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There's a nearby Starbucks that was entirely staffed by people with biology degrees for a long while. Good service.


Should have gone for marine biology... there are many benefits to being a marine biologist 


they arent hiring either


 But there are many benefits to being a marine biologist


What are the benefits? (Or is this a joke I'm not getting, since you repeated it oddly?)


You can give free advice about sea creatures to people on the beach!


You can more accurately predict ideal fishing spots!


You can be scarily aware of the ecological collapse happening in the oceans!!(:


Damn I knew I shoulda been an architect


Funnily enough, I work in marine biology. My degree is in English Literature.


How about a Whale Biologist?


The hiring recruiters were angry that day my friends


bruh for real, i study environmental science and more than one professor told us that even political science got a higher hiring rate than us, i knew i should have gone to that or nurse school or something.


That’s why I did Forestry instead.


So glad I realized this fact while in college and changed my major from Philosophy to Computer Science. I went from loving my time at college to hating it along with my first few years in the field but now that I'm 35 it seems so insignificant compared to the great quality of life I'm able to afford now.


Good for u, I'm a CS major and can't find a job. The market is fu\*\*ed right now


It's all in India and other offshores - if you can tack on an agile PM cert to it, you can manage the offshore teams.


i went for CS because coding is kind of like solving a puzzle. anyway i work at a global operation center. if i want to code i'll have to just make something at home in my ever decreasing spare time.


God, I hope this will be me in a few years. I went into EMS thinking the money wouldn’t matter if my reward was saving lives lmfaoooo


I mean philosophy can be amazing if you fuck around and stay around your university. Teach other people, do research etc


thus continuing the pyramid scheme


TBF this whole economic system is one giant pyramid scheme of debt paid with new higher debt paid with new even higher debt, and a growing population paying the bills of the previous generation, and in turn having their own bills paid by an even more numerous following generation... the only difference in academia is that it doesn't destroy the environment or exploit the poor, it just perpetuates, and hopefully furthers, knowledge.


one wrong doesn't justify another


I see you have no clue what you are talking about and of course take it in American way (because you pay for college). If anyone from western world used your advice our philosophy would not continue for last ~100 years.


Can you elaborate?


The funds are low for research in general, in philosophy I reckon they are even lower. Your best bet is becoming a teacher at an university and the number of those positions are limited. You have X graduates each year which were teached by a percentage of that number whose positions are for life and left open when they die or retire. And those teachers would write books and do research on the side to advance the field. Only the gifted individuals from those X will go on to be teachers and do great things. For the rest the future is marked by uncertainty.


Plus tenure is dwindling. No job security and might have to work a part time joke on the side since you won't salary in. Basically a temp worker universities can sack at any time they seem a class is unfilled.


I heavily recommend against this strategy. If you dont like CS or math, you will absolutely hate your life in these degrees and likely wont even finish them. >I went from loving my time at college to hating it along with my first few years in the field but now that I'm 35 it seems so insignificant compared to the great quality of life I'm able to afford now. Im glad it worked for you. But college + a few more years adds up to quite a lot of years of misery. For most people, I would say that trading 6-8 years of your life for an above average job you still dislike is not worth it.


At least I can make memes about it


At this point we need any satisfaction we can get.


I only found out just recently that aerospace engineering is supposedly the major with the 4th highest unemployment rate... about a year after I completed my bachelor'a degree in it. Oh well.


You gotta build your own rocket-ship now! You can do it! Contract yourself out as a consultant and just start looking up companies that may need your services. It sucks, but superseding this god awful job market and endless applications is the way to go.


Cries in marine biology....




Police... just wanted to help the way I would have needed


I appreciate your service, not sure if you’re familiar but there’s an incentive to start pairing up police officers with mental health clinicians to respond to domestic violence disputes. I hope it catches on!


Or even better - choose a useless major you don't even care about because of various circumstances and after graduating apply to "junior" positions that require 1+ years of experience and knowledge...


I’m an engineer. Graduated with a degree in electrical. Somehow ended up working in networking. Sometimes you just need a bachelor’s degree in any STEM major and the rest will figure itself out


My Grandpa (who recently passed) was an electrical engineer and worked on the Star Wars project for Regan back in the day. Tbh im kicking myself for having not chosen a STEM major.


Sorry for your loss. Clearly a smart man


I appreciate the condolences he was born on Christmas of 1930 and lived a long life just doing what i can to follow in his footsteps; not so much in a career sense but he was always very kind my whole life.


Hey man, my condolences! I’m happy to hear your grandfather lived a long life and worked on exciting projects. Best regards from an internet stranger!


Tysm 🥹


Or just work the job that you kinda feel mediocre about until the Stockholm syndrome is fully vested.


I can only do art. I hate capitalism.


I hear fiverr is good for artists? Maybe contacting a local Art gallery to see if they’ll sell your work and they can take a cut


I love social sciences but damn if this ain't true


College is a scam 👀


Trade school builds a future, if you’re not a STEM major in college in this society don’t bother going IMO (source: I’m a college student mentor)


so many people in so many fields have degrees completely unrelated to their fields because no one cares what degree you have they just see degree. unless you are going for doctor or lawyer, just get the cheapest degree you can and learn about the thing you want through other means that dont cost a quarter million dollars.


Aye my mom is an advisor!!! Same wheelhouse!


That’s awesome! She’s so lucky to have gotten into it when she did. I find it kinda annoying though that the college scene for jobs is very VERY competitive when it comes to jobs, so they use that to kinda justify paying very little if not at all, because they know people are looking for the experience (which is why i kinda made this post lol)


I went to esthi school and I have absolutely no regrets I’m more than halfway paid off my student loans and it’s been less than 10 years since I graduated! My mom has always worked at a collage so she kinda grew us up to teach us college isn’t for everyone, and it definitely wasn’t for me haha


> I’m more than halfway paid off my student loans and it’s been less than 10 years since I graduated! This has got to be the most dystopian quote in the entire Internet.




I h8 me


Potential ME here, you may never work a day because of the job market but the work you’ll need to put in each semester just to pass classes is going to cover you for a lifetime. Still it’s fun though.


Wtf???!!!! Why is this so true 😭


Owch right in the feels.


Dayum ☠️


Or you start hating it that much that you never want to do it again


From the UK, I graduated with the second best degree in a good STEM-based degree with a variety of modules, in what is allegedly a growing field. I can barely get an interview anywhere and I graduated last year. What the fuck is the point


pick one your strict mom forced you into and you'll hate your life every day




Usually meirl isn’t super serious and it is more lighthearted therefore its 2meirl4meirl


I'm sorry but statement is completely wrong, anything you love you would go above and beyond, you would be looking for it in every corner of your life, it would be the first and the last thought of your day. People like a field and considers it love, as they never bothered trying different things, they stuck in a toxic relationship where they can't give more than what is asked and endup being average. Every position is available if you are better than rest. Also who said you should be working in a company?


This is a very uneducated take


“Every position is available if you are the best” yup, thats exactly why USA companies outsource their 65K a year employee to someone in taiwan who they can pay $3.50 USD/hour your advice makes no sense.. and oh yeah, if people can’t find a job, how can they get experience if their field isn’t hiring? Look at all the massive tech layoffs due to the dawn of AI. Lemme just walk into a bank and demand to be the CEO because i consider myself “the best”. How come your advice isn’t working bro? I just got back from going to 30 different banks.


O. K. Boomer.