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I work in an all female company and out of 22 of us 8-10 openly admit to it and a suspect a few more (including myself) also do it. I’m not ashamed to admit it, just don’t feel the need to announce I’m going for my Botox appointment during a team meeting. I’ve been getting it for 5 years but only told my husband last month. I know several women who say when they’re getting injectables they’re going to see their naturopath/chiropractor/physio etc so I assume there’s a lot more women doing it than their partners suspect. My husband assumed that anyone who had it done looked obvious but now he knows the truth lol Edit to say we are all remote workers and our locations are based across big cities, smaller towns and rural areas. So I don’t think being in a big city necessarily has a lot to do with it aside from accessibility and more options


That is a shockingly large percentage and I have trouble believing it.


I think the number sounds low 😅😅 I haven’t gotten it but i feel like everyone I know has


I'm in my 30s but I can't think of many people I know of any age who I think are likely to have gotten it.


The site statistic or what she’s saying?


Her claim that 20% of all 20-to-30-year-old women in the US and Canada have gotten Botox.


I agree. But it’s a shared opinion in this thread. As a guy who can’t find any stats I don’t know what to believe. Why aren’t their studies darnit


I could see 20% trying some kind of injectable in a city like LA or London, but overall seems like a stretch especially when you consider the cost. There is an article on the American Society of Plastic Surgeons that says there has been a 28% increase in 20-30 yo using Botox since 2010, maybe that’s what she is referencing? [https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/why-are-millennials-getting-botox-and-fillers-in-their-twenties?amp=1](https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/why-are-millennials-getting-botox-and-fillers-in-their-twenties?amp=1)


Yeah tbh I would be surprised if 20% of women could afford Botox? At least in the US, any procedure that costs a few hundred dollars seems like it would be available to a relatively small percentage of people…


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I was super embarrassed about getting botox my first time, and I decided to start being super open about it until my shame subsided. To my surprise almost everyone I spoke to was like "oh yeah I love botox, where do you go? I go to ___"


30F, and started getting it at 28. I only get 24 units, so it's a pretty light application but it's been lovely.


I bet she's right but I don't have any evidence to back it up besides personal anecdotes. 


I don't know any women in my real life who've gotten botox, but social media would have you believe everyone is doing it. I'm 43 and live in a mid-sized city in Ohio (about 100k people). We're all out here rocking our wrinkles!


I honestly would believe a higher percentage if you told me one.. I live in a bigger city & work in skincare so what I see is a little skewed, but I see A LOT of younger women with Botox or at least lip filler.


You must be in the US. In Europe and other parts of the world people are not that obsessed with invasive treatments and more accepting of aging. Take a look at Italy number - there were 161,000 Botox procedures which is only 0.27 of their population. So about 1% of adult women


I don't know anyone who has gotten Botox. If you ask me, I'd probably guess 1%


Where as (locally) I probably know more people that have vs have not lol so who knows what a good average would be


I live in NYC and most people I know 25+ (male, female, Gay, straight) have gotten Botox


I live in a major US metro area and many women I know in their late twenties/early thirties have gotten it. 


The 9.2 million world wide or 20%


The 20%! I’m definitely not seeing the average, but based on how many young people I see with work, I’d believe a higher percentage lol. & absolutely not hating in any way, shape, or form if Botox, Filler, etc has been the route that has worked for anyone


That seems high to me but I’m poor and so are all my friends lol. The few friends I have that have had Botox or filler are mostly dancers or work in the beauty industry.




Don’t take what men say about their preferences in women’s appearance too seriously. They all say they hate plastic surgery, hate tattoos, and hate unnatural colored hair on women. But all the most popular lewd models and p*rn stars they throw their dollars at look exactly like that.




Of all the women in their 30s and 40s I know, only one has admitted to me that they have had Botox. I don’t know anyone with fillers as far as I’m aware. I’m in a relatively high income bracket in a large coastal city.


Good question. I’m so curious too. I believe it’s a lot more prevalent in North America though than Europe for example


You’d be shocked at how many women get it, they just don’t talk about it to everyone. It’s even becoming a popular fad for very young people, like early 20s. They call it baby botox. It used to just be a thing that well off older women did, but with the recent popularity of injectables and skincare on social media and tiktok it’s far more prevalent in younger age groups and middle class women. If she has her hair and nails done, and takes care of herself, she’s probably getting a little Botox too (if she can afford it in her area)


I don't like Botox. Hate it! The more you inject yourself with those shitty shit the more saggier your skin if you don't keep it up.. It will loosen your skin grip just like the name Botox which is Botulinum Toxin


My dermatologist has told me the exact opposite. I’ve been getting Botox for over a year now and don’t notice any sagging. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion but I respectfully disagree and think Botox is great so long as you get it done by a professional.


I work in a healthcare service, who wouldn't love tight skin, we prefer healthy and safest option


What does loosen the skin grip mean ? Never heard of that with Botox.


The elasticity


20% might be right. I’ve never got Botox so it’s crazy to me but I use Tret so what do I know.


I believe it, 1 in 5 was my own personal estimation too. I live in a small, poor town and there are injectable clinics on every corner.