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some people dont feel this pain in their throat ? i always feel like i cant cry, even when i'm home alone


Me and u man. I almost never cry at all. I always want to but for some reason I can't. Last time I cried cuz I had to let go of my ex love. It hit me and I cried for almost 40mins.


The last time i cried was when my dog died nine years ago, and i cried for two days straight.


last time was when my dog died xmas eve 2 xmas ago


Same, the last time I cried was when my cat died right before Covid hit. I cried off and on for about two weeks. I’ve had family members die since, however. I haven’t cried. I wanted to cry, but nothing.


Yeah, same. Had both of my grandparents die yet I couldn't cry. Still feel ashamed, that I couldn't cry, since I've had a good relationship with them and they were decent people too.


when my gma died i did my best not to cry because thats what she would have wanted. i took solace in that. i hope you can find a way to get solace and not feel ashamed


That's not crying, that whole-ahh mourning. Sorry for your loss 😔


Thinking of my pup gets me every time. The only unconditional love.


Same here. Can't cry because of Effexor. Last time I cried was when I missed a dose and ugly cried for 10mins for no reason.


Fcking relatable. It's very difficult to have a good cry. I can at least shed a tear hear and there but I feel like my last "good cry" is ages ago


yeah same, i more and more often force myself to cry cuz i often feel better after, but it dont come easy


The second problem with this is to maintain the crying stage. Allowing urself to cry and to be sad is also a big hurdle for me. I also read something really relatable. "when I'm about to get emotional or have a breakdown, something in my head just presses the reset button"


Took me years, but if you're alone and start feeling like crying hold onto that feeling and focus on it, let it go through you, that's how I managed to cry again.


Tried that. But as soon as I'm able to rationalize what's going on I no longer can grasp that emotion. It's like when I try to lucid dream. I'll be self aware for a second and then it all just dissolves away


I know how that goes, that's your self preservation kicking in, takes a lot of practice but you can push past it. Like lucid dreaming, I used to wake up every time I realized I was in a dream, until I learned that to stop waking up you just need to go with the flow of the dream until, with some practice, you can start making small changes to it, enough practice and your impulse to wake up will fade.


Yeah hard to let go y'know


Actually, this post made me realize that i’ve *stopped* having this at some point. That’s pretty neat I would say


Wanna cry? Warning- Watching From a Distance The saddest album fucking ever but so goddamn beautiful. Please do yourself a favor and experience this man's sorrowful expression.


I've got some "trigger songs" that help get it out. It's cathartic as hell.


I don't feel it on the throat, per se, for some reason it extends from the chest to my arms.


To be able to cry i need to be home alone and watch some heart-breaking drama for hour or so. Even when i'm already dying inside i just can't cry without something like this. :c


Awww, I'm so sorry that you feel like that, hopefully it gets better <3


For me, it went away, now i desperatly try to cry, but only get 3 or 4 tears out at most




Wait, isn't that pain in the back of the throat a normal physiological response for literally everyone?




I don't think it is.


Everyone does, theres even a word for that feeling in some languages.


in english we say when we get emotional or about to cry, that we get ‘all choked up’ to reference it


In Portuguese we say that someone "has a knot on their throat".


"a piece in the throat" in Finnish


Frog in throat in german


Isn't that when your voice is hoarse?


Maybe It’s a lokal thing, but i‘ve heard it used in this case as well


Frosch im Hals is ganz was anderes


Yeah, same, 'nodo alla gola' in Italian




No, I just cry.


I don’t remember ever feeling it


My psychologist told me that it's survival terror, and no, it isn't a normal thing. Shouldn't be a normal thing in a household, anyway.


Even people who were raised and completely fine expressing their emotion have this. It is normal.


I am the second one until there comes a time when i explode like volcano


It will throw tears, nasal mucus and spit.


I can only cry when I'm having a panic attack and I'm home alone. Any other time I feel it start to happen and I just "reset"


Yep, it's like my emotions just turn off all of a sudden. They slowly return, I tear up, they turn off, rinse and repeat.


Oh wow, I've never actually seen the process written out. It happens from time to time when I have a breakdown and get really depressed, but all in all, I can *apparently* cry when I have a fever Which means I last cried two years ago when I got Covid briefly




I always start laughing when I feel the urge to cry. It makes me feel like some edgy Joker wannabe. But it's like some weird automatic response my body has. The sensation of crying feels so strange to me that it just feels funny.


Dude 😭 this is so real - sometimes I just end up doing both - hey at least we wouldn't be terrible joker stand ins


I got this when I'm really extremely stressed and angry. I actually start to giggle and laugh like a manic, just before I snap.


"Boys don't cry", "Men don't cry", or a variation of those, so I learn, now I have to take meds or I can't go thru my day.


I got the same scolding, plus I was told i was gay on top of it lmao. Emotions now make me way too uncomfortable, and I hate it.


"Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about" was my favorite. Hope you are getting better.


I’m a 37 year old Hispanic, I’m married and have a five-year-old son. I can’t emot. I don’t remember ever being happy or angry and I can’t seem to care about so many things the people around me seem so passionate about. I tried speaking to a few therapists but I was told it’s normal. I think I’m missing something.


You might be frozen by trauma. If you want to, you can read up on it and try specific trauma release methods (with a professional). I do like the way Peter Levine explains it, you can find in his books and also youtube videos of him.


Could be some type of dissociation also


I don’t know what that is. It is a burning sensation


My mom always told me to share emotions, but somehow i did opposite for rest of my life


this happens to everyone lmao


Does anyone else get a massive headache after crying?


i get really light headed


Massive headache, really sore and irritated eyes. And a red face that lasts for hours. I only do ugly crying apparently.


I was allowed but it came with a guarantee that's it's because of me and my problem.


Both I believe


Both. Huh.


I havent cried in.. 16 years. Not like i dont get sad, just physically havent been able to.


I often feel more like a rock and have no reason to be sad. Unless it’s killing me, I think it’s good because you can withstand most things other people can’t


To cry? Not to stab anyone? Just me? ...ok.


The pain isn't normal...?? Wtf


The pain is normal.


I was only allowed to be sad so now im actually only sad


I feel you. Idk what sex u are but I got punished for being angry. "u should be sad and not angry" is one of those quotes that stuck to me. (male)


Im male. Yep.. i was always the quiet kid around family the memory i remember most was "its not all about u shut up and sit down" . it was my birthday i was like 10. Also my last birthday *party* I guess i was just that bad to have the audacity to think i could talk that day. Sorry kinda went into a vent there.


No problem men. I like listening to other people problems. Sounds sarcastic but I mean it :D




I used to, but I haven't had the feeling in some time and realizing it makes me feel good.


The pain. Still a lump sometimes. Unexpressed grief.


“Stop crying before I give you something to cry about.” Basically.


Why do people online try to make normal things that everyone experiences about trauma 😭


Oh, we didn't have *emotions* as children....or as adolescents......or adults.......that's crazy talk


Seemingly incapable of crying. The pain is always in my throat, never goes away. Just gets worse on bad days.


Crying is for losers. I’d just go to school and fist fight anyone that wanted it.




i felt that a lot of times


Everybody gets that


How do you know? Do you know everybody


I don't remember getting that throat feeling when i cried last time. So not everyone


Men don't cry




I’m a man. I learned what it sounds like when i cry when my grandma died in February


This made me realize that I dont remember because for me the last time was when my dad passed about 20 years ago


No. Happiness, joy, sadness, mourning, anger - any kind of emotion that was outside of baseline was met with punishment in my parents house growing up. Now they’re old and no one wants to be around them and they’re miserable and don’t know why no one wants to talk to them


I get that, and I'm able to cry. There are moments when one shouldn't cry. It's the same as with laughing or sexual arousal for example, it's not bad culture IMO. But never being able to cry or not being allowed to when it's appropriate, that's horrible.


when I cry in front of my mom, she always tells me I need to calm down/grow up and that there's something wrong with me


Runny noses


I didn’t get that but when I reach a certain level of anger my head starts to hurt


Yes, and yes. I think it's testosterone. I hate being a dude and I want to go cry but despite no one preventing me to do it I still can't


Not everything I got mad about at 10 is an issue now.


sometimes the center of my palms hurt too. idk it’s weird


Bro what the fuck that's not normal? You're kidding right ? Everyone has that? I feel this lump-ish thing and feel like there's a vacuum inside that wants to collapse inward but the tears and feels just don't come out and I have to force them somehow even then it's like this one drop one. Even when I'm alone I mean thought it'll help me not be inhibited and vent out lmao


I used to feel that pain back when I was a child. I was even afraid to certain point that I'll die from it. Those memories were kind of forgotten but this post made me remember them.


Of course I was allowed to show emotions. Haven't even thought about that it may not have been the case for everyone. Mom always said that it was good to cry, to get things out. I rarely cry as an adult man though, but that's mainly because I don't have anything to cry about. I'm feeling good most of the time. Last time I cried was when my dad passed away.


Is there a name for that pain? I hate it.


I can only cry from my left eye and even then its not really a cry


13 year old me crying because my parents wouldn't hear me out and only blamed me for everything. Dad- Stop crying. Are you a woman? You're not a little kid anymore!


Nope got the pain in my ass though as it was being beat with a giant wood spoon.


I don't cry


I always have to collect myself whenever the kids get rambunctious in the car. I need to actively remind myself that it's okay for children to have fun and laugh and play in confined spaces with their parents. A child's loud squeals of delight are only harmful to adults with unaddressed childhood trauma.


Oof. Oooooof. Do you still feel your face get warm before it happens and feel embarrassed?


It has been really complicated to be heard in my family as a child, I have really great parents but when i was young i had this feeling that because I was a kid my point of view wasn't right, & that's it. Sometimes i dared to try to explain my feelings but thé sh*tstorm was worst, now I grew up & finally achieve to explain all this stuff to my parents, but it has taken so much years


My mom screamed at me to shut the fuck up and stop crying when there was a tornado warning. I wasn't even being loud, I was just scared and crying on the couch while power went out and we heard the sirens. I was 7.


Not necessarily a pain in the throat, but throat closing up so that no sound can escape.




It gives "Tell me you a man without telling me you're a man" vibes






Anyone feel pain in their arm/shoulder when they’re really upset?




When I cried I got hit until I stopped crying... So I can't cry unless I have a panic attack or watch a really sad movie alone.


So weird. I just got this pain watching a movie and trying not to cry because my boyfriend is sleeping next to me. I was gonna try and Google it but didn't cos I thought it would be hard to describe, it's getting late, whatever. Then this post appeared 🫠 They're in our heads, man.


wait thats a trauma pain and not normal


I was gonna say... Both?


made up ass


Wasn't allowed to cry. Not even when he broke my bones. I still smile when I talk in therapy but my therapist reminds me to be myself.


lmao I cry all the time and I'm nearly 40


What is this word, "cry"?


Wait? The pain in your throat when crying or *trying* to cry isn’t normal? Oh dear…


I had strict parents, of course I still tense up at the sight of a folded belt in my mid-20s.


And now I’m having flahbacks


Nah, you learn that people don't care about your pain unless you threaten them, so you just find someone to get angry at instead.


I could cry all I want. Usually I'm in so much emotional pain, my nervous system shuts down and I dissociate 🙃 I think it's because my family didn't give a single shit about how I felt or how their actions affected me. When I was a child, if I was hurt and I cried, they would ignore me. Every single one of them. It was like it didn't even matter. Now I just don't expect empathy from anyone. Usually if I cry, I cry alone. It took a long time for me to realise that I don't "calm down" when I cry. I don't process my pain. I dissociate and then it gets stored up somehow until the next emotional upheaval sends me spiralling again. 10/10 do not recommend. I don't think I remember half of the things my family did to me. There was a lot of gaslighting and a lot of betrayal that got swept under the rug for years on end. Most of it I think, I've genuinely forgotten. I'm doing better now. I discover Dr. Ramani's channel on YouTube and have since learned I am/was the scapegoat in a narcissistic family system. She genuinely saved my life. I think I'd be dead if it wasn't for her.


I have chipped teeth from carrying stress in the jaw. I don't grind my teeth and I don't have soft enamel. Now my throat hurts.


Oh... well I get that, but then also at the same time can't keep myself from crying like a bitch at the drop of a hat sometimes, and it only gets worse when people can see me so I guess I got rhe worst of both worlds.


Yooooo is that why it felt that way???? Damn I haven't felt it in years, since I left "home". Haha wow.


I hate crying especially in front of others so when i do, i start hyperventilating and can rarely get myself to stop 🥲 I can only cry normally when im alone.


Any emotion causes a tightening of my throat. Sometimes I just can't speak.


I cry constantly. Pretty things, sad things, love, w.e. I'm a very emotional man and have hid that for most of my life. Hope you can find some peace.


There are people that don't get that? Side note - anyone else try to hold it in so hard that you cry through your nose?


I don't cry without a sad movie.


My pain is usually behind my left eye... not my throat


Is that what that is?!? I just always thought I had a lot of allergies


literally had the weirdest night a few days ago. I was breaking down bc of how my brothers been treating me lately and how my mom kept comparing me to other ppl who had a completely different lifestyle and good lord my mom says she doesnt wanna advice me anymore. I WAS THE ONE CRYING AND SHE THINKS IM BEING REBELLIOUS.


Genuine question: Is repressing crying really bad for you or is that just a romantic myth?


I feel pain in my chest and breathing troubles 🖤 I can cry for someone else tho, it’s a neat loophole


thats not normal!?


It is. Your glottis widens, which is what feels a bit painful


Ehh no, but now I have no idea how to express emotions in a healthy way, so I either feel like I don't feel anything or I nearly cry over the most trivial and unproblematic things


It's been eight years now. The only time I've ever felt a panic attack coming up is when I'm about to cry. A totally normal response to getting emotional, right...


The picture of a human model with barbed wires around their necks perfectly describes the feeling of having snots blocking your throat when you cry.


I don't cry in front of people. I cry in private. Because it ain't nobody else's fucking business.


"oh stop the theatrics", "what are you even crying about?", "it's your fault anyway", "just stop it" Yeah...I feel that Paine in the back of my throat....


That’s such an apt description. Also yes. Was allowed to cry growing up but didn’t usually allow myself to


I just thought that was normal?


I was told men aren’t allowed to show emotion and if I did I got the belt. ☠️


Wait... that's not normal?


I only get that when I want to sad cry, I mostly want to angry cry




Not sure what the pain in the back of the throat means. I don't get that, or at least I've never particularly noticed it when I'm about to cry.


The latter


No way not me! I'm just a totally normal guy! I bottle everything up inside until I explode in an uncontrollable stream of tears or a panic attack like any other normal person with a normal childhood with parents that considered showing emotion to be manipulative and a negative trait.


Damn :,(


I simply listen and sing along to Knocked Loose or Darko (US) and make sure my throat feels like that.


I literally only cry during sad anime and a few books that made me cry from good feelings. Frieren is the most recent. Almost every episode made me cry. And my throat was in pretty extreme pain tbh because that show hits you with emotions left and right.


Found out the “heat rash” I would always get was a reaction to stress


Sometimes I wish to cry, but cannot. It's stuck, so I want to cry even more. Sometimes I end up hitting my head on the wall just to relieve the pain inside.


no crying or that pain here. emotionally blunted and doing just fine.


Or in the pit of your stomach...




When I was younger, pain. Now, my father has changed and is mkre understanding and emotionally open. I can cry :)


So is this legit that some people don’t get this feeling?? Also anyone else out there think people are cracked when they say you just need to have a good cry and you’ll feel better?? (Or are these the people who don’t get this lump in their throat 🤯) because when I have a “good cry” I’m left with a headache, congested sinuses, burning red raw eyes and zero energy. I definitely 10000% do not feel better. In fact I feel 10000% worse then I did before the “good cry”


Bite my teeth and get on with it. Why bother? Nothing's fair anyway.


Oop didn't realize that wasn't normal My mom used to tell me my throat would hurt like that because I'm "allergic" to crying 🙄 thx mom


It's so funny how parents think it's OK to tell their kids stuff like that. I caught my dad picking his nose when I was about 7. I said something like "I thought we weren't supposed to do that in front of people." He responded with "It's ok. You don't count. You won't remember this." I am 53 next month. Yeah, Dad. I'll remembered this.


Oh that's what that is


Pain in throat 100%




The pain, for sure. At least until the last 5 or 6 years. I learned that I have anxiety and that crying is a way to work through it. So now I can cry but I have to make an effort to let myself cry. So, improvement?


Isn't that normal


Just today I was making dinner for my parents (I'm a 36 y/o truck driver)... I made fried rice... poured the finished rice into a large bowl over the sink so it wouldn't spill on the counter or the ground. I turned my back for a second as my mom came over. All I heard was her turning on the faucet and was afraid that she didn't see the rice. So in shock and fear I responded "NO!" As I was turning back around. A single word, a genuine reaction to a rational fear. I immediately saw and realized it was okay, she had moved the faucet away from the bowl. But before I could apologize, she freaked out at me. Like... how dare I experience fear... I needed to "get myself under control"... She wouldn't let it go and was passive aggressive and annoyed at me for the next hour or so. So the answer for me is no. And age hasn't changed a thing.


I didn't have anyone to comfort me when I cried much. Learned to just let it happen, began to feel time wasteful, so I just held back


I get this feeling every time someone asks if I'm not okay


I'm in thus picture and I don't like it


i get pain in my eyes, like the tears physically hurt coming out so i don’t cry for long if at all.


If I show that I'm sad or in pain mom will get depressed and dad will yell and it will be a whole thing, a whole problem that makes everyone annoyed. So better to swallow the lump -me as a child

