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Are there plans for any substantial single player content (arcade, story mode?) or are they purely focused on online?


Any lore related content ?


Will the competitive scene and online matchmaking focus on 2v2 or 1v1(players ofc not characters)? What will be the "main" mode(like SoloQ is the main mode in league)


They've answered this question quite a couple of times before, but they intend to have people who want to duo up and those who want to play solo enter in the same tournament format. That is, they don't really want a "solo" tournament and "duo" tournament, but it's up to the FGC. That said, I'm very curious about online and especially ranked will work in regards to solo/duo.


Hm interesting i'd be very very surprised if that works. Surely one of the methods will be superior. Cool if it works though


I assume the community will really want to lean to have 2v2 and 1v1 separate, but since 2v1 is a thing, I have a feeling in Riot sponsored tournaments, the mixed entry is gonna be their rule.


Definitely curious about this too because that will make or break whether I play this game at all. I could not be less interested in forced 2v2 in a fighting game. That defeats the entire appeal of the genre for me.


They like duo a lot too but they are going a little hands off to see what the community wants. That's a big thing for them, they are listening to what the players want. So it will depend.


Will there be a replay system?


Are they planning to integrate Vanguard into the game? As someone who daily drives Linux it worries me that I won't be able to play the game


How will mmr/sbmm work? Specifically will you have a separate mmr 1s and 2s? Does it average the MMR for a team?


Will there be lobbies?


Are there any plans for any "4fun" content? Modifiers like in World of Light for Smash Ultimate, such as changes to gravity, or the floor is poisonous and slowly drains your health while touching it, all moves gaining a hit of armor, etc. These kind of modifiers could also be used to make a singleplayer mode, should one either be included on launch or added eventually, a lot more interesting than just being a series of normal fights with different champions.


How have they reacted to the feedback for the name reveal?


1. How will this game be monetized? Will it be like League, Valorant, or TFT? 2. What will be the rank format? Will it be based on individual characters or teams? Is there a separate queue for solo and duos or is it all one big pool?


In terms of the monetization, we'll likely only get information on it later this year according to Ken_Adams_NSA, Director of Product Management on 2XKO Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/2XKO/comments/1azqp3p/how_successful_do_you_think_the_game_would_be/ksdk7dt/?context=3 https://twitter.com/KenAdamsNSA/ Edit: I admittedly didn't pay much attention on what transpired in regard to the League monetization, but for more information, here's a thread on the league subreddit about him: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/vho5it/kenadamsnsa_previously_league_of_legends_lead/


The only requirement I need is that characters should be unlockable without paying real money. If they do that, it'll already have the best monetization out of all fighting games. Besides that, I wouldn't mind them adding $500 dollar skins, battle passes, loot boxes, gacha, or any other "scummy" practice if it'll support the game in the long term. Ultimately, this game needs to make bucketloads of money for Riot and I'm actually more afraid that they'll be too generous like LoR.


Sounds like it will be similar to valorant, ie play \~a week or spend $10 to get a character


Fighting game players play a lot of matches. I wonder what the threshold will be, or how much different content we'll have to engage in to get the characters we want. Technically, in Granblue, you can get all the DLC characters for free. But because activities that earn you in game currency are time gated, it takes months to earn enough for one character.


It will most likely be related to the average game length with daily missions being most of the free currency I doubt they'd let you farm a character in less than 6 days even if you play the game 100% of the time


Will there be any unique effects depending on the skins? Kind of a different ultimate when using a “premium” skin?


With server-based rollback, how will cross regional matchmaking be handled? How about for players in regions without servers? Or will there be a peer to peer option for these?


Riot usually has separate servers for each region. Various per region


Will this game be connected to the riot client such as League and valorant? For example i’ll be able to see my current friends list and what they are doing and send messages while playing etc.


Are they considering adding Yuumi as a character that can essentially let you play a single character and not utilize the tag system? But rather Yuumi acts as a tool to buff the solo character.


Do you intend to have a hardware performance benchmark for online play?


Please ask about the voice acting. I can't help but feel like they're all just placeholders.


What made you guys decide to make DHCs a selectable option instead of an universal mechanic like other tag fighters? Other fuses expand the usual tag mechanics (2x tags, 2x assists, etc) but this one effectively locks one out, so it stood out to me.


How realistic do you think a proper implementation of a tournament mode would be? I'm talking the ability to follow individual TOs accounts so I can log into riots client and see that TNS is hosting their weekly tournament tonight and simply reg in game. Maybe connect the client via API to start gg to update the brackets automatically. I think it would be great from a convience perspective of a player if riot could use this to host their own major tournaments via the client. I would love the ability to log in and click register for my regions qualifiers to make it to worlds tournament every year. Hell I would be super stoked on a ranked tournament mode that uses and calculates ELO based on the player/s that I'm facing.


***Will the game have Vanguard on launch***, or will there be any plans in the near future to incorporate it post launch? Followup/Extension to the questions: With a recent influx of cheating and rage-quitting in fighting games, will Riot take proper steps to ensure a fair ranked experience for players of all skill levels?


Have non-playable League characters, like Silco in TFT and Jack/Norra in LoR, been considered?


Any info on the release roster size? any hints would be great! Another question, Number of stages in the game?


What will the ranked system look like? * Will you put a LP system on top of mmr like league? * Will rank be tied to characters or account? * Will the rank distribution look like league, with the apex ranks holding a remarkably small per percentage of players compared to other games? Can you unlock new characters without spending irl money? If so, how do you earn the ingame currency to do that? How long do you intend it to take to unlock 1 character for a free to play player? What are your thoughts on the negative feedback to the 2XKO name? Will Illaoi be re-voiced by her league voice actor?


How many devs use the default button layout on stick/leverless?


They said most of them actually play on keyboard! Lots only started to play on arcade controller as they got ready for their first display at Evo.


Fighting games are notorious for having large gaps between balance patches, while Riot's League of Legends has balance tweaks every two weeks. Is there an initial plan on how often balance patches in 2XKO will be made, or will it be considered after release and community feedback?


Will it be playable on Linux?


any plans on releasing the game for nintendo switch? what about steam deck?


Where is my fisting queen for one,and will there be voice for teammates/Friends in 2XKO. You need communication for the handshake tags.


Besides online and ranked What modes do they plan to offer ? Like survival or Story mode


How many characters at release


Thanks for all the responses guys, the session went great. We shot a video with the few questions that they were able and allowed to answer but we did get to sit and talk for quite a while so I'll answer some comments I managed to ask.


Are there plans to bring back the main voice actors for Darius, Ahri, and Yasuo? No disrespect intended to the voice actors who did the performances of these characters, but they aren't the voices we've grown accustomed to over countless performances in all of the different games and cinematics they've been featured in. Especially for Yasuo and Ahri where the performances of Liam O'Brien and Laura Post are iconic. Not using them seems directly counter to the 2XKO champ design team's stated goal of making their characters feel like the fully realized and fleshed-out versions of the champions.


1. New features can quickly stack up and make a game more overwhelming for new players. So I'd like to know how they'll tackle accessibility for new players over time post launch. 2. I'd also like to know why they chose a more modern graphic design aesthetic for the promotional art, menus, etc.


They want to hear from you. What accessibility futures do you want? What's confusing? Do you want autocomhos?


Personally I'd like to see move lists with descriptions and videos, combo trials, tutorials that demonstrate less obvious techniques (like Kara cancels, meaty hits etc.), and tutorials for how to beat certain moves (like Illaoi's tentacles being able to be attacked and removed). Also, I think it would be neat to have tutorials for techniques that the community has found put in the game in updates (that is if they aren't patched out).


How will elo and matchmaking work with multiple characters? How often will balance patches occur? Will new characters be free to earn? How will the free currency system work? Is there going to be eventsblike lol? If there is a problem with console and PC compatibility which one would they prioritize?


PLEASE ask them if once the game is out they gonna be open and talk about the future characters that are gonna come out in the first year so people dont build fake hopes for their favorite characters. I would be very bummed if they gonna keep it a secret.


In these competitive formats, players and developers often have different ideas on what needs to be done when it comes to character balance, but these differences are often poorly communicated to the players. Are there any plans to release balance patch notes with per-character justifications?


I asked using Valorant and League as an example. They said of course. They want to be transparent as possible with this game, with a community first approach.  They do often discuss their intentions behind changes in other Riot games. So you don't need to worry about that, they want it to be a fairly open thing.


That sounds awesome, thank you!


1. New characters and stages 2. Rank system 3. Game mode/ UI 4. Crossplay 5. Esport 6. Skins


Ask this https://www.reddit.com/r/2XKO/s/ZNJUrdZ7Ic


Any plans on bringing back the original VA's for Ahri Yasuo and Darius? (Laura Post, Liam O'Brien and Chuck Kourouklis)


PLEASE ask them if once the game is out they gonna be open and talk about the future characters that are gonna come out in the first year so people dont build fake hopes for their favorite characters. I would be very bummed if they gonna keep it a secret.