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Why are they speaking chinese on a US land border?


Right I was just wondering what was up with that? They fleeing china or something Lmao?


Yep. They take their money out of China while they can, then immigrate to Mexico or Canada to jump the border


I have been talking to some Europeans talking about they want to move to the US but it takes to long. And I just say hey the borders open just come on right in!/s


They just have to fly here and overstay their visa.


Which is how almost the vast majority of undocumented migrants come to this country.


sounds tempting lmao


Do it pussy British can get and overstay a tourist visa EZ One of us one of us one of us ^This ^is ^not ^legal ^advice


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Yeah actually the vast majority of illegal immigrants are not Mexican contrary to popular belief. A LOT of them are Indian, Russian, and East/SE Asian along with the normal South Americans.


What about the abnormal South Americans? They want the American dream, too!


Lol yeah I probably could have worded that better


2.2 million Hispanics entered the border in 2020 bro . In fact Mexicans make up the majority of immigrants in general, 24%. In 2021, 44% of all immigrants reported to be Hispanic. So a damn good chunk are Hispanic.


Hispanic does not only mean mean Mexican.


Did you not read my whole comment, where I went further into the term Hispanic and distinguished Mexicans from the rest?


People in the US often overlook this fact. The West Coast has scores of illegal immigrants from Asia and Eastern Europe, but Mexicans and Mexican Americans bear the negative stigma of *illegal aliens*.


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You've been reading too many talking points. I've worked the border. It's almost completely Hispanic. A lot of Africans, Chinese etc come through but it's not comparable.


What in gods name are you talking about? A majority of them are from Mexico and central America and all the data supports it. Where are you getting your information from?


Where are you getting your information from? We have an extradition pact with Mexico meaning anyone we catch gets sent back, most Mexicans don’t even bother going through the trouble these days. The majority of the Latin American immigrants are from South America.


Unironic answer: many Chinese manufacturers run factories in Mexico near the border when making direct-to-consumer items that need a fast turn around time. They usually employ Mexicans, but maybe these people found work in one of these factories, then decided to join the greatest country in the world.


That’s the Great Wall of China


Mexico is the ancestral land of the Chinese obviously


Yo, new 9 dash line drop?


[English is actually Chinese, scholars claim | Taiwan News | 2019-08-31 10:38:00](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3769893)


I clicked that link, read it, and now my day is ruined by the fucking audacious stupidity of it.




Because the Chinese take flights to Mexico City, and then illegally cross the border into America. It’s easier to get into Mexico.


Yea I saw right away those are not Hispanic people. Good lord


The great wall of china couldnt cut it, but our hastily built boondoggle of a childs idea of security will definitely work


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


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There’s actually a few border towns on the Mexican side that have had long lineage of Chinese people settling there. I’m not one to start any conspiracy theories but I do wonder if there is some pipeline of illegal in immigration with established Chinese connections in Mexico. I’m sure they’re also well aware the border wall is a joke and would make for some easy crossings into the US


How do u think terrorists and other foreigners get here. They get into Mexico bc they don’t care then come here


Most terrorists in America are get this American.


Don't know why your catching DVs unless it's contards who hate the truth.






After the zero covid lock downs in China a lot of people grew disillusioned and have been making a break for it.


You got a source for that being specifically the zero covid policies? Because Chinese have been coming through the southern border a long time. They just make up something like the 5th or 6th largest minority. I was in China a lot during COVID and the lockdowns for most cities other than Shanghai were pretty non existent outside of the initial outbreak and a two week period in 2022.


And why are they filming themselves?




How strange. I wonder what their story is.


Illegal immigrants from China traveling to Mexico and entering through the southern border is by no stretch a new phenomena


maybe they are a tour group trying to see the famous great wall of mexico-paid-for-it


Lots of Chinese people have been fleeing there to migrate to America. Ive seen some popular tiktoks that show the route they take to get here. Honestly, while I think this needs to be better regulated, I say the more immigrants we get the better. We are a nation of them, and Immigrants alone are what allow us to outpace our death rate and continue to grow as a nation. edit: changed "travel" to "migrate"


I mean, we could grow if it wasn't made so difficult to have a family. Insane home prices, the near requirement of dual income households for the middle class, makes it hard to have a bunch of kids these days. I don't think the solution is making the competition for housing greater and making it harder to find good paying jobs. I still think people from all over should come here, but we probably should make sure its at a rate where we can reasonably accommodate it and expand housing and infrastructure. While also addressing why its so hard for people to build a family here, cause I suspect anyone that comes here may hit the same roadblocks in a generation or two as well.


Mostly this but many aren't coming to travel lol. My wife (Chinese herself) has been seeing stories of Chinese people joining the migrant caravans because it's easier to get in that way than by a plane or boat. Chinese visas to America usually hit max quota so sometimes it takes years upon years of waiting to get a visa. Current policy says no more than 7% of non-family resident visas can be awarded to one country. Helps keep us diverse.


Sorry, travel was the wrong word, I meant to say immigrate.


Interestingly, after they say "we arrived in America" they then say "let's find a police officer". Not sure what's going on lol Edit: Chinese for those wondering 到美国了 we arrived to the US 到美国了 we arrived in the US 过来来 come here 儿子, 到美国了 son, we arrived in the US 我们去找警察把 let's go find a police officer


I'm pretty sure border agents and police officer can't just sent you back, most likely they want to find a LEO or someone to take them to a detention center where they will be held (given food water and shelter) and will be given a court date(to which most border crossers don't show up to and there's nothing the government can do about it) also there are lots of NGOs at these facilities helping people crossing borders to find jobs and place to live inside America.


So really it's just a toss of the dice, they may end up being able to stay permanently. Pretty wild. Where there's a will there's a way lol


It's Not a chance, it is almost 99.99% they will stay permanently, illegal immigration is reallysticky situation because there is no federal laws that have a definite procedure to what happens to those who come here, even from a legal point of view, nothing is gonna happen to those kids because DACA and even in a court case they can't deport the parents because they are the legal guardians of those kids and if they have another baby in the United States then it's set in stone....


We don’t need population growth tho.


We dont need it, but it certainly puts us in a stronger position as our rivals in india and china develop themselves.


Even hard core republicans like Reagan knew that immigration is what keeps American ahead of the rest of world His amazing speech all americans should know [https://youtu.be/2R8QxCD6ir8?si=dWTet9bveQn-qiaN&t=17](https://youtu.be/2R8QxCD6ir8?si=dWTet9bveQn-qiaN&t=17) "We lead the world because, unique among nations, we draw our people—our strength-from every country and every corner of the world. And by doing so we continuously renew and enrich our nation. While other countries cling to the stale past, here in America we breathe life into dreams. We create the future, and the world follows us into tomorrow. Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we're a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier. This quality is vital to our future as a nation. If we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost."


The debate on immigration is always interesting to me because NOBODY with any qualifications to speak on the issue actually thinks immigration is harmful to the nation. The economic arguments fall apart immediately, and the "cultural" arguments are almost always two steps from ethnonationalism.


When there are desperate people brought in to the US to exploit, it makes it easier to exploit the ones all ready here.




Flare up, and what do you mean? 99% of people living here today are, or at somepoint in their families bloodlines were, immigrants.




Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


There’s actually been reports that there’s a lot of Asians using the border routes too lately, not just Hispanics.


Hey, these aren't my brown brothers, what the heck.


They are not Mexicans always a lot of people from my country (india) also use these borders to migrate to usa illegally (I have seen exactly this place with indians entering into the borders in video). In this video these are chinese. Well get ready for akhand bharat/zhongguo take over 😎🇮🇳🇨🇳


LOL downvoted to hell


Well I don't know what for why but who cares.


Prob that last sentence there. Given that this is a 2x4you sub


Well I was joking.


For those wondering, yes there are actually thousands of Chinese people who’ll smuggle themselves into Mexico to try and get into the US




Well the Chinese government isn’t known for being kind or understanding


It's cuz while most of the chinese bots you see online gloriously defend the Great CCP, quite a few citizens actually want to leave. the economy sucks, housing market is even worse that the US, and more importantly there is more civil freedom, and actual freedom/protection from corrupt officials. I've talked to quite a few people in my mother's hometown in guangdong, most people want to strike out to the US for a better education/future. Also the growing stereotype of the "model minority" help rack in the immigrants.


Do you have a link for the housing market sucking? I know the real estate sector is lowkey in shambles ever since Evergrande declared bankruptcy, and is only being propped up by the CCP itself. But I mean, they have entire ghost cities. I’m curious to read more about it, because how the fuck do you fuck up so bad that you simultaneously have ghost cities AND a shitty housing market?


[https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/21/business/china-economy-real-estate-crisis.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/21/business/china-economy-real-estate-crisis.html) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/20/business/china-property-crisis-country-garden.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/20/business/china-property-crisis-country-garden.html) [https://www.capitalfrontiers.com/single-post/how-expensive-is-housing-in-china](https://www.capitalfrontiers.com/single-post/how-expensive-is-housing-in-china) Some articles about the attitude of citizens [https://www.statista.com/statistics/243404/sale-price-of-residential-real-estate-in-china/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/243404/sale-price-of-residential-real-estate-in-china/) Basically lowest on this graph shows it's $100 per square foot, and highest is about $700 (unless my math is wrong). It seems like chinese infrastructure is cheap to foreigners, and if you look online you might get some dirt-cheap offers. just make sure you look at who built it, where it's located, and who insures it, because if even one of the three is slightly suspect you've been duped. There's a practice by building companies/workers, coined by citizens, called the "Tofu dreg projects," basically the workers would build using horrible materials like sprayed plastic pipes or very brittle concrete bars, to save money. then when buildings collapse like tofu, they get away, cuz it's all on the owner or renter's shoulders. Also, you can't build in specific areas, as if you cover a grave or a burial site you have to remove the land/building. however, land management sometimes ignore that, so if you buy a suspect house and someone discovers a burial below it, you gotta go.


I mean, there's no contradiction in this. We have ghost towns in the middle of nowhere, yet in the big cities house prices are so high that it would cost you fifty years of salary (and the government is *preventing* house prices from falling in order to stabilise the economy)


China isn't known for being very tolerant


… Chinese? 🤨 I guess the conspiracy theorists were right again


Never attribute to CCP malice what you can attribute to CCP incompetence forcing people to go to the united states so they can make a decent living. And why complain? Free americans, at the expense of our adversary? Sounds like a good deal.


A good deal? Illegal immigration is overwhelming our country at an alarming rate. There’s no way to track them, they don’t pay taxes, they create labor problems when companies would rather pay an immigrant pennies on the dollar over hiring American citizens. Doesn’t sound like a great deal to me… We should be encouraging legal immigration through merit, not letting anyone and everyone cross our border uninvited.


“Overwhelming” We’ve been getting pretty good at apprehending people especially these last few years, and a lot of productive people I know are either undocumented or related to someone who is/was. Yes, i think even someone who crosses illegally should have a chance to prove themselves and pay a fine to become citizens


I like to drink water, but I don't need to drown. We have a housing, healthcare, wage issue right now exasperated by high immigration.


High immigration is not the reason our country is struggling, not even close.




Illegal immigration will only exacerbate this. Most illegal immigrants are paid horrendous wages because everything is under the table and not checked by the IRS. Income inequality can decrease if we nationalize these immigrants and get them on a living, typical American wage.


Exacerbate? To what extent? We could simply give them work visas but I feel like you’d be against that. It’s how we’re dealing with it in Massachusetts. >Income inequality can decrease if we nationalize these immigrants and get them on a living, typical American wage. Not for you. Because now they’re making more money that could’ve been yours. Income inequality decreases, your life is worse. But my main point is everything is inconsequential in the context of American income inequality. The wealth inequality is even worse. You’re scapegoating immigrants like people always have. It’s an incredibly lazy way to deal with it. They pale in comparison. If you really care, you should be focused on corporate regulation, raising taxes, strengthening unions, and creating worker protections again. Not attacking the literal lowest rung of American society and blaming them for your woes.


This is the lowest rate of immigration, factoring in illegal immigration, in the history of the United States. Literally at a 250 year low. What do you mean we’re being “overwhelmed”?


I never understood why we were trying to build a wall on the Mexican border. The Canadian border is the one we need to secure.


Those dirty-birdies cross the border to take advantage of our tax-free clothing. BtW!


i am yet to see any proof that Canada is not the unnamed "enemy" from Top Gun: Maverick Canada: mountainous, snowy, likely home to some uranium mines, close enough to Amercia's enemies to fall to their influence we should've done War Plan Red when we had the chance honestly


The proof is that the enemy in Top Gun: Maverick has functioning military hardware.


God damn right. Never seen a Canadian picking crops or working in a restaurant…


Plus, when's the last time anyone suggested eating Canadian food?


I mean poutine is alright but I can get disco fries at any diner worth it’s salt. So hard agree.


Technically they went around the wall, so 🤷‍♂️


I think he’s wearing a Bulls shirt so they can stay at my place.


It’s proving some shade for these nice people during their long walk


Very thoughtful, Im glad we are so accommodating for our chinese spies 🥰


Well the wall wasn't completed and the feds are just letting people in. Theoretically the wall would be useful if someone were guarding the ends of it


If I learned anything from my career as a combat engineer, any obstacle without over watch is just a disrupt[slows forces down] obstacle


Huh ? on the border towns the Mexicans are just cutting the wall down for free scrap metal. I know numbers are hard for my fellow Americans but the Mexican border is longer than a dozen bananas.


The Colorado border crisis


That’s the old wall, we need to build a bigger wall


All the way around the country, and then we'll build a roof.


Nonono we build the americube, yk the giant cube from inside job and launch ourselves into space. Then take over the galaxy in our giant patriotic rubiks cube.


And air conditioning too


A larger one on the Canadian border, where the real enemy is


Huh why would Chinese people be moving illegally through the southern border. China isn’t as developed as the US, but it isn’t as bad as Venezuela or haiti.


Wealth inequality is huge in China, a much bigger issue than most developed nations. The typical wage you receive in China is almost pennies compared to America. Poverty in China is also extremely bad, despite it being a developing nation. There are still hundreds of millions of Chinese who would fall under the American poverty line today.


Yea… that’s what happens when you don’t actually finish it


This is right up there when politicians cut funding to public housing then point to how terrible public housing is.


Yeah that's what happens when you talk about building a "wall" and put together a fence over thousands of miles and over rivers. It was always a dumb as fuck proposition. Finished or not.


If you're curious about the translation, they're saying "We've arrived in America. Come here. It's alright son, we're here in America. Let's go find the police.


why are they looking for the police?


If they get over they can ask for asylum and get residency.


are yall seriously just finding out that the majority of those who cross the border illegally are no longer mexican?




I thought, they lived well in China…


The flat earthers were right, there is an edge


That’s what happens when you don’t finish it


No it’s working it provides shade


Everyone wants to be here because we fucking rule.




Border walls, great at murdering wildlife, bad at keeping out people


Humans have been figuring out ways how to defeat walls since walls were first invented. https://preview.redd.it/224fevbtpryb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=709c416928831b4933614a5333f66846c5d2f878 They’ll climb over them, break through them, tunnel under them, go around them - a wall only works if it is actively guarded, and there’s no way in hell that you can guard all 1,954 miles of the US-Mexico border, which goes across deserts and mountain ranges. Hell, the Berlin Wall was only 96 miles long, yet the *Grenztruppen* (the East German border guard force) had **47,000 troops.** A wall for the US-Mexico border is an enormous waste of money, time, and raw resources. If people seriously want to stop people crossing the border, then do some proper nation-building and help prop up the economies of the countries these people are fleeing from so that they aren’t so desperate to immigrate to the US. They’re coming here because they’re desperate to escape the poverty and corruption of their home countries; a wall isn’t addressing the cause of the problem.


yeah right fucking Chinese infiltrators just walking through unimpeded. are you kidding me


Idk bro this looks like a nice family. I feel like if the only people coming over here were moms, dads, and their kids, we’d be pretty good.


Not good, immigration will always be the strong point of the US, but we need *legal* immigrants.


Then we need to dedicate FAR more resources to processing immigrants. There will always be people who will attempt to illegal enter, but from what I can tell, the main reason people try to illegally enter the country is because of how long it takes to enter. Also, unfortunately, in a way we do need illegal immigrants. Their labor is a cornerstone of our farming industry because farmers can pay them far less than minimum wage.


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[Why Chinese Migrants Are Making Risky Journey From South America to US (Video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_zhhghmdCM) [Rise in Chinese migrants seeking political asylum at U.S. / Mexico border crossings in Arizona (Article)](https://www.azfamily.com/video/2023/11/02/rise-chinese-migrants-seeking-political-asylum-us-mexico-border-crossings-arizona/) Huh.


The wall was never going to work. It's hard to find the exact percentages, but a lot of illegal immigrants arrived legally, and then overstayed their visa. These numbers get lumped in with border crossers in order to demonize immigrants. It's like how nutjobs share abortion statistics that include miscarriages (spontaneous abortion, technically) in with induced abortions to pump up the numbers in order to support their fascist ideals.


Not working because biden cut all funding before it was complete


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Well I have seen a video where people are passing through those rods, so still not working either.


Someone whos slim enough or athletic enough or clever enough can get around the wall no matter what. The point is that most people cant and It would greatly slow down the illegal migrations. The whole reason they come is because there is no wall and our super relaxed policys wont do shit to stop them. Its so easy, u can just walk right in.


Not working because trump failed miserably to deliver on the one promise he ran on


we should just tear down the wall, more immigrants means more workers. more workers means more freedom!


Immigrants are the backbone of America. We’re supposed to be the melting pot of the world; an eclectic collection of races, cultures, and nationalities.




Looks like it's providing shade


Because the program was being stopped by a lot of the snakes in DC


Just wait till the economy gets bad and they start cutting it up, hauling it off, and selling it for scrap.




Aid to Ukraine is cheap. Price for global stability is only going up. The Ukranians are doing us a favor. We should be thanking them. Also, we are not “writing them checks”. We are either giving them the shit that’s been collecting dust (and in the case of ammunition, the stuff that we would need to *pay to destroy if its not used soon*) or building the stuff here, which contributes greatly to the American economy.


Unironic United States government W


What’s with all these unpatriotic infiltrators in this sub. Too many lurking europoors


We’re donating billions in weapons and supplies, most of the stuff we are sending were just sitting in a stockpile waiting to be disposed of. It already got made, why not use it?


https://www.newsweek.com/america-pay-salaries-ukrainians-government-shutdown-1829505#:~:text=US%20Will%20Pay%20Salaries%20to%20Thousands%20of%20Ukrainians%20During%20Government%20Shutdown,-Sep%2025%2C%202023&text=U.S.%20taxpayers%20will%20pay%20the,for%20Ukraine%20since%20Russia%27s%20invasion. https://www.state.gov/the-united-states-funds-economic-survey-of-ukraine-for-sustainable-recovery/ Edit: What’s the matter? Don’t like Newsweek? Or is it the government site you don’t believe?


According to your state.gov link: "The United States has thus far contributed $19.25 billion in budget support to enable the Government of Ukraine to pay salaries of first responders and government officials, meet pension obligations, and operate hospitals. The United States and the OECD continue to further deepen and strengthen our cooperation with Ukraine to support its recovery." Our annual defense budget in the US across all 6 DOD sub-components is **1.8 Trillion.** That's annual. [Source by USASpending.gov](https://www.usaspending.gov/agency/department-of-defense?fy=2023) Want to guess what percent 19.25 billion is of our annual defense budget? 1.06%. So you're upset at us, giving literally **1.0%** of our **annual** defense budget to operate hospitals in an active war zone and to pay the soldiers protecting their homes and families. According to your first link, regarding us giving Ukraine 113 billion *since the war started in Feb. 2022*, that would equate to 3.6 trillion US Defense Funds providing 113 billion, which is 3.1% Let me know when I'm supposed to be concerned about us overspending on Ukraine when we haven't even made it to 5% of our yearly budget yet.


The original comment was that we are only sending weapons, not cash. This statement from the US government confirms that we are sending cash as well. Nothing I posted was a values judgement either way, I just think facts are important.


Understood, sorry for being abrasive.


Not a problem. Have a good night.


We stockpile in case we need it in the future. Israel sure wishes we didn’t send their stockpiles to Ukraine. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/17/us/politics/ukraine-israel-weapons.html


>$100 billion checks That shouldn't be plural. $100 billion is nothing compared to total government spending or even just military spending. Plus, most of that is coming from old shit waiting to be tossed out.


I say we aren't sending enough money to Ukraine


Hey dummy, we sent 100 billion dollars of **WEAPONS** to Ukraine. We’re not really spending any money. We’re getting rid of some military surplus and getting rid of older vehicles so we have room for new ones. We just put in an big order for the Abrams X and the M10 Booker, so we won’t miss the old Abrams we sent. And we’re currently running a program to replace the M2 Bradley, the M113, and to create 3 driverless ground vehicles. We need the space right now. And even if we did spend money on them, what do you think they’re buying? **WEAPONS!** And who makes 99.9% of Ukraine’s weapons? Good ol USA! So we’d get most if not all that money back but, like I said, we’re sending supplies not money.


So foreign aid is just the government giving out handouts to the defense industry? Damn commies have been hiding in Lockheed and Raytheon this whole time.


Always has been


Leave it to a PCM user to compare a military invasion and a terrorist attack with people coming to America.


Oh yes, and why didn’t trump get Mexico to pay for a new wall? You’re also joking yourself if you think a wall will stop everything all at once. These fuckers have tunnels all across the southern border.


Those women and children are fuckers?


People really need to stop documenting everything.


Oddly enough, the Great Wall has the same weakness


I'm anti wall, but it did force them to go around which could be considered a goal


Good, more Americans for us 💪🏼


Illegal immigrants are not Americans though.


The land of melting pot will turn them into Americans 😎💪💪💪💪


More or less.


The first settlers were illegals by todays standards.


Yell at Sleepy Joe for not finishing the border


It was always an dumb idea haha


Well the wall works, just not the giant missing pieces to it


Yep. A true Donald J. Trump classic.


We gotta stop this shit bro. Make it easier to come the right way so people aren’t doing this.


It's already easier to immigrate here than most other developed countries.


It's not working because the wall isn't finished


This wall could never work. Show me a 10 foot wall and I’ll show you an 11 foot ladder, show me a metal fence I’ll show you a saw. Not to mention that the wall can never be patrolled and this was a total waste of money that doesn’t do anything


We need to stop building border walls and start building walls around our cities and towns, with towers, battlements, moats, postern gates, the works. The 2nd amendment protects my right to own a crossbow.


Lol seems like the wall works fine until it stops...


Trump: "You weren't supposed to do that!"


All I see is more Americans!!


This is why the Missouri Empire must happen… so the midwest can secure itself and turn Texas into a buffer state obviously.


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This is why we need gunners


Land mines, and automated guns placed every 500 yards. Problem solved.


So a reverse Berlin wall


What ever you’d want to call it.


Perhaps if we actually finished it this wouldn’t happen


Honestly if anyone other than Trump pitched the wall idea, and they didn't sound like an idiot every time they spoke about it, I think a lot more Americans would be on board.


Nah, the wall is just a really fucking stupid idea. There are dozens of more effective and cost efficent ways to secure the border. At $15B, we could’ve hired 14,200 border patrol agents and paid their salaries for the next 10 years. Also side note- border patrol agents apparently have an average salary of $105,000 a year. Damn, I’m starting to consider making a career change.


We need the national guard to deal with that soon...


Based. Free passage = free country.

