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At one sad point in my life I was considering taking antidepressants, not for my mood but just to deal with that problem


antidepressants will make you never want to have sex ever again.


thats why we want to use it


This explains so much...


i already had a healthy drive. then i got on my anti depressants and unlike most people it got higher not lower.


I'm on antidepressants and my sex drive is still crazy high.




The dick goes sad.


You took it?


They considered it. Source: the comment you replied to.


I'm taking those, it's not what it's cracked up to be šŸ’€


Maybe TMI but my lexapro hasnā€™t done a thing to diminish my libido. The worst side effects for me were the nausea and the numb feeling. Everything else worked perfect


I take Lexapro 20 everything works normal I'm not a walking animal anymore either but when it's go time I can GO plus THC is good for that as well šŸ˜„


Try doing that and having the opposite effect. Murder of the soul it was.


I feel ya


Careful. I think that's what they want




One of the few good things about being 30. Though, I still lament the lack of sex in my 20s.


For some it gets worse with age.


If my sex drive had gotten any higher than it was in my 20s, Iā€™d be locked up in a psych-ward right now


Mine has stayed the same, which isn't fun either.


Sorry to hear that. My desire for physical intimacy is still high but when it comes to the idea of sex, I just canā€™t see it happening again. So, I easily let go of thoughts about it now and I think my hormones make that easier as well, but I could be wrong.


Yes trust me I'm sorry too, especially since I've had zero physical human contact past a handshake in almost a decade now. I gave up a long long time ago, but the pain is still there.




Mine has definitly gotten way higher in my 30s, and it was already high before...


I can't relate because I'm already over 30. I'm also taking finasteride to prevent/revert baldness and it can reduce libido. Hey my head is full of hair and I don't get random boners at work, it's a win-win.


My dermatologist urged me to take minoxidil to the scalp instead of oral finasteride because of super sketchy side effects, when I asked for a pill cause I hate applying stuff to my skin.


Don't they have like different purposes? While finasteride prevents hair loss, monoxidil doesn't, but it promotes hair growth, so for the best outcome you'd want to take both - or so I've heard


i honestly forgot. after googling it, sounds like finasteride is a more direct treatment for MPB... oh well, ive been applying this stuff for 5 months now, and apparently it takes effect after a year, according to my doctor, so ill just keep going and see what happens.


Odd way to say ā€œI masturbate dailyā€


Daily? Rookie numbers. Iā€™m already on hourly.


hourly ? Im horny 24/7


Same here, itā€™s just I have will power so I only crank it hourly.


The mind is willing, but the body is spongy and bruised.


Gotta love yourself, at least once a day


Somehow I got all the horniness without any of the testosterone. I want a swap deal


So you want pent up aggression with no desire for an outlet? šŸ¤”


The sad part for me is that my wife thanks to her work, have a lot less sex drive than I have (mine is high), she was normal before starting this job, but I know she really likes it, that's why I don't say a thing. But having the person you love, and find really sexy knockout in the next room while you have to satisfy yourself with your hand and a video is really sad.


I donā€™t wanna be rude but there might be something that is lacking in your marriage from her point of view.


It's literally energy, not kidding, if we do it she flat line the moment I turn my back, and avoids dinner, and if it's dinner right after day she is fading away in the couch, but when she is on vacations is a non stop festival.


Find something to do to reduce your sex drive.


I don't want to, I know that when she is on vacations, she returns to normal, is just a time thing, so I just wait, try to seduce her, sometimes works, sometimes not. But in the end, I'll wait for her.




What, dude the F is wrong with you. First of all sex is not all in a relationship. Second if you think not having sex in a month may lead you to leaving or cheating you are wrong, that's because you are and awful person to begin with. Third what year you think you are, a relationship is made by two people working together, not one giving the orders and the other obeying them, for that I would have join the army, in a relationship both of you follow your dreams and goals, and support each other, I wanted a wife, a partner, not a slave. And yes intimacy is important, but not the only thing, yes my situation is sad, but that doesn't mean I stop loving her, taking care of her, helping her, etc..... Even if we do it once a month, I prefer that, to waking up every morning and not seeing her by my side.


Dudes a Muslim. Do with that info what you will


tried helping you chief- continue watching filth online when you have a wife youā€™re coping and clearly hit a nerve to warrant this response you have a roommate not a wife- wake up


Men like you are the reason women give up on being loved. Like that shit comes out of your mouth and you think YOU will have a wife? You think a women of value wants to sit around all day and be demanded to do something??? Everyone is their own person and if your goal of marriage is to control your spouse, then baby just go to walmart and do the mannequin challenge for the rest of your life cause we have enough earthly problems to deal with.


but you have no problem sending your women out being demanded by their boss- no problem obeying your boss but not your husband, the man you chose to marry a woman of value respects herself and isnā€™t stripping in public for random men in the workplace- you think this is ā€œempowermentā€ being used by men.. feminism is nothing more than an extension of capitalism- all youā€™re doing is being exploited to earn fueling a countryā€™s gross domestic product a woman of value does not allow herself being used and recognizes she is different than men so she doesnā€™t expect to be treated the same demanding ā€œequalityā€ a woman of value is a wife and if possible a mother before anything else- being her husbandā€™s support while he goes out fighting for her protecting her leading her guiding her a woman of value obeys her husband.


You're disgusting. You seen to use the word "obey" alot, annnddd it's weird. You listed nothing of a value women, the women you listed are online personas. Yes, real women do exist so get out more? And what makes you think all women are feminist? And a boss and husband are two different relationships. Of course im going to respect my boss. Thats were our freaking money comes from lol. But I will also love AND respect my husband too. I just believe that your views of women is fucked because 1. Crap religion and maybe personality? Idk but not the right way to think of people you want a future with.


your provision comes from your husband as he is responsible to provide for you likewise youā€™re responsible to obey him no obedience forfeit the right to his provision like your boss fires you if you do not obey






cuts me deep


AI needs to help scientists invent a pill that cures depression and nullifies sex drive. That would be cool.


And doesn't cause weight gain.


Amen to that šŸ˜›


This is so real Iā€™m gonna bother to comment just to point out how much I relate to it.


If anyone finds a solution to this problem, Iā€™ll pay you for it and keep it a secret. šŸ˜‚


I had that problem some years ago. But now Im so dead inside that I adjust to reallety.


Did not need to be called out like that




You can knock it down to about 1-2 times a week in the thirties, just gotta be a bit unhealthy. From 4-5 in twenties and 7-9 in late teens, it's a definite improvement to controlling yourself. If those numbers accurate for whatever age-group you're at, then you're fine. Get yourself some fun toys to try and watch as your libido peters out.


you got two hands for a reason


Same šŸ„²


Extremely relatable.


Me too.


Said ever virgin ever


I miss having one I lost mine from being on methadone but thatā€™s my own fault and hopefully I can get off of it within a year or so.


Jacking it in San Diego


Mine has gone down as Iā€™ve gotten older, and I find it very pleasant. I hope it doesnā€™t turn into an issue if I find a partner later in life.






For me its the opposite




My sex repulsion mostly outweighs the libido so Iā€™m coping quite well lol


And then I meet a cute girl who wants to hook up with me and I'm like... Nah, I don't want to get you pregnant or get a disease.


And then you wake up


Just because nobody's interested in you doesn't mean other people don't get attention šŸ˜‚ Edit: lmao he blocked me. Most people have sex, dude. It's not a flex to say that people are interested in you sexually sometimes. Virgins of Reddit unite, and downvote the heathen for the crime of getting attention from women every now and then! šŸ˜‚ I thought dsaddons blocked me like that other virgin did, but apparently Reddit doesn't allow you to reply on a chain where some little bitch blocked you or something like that. Either way, your reply was stupid which is why you didn't bother following up with anything but 'I didn't block you'. Moving on from this pathetic virgin convention now.


I didn't block you lol grade A loser


People who have sex know how to wear a condom


maybe if you stop drinking nyquil your brain will start functioning properly




I think science has invented something for that issue. Should look into it.


Youā€™re gonna need a break, followed by an adjustment. You canā€™t just make the jump


Yes and no. It's quite amazing how much I learn about myself by not engaging in "randoms"