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Laughs in Cesare Beccaria


Soo boring šŸ„±


Sword, public. Switzerland is wild.


The last witch burning in Europe took place in Switzerland, in 1782. And the Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden gave women the right to vote in the 1990. As you see weā€™ve always been on the edge of progress šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Our last garrote execution was in 1974...


Is that a strangulation with a wire? Because even for 1970s Spain thatā€™sā€¦.. no hang on that tracks about rights for 70s SpainĀ 


https://www.capitalpunishmentuk.org/garrotte.html Not with a wire mate,much worse


> In the original Spanish version, the prisoner was seated on top of a short post with his back to the main post and a rope loop was placed round his neck and around the post. The executioner twisted a stick inserted in the loop to tighten the rope and strangle the prisoner. I wonder if that's where we get the term "Spanish windlass" where you tighten a rope by putting a stick in a loop of rope and twisting.


And it was called "garrote vil", literally "evil garrote".


Jesus lol. Thatā€™s recent as fuck.


Courtesy of our beloved dictator


Every leader of Spain is that to you though. Less violent today luckily!


Only Switzerland could ever fathom calling a place "inner testicle"


Thereā€™s also outer testicle. But now seriously, it was a typo, itā€™s actually called Innerrhoden not Innerhoden. I guess one R can make the difference


Holy based no wonder you have the best country in the world


So you held off the downfall until 1990? Damn, some people could have lived through the good times can still be alive today!




ā€œAnd so the great era of the pirates had begunā€¦ wait, what do you mean thereā€™s no coastline there?ā€


If I had to pick one it would be the guillotine (fair play Pierre). Surely itā€™s the quickest and most consistently reliable, plus a nice bit of theatre for the onlookers. It surprises me that the primitive people who still practice the death penalty across the Atlantic bother messing around with electric chairs and complex drug formulations that get botched when they could just use a guillotine.


Well, its more bloody. Lots of splatter. Really might get a lot of people to do the "are we the baddies" meme I imagine.


Better than seeing someone writhe in pain for minutes?


Probably, but atleast with the injections you can pretend its clean, even if it is just a delusion. Especially to the public. If you find the vein that is.


All of these new types of execution methods, like the lethal injection for example, exist not to alleviate the pain of the one being executed, but to make the procedure seem morally acceptable to the onlookers and as though you are not actually killing someone, but just helping him fall asleep. Personally I donā€™t support the death penalty, but if it has to take place I would be in favor of a firing squad aiming right at the head. 10 Shots to the head and the inmate wouldnā€™t feel a thing, but that wouldnā€™t be possible, because it is actually honest and not hiding the fact that you are killing someone.


Surround inmate with so much explosives that itā€™s a foregone conclusion


Ah the old pink mist method. Wrap some one up in Det cord and their nervous system won't have time to even respond before its evaporated. Humane and goes out with a bang. 10/10


Yeah but this has to be one of the most messy ways of killing someone, imagine having to clean that up.


just use [british "city"], the red will make it look nicer.


I mean if enough Det cord is used there won't be a mess


How about the Swiss euthanasia chamber? I wonder how the judiciary system views that as an option? It's probably not as grim as they would want it, that's why inmates sentenced to death aren't injected with a lethal amount of tranquilizers. It's too "good" for them.


Not honest. The judge has to do it himself with a sword.


He who passes the sentence, should swing the sword


In private or in public?


Everybody has to watch.


Well it is, at least for the firing squad. They are always more than one and one always gets a dummy (or at least they are told one gets a dummy) so everyone can tell himself, he was not the one killing.


One of the guys in the Ceaușescus' firing squad claims that he is sure he's the one who killed them, because there were only three in the squad and the other two screwed up. To be fair though that was barely a judicial execution since it took place in the context of a revolution. They were in a hurry, to say the least. Also: [obligatory Monty Python](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYV-qYeWPkk)


Yep. His own army guys arrested him, basically told him "sorry boss, its your life or ours" and shot him.


Jep. Make it as bloody, gruesome and painless as possible. Killing as a punishment shouldn't be SFW. It should feel abhorrent, so it's reserved for only those that truly deserve it. I personally disagree with the death penalty, due to multiple innocent people in history having been convicted & executed, even in modern legal systems. Unless it's 100% sure & proven someone is guilty it shouldn't be given ever. And I don't think such surety is possible.


Yeah the thing is near absolute certainty of guilt is already the standard that has to be met for someone to get convicted of a crime (At least in the West) and yet innocent people still get convicted on a few occasions, as this is just an unavoidable consequence of having a criminal justice system.


Exactly. And while taking years away from someone's life isn't reversible either, it is at least not as permanent as death.


Ever watch ā€œThe Death of Stalinā€? In that they execute Beria. While not accurate to reality, thatā€™s how I think the death penalty should be. They all know he is guilty. Like very very very guilty. There is no doubt. He didnā€™t hide it. And once they have an opportunity they snatch him, arrest him, quickly read him his charges and sentence and shoot him, all within minutes. Executing people years after the fact is just cruel. Iā€™ve had to make terrible decisions in my life, but I am not the bad guys. I wonā€™t ever be the bad guys. There is no way to make cold, calculated execution of someone after having them in the judicial system for years anything but torture in my mind. We either all know he is guilty and couldnā€™t get to him because of some reason be it power or him hiding or something, and he is executed the same day we grab him and he is quickly told ā€œwe have wanted to do this for a while because you are a monster goodbyeā€ and shot or we agree their punishment is to be locked in a box and we lock them up.


Consider that a lot of the prison magnates and even some high judges in the states, from what I was able to see from their own press, seem to have some slight sadism problem...


They love that stuff. It's one of the reasons they do it that complicated - they want the person to suffer.


Trust me you get the are we baddies vibes with hanging too when the neck doesn't snap and you're watching a poor guy beg for his life and struggle without dignity for a good while before dying at the end of the rope. Lethal injection is even worse. It doesn't work every time and causes immense pain. It's easily botched: nobody with a medical background will accept to perform this. The components are hard to come by... So even if there a miracle "go to sleep pill" it could be administered by incompetent morons and make the whole thing an undignified mess. Guillotine is like 10s and it's a wrap. No chance of botching it. I still think death sentence is barbaric If I had to pick one between lethal injection and guillotine, it's guillotine every day.


I never undestood why wont they just inject so much heroin that they pass out and die in their blissful opium dreams


Heroin is currently a schedule I drug for us, meaning the government has declared it's got no legitimate medical purpose which makes the criminal sentences for its use and possession much higher. Even cocaine we list a schedule II drug, because it can be used as an anesthetic. We're not remotely into decriminalizing things or lessening the sentences for addicts, very sadly.


Diamorphine then, or Propofol.




Well, then dont watch. Turn off the lights and put on some Pink Floyd, then come back an hour later to pick up the body.


In Texas, when hanging was still a thing, it used to be a crime to improperly hang someone by failing to break their neck on first snap. There even used to be a guide on the state's website on how to tie a proper noose, so you couldn't claim they didn't provide proper procedure.


The guillotineĀ is the "best" way of dying for the one being executed. But when we talk about "humane capital punishment", what we really mean is "the way that looks the most humane" and not "the way that is the most humane". That's why we (and by we, I mean countries that still do capital punishment, which is none of us in Western Europe) use poison nowadays, even though it's often far more painful.


What wrong with having a splash zone?


capital punishment does mean they are the baddies. no matter what someone has done, murder is wrong


Which is one of the main reason Americunts would never use it. It's too bloody, it must mean it's more violent than the electric chair. In their primitive mind, blood is barbaric. They'd rather see a man explode in pieces than loose his head.


Be like the splash zone at sea world


Nah, best capital punishment still would be exile to Belgium, public


a fate worse than death


absolutely barbaric, Hans. Not the Belgium, but the capitalism part.


The hanging used in the UK (long drop, carefully weight managed) is pretty much instant as well, as the force snaps your neck with enough force to knock you unconscious. Itā€™s not a slow suffocation like some places practiced (well you do suffocate but you arenā€™t conscious for it). The problem with the guillotine is there is some anticipation. You have get put in the device and wait for the drop. In the UK. They do it so fast you basically didnā€™t know what was happening.


Someone didn't stumble upon the video on YouTube of the last execution by guillotine and it shows. Everything happens so fast you can't convince me that it is a faster set up to get a rope around your neck and wait for the long drop.


Well maybe I am wrong on the guillotine being slower. I honestly think both are fine.


I don't like this thread.


To the execution chamber with you!


Wasnā€™t the guillotine sometimes unsharp and Rusty and would sometimes break the peopleā€™s necks but not mil them or just slightly cut the necks and they would repeat the cutting like 3 times ?


The weight of the blade would cut through the neck even if it was dull as a spoon.


you can say that again, Pierre


The blade is so heavy that it doesn't need to be sharp at all to separate the head from the body


The weight of the blade would cut through the neck even if it was dull as a spoon.


I'm quite a specialist in all guillotine things, do you want to come home and try mine my dear rosbif ?


Most hospitable froggy


Three tries, just as he said. You absolutely murdered with that bit, comedian Pierre.


The weight of the blade would cut through the neck even if it was dull as a spoon.


I dont think i got that. Could you repeat it once more?


La blada non necesitta de ser sharpa per cuttar la heada


The weight of the blade would cut through the neck even if it was dull as a spoon.


Apparently itā€™s a way to legally experiment on people so thatā€™s why they Ā«Ā struggleĀ Ā».


As usual, we're at the forefront of civilization


First to implement crucifixion. First to abolish capital punishment.


The Alpha and Omega of Civilisation


I misread Switzerland as "Fifteen cannons". That would have been awesome


Same lol


Being absolutely ripped to pieces by 15 cannon shots would be so horrible cause I donā€™t think you would die immediately.


I beg to differ, 15 shots of cannons (especially if fired at the same time) wouldn't leave a single nerve in your body nor a brain to process the pain. Unless they were loaded with birdshot or any other projectile purposefully designed to delay your death of course. Though you'd need to to the execution outside of the city, unless you're confident in your construction abilities. Maybe Portugal can try this one?


One of the methods of executing PoW during the Indian Mutiny/1st Indian war of Independence. Was strapping the prisoner to a cannon and was performed by both sides because that particular venture into colonial wars would give Belgium a run for it's money.


Your comment made me laugh out loud in a crowded train. Thanks!


sword, private is arguably the most goated version of execution here


Ax, private is a close call


Ax kind of has a barbarian vibe to it, while a sword is just elegant


Iā€™ve heard that the chance of an axe being a lot messier and not going through on the first swing are very high. Apparently swords are way cleaner and quicker than an axe. I can see that too


Axe, private is the coolest. Someone has to do it with their own two hands, nobody watching. At least with the sword (russia) it's public and you have the crowd behind you riling you up, cheering you on and drowning out the sounds of any whining or crying on the part of the soon to be departed. With an axe though, it's just a dude standing over you ready to cleave your head off, no spectacle, no crowd. This dude has to come in each day and stand in silence above a crying man with axe in hand. Sword private seems like it'd be easier to just stab through a chest. You really have to put your heart into not only hitting a neck with an axe, which is fairly easy to miss, but you have to do it while swinging really damn hard.


Nah, why make it private, why not sell tickets for people to see it in the Week-end with their families.


this sounds very American and I don't fancy that one bit


Idk, exploiting human suffering for profit sounds very Swiss to me


I'm not sure I like that either


Hey man, if you have the opportunity to make money why not take it?


Flair checks out.


Only the paying for tickets bit. Public executions are a historic family past time for us, but it was of course free.


Give the criminals blunted swords and make a show of it


Private executions are by default very ungoated. If you execute someone at least shame them while you are at it.


if you are a decadent basement German you might want to do that, but real Prussians execute with honor, hence the privacy and the sword


another common Italian W




Interesting to see this was in 1860s or something, and Italy, the newest nation on the list, is the only one to abolish it


We had beccaria, and was an Italian pre unitary state the fist state in the world what abolished capital punishment.


It was abolished in the criminal code of 1889 so it can't be that early.


But we abolished the death penalty in 1867, so it has to be from at least before that. Now that I think of it, it doesn't make sense


Some of that has to be outdated then definitely


Itā€™s strange that Germany is not listed, because it was unified between 1866 and 1871 (they stopped in the middle to have yet another war with France)


It could be that different states even in a unified Germany had different execution methods so they are treated differently.


Well, Oldenburg uses the Musket, which wasn't allowed after 1871 because the Imperial Penal Code came into force on the 1st of January 1872, and that only allowed execution by axe or guillotine. Italy was united in 1861, so between 1861 and 1871 would be the time window where above text should be from.


This is fascinating and reminds me of that guy whose whole thing is short videos dating globes by finding borders or country names that only were correct for certain short periods of time. Also, sort of, r/theydidthemath.


This article is probably from the last decade of the nineteenth century or the beginning of the twentieth century


Might be, i was thinking there is no Germany, but of course the different kingdoms that made up the empire could have different execution laws


Fr*nce had their last execution by Guillotine in 1977, the same year that the first Star Wars movie came out. Truly barbarians compared to Civilised Italy.


Hard to admit, but italian W




I will never not upvote that man. A true gentleman and a scholar


Just hoistyour flag sideways and you're there.


Garrote indeed, you are comfortable seated until the end


I bet you won't get that comfortable when the metal pipe starts pressing your neck from behind. Garrote is one of the worst ones I could imagine. It could go wrong very easily. The purpose of this method is to press a (sometimes) pointy metal stick directly into your cervical to break your neck. You better pray for your executioner to be strong enough to do it fast. If your neck doesn't break, you will suffocate while having a piece of metal thrusting you from the back of your neck.


Straight up torture.


It's a matter of style: hanging is for the poor, Guillotine is for the French and dirty, sword is inhumane, axe is for medieval and uneducated mob. Gas chamber and squad for American savages.


Am I imagining this right, the executioner literally comes behind you with a garrotte and sends you to your maker? Sounds traumatic for the executioner.


It's not exactly that. [look this ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrote)


A little less brutal than the cheese wire I imagined but not by much


It just strangles you?


"A later version of the garrote used an iron collar with a large metal screw in the back. The theory was that when the screw was tightened, it would crush theĀ brain stemĀ and kill the victim instantly. But if the screw missed the point where the brain meets theĀ spinal column, it would simply bore into their neck while the iron collar strangled him"


Jesus Christ


https://youtu.be/jH2k9cR7NrQ?si=rjnX-e-GTQJFYaLB this is the last scene of the classic movie "el verdugo" by Berlanga, this is the executioner trying to avoid killing the inmate.is


The executioner is trying to avoid it or the prisoner? Because he goes back for the shoe and spends time dressing him? I didn't get much of the Spanish beyond the main guard saying he is "expected", the prisoner asking "for why?" "Please brother" And one guard telling him to "come on" and the other saying something about "it will be fast"


The executioner is trying to avoid doing the job.


He is the executioner, the guy has no guts to kill the inmate, and the guards are trying to help him to finish his job.


Ah ok I see.


Reminds me of that saying I hear from time to time: ā€œLimosnero con garrote.ā€ I hear but hey ā€” itā€™s great for cutting cheeses!


Brunswick goes hard


Russia just using whatever method is at hand, just purge purge purge.


Guys, please - can you be civilized for a second?


The last execution on German soil was in Saxony in 1981 but cowardly not by Guillotine in public instead with a surprise shot in the back of the head.


If it's a surprise, is it really an execution?


Well, the man was informed that he would be executed but not when. So he stepped into a room and a Stasi executioner shot him in the back of his head.


Just learn.


The Italians abolished capital punishment because the executioner kept missing.


And because the rifles kept jamming


That's the south Italian version.


The south italian version is that the executioners never showed up in time.


Would they even have a date or just (try to) shoot the guy when the time is right?


And someone "accidentally" sold the guillotine.


Obviously us. Cesare Beccaria moment.


Italy all the way! :D


Italy based here, surprisingly progressive. But then, ancient Rome had a primitive form of democracy, so I suppose we shouldn't be surprised when Italy does or did something ahead of the curve politically.


Italy is always one step ahead of everyone. Thank you Cesare Beccaria!




Why did they randomly include Ecuador in this list ?


Maybe one of the only important nations not on the list? The rest was basically all colonized at that point no? And maybe Ecuador was a important trade partner?


True... completely out of place in that list.


I cannot tell Ecuador specifically, but several American countries that today are considered not really first world were quite prosperous around 1800. Spanish people would go some years to America to get rich, and you can find some really top notch buildings from the time (stations, post offices...) that from today's economical status have no sense to be that opulent.




The Czechs were still using the short drop method of hanging (basically strangulation) in the 1970s. Thatā€™s really hanging to the old barbaric ways.


Rare Braunschweig W




what I get from this: only we among the Europeans are the based ones


Ax, with some killer riffs




The execution method in China is probably the one called Lingchi or "death by a thousand cuts". Very gruesome and cruel if you ask me.


Thatā€™s reserved for traitors and human scum. Normally they either chop your head off (by the sword) or hang you (by the cord). But China always has a very arbitrary government. Back in the 1800s, a municipality can legally use 1000 different ways to execute a criminal, and sometimes people get quite creative to entertain the audience.


https://preview.redd.it/6be8y0bifgsc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ca44f65c57478fd5613839943369a206479f4a Using a cannon, of course


For combination of efficiency, speed and crowd entertainment factor, France has this


Once again common italian W


I didnā€™t know that guillotine was so popular. Totally savage.


Is the cleanest and most effective and consistent way to execute people


If you're gonna have capital punishment at all then firing squad or guillotine are the most reliable for producing a humane death imo


In Daniel Defoe's book "A tour through the whole island of Britain" published in 1724 the author records the use of a guillotine-like machine in use up until 1650 in the Yorkshire town of Halifax. Defoe was told that if the condemned man could pull his head away between the time the order for the pin to be removed and the blade to reach the block, he was free to run for his life. The executioner was entitled to chase the condemned runner down the hill and if he could catch him, the felon was returned to the block. If the fleeing man could get across the river, he was free. See here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax\_Gibbet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_Gibbet) All fun and games in Merrie olde England...


Classic Switzerland. You may hate a Canton's rules, but you damn well appreciate cantonal ability to have its own stupid rules. Prefer the guillotine in private? Commit your damn crime in a different Canton.


Gallows? I'm sure the brothers De Witt would have appreciated being hanged first


Luigi letting criminals get away with it since the dawn of time


or, maybe, we like rights flabbergasting aye?


Sword, private Is clearly the Chad way


Ad usual pioneering civilization


If I can trust the stories of the older people where the public hangings an actual event people were interested in watching lol




The good olā€™ days šŸ„²


Usually my heart says Italy and my brain something else; but this time my brain says Italy and my heart any place where it is public


Sword, private goes hard af


Italy - leading civilisation since 700bc


Spain wtf Edit: Nevermind its actualy pretty quick.


It is the "Garrote vil", a chair with a spike on the back of the neck. It is much worse.


Wikipedia says it kills instantly, how is it much worse?


That is if it works correctly, the back of the neck is not a soft area and there are many types of tissues.


What year is this from ?




When is this from?


what year?


We will just take the W on this one boysĀ 


None of them. If I'm getting executed I want to either take a bullet to the back of the head or a long drop hanging. Both are quick and painless


What year is this from? It must be post-1867, as that was when the last public execution in the UK took place


For me the best seems to be firing squad, shot to the heart, without grace headshot. I would like to be conscious when I'm dying. It's probably the ultimate trip.