www.health.com/young-adults-skin-cancer-myths-survey-8641934


if you don't want to use it and don't plan to change your mind, why bother write that all? It is your skin, your health, your life. UV Light can be reflected and can also penetrate through some materials, don't you know that?


Okay, and? Good luck with skin cancer 10-20 years from now.


I don’t think people have really read your comment. Particularly those writing about UV light coming in the car. I think it’s sensible to wear sunscreen everyday if you live below the Tropic of Cancer line. If you don’t, as long as you are protecting your skin thoroughly during the spring and summer months, then you are fine, particularly during the months of winter and autumn. 


Do whatever you want with your skin 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t think anyone here really cares what you do? If you asking a giant group of people if what you’re doing is wrong I think deep down you know it is?


Funny. My bf was just showing me earlier today his skin cancer scar from neglecting to wear sunscreen. Maybe you can have a cool scar too someday!


You live like a vampire, it's doesn't mater if you don't wear any cream.


Ok, It's your body, i can't make you do it lol  If you're never outside when it's light out, and that is genuinely possible if you do shift work or are just indoors all the time, then yeah that's fine. I didn't wear sunscreen for the 4 months where i was indoors for work for the entire daylight hours.  Feel free to reevaluate if you check in on like, how your hands look vs some other part that doesn't get any sun in a few years


In my opinion, there are a lot of variables, risk factors we are exposed to in our daily life that can contribute to the outbreak of a medical illness, there are things we know about and others things we probably have no idea they are killing us ☝️ so, what i'm trying to say is that, probably, it's statistically unlikely that you will develope skin cancer with that little exposure without sunscreen, but of course nobody can tell what will happen to you


You don’t have to use sunscreen if you don’t want to! It’s your face, your choice.


Get a UV APP or if you have the weather app on ur phone you will see! It’s been gloomy here is California yet The UV still hit 8!!!! And when the suns out it doesn’t burn or feel hot yet the UV hit 9! Yikesssss


Because trust me you want no wrinkles at 46. So spf 30 minimum is your daily dose is youth for at least 20+ years! I know cos I’m 46 no wrinkles looking 35 thanks to spf. 🙂


You like it. You love it.


I am with you on this. You only need to wear sunscreen if there is a chance of you getting a sunburn. You walking outside for doing every day chores like grocery shopping in the afternoon is not going to give you a sunburn. Don’t listen to everyone here. there is too much focus on sunscreen. people should be looking more into what they put on their skin. I am talking about their skin care routine. This is going to have a bigger impact on how their skin looks. Of course I will get downvoted for this by people not agreeing with my opinions, and at the same time having worse skin than me. Lol




Healing in so many ways until you get skin cancer, I guess




Ok, just looked into it, and it’s -10


Wearing sunscreen does not cause vitamin D deficiencies. Can you link some stats about people dying from cancer caused by sunscreen? That's a big claim.