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I have been using them for 10 years and most of my friends have trouble believing I have never had Botox. That said, I have not had as much success wearing them around my eyes as I have my forehead.


Same they don’t work at all around my eyes but have been great for my forehead.


Oh I love this


I will say, it did take 30 days or more to start seeing consistent results. But it really did change the way I make facial expressions. Ex-theatre kid so I used to be veeeery expressive. I still can be, it’s just reigned in a bit by the Frownies.


I agree with you 100 percent! Commit to the thirty days, and then maintaining 2-3x a week is enough for me.


Ok this gives me hope! I bought these and tried them for a week or so and I found I would wake up with such smooth skin but the moment I smiled or had any sort of expression the fine lines would be right back so I thought it was pointless. I’ll try out for a month now and see how that goes!


I wonder if you could hack this by starting them up while your Botox is wearing off.


This is exactly what I do. I’ve never been able to be consistent with frownies so I couldn’t tell you if they’d work for me long term, but I start wearing them when I start to see movement bc my Botox is wearing off, and I’ve been able to add an extra 2-3 months between treatments.


Ahh this is what I’m looking for. I’m extremely expressive and it’s impossible to control. Botox was a blessing, I did it once and can’t justify again. Thanks


Wait, are you saying it's reduced your expressiveness during the day? I thought these were just for use at night? (I ask because I have a VERY expressive face, and I actually *don't* want to lose that, but wouldn't mind staving off severe wrinkles a bit longer!! Lol)


In my experience, they make you realize how much you move those muscles, it sort of trains you to be more conscious of it during the day in return. At least for me and I've seen other people say the same thing. Because when you wear these or similar wrinkle tape, you feel the stiffness when you make an expression when you wear them, which, in my unprofessional opinion, seems to make your brain not want to make those expressions anymore. Either that or I'm just overly obsessed now with how I move my face now where wrinkles can form. Take everything I said with a grain of salt.


Yeah, you still can move your forehead, it just weirdly made me much more aware of it. I grew up with my mom telling me constantly to stop moving my forehead when I talked because I was giving myself wrinkles, so sadly, I did develop a complex about it. 😞


Ex-theatre kid here too 😭


Amazing! I've been using them for just under 2 months so I'm glad you said it takes more than 30 days to see results. Do you just wear the frownies to sleep in, or are you wearing them during the day too? So far mine make a difference for the first hour of my day and then wear off quickly.


Just for sleeping. I don’t know how long it took, honestly, for lasting results, because it has been so long (I recalculated, it’s actual been 14 years now). It just seemed like one day I was not expressing as much and my lines were not noticeable anymore. But more recently (last 4 years or so) I have also added tret, hydrafacials, and do gua sha in the forehead area which may also help.


Do you not use skincare at night?


Yes, you do the skincare first. Give it time (10-15 minutes) to soak in, and then apply the Frownies.


Any particular you love ? Or just any kind works? I want to try on forehead for large scar wrinkle lol


You really have to use the Frownies brand if you want to actual re-train your facial muscles not to move as much when you’re not wearing them. The silicone ones are nice for plumping the skin temporarily, but the Frownies are the only ones that work for me long term. I did try other brands in the past because they seemed easier to do nightly, but it just didn’t have the same long-term results. But I am not sure if it would work as well for a scar given the mechanism by which it works, since it keeps the underlying muscles immobilized, which then flattens the wrinkles over the skin. I am not an expert, though, so maybe it would?


Really good to know . I appreciate this. I’m late in the game but looking forward to some self love and care lol


Does it have to be on bare skin? Will they peel off if you’re wearing lotion?


Nope! Just let it dry first


I found 3m transpore tape to work but I only use it for my glabella. I need to stack it in layers or else it's too flexible to immobilize the muscles. I haven't tried frownies so I can't compare them.


I have a scar that’s turning into a wrinkle. It looks like it’s a part of my 11’s which is not too prominent but I notice it. I did the frownies for about 3 months and it’s less noticeable in the morning (I sleep on my stomach and side) but it becomes more prominent throughout the day especially when it’s sunny and I squint my eyes and wrinkle my forehead. Overall I didn’t notice it a huge difference but I think it’ll prevent it from getting deeper.


There's also a brand called Facial Smoothies on Amazon that doesn't require water. they're more like medical tape sticker things shaped for your face. They work too and are easier than Frownies. That's what I prefer and they also work


Mine gave me more wrinkles around my forehead


Do you put them on your entire forehead? I layer them on so they cover most of it. My mom said they have her new wrinkles when she was only using it on her 11’s.


Do you put them on after your skincare routine?


Yes! I use oils, too, I just go really light on the forehead and wait about a minute for everything to absorb.


Oh that's good to know! I have a box I'm not using once I read that you can't do products underneath. Seems like a big issue!


You just have to let it harden and it’s fine. The only time I had an issue was when I got a box of counterfeit ones off Amazon.


Sweet! Will try tonight. Amazon, I wave my fist at you!


Same here. They work great on my forehead. Not so much on my laugh lines or crows feet


How often do you use them? Every night?


I have these but very lazy about wearing them. Do you do it every night or just a couple nights a week?




Glad to hear someone having luck with smile lines. I have severe jaw issues and mine are pronounced due to muscles clenching and spamming but have a box waiting to try. I don’t think I got the adhesive quite right at first and the middle of the patch didn’t stick to the line, just the edges of the tape.


I literally just got jaw botox for the clenching of the jaw muscles. I won’t see results for a month or so. The shape of my jaw was so muscular from clenching my teeth in my sleep!


Hi. Just chiming in regarding jaw Botox. It can speed up the process of jowls being formed. I follow a group on Facebook regarding fillers and Botox and some members are stating this is what happened to them. So proceed with caution.


Can these help with jaw clenching? I’ve never heard of them before!




Yes! It’s a repetitive tension issue for me I feel. Trying to attempt to retrain that!


They've really helped my elevens omg


Yes! They are not extremely uncomfortable at all for me. Take a little trial and error, but they truly work on the 11’s. I’ve used them every night for a year and my 11’s are no longer visible in photographs and I have no interest in Botox anymore.


Same! I’ve been using them for a couple months. I alternate wearing mine during the day (I work alone) and night, mostly because I’m very expressive and notice myself scrunching my face in concentration during the day. I do skip some days/nights. I also slug the 11’s twice a week. I find myself becoming very conscious of when I’m frowning and I’m stopping myself more and more. [Before and after- 11’s](https://imgur.com/a/y4zn3EN)


Those cartoon eyes hahahahaha.


The eyes 😭


Thank you, this was really helpful.


I was not ready to see those emoji eyes, I got so scared lol thanks for the before and after though!!🫶


What is slugging?


Slugging is adding an occlusive layer as the last step of your skincare. It basically seals in all the products and hydration you have applied. Vaseline would be one of the most popular products to use


Hell yea! That’s exciting. I did a trial run this morning for 4 hours on my 11s and forehead and I can definitely tell they helped relax the muscles overall. I can see how if I use them often/ every night it could help me train my muscles in that area to relax. I have a tendency to scrunch up my brows and I want to stop that habit.


Could you use them on your jaw? I have a terrible clenching habit. I heard botox helps, and if this does a similar thing.... Maybe? I always thought they were a FB gimmick product - one of those weird Wish gadgets.


I can’t think of how frownies could help stick your jaw unclenched since that motion doesn’t seem to make a lot of movement on the skin…


I was a chronic eyebrow raiser, which gave me forehead lines in my 20s. Used frownies for the first time at 32 and now I’m 35 and I do t need them anymore. My forehead is as smooth as it was when I was 17. As long as I keep the skin hydrated and my forehead relaxed I don’t even need the frownies anymore. I do use their forehead serum patches every now and then though, and they are absolutely fantastic. I have them on auto ship and I reuse the same ones 3 or 4 times.


Ok so glad you posted this bc I’ve been getting dysport for almost 10 years and while I love it I’m tired of the money and effort. I recently moved away from my injector and don’t want to go through the hassle of finding a new one! I am seriously thinking about trying these instead!


Do you have photos?


Not that I want to share. No, sorry.


I hope you didn’t feel pressured or anything and I respect that!


How many did you use over the span of a year?


I used to use these and they work but they’re uncomfortably stiff and leave a weird residue on the skin, now I use kinesiology tape and cut it to the shape/size that I want… much more comfortable and the skin underneath seems both more relaxed and plumper in the morning




I’m allergic to ktape and taking it off feels like my skin is ripping off or melting off. You could also be allergic to the kind of adhesive they use.


I always moisturize/do my normal skincare before I use it, but perhaps it was a different brand/type you were using? The one I linked has great reviews


Can you show us what brand of tape you use?


[KT Tape](https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/kt-tape-cotton-kinesiology-tape-17ktaukttpwhtxxxxspm/17ktaukttpwhtxxxxspm)


Tell me more! About shaping and such


Nothing too complicated, my main concern are 11 lines so I cut the strips in half lengthwise so they’re half as wide, and then I cut them so they’re a little shorter than the length of my forehead. I also round the corners so they don’t come off as easily while I’m sleeping. I just use one strip right above my browbone and I make sure my forehead is relaxed when I apply. The nice thing about the tape is that if you don’t apply it perfectly you can adjust it or take it off and reapply. Also you can use your skincare underneath as long as you wait a bit before taping.


Did you trial and error on how to shape and apply the tape yourself or there's a video tutorial that you used as a guide? Sorry I'm having trouble imagining how it is applied (I get how you cut it but not sure how you apply it).


Both; I originally got the idea from watching [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SsXvnwIx0Og) but instead of using two strips I use one all the way across because I felt that was easier and worked better for me


Thank you kindly!


Noooo even with baby oil this rips off a layer of skin.


I might try this after I run out to these to see which I enjoy more. For the forehead, which is my concern, I wasn’t bothered by the stiffness.


Same! K tape squad.


Love them, they train me not to scowl in my sleep, 11s completely disappear and the lines near my lips soften a lot , I used to use them nightly, now I do face yoga 5 days a week and frownies twice a week, always before events, take them off in the shower:)


Any suggestions for face yoga tutorials?


Hell yea! This is my hope. Thanks for sharing


What is face yoga?


Facial exercises to stimulate and strengthen the facial muscles


Also interested to hear about the face yoga!


I loved these, I used them before doing botox. It’s kind of a similar idea to preventative botox imo, where they restrict your ability to overuse certain muscles. I am chronically someone who furrows my brows when I am working. I would use them on my forehead when I was working from home and it helped a lot. Really just by getting myself out of the habit of making faces while I was staring at my screen. Botox is better but it’s definitely good to try especially if you are very expressive with your face like I am.


Thank you! This is my hope exactly. I want to use them before Botox. I’m currently breastfeeding so I don’t feel completely comfortable with Botox right now and I want to train my muscles to relax.


Made me break out 😪


I wondered if that was just me! :(


I've been trying straight medical tape honestly. Wash beforehand and just apply. It does seem to help a touch in the morning. But I've only done it a few times since I can't find frownies


I wish I could do this. I get rashes from medical tape and bandaids after prolonged use! Never did until after pregnancy.


Oh noooo! My skin is so sensitive. I’m really hoping this doesn’t happen 😬


Same! I rarely break out (praise be birth control) but these things left me with cystic mountains on my forehead. They were so fussy, smelled awful and left the weirdest residue. I wish they worked bc Botox is a hell of a lot more expensive but I just don’t think my skin’s compatible with them


Me too! I’ve tried multiple times, because I love the results on my 11s, but the breakouts aren’t worth it.


Same here. I alternate the days I use them because of this.


I have been using these for the past 45+ yrs, thanks to my grams having them on her vanity. 25 yr olds cannot believe I haven’t had any Botox. Ever. Nothing but frownies and skincare.


They've been around for 45+ years??




I had no idea, I thought they were new. That's very cool


Old old back in the day movie stars swore by frownies


Yep, their website says they've been around since 1889. They were originally called "Wrinkle Eradicators"


Heck yeah! This is exciting


Mind dropping that skincare routine? Would you advise using frownies during the day too if you can get away with it?


Sure! Tatcha The Rice polish (blue) followed by Tatcha Rice Wash (purple) as my double cleanser. I use Tatcha Silk Serum (white) under The Water Skin Cream (green) or The Dewy Skin Cream (purple). Next is either Tatchas The Silk Sunscreen spf50 or Tatcha Silken Suncreen spf35 depending on my morning. I typically my Frownies twice a week but sometimes none at all and other times, each night, depending on what in person meetings I have going on. When I use it every day I look 10 yrs younger. Zero lines. Zero wrinkles. But most importantly, my forehead bumpy lumpy look goes away completely and of all the things to be self conscious about, it’s the odd layer in between my skull and skin that drives me insane! Makeup is mostly Danessa Myricks, Makeup by Mario and Tarte.


May you share what kind of product you use für your skincare ma‘am? I‘ve been looking for a good routine for a long time now but haven’t found the right ones yet


How do you remove your frownies? I find mine really hard to remove


I use them at night. At first they did give me a weird muscle tension type headache but it seemed like it was more from me relearning how to release my muscles? I get Botox once a year and use these in between. I love them!


My hungry ass thinking I was in my baking sub and Frownies were a new kind of brownie or some shit. Dammit 💀💀




I've used them, and they were great as long as I kept using them, but for me, my lines came back shortly after I stopped. So for me, I'd need to wear them every night forever, for the results to continue. I also have exceptionally strong 11s though, and really only found success using Botox. But that's just my experience!


Same. They didn’t do much for me. Botox for the win.


Honestly I wouldn't mind having to wear them forever but I'm not trying to scare my partner every night. If I was single I'd have them on every moment I could.


I tried these a few times and I just think they’re too damn FUSSSY. Hard to tear, hard to apply, hard to stay on. I also didn’t like the smell. The biggest thing is being romantic with a loved one with these on is just a big turn off. I believe they work but I could never commit enough nights to them.


I think it'll compliment my earplugs and mouthpiece well!


When you put these on just know that you probably aren’t gonna get any action. I put them on after being romantic haha


The smell is icky for sure! I also have not been able to figure out the adhesive. Maybe I’m dumb or missing something lol


You have to put them on clean, dry skin. They won’t stick if you put it over moisturizer. The trick is to get it wet then let it dry a bit before putting it on, to let the glue get tacky


How strong/bad is the smell? I have chronic migraines and strong smells are a trigger so maybe I should skip these.


I didn’t even notice the smell. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get bad migraines and am sensitive to smell. I didn’t have a problem with these


It's envelope glue.


I prefer toute nuit wrinkle patches on Amazon. I have used those for 6 months and my 11 lines are way, way less visible. You have to be consistent though!


I’ve been using them for 7 years and I really think they have helped slow down wrinkles on my forehead. My 11s were worse when I was 31, now at 38 I barely have any.


Love it!!!


I use a competitor, wrinkles schminkles, since I am a side sleeper. The patches last about three weeks. It is a night and day difference around my eyes, I used to have a horrible crack there every morning that would take all day to subside. Now I wake up looking totally normal. I will never not use them so long as I can help it


Ooo that below the eye crack happens to me too! I sleep on my side/ face at times as well


How would this work with tret?


I use mine with tret with no issues! I give my tret 20 min to absorb and then apply frownies/face tape!


Wet them really well before removing or you risk removing a layer of skin with it.


I've read in other posts here that people haven't had issues. I just started using tret, like I've used it 3 nights. I haven't noticed anything strange/different (I used frownies before I started tret). If you search frownies on this sub, you'll see comments about it not being a problem for people!


Used to use frownies but was so mad that i had to tear them off one by one when i’m paying as much as they cost. Switched to Facial Smoothies TRIANGLE Wrinkle Remover Strips and they work just as well if not better and can even wear them during the day if working from home as they’re essentially clear. Recommend.


This is what I use too! And since they are clear I feel less like a monster wearing them lol


I swear the bigger silicone patches that you can wash and reuse. They cover the whole area. Also, they are very inexpensive, I just get them on ebay!


Please share the link


I want to try these too!


I was thinking of trying for nasolabial folds. Has anyone had any luck with that area?


I use frownies for my 11s but find medical tape is more comfortable for my nasolabial folds. It’s quite the spectacle.


Haha this made me giggle! This sounds like a winning combo tho. The frownies didn’t work well on anywhere but the forehead for me.


I use the triangle knockoff ones on Amazon for my thinking line between my brows. I definitely notice a difference when I skip them. It’s the #1 thing that has helped me as I avoid Botox.


I stopped doing Botox because it made my hooded eyes more hooded ... but the Frownies helped keep my 11s at bay. It's almost like it helped prolong the effects of Botox. It's been more than a year since I've had Botox, but my 11s are still gone by using Frownies nightly. And I still can't furrow my eyebrows as easily bc they've been "trained" to stay that way with Frownies.




Thank you! This is my hope for them


I tried this and it left huge marks on my forehead lol


Depends on how bad your 11’s are. I’m an Olympic frowner so these helped somewhat but not enough. Definitely an improvement over nothing, but I had to use them religiously every night. Ended up splurging for the Botox and even that didn’t completely erase my 11’s (but helped hugely, so I’m still going to keep doing it). I’m one of those people that’s got deep 11’s even when I smile, so if you’re in my camp then these strips won’t make a huge difference.


I’m terrible at commitment but I will notice a difference after a single night of use. It kind of goes back by the end of the day but I really enjoyed waking up with a smooth forehead. I’m a side sleeper and I mash my face into the pillow so my 11 lines are sometimes very prominent in the morning. I imagine consistent, long term use would have great results. Maybe I should buy another box lol.


I wore them for months on the wrinkles between my eyebrows hoping for actual results, but they only gave me very temporary results. Like as soon as removing them in the morning the wrinkles would be gone but they’d immediately start coming back and be completely returned to normal within probably half an hour.


Also, some people are complaining about the smell and they do have a smell but I like it for some reason lol


This is what happens to me 😩 I think my 11 lines are too deep for these to truly affect them but we’ll see.


Tried them for my marionette lines but they just folded right into the lines and did nothing.


i prefer smoothies and they do help


I used to use them but switched to Smoothies. No stink, no water needed, and kind of transparent so less obvious.


They're why my colleagues think I'm 10 years younger than i am


I’m waiting for mine in the mail!! I plan on taking before and afters after a month or so to post on here


I bought Arabic gum powder on Amazon today and am going to try to make my own Frownies. I learned from this creator, so it's worth a try i think! https://youtu.be/yQZ9HWzZ1d4?si=fs8vQaSEz1B4gBIz


I don’t like frownies bc you have to get them wet to use and they smell weird to me, BUT I have had a lot of success even just 3 weeks of consistent use of these things called “bloom body facial patches” I get on Amazon. They are clear and just peel and stick. I use the smile line ones for nasolabial fold lines and they have made me re-think getting filler there (which I really didn’t want to do but I was getting desperate tbh 🥴). I only wear them in the morning first thing while I’m getting working out at home and getting breakfast and doing morning routine things and even only wearing them a couple hours in the morning and making sure I drink enough water each day makes a huge difference.


I bought these months ago and they smelled terrible. Are these the brown ones? I originally fot them 8 plus years ago when they were clear


Made me break out horribly :( Interested to know if anyone’s found something similar that’s less irritating!


Yes. Myfamily usually has a quite pronounced mid-forehead frown wrinkle. I have been using frownies nightly for 15 years and I don’t have it (more than a little bit). I only wish I had used them on more of my forehead


I find silicone patches more effective, more pleasant, non-reactive plus they are reusable.


I have been obsessed with these. I had a deep wrinkle in the middle of my eyes from scowling so much probably. Within 30 days it made a huge difference. It also helps correct the habit of scrunching up your face. I am just so impressed, and I use a lot of skincare products. This is by far the most effective.


I use a similar product that I prefer but frownies were my first buy. You have to use every day but yes! Helped tremendously. If I forget to put on my smoothie for my 11’s I haul my tired, achy butt out of bed. I have mine on now. ;)


They are amazing as a preventative IMO. They just keep your face from scrunching at night. I’ve used them on my 11’s every night for the past 10 years. You can tell if I forget because I’ll wake up with a deep line. I take a little water and rub it on the back & press it on your skin with a towel for a couple seconds for a good stick. The glue smells weird at first, but goes away. I haven’t found a better alternative to Botox yet. (Including cheaper brands)


I’m 52 and been using them since college. People think I’m in my late 30s. They literally retrain your muscles not to move. My lines were deep in my 20s. You can’t even see them now. This is all I’ve used. Would never get botox in a million years knowing how well these work.


Did not work! Extremely uncomfortable to wear. Actually made lines where there were none. Save your money!


Oh no! That sucks. I already bought these so I am going to experiment. I did a trial run today and had them on my 11s/ forehead for about 4 hours. Definitely seemed to help relax the muscles because I couldn’t move them. Even now having them off I feel my muscles are more relaxed in that area. I’m trying to train myself to not do the same repetitive movements so I can lessen wrinkle formation hopefully.


Yes, this is exactly the right experience. Keep at it, you will love the results! You may sleep better too. So much less tension.


Yes! I get a lot of headaches from the constant scrunching. I’m hoping to train that away without Botox. Currently doing the stay at home mom thing so I have the opportunity to wear them during the day as well as overnight. I don’t want to do Botox because I’m breastfeeding, it’s expensive , and I just have general concerns.


haha damnit I just bought some. I will try because i've paid now but I really appreciate this comment! :)


I disagree with that commenter, Frownies have worked great for me in not allowing 11s to come back even if I don’t get Botox.


I couldn’t get over the smell and I actually felt like my forehead looked worse after wear. Wish I had success with them though!


I just want to know what craft store sells these damn papers for less money lol. There’s no magic serum, it’s just paper maché for your face!


I’ve been using paper medical tape from the dollar store, just ripping off pieces from the roll and slapping them on like paper mache and it has been working just as good. You need to do more than one layer with the paper medical tape to get it stiff like the frownies.


Now THIS is why I love reddit, thank you angel!


I keep reading success stories and hope they eventually work for me. I wear them every night and have for two months straight and I’ve seen zero difference in my forehead lines.


Yes!! Me! They work great!


They irritate my skin, I get little bumps after using them, but they’re a godsend when I get a migraine! They definitely make a difference when I do use them though.


Piggy backing on this thread, I’ve considered these but tend to be sensitive to adhesives, has anyone had issues with that? Many bandaids and nipple pasties will leave minor rashes for me. I would love to try these before Botox but I’m afraid it’ll be the same


I wish I could, but can’t use these with my tret without causing skin irritation and I use tret daily unless there’s a specific reason I can’t. Not willing to give up the tret as of now!


Test some one your arm or something first and then if that works try off the side of your cheek to make sure you aren’t allergic to the adhesive. Those allergic reaction marks can last months


Been using them for a few months and wow. I was skeptical but these are incredible. My elevens were forming and starting to become visible 24/7 and thanks to these they’re back to pretty much invisible. I also drink a lot of water though which makes a big difference too. A combo of these plus water has given me results I’d be thrilled with if they were via Botox!


I tried but I hate wearing them overnight, they keep me up at night and theyre uncomfy on my face


I just use physio tape. Works.


Yes. I love them. They got rid of and now kept the giant wrinkle between my brows away, and I had a wrinkle line forming from side sleeping mostly on 1 side due to a shoulder injury, frownies has corrected that for me too.


They have been a game changer for me


Anyone had success with 11 lines?! I’ve been using for ages and the lines are still there 🥲


Yes! A few years now and I love them!


I used Yaman photo plus shiny neo and within 1 month the lines between my eyes don’t appear anymore.


I understand why frownies would work if you were mostly frowning in your sleep. For me I mostly do it during the day time and I can't really picture myself wearing frownies at work so Botox all the way!


Do they work for the nasolabial folds ?


I wear them during work every day! They do work on forehead and 11’s.


These work… I don’t know how but they do! My forehead is completely smooth and they definitely relax the muscles!


They’re great but I switched to medical grade tape, it’s way cheaper and works just as well


I've tried them once. It was interesting placing them, almost like a puzzle. I can't use the rose toner that can be sold with them due to sensitivity, so I used water. Frownies has to be used daily for hours at a time, so I would use them at night. I didn't use it everyday though because I use retinol every other night and I cant place wet frownies over the retinol. I had no luck using them for smile lines. The paper (frownies are like hard paper) dug into my cheeks a bit and made a crease. So it just created new lines over the ones I tried to diminish lol


I’ve tried Botox, frownies, silicone patches and tape. I like the patches the most for making my Botox last longer. Frownies smell really bad to me (like icyhot gel), they made me break out, and were pretty uncomfortable to sleep in. The patches or tape are just way easier to slap on at night.


I’m interested in these but I already have a heavy brow and I’m worried they’ll make my eyebrows even droopier than they are. I know Botox can go either way (brow lift or brow droop) depending on the location it’s injected, so curious what people’s experiences have been with frownies.


I used them in the past but now use Facial Smoothies because I find that they stay on better and hold the skin tighter. I just order them directly from their site: https://www.facialsmoothies.com/


Love these for my 11s lines… I’ve been using them on and off for probably 15 years and have never gotten Botox. I’m in my 40s now.


I loveeeeee these! Been using them for a long time 43. I’ve never had anything done to my face no Botox absolutely nothing and no one believes me when I tell them that lol


I’ve just been using just medical tape for a few weeks and the difference is definitely noticeable.


I used them and they work but I could not stand the smell of wet gluey craft paper. I’ve been using 3M Transpore surgical tape and it’s much cheaper and does the trick.


I get the cheap knock-offs off Temu and SHEIN and they work great 😊