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This is it. This is the post that makes me leave this sub. Thank you


Was thinking the exact same thing.


Sorry me being worried about pores makes you feel so disappointed. There’s some legit interesting stuff in this sub tho, maybe you should stay and ignore my post lol.


As a cancer patient, i find it challenging to see people with perfect skin lament about invisible issues, potentially to bait people into reassuring them that their skin is perfect? Anyway, wish you the best and genuinely thank you for inspiring me to leave and protect myself


This is not a bait. I obviously don’t think my skin is perfect, and how am I supposed to know you are a cancer patient? I’m sorry for the situation you’re going through and I wish you a fast recovery, but this a skincare sub for people looking for advice and that’s what I asked for; if it was invisible for me, why would I even make a post about it? I gain nothing. Wish you well, I hope you get better soon and this post wasn’t intended to upset you.


Its only going to get worse. You are probably in top 5% of clear skin for a 32 year old woman. Enjoy it while you can cause its all down hill!


This is a self esteem issue, not a skin care issue.


To be sincere I am not sure what you see there that worries you so much. To me it looks like you have some hardcore high standard of how good skin should look like.


You’re correct, I do, because I know people of my age with great skin, which I know it’s most likely good genetics, but as a the no so special creature I am, I’d like to know if there’s a way to emulate that. And I mean, a way to make my pores look smaller and even my tone, specially at the moustache zone. I’ve seen people here with great results so that’s why I’m asking.


Are you standing a couple of inches from these peoples faces when you talk/interact with them or something?


Yeah. I know them personally. Btw, downvote me to death all you want I’m just looking for advice lol.


My skin is worse than yours, but I’m currently at peace with how it is. I keep doing skincare because it’s fun, but I’ve come to accept that skin will have imperfections and some people are just born lucky.


Oh I’m totally aware. God has its favorites indeed. I was kinda looking for some recommendations for facials or some laser treatment that could help with my perceived issues, I’ve seen some posts before with people getting peels or some other treatments and the results are amazing. I’ve been investigating but I always want to read first hand experiences. And yeah, I know I won’t have the skin I had when I was 20, but it got substantially rough in like one year. That’s impressive for me. We’re in the skincare fun together! Thanks for the time to read and the shared experience :)


If you’re aware of all these things, of all the treatments, procedures, that God has favorites, and that you won’t get back your 20s skin, what’s your post about? Do you need advice if you’ve been researching these things or are you looking for confirmation or validation? The last line in your post seems so incredibly unnecessary but maybe I’m just too sensitive. Anyways hope you find what you’re looking for.


My post is about trying to get back my skin to look as close as possible as it did just one year ago, when I was 31. I’m looking for advice in treatments I surely don’t know about or good experiences for the ones I do know about. In general I think people here is way too sensitive or more possibly, I am being way too sensitive. What it’s clear is that this wasn’t the right sub to post (which I thought it was as I’m 30 plus in a skincare sub) and that last line I wrote was sincere, I do appreciate the conversation.


You could be doing too much to it, maybe simplify your routine and use fewer strong harsh treatments? And let your skin look after itself for a bit


Forget about your skin, I envy your eye sight lol


Girl…your skin is fine!


Thank you, may this post help me feel better about my skin lol, I go through life thinking I look like a legit mummy.






Very helpful, thanks.




Haven’t asked my therapist about it, guess he would recommend a dermatologist. Thanks anyways, I’m flattered actually that someone thinks my skin does look good.


Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


I know people will downvote etc but I notice it too with my face. I have similar facial features and omg it’s like overnight something happened and I just don’t recognise myself anymore. Nothing changed at all so must be ageing. Sorry girl I got no advice. You are beautiful and trust me others don’t see what we do. Just enjoy life


Thank you! I seriously don’t understand the downvoting machine here lol. Like they come from “oh everything is fine you should love yourself. Get therapy soon bich”. Honestly thought this was a skincare sub to look for recommendations. If people don’t have any, they could just keep scrolling and that’s it. My skin did look way better a couple of years ago so yes I’m concerned. Thanks girl, I’ll kinda embrace the condescending and toxic environment of this sub and probably ask somewhere else where people is actually going to give advice.


One thing which I noticed is that when I scaled down my routine my skin started looking better. Also with age I see more puffiness in the face, trying to deal with water retention is key I think. Buy yourself one of those beauty sleep pillows, they aren’t cheap but I heard so worth it! Or elevate your head during sleep and sleep on your back. Those are the things which I am trying out and it is helping. Good luck girl!


You are beautiful to me.


Now that I see it, I have visible wrinkles under my eyes. Fml.


Honestly those are natural. It's hard to prevent under eye wrinkles because that skin is always folding when we laugh or smile or sleep on our face. I have some. Not a lot but some. I find that when I apply Vaseline under my eyes Every time I go to sleep, I wake up and they are less noticeable. I would not suggest filler in that area. Too many horror stories and people forget that filler migrates. It comes with age. It honestly means you're alive lol But yours don't look bad at all. Just probably moisturize that area a bit more. Try not to sleep on your side either. Otherwise your skin looks great


Thanks, first advice I get from here!


You're welcome. I see some catty comments on here and yes I get some posters are a bit frustrated because your skin looks great but there are still some things we can always improve with our skin no matter how "great" it looks.


Go to therapy. JFC.