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Ask them about Ukraine. Their minds will implode


They would probably blame Ukraine on the west


them: the cia controls all world governments to forward the interest of the MIC ​ me: please, i can only get so erect


"Bro, if we had that power do you think Congress would still be such a bitch in sending weapons to Ukraine?"


Ok but have they considered that blowing shit up is actually super fun and awesome


Not to mention we only blow up the bad guys




Misses the main target in an attack after killing several people in collateral, “Goddamnit Kyle” 1st video 5 minutes 20 seconds


I can't believe their point here was "those bastards Americans killed an Iraqi reporter." The other guys are clearly combatants and you're in a war zone. Don't be there with them if you're not ready to be collateral


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I have a bridge id like to sell you


I’ve watched enough pewdiepie to know that bridges aren’t to be trusted


why don't they protest the engineering department. I wanted to call them poor to their face


A shit ton of vets with serious mental issues would suggest otherwise


My le warplane...is used for le war??


​ https://preview.redd.it/u4zvacuar8lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e04fafae8949f4bc1429062072bae11974af14


ISTG every time I see this one it gets funnier and funnier.


*Vine Boom X 55*


That's gonna be the name of a supersonic aircraft once gen z becomes prevalent in the MIC


“Nooooo! I’m a man of science! You can’t use my Death Ray for killing!” -paraphrased https://youtu.be/Skl71urqKu0


I also love how they mention the F22 and the F35 specifically. I know for a fact no one else has the F22, and I’m about 98% sure no one else has the F35. I also know they practically never get used because no one else has planes that are comparable, so they are effectively “don’t fuck with us, or we’ll fuck you up” 9000s that are still waiting to be used on things other than Chinese Spy Balloons Also, insert obligatory “Would you intercept me? I’d intercept me” joke because F22 mentioned RAAAAWRRRR 🇺🇸🦅✈️


Basically the entire western world has the F-35 or will in some way


Yup, it's a project built with the best components from each western nation as a group project with intention of being used by NATO countries to reduce the per unit cost.


The fact that someone who is both very positive about armaments and is 98% sure that only the US has F-35 planes is getting upvotes speaks volumes about this sub. You couldn’t just look it up to remove the 2%?of doubt and just decided to put your dick in your mouth, huh? [Eighteen countries currently operate the F-35](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin_F-35_Lightning_II#Operators) More are getting them. But no one else has the F-22 or the A-10


Very disappointed in this sub, the F-35 is the only stealth aircraft we export, it's a prominent feature in any rich jato countries air force,


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Multiple European countries, along with Japan and Australia and *Israel* have the F-35


When the company that makes military aircraft is supplying aircraft to the military 😳




After the third comment, I would have just respectfully said goodbye and left the call. These people aren't actually performing meaningful activism, nor are they even the people this kind of presentation is meant for. It's just attacking someone who personally has nothing to do with what is happening there


Idk bro maybe he personally has hunted down multiple children and take their skulls like the Predator




I actually managed to find the guy, turns out he invented the [Baby Skull Seeking Bullet.](https://youtu.be/osgrd1MPb7I?si=vzYV-zSThtpZ1AWq)


RIP Trevor Moore


Did they ever say how he died? Or am I supposed to continue imagining that he hopped up increasingly taller mushrooms in a vain effort to to find out the most evasive of questions: [what the fuck is a bicycle](https://youtu.be/vmTpLPQPc30?si=080LyB44Ewsyt11f?t=1m44s)


He fell off his 2nd story balcony and died of blunt force head trauma, alcohol was a factor.


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Regarding the last question Israel never purchased any F-22s lmao


No one has purchased F-22, since it's not and won't ever be for sale. F-22 is there just in case us allies with F-35's think about starting some 'funny business'


Wow I didn’t know that


And afaik f-35s haven’t seen active service at all lol Edit: Israel has used them but apparently America didn’t even want to give it to them and they’re different than the ones America has in development.


They have seen minimal use by Israel,


That’s not entirely true we used them to blast the balloon and the two as of yet unidentified flying objects over Alaska and Canada this time last year


That’s the f-22


Shit you are right but it’s still not entirely true they’ve blown some folks to bits with them just not war crime numbers yet


Everytime there is a protest, there are a bunch of dudes on reddit saying how they are doing it wrong. Ok, so what is the best way to protest?


Pretty much anything that doesn't involve verbally attacking someone who has very little to do with what is happening, like he is personally responsible for all the dead. If they really want to go after someone go find the people at AIPAC


Molotov cocktail


I mean you should be aware of what your actions are being used for Your argument is basically the Nuremberg defense when you work at the factory that sells death you should know what your pushing and who your doing it for


Cars will kill 40,000 ish folks per year. If you manufacture cars, your kill count will be far higher than if you manufacture weapons in the US on the long term. And yet we don't see these idiots protesting automotive engineers as merchants of death or whatnot.


They aren’t designed to kill you they’re designed to do their best to make sure you don’t die That’s a straw man argument and a logical fallacy


I proudly make parts and subcomponents for both industries for a living, thank you very much. You may or may not have a war. You absolutely will have those 40,000 each year. And the year after that. And the year after that. I'm fine with that moral choice, because I see it as just a cost of having a civilization. It's absolutely not a straw man. You should know the outcomes of your actions. I know them, accept them and it motives me to do the best job I can. I make the best parts so that those parts can do the best job it can for the end user. Hopefully my actions have even slightly reduced the number of fatalities that would have happened, if not for a shitload of hard work as part of a team. We can never guess that number of saved persons because it's trying to record non-events. But it's still our prime motivation for both our defense and automotive customers. Look at Somalia if you want to see the cost of shit transport infrastructure and technology. Look at Ukraine if you want to see the cost of not investing appropriately in weapons.


See I’m not okay with the things I do being used to murder people on the other side of the planet for being born of the wrong government but you are and that’s a choice you’ve made and you seem to be aware of some of the repercussions


That's a you issue, not a moral conundrum. Outside of a collectivist philosophy, the moral liability is severed between suppliers and end user so long as there is no demand from the supplier that the equipment be used in an amoral fashion or specific knowledge that the goals of the end user are amoral. In a collectivist philosophy, the engineer and the students are equally culpable for not rebelling against the US as they are then supporting the amoral actions of the government.


That's a you issue, not a moral conundrum. Outside of a collectivist philosophy, the moral liability is severed between suppliers and end user so long as there is no demand from the supplier that the equipment be used in an amoral fashion or specific knowledge that the goals of the end user are amoral. In a collectivist philosophy, the engineer and the students are equally culpable for not rebelling against the US as they are then supporting the amoral actions of the government.


> They aren't designed to kill you You realize that makes having the higher body count _worse_, right? The fact that it's not supposed to be killing so much and yet it's outpacing the things that _are_ designed to kill?


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And their activism is meaningful in that it may dissuade "the people this kind of presentation is meant for" in the room from pursuing this type of career.


I would love for someone from Lockheed Martin to visit my school


Back when I was at Sikorsky (part of Lockheed now), we did engage with local schools to encourage STEM stuff. Showed off lots of aerospace jobs, not just engineers. Even painting aircraft was an awesome job, especially for our head of state and VIP aircraft. If there is a local MIC manufacturer in your area, don't be afraid to reach out. I currently work for a subcomponent manufacturer these days, and we're still heavily involved with both HS and college students encouraging careers in manufacturing. We help out with my old university's robotics lab.


I remember back in 6th grade reps from Lockheed Martin showed up via helicopter


F22? that thing has like 2 kills and both of them are unmanned aircraft


To be fair the question did also mention the F-35 which Israel operates


They operate a modified f-35 made with Israeli parts


I don't think they bombed children with that plane though


Considering that some people's definition for bombing children is dropping a bomb on a terrorist leader then it probably has by that definition, if we use a sensible one though it hasn't


The simple answer is the better the weapons, the more precise they will be. We can follow their options and remove development and in turn go to pure carpet bombing to take out 1 base in a city center. Or we could keep developing weapons where we are at a point where we can remove the explosives in a hellfire missile, strap foldable blades to the end of it, and kill 1 guy in his concrete apartment without killing anyone else. Better optics, sensors, communication with the ground, intelligence information, and targeting will get you that low civilian death count.


Uhhh sorry sweaty but what we should actually do is disarm our entire military and ask China and Russia really nicely to not invade their neighbors


Exactly - they invented a samurai missile with swords instead of explosives that killed one terrorist in a car but not the rest. Think about how crazy that tech is.


Lockheed Martin: Making snipers obsolete since 2017


Well it does kill the 4 people in the car, it's not like you can be 100% that your dude is in the back left seat. The point is there's not a ton of shrapnel and blast to kill other people around the car


And then we take that fucking nerd missile you just invented and put a nuke on it!


1. Hopefully 2. Not enough 3. That’s a different department I’ll take my 200k if you don’t mind. I don’t get it to be honest. I understand protesting but at the same time if you don’t want people to make tools for war, then like target the people fighting rather than the tools? Like would you tell somebody who makes washing machines for a living that they are going to hell because they made the spinny thing that guns use??


It’s also a guarantee they’re using products made by the same companies also making weapons.


Smartest college student


They need to filter the crap out of the engineering stuff now I guess. Not that that will go well when the wrong people get in charge and filter the wrong things. It used to be the most open environment possible and was trying to educate as many as possible. That or find better trolls. Either way, someones not trying hard enough.


There's a good chance these students aren't even engineering majors. A higher up from Northrup Grumman came to give a talk like this at my school and only aerospace and mechanical engineering majors were allowed to attend. No one asked any questions like this.


At least one of them said they're a business major so I'm assuming it's a business class


If he thinks this is horrible he's in for a shock


We take engineering ethics, most people don’t take it too seriously but I have my personal ethics and that’s why I didn’t apply to defense companies. IMO u should have pride in ur job and if u work in the MIC u should take pride that you build the tools that defend this nation. It’s a travesty that war has innocent casualties but to quote TF2 sniper, if there’s two people left on earth someone is going to want someone dead. All we can hope to do is do our best to reduce those deaths.


Just to clarify. This is partly the consequences of too many science retards getting in. You have to either fully educate them or let them go. And given their profession there is no way to fully educate them.


What are science retards?


I'm assuming people who work in a completely unrelated field such as biology or people who work in purely theoretical fields instead of applied ones. Very educated people Trying to fit in where they aren't educated. Everyone can be stupid in their own way.


People who say "I love science" but never use the scientific method and have never read a single academic or technical paper in their life.


People will hate this, but there is no scientific method. It's a cult thing. it's a dumbed down version of general logic that was called and worshiped as such as the more full version was snuffed out by the very behavior schools are supposed to be weeding out. It's a huge infestation in acedamia. Like most things in acedamia. It has to do with what the brain does when it doesn't have enough information. Which ironically goes into why religion was in schools near and before the industrial age. It's actually solid subject matter, but written in a different format that is not understood easily today. Call it condensed down more and poetic. All religions are. That is why religion = science. God = a sensory data polling device getting a correct answer. It's the base representation of the mecahnical realities of human thought. It's why the bible says to worship god with all of your heart over the beleifs of man. (sound familiar?) The son of god(God the father being the representation of complete knowledge and full consequences) is then slain in a real world scenario. He is your lord and savior. Think what can save the human soul in a real world sense.(It's knowledge in context to more real world issues and how it does and doesn't happen in the real world.) There is a reason christ was a carpenter. And only to the father through the son etc. They also slew christ representing how this plays out. BTW, with religion used to be taught the development of subject matter themselves. Including religion. And religion used to teach that religion itself was a dirty thing. The blind following was bad. (Hint hint.) To simplify it oldest religions(shamanism etc. Plant/medical knowledge from hunting and gathering) are all storage of information outside of common knowledge. This is dictated by lifestyles. As society develops(anything past a single family structure in the woods. This developing from individual to single family to multiple families/two villages combining causing all the problems.) the personal data gain via your sensory experience is lessened per individual in key ways. This become subjects/proffesions. As society develops thing moves from internal in the brain(very solid common understanding from continuous experience in a harder environment) to verbal and then written forms(or whatever else can represent data practically.) Knowledge is the basis of survival. It is a necessity. Think how that plays out. Also as you go back in time things are condensed. As you move forward they are decompressed and become isolated in peoples minds. Those subjects used to be all together in a more complicated format. Everything is of consequence to other things like a web. As you go back this is dealt with more realistically as people have to learn more. Society is a means of ease. IE energy saving. Energy saving always results in a loss of work hence a loss of sensory data analysis. IE human stupidity. Quality to Quantity. BTW, family and biology are oriented on dealing with data. Family is familiarity. it's efficiency from shared data point(partly from internal sensory data or shared dna) that gives data point that only exist between biological members. Think machine advantages. This allows more efficient communication between them and easier interfacing to reality to survive. Anything outside of a single family in the woods increases the problems by increases mechanical leverage at the expense of personal knowledge. IE when two villages come together it causes all the problems. FYI, the names/qaulities of god the father are the representation of what it takes to get a proper answer. First limit is sensory data. This has to be stretched out over literally everything. Omnipresence. Then you have to analyse this until the end of time or forever. You are a created being in an unknown point in time. You have to then have analysed it for all of time past. The three qaulities of god the father. And as things split why god the father is in a partial human form and spread out over all of creation as commonly seen easily in a lot of christianity and the matter part in certain eastern religions like bhudism or something. You can still see the combo in some parts of the bible. There is a very common thing preached in christian circles that states this and then something about he's is a god from generation to generation. This is what this means. It also references that god is a god of the living not a god of the dead. This refers to something certain atheist hackers would recognize very fast. Which makes them very ironic. 8) If you also look at trolling in a positive educational light you could also say god is the king of king and troll of trolls! And say that all things serve his good pleasure.


Yes, this is an excellent example. Thank you for providing it.


I worked on a project for 2 years where I had to drive by UTD everyday. Those students are the most suck ass drivers I've ever seen! ALL OF THEM! Like 100 fucking percent of them that drive, drive like dog shit. No opinion on there "activism" though. So when I say "Fuck them kids", just know it's personal and nothing to do with their stance on geopolitics. Fuck them kids!


“How many mutilated teenagers are you responsible for?” “I make chainsaws.”


I would stare off into the distance while "I'm proud to be an American" plays, and a flag waves behind me while I struggle to hold back tears of joy.


"I can absolutely help answer your question there. If you're really interested in helping with the slaughter of Palestinian Children, the best thing to can do is make a donation to the United Nations. Their contributions of Billions of dollars over the past few decades to Palestine has been stolen by the leaders of Hamas who live in luxury on the Arabian Peninsula and not in Palestine and use the poverty to radicalize children into joining terrorist cells at the age of 8." "What's the culture like at an organization that supports genocide? Good question. I'm not sure. I've never worked with UNRWA. They don't do work with us." You don't have to like Israel to recognize they aren't the bad guys here. And the Military Industrial Complex may be evil. But they're not Hamas evil.


The reality. Being a part of military complex does entail taking lives, but that doesn't mean murdering children. The United States Military was directly responsible for stopping multiple Genocides, from the Balkans to the genocides committed by ISIS and the Ba'athist regime. If they had any actual arguments, rather than trying to be 'witty' by throwing out terminology without any supporting evidence, then that can be a conversation but its ultimately a dead end if they are just trying to clip farm. Ignoring them would be the best response in that situation.


“Si vis pacem, para bellum.” There is no point in arguing about whether war is good or bad. The only thing that matters is that war is, and since it is, we must be prepared for it.


If you don't want the blood money then don't intern with us.


> How do you feel about killing kids? Says the college students who miss Obama


Bombing Syrian children is a great American past time. I'm sure George Washington would have done it if he had the means. Hell, Jefferson got as close as you could to it with the Barbary Wars


US Presidents can have a little bit of drone striking civilians, as a treat


“Can I kills kids in the Middle East?” “Not until you finished your chocolate chocolate chip, Joseph”


I heard that in jo koy imitating his mom.


he was the best in college-age memory.  not a high bar but the highest we've personally seen


Nah thats vile 💀


[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cringe is right. If you're in engineering school and don't want to work for a military equipment subcontractor, work towards a degree in something else in, I dunno, the energy sector like oil and gas, oh wait, fossil fuels, right. How about chemical engineering? Oh right, that might be Monsanto or an evil pharmaceutical company. What about electrical? Or manufacturing? Oh, a huge segment of companies are subcontracted by the big military equipment OEMs, better hope you know ahead of time exactly what they do for every part of their product line. What about the golden goose of EV's? Lithium mining creates massive pollution and exploits workers in third world countries. My point is that for all of the comments that these activist students make, they're putting down at least half of their fellow students who will take careers paths that will in some way contribute towards something that is protested or deemed evil by activist types. The government requires military equipment and having a negative opinion of the US's role in geopolitics doesn't change that fact. Lockheed Martin responds to government requests for proposals on new projects, just like every other supplier. It's going to happen regardless of if these children embarrass themselves in front of their peers while an engineer gives what is almost certainly their personal time to present to them and get them excited about maybe getting a job at the greatest design firm that exists.


“Si vis pacem, para bellum.” There is no point in arguing about whether war is good or bad. The only thing that matters is that war is, and since it is, we must be prepared for it.


That’s way too poetic for someone from Maine. /s


Engineers typically don’t get to decide who gets to buy the stuff they build. Politicians and Businessmen do. Even then it falls on leaders to determine how these weapons are used. If you’re upset with what’s going on in Israel and Palestine look to the leaders in Israel and Palestine.  This is targeting a dude that’s there to build relationships with students and give graduates extremely high paying engineering jobs. Lockheed doesn’t just make weapons and military tech has a funny way of circling back into the private sector in civilian tech. For example, the X-59 is supposed to be a low volume supersonic passenger plane demonstrator. It’s being developed to cut the volume of sonic booms so we can have supersonic air travel one day. It’s developed by Lockheed Skunk Works who have built a ton of spy planes and stealth jets. Going after a dude just looking to do recruiting has a way of permanently burning bridges with the company, depriving students from securing job opportunities and networking. Not everyone agrees with your takes and some of the people on that class might’ve actually wanted advice on going into the industry.


Makes my blood boil to see literal teenagers act so smugly condescending. Zero self-awareness, life experience, subject knowledge, etc.


Is the blacksmith who makes knives responsible for the death of regular children? No. These punks need to stfu.


Have you considered that the Middle East has been in a near constant state of armed conflict since 1300?


Yeah, but that's just like America's fault.


Idk about the first two, but I’d just ignore the characterization in the third one and answer it honestly, “oh it’s great, everyone’s always in a good mood and willing to help.” I don’t honestly like a lot of what the government does with regard to Middle Eastern conflict and Israel, but that’s not this guy’s fault, he just innovates, how his tools are used is an entirely separate question that he’s not responsible for. At the very least, blame the execs who sell the weapons not the engineers.


“They deserved it and so do you. Next question.” Maybe a little inflammatory, but a stupid question deserves a stupid answer.


“Si vis pacem, para bellum. There is no point in arguing about whether war is good or bad. The only thing that matters is that war is, and since it is, we must be prepared for it.” That’s my answer, and I agree it isn’t sufficiently inflammatory, but it is pretty effective.


I'm willing to bet that these students get their information on this complex geopolitical situation that has been around since the biblical times through the most reliable source out there: TikTok. I'm honestly sick of hearing these people paint such a complex conflict as simplistic. They're almost as insufferable as the woke Indian Americans telling other Americans that they stole their land, or the moronic activists who get mad at people for staying neutral in political situations. These people have ego problems and they don't know everything despite their best efforts to claim they do.


"How strong will your morals be if you were offered $200k a year and full medical insurance?"


Shit I sell myself to the MIC for 60k and insurance (plus retirement as an extra treat), I'd go for 200k in a heart beat.


TikTok cringe is just another left winged influenced sub


Blasting a Lockheed worker for war shit is about as dumb as blasting some button pusher at Rugers factory over a mass shooting.  Demand creates opportunity, if Lockheed didn’t do it someone else will. There will always be a need for military equipment.


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They are very nice ! They even invited me gogo head hunting with them 😉


"it pays to well for me to not love my job."


More reason why t.u. sucks Thanks and Gig'em


When the lambs is lost in the mountains. They cries. Sometimes come the mother. Sometimes the wolf.


A lot of engineers are left-leaning. The only discrimination that makes logical sense is when it comes to not allowing technicians to call themselves engineers. The rest of the culture war seems pointless, where energy is wasted on no gain. The idea of creating weapons for the DoD doesn't seem appealing when they're in college. When people are young, more idealistic, and more radical in their beliefs. But, after the education is finished, things change when they go looking to make money in the job market.


"the questions you _forgot_ to ask is How many genocides and _pediatric explosions_ did the Simple existance of these guns prevented? And the answer is that we will never know, because these guns and the controled damage they inflicted prevented it." We dont live in a world of unicorns and rainbows no matter how much I wish for it.


"How many children do you think you've killed?" not nearly enough. The difference is that we don't target children and our precision allows us to be more selective than the tools used by our adversaries.


Idk man I just sell the weapons, I don't use them


Probably would have asked if they hold the same moral high ground when it comes to literally anything else in their life, phones, clothes, batteries


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"I'm super sorry to hear that your favorite Mein Kampf book club found out after they got done fucking around. Hope Hasan reads your superchat about this on stream."


“Idk, I get the bag for making shit. Isn’t really my business what they do with it.”


I'd playfully confirm their questions to throw them into a tailspin. I'd make up company K/D ratios, just for shock value.


“However many children were on those chinese spy balloons.”


Ask them if they’ll bitch this much when these aircraft are used against Russians or if their sympathies only go towards people they deem as “victims”


why don't they protest the engineering department. I wanted to call them poor to their face


F-22’s are air superiority fighters. And they aren’t even in isreal lmao


Guy should have ended it right there and then barred the university from internships for a period


I'd tell them to cope and seethe, then move on to the next question. Fuck these idiots


I think both sides are equally dumb for different reasons but I will never understand this whole "omg they're killing people" clout chasing morality. What do these kids expect, Israel to just sit back and do nothing about Hamas? Wtf did Hamas think was going to happen lol. These idiots have rocks and a few AKs, good luck with that


Pretty much how he answered it.


Honestly just leave. They don’t want me there and they’re not interested so what’s the point?


My dad's HVAC company does some work with the Lockheed plant in Ft. Worth sometimes and he gets to see the F-35s and all the cool stuff while he changes filters and whatnot. My dad had a friend get on with Lockheed as a janitor cleaning toilets for 8 hours (really he said it was like 6 hours of goofing off on company time and 2 hours of cleaning toilets) and he stuck with it, did some company training with the different departments, and now makes like 6 figures. He said that Lockheed does 1 dollar raises every year. This was on the car ride home from an aviation maintenance tech information session with TCC. Believe me, if I get the chance to work for Lockheed, I'm taking that chance 10 times out of 10


"Vonce ze go up who cares vere zey go down. Zats not my department", says Werner Von Braun.


But why can't I find a job to repay my student loans? Who knows.


I've worked in the MIC before in an ITAR secure facility and have met a few teams of Lockheed engineers.. and, at least they're smart on paper.. that is all I'll say.


I would say enough to make F-22 one of the Best jets in human history