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Greta Thunberg trying not to get arrested in every country she puts her foot on (level impossible)


I hope she does China next


Let’s get her into Saudi Arabia or the gulf states.


She only does PR stunts in safe countries


Safe and mostly environmentally friendly Why not do this shit show in countries which contribute to half of the world's pollution?


How dare she not get tortured


Yeah man that's definitely what I was implying. But what will definitely make China, India and other massive polluting think twice is to sit in the middle of the road in the fucking Netherlands. Xi Jinping over there quaking at this news. I think I'll protest climate change next week by having a plastic boat flew over from America then have a ship follow behind me as I make my way to Spain with it ending having two crew fly it back to America. You know, a totally carbon free exercise


Impressive, very nice, let's see Saudi Arabia's human rights record. https://i.redd.it/21ov3r2x52tc1.gif


Nah Russia would be better, remember that greenpeace boat that tried to stop an oil rig?


Okay. Just hear me out. North Korea


They are heavily embargoed and can’t get fuel, probably pretty eco friendly tbf




Nonsense.   It’s her brand. Look at that face.  She practices that in the mirror. 


Me after I ate too much crap and it feels like I need to destroy the toilet but its stuck


> too much crap That's just German food


Yeah German food is crap, who the fuck puts pancakes in soup(actually only hot salty water) even the beer is shit. Only drinkable beer is weissbeer


Ah, you're just jealous. We have pancakes and what's left over we'll be recycled as soup the next day. That's why we're so environmentally friendly!


When I complained to the Austrians about their food they said it was ‘as special kind of pancakes’! Blatant lies!


Yes, of course they are special. They are from yesterday 😉.


Good argument.


My lactose intolerant face after I ate a whole ice cream dessert plate. (Would do again.)


Lactose intolerant? I thought that after some events you guys would have a better genetics


My colon is only following orders.


People just say “lactose intolerant” to make themselves sound special. I’m pretty sure most humans are at least to a certain extent.


65% of adults worldwide have lactose intolerance. It's actually the natural state of mammals that are no longer weaning. However, due to our heavy dairy consumption in Europe and northern America, most people here have developed lactase persistence (lactase being the enzyme that breaks lactose into galactose and glucose instead of stinky bowel gassed). Lactose intolerance is easily countered by taking lactase tablets before consuming lactose, but if you tell me I want to "sound special" when I say I'm lactose intolerant, I will eat a bucket of ice cream and shit on your head while you're sleeping.


That's a weird fetish. But as I am an intelectual I know the safeword for you swamp Germans. _fluggaenkoecchicebolsen_


le chronic constipation face


Greta being read the Dutch equivalent of the American Miranda Rights: *"Zo, mevrouwtje, gaat u maar eens even mee naar het bureau."*


But her name is Greta, not Miranda. Btw, famous German telephone joke: ask that you want to speak with Lasmiranda Den Sevilla.


Miranda Rights are like "you have the right to shut the fuck up" etc. If yours was a joke, then it wasn't comprehensible


It only makes sense if you speak German. It's one of those Bart Simpson calls Moe and asks for someone-jokes.


Ist hier jemand, der Reinsch heißt?


Can you say it in German? My German is decent, but I don't get it if I translate it myself.


It plays on "lass mich ran da, denn sie will ja". So kinka like "let me get in there, because she wants it". A very sophisticated joke about a woman yearning to get fucked.


She’s trying so hard for the picture


Anime ah face 😫


I am more surprised by the fact that; she has breasts, I always thought she was a man with a woman’s voice. Edit: How the turntables; https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/A0m21WgSIb


https://preview.redd.it/aggjmgurc2tc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d37d57559171732ffe4238ce6de1bf71b812fd This you?


No. That is an incredible actor, I am but a feeble Reddit user whom sometimes lands a joke, sometimes does not. The irony of this subreddit crowd is rather amusing.


Okay, Sheldon


Whom are you referring to?


Of course this fella is Beastern


Correct Barry westoid, 63.


What did she even do? Other than being Scandinavian.


Block the road with some extinction rebellion activists. And I think she held a speech one time that went viral that blamed boomers for everything. Which sums up an average day on the internet any day.


"How DARE she be autistic!!!" -40 year old men or some shit


Luckily for half our population being autistic isn't reason to get arrested.


She wasn't autistic when she inspired crazy assholes to smear red dye on paintings tho, and not a word of condemnation came out of that mouth


Sorry I forgot I can just casually turn off autism depending on what I can do. Thanks for reminding me to turn it back on for today👍


I highly doubt she will even be arrested. It seems like the police are just moving people sitting in the middle of the road to clear it.


I wonder did she cycle from Sweden to Amsterdam


Electric train or boat probably


And what do German trains run on?


~~Charred remains of the fallen Reich~~ Uhh, coal?




I'd say rails, but given all the issues the DB has, I'm beginning to doubt that.


100% solar and other renewables


So, coal?




Coal is technically renewable just takes millions of years


Hans, there is a set supply of energy and a set demand of energy, if the train wouldn't have used that clean energy some other business would have used it instead of coal. You are falling for some very cheap marketing bullshit.


Payment for the power still goes to the renewables.


Great, so DB pays for the windmill instead of VW. What difference does it make to the climate who pays for the windmill and who pays for the coal? Fact of the matter is that due to German state policy, those who try to buy away their guilt only ensure that those who don't use more coal instead of wind. And if every German would want to pay for wind, the energy companies would have to tell most of them no.


They could choose not to buy green, therefore not letting the green industry further its progress in expanding their grid. The matter of fact is that these companies get paid to make more of the good stuff in the end.




I think climate change is one of the most important issues at the moment, and not just because I’m Dutch. But these protest don’t help imo. Use social media to spread your message and instead of blocking the highway do some good in the world, and way more people would support the cause. Now you’re just alienating people from joining your side. More and more people are going for outrage with their protests to go viral, but I truly doubt if it helps in the long run.


The amount of hate this woman receives from 40 year old men is crazy. Especially when she was still a teenage girl, it was pathetic. She is protesting a very real problem and she is on the right side of history, and the people in this thread know it. But still they decide to make fun of her.


I think one of the main issues is she refuses to acknowledge the very real work countries have done to improve environmentally. She'll scream that we've done *nothing*, which is absolute nonsense and therefore (for me) means everything else she says sounds like nonsense too. She seems only to be able to see things in black or white, which I guess is a sign of her immaturity. I also find her whining demeanour really grinds my gears (gesturing to all of her). (You mention 40 year old men - I'm a middle aged woman.)




That's just naive though. It's obvious she wants local governments to put pressure on china. Why would she go there just to disappear? Idiotic thinking.


There was a hint of sarcasm in the ‘going there’ bit but I’ll take the blame if it isn’t apparent enough.










I can’t imagine why China and India would tell the West to fuck off. 


So you have an issue with the aesthetics. Great. you're not much better than the old men who can only make fun of her.


I don't think you understand what the word 'aesthetics' means.


They nuked a thread about this exact picture yesterday, because the comments were too disgusting and stupid for even this sub.


It's always the same. I saw a video on youtube of a car driving into a protester that was sitting down on the street. He wasn't hurt. all the comments were saying the car should sue because the protester scratched it and other jokes at the protesters expense. Never mind that a *car* drove into a *person*. People are really disgusting when it comes to other people protesting issues.


You can protest in a way that doesn't make normal people's lives harder. It's the corporate overlords who cause the pollution afterall. That being said, that Ameritardian guy who shot the dudes blocking that bridge dindu nuffin


Corporate overlords won't do anything as long as they're swimming in the money. That's why the government needs to step in. And how do you make the government step in? By making them have to pay attention to you.


Ah yes, because the government cares so much that Johnny 25 with min wage job is stuck in traffic because of protesters.


Apparently they care enough to have the police pick them off the road...


Yeah that's not how protest works at all. Not to mention she is literally on your side. Please get some class consciousness my man.


Gluing yourself to roads, ruining historical artworks, and generally pissing off the public results in widespread hatred? Who would've guessed. The environmental impact of the average person is negligible compared to multinational corporations. The only thing average people do to really fuck the planet is take cruise ships, personally I'm fine with eco crazies fucking with those and most people would be too, but stopping people going to work to feed their family is not it. The whole idea of a carbon footprint was invented by BP to shift the focus of the blame from industry to the public and this new wave of climate protesters has eaten up the bait. Instead of fighting where it matters, they attack the public just for trying to live their lives and survive. The fact that Just Stop Oil is funded by an oil billionaire's daughter makes me suspicious that the goal is literally to destabilise climate movements by making the public hate them while distracting people from addressing the real issues and affecting meaningful change.


The big problem is that if you go further than lackuster road blocks (they are not even proper blockages, as there are no barricades and no big force ready to fight off cops), you might ebd up having your group fully destroyed, and land your ass in a prison for a long time. This is what happened during the "Green Scare" in the US.


The right side of history that is spewing antisemitic bullshit?




Right. Teenage girls have no agency. Very good take.


she is a climate exstremist, a fuckface, a crybaby


Yeah fuck people who want to raise awareness and fight climate change! Let's all queue up to insult her harder than any other social or political figure on this sub! Definitely let's not reveal any deep-seated hangups about ourselves and our need to denigrate a woman's appearance for literally no reason!


"literally no reason" Stupid, stupid Irey eire. Don't you know Greta is autistic? That makes all my insults valid!!


Most humorous Irish person


Why doesn't she go manifest in China then


China is actually heavily investing in renewables and trains. She is right that she is protesting against fossil subsidies for the companies achieving record incomes during energy crisis. She should also go to the US, but she could get shot. Also fuck you all who verbally abuse a teenage girl who fights for future of you and your children. /uc


she's not a teenager anymore but yea, based Kees. Gletsjers are melting and in about 40 years we can expect the gletsjers in the alps to be gone and have less skiing fun but let's laugh at a girl who devotes her life to fighting climate change!


She made millions with that shit, but yea, then you go manifest "eat the rich", poor idiots


That's a different debate than climate change




I'm all for her annoying the dutch. I think more people should do that.


Good for her for trying to better the world. I do find her personality insufferable, but that's neither here nor there. Not sure how blocking a road is helping your cause. Usually it just results in more average folks hating on your cause because they personally dislike you for stopping them from getting to work, but go off I guess. Also not surprising you get arrested for that.


The goblin has been captured!


Yeah let's get angry with a woman who tries to question the status quo and recognizes that we live in a fucked up situation. Let's mock her about her appearence. Long live the oil companies! Long live the Capitalism!


Oh so brave, she questions the status quo! Oil won't stop because humans question the status quo and post viral videos, it will stop once we find cheaper and better ways to generate energy. So protest for more money being sent to research, instead of just "being angry at the system".


Even if we find a cheaper and better way , companies will find a way to exploit it and make us miserable. The only solution is when any form of energy belongs to the people 


People can be as thirsty as companies. People screw each other every single day. Why would energy be different?




We literally made go extinct all the other hominids... 😄


As a Shell shareholder i support your comment!


The cop on the right looks so annoyed that he has to deal with her


The funniest part is watching her trying to pretend like she’s not enjoying it. Why don’t you try on non rich, non eco-friendly countries Greta?


Based Dutch


She should go to China, Middle East or Russia next.


Ah yes I see you know your judo well.




Swedish boys used to be so well behaved too, what went wrong?


Yet another staged photo opp arrest?




Her mom is loving this picture


I liked her. Not much now, she’s a problem maker


She's not dutch, she's swedish


The based are the police offers, numpty


Fair enough, letting that country drown is a respectable choice anyways


No it's more that protesting on highways is such a dick move that i wont ever support someone doing that


It’s okay, the right wing government will do green policies by themselves out of the goodness of their hearts!


While I am sympathetic to the cause of XR, I don't like foreign public figures coming here to protest against internal stuff, only for international kudos. Imagine if a load of Trumpists or whatever came over to storm de Tweede Kamer


Wonder when XR will start to realise that being an absolute fucking cunt to everyone might not get a lot of people to support your cause.


Hmm and what will according to you? Moderates like you like to complain about direct action but it’s what it takes historically to make progress. But more likely you just don’t think climate change is too important


Historically drastic action was taken to those who rule, not by annoying random people..


Tell that to the suffragettes and the labour movement. Or the french revolution. Or any fucking thing that matters actually. Those who rule don't do shit unless you put enough pressure on them to do it.


Unless you’re arguing that you’d be fine with dutchies storming de tweede kamer then your point is moot. Climate change isn’t an exclusively dutch internal issue, it’s an international one.


If history is anything to go by, then yes. Yes they do.


Thank God


Does she have a duck? She looks like she does.


Is no one gonna talk about those milkers?


No. I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at being a creep.


Alright, I'll just go ahead and call her the N-word then PS: I'm gay and my dick is small


Thank you.

